Hi Tad,
I included your event in our events calendar for this week.
It's an excellent film. I saw it at the 4plex in Santa Monica.

We are screening aour last film ( for  a while) in two weeks called
"A School of Their  Own" about students in Nepal
Sadly, in this situation, the  Maoists, in the country side of Nepal,
  are the ones conscripting the students

You can join our Films for Peace list if you want a  notice about it.

We have been screening films, twice a month, on issues of
social justice for about  a year. So we have screened about two dozen
documentaries.  We are closing down FFP for a couple of months as
we need to find another venue and we also need a break.

If you would like to borrow any of our documentaries to screen for 
MSMC  students and faculty, let me know.
They would find the one we screened tonight very powerful. The film maker 
can come out and lead the discussion afterwards. We ask for a donation of 
$5 and  give it all away .Tonight  we gave the film maker $40 The rest goes 
to groups working to end poverty.

Is there a website where  your Human Rights film festival has a list of the 
films being shown.?
Or can  you send  an email with the date,  times and titles  of any 
upcoming films?

Subject: Events Calendar: Dec 3 thru Dec 10

First a note from Films For Peace:

Since this is a busy season for many people, we will
not be sending our weekly events calendar for the rest of December.
At the end of this email are websites where you can find many
additional events.



U.S. lifestyle vs. third world survival.  Don't let the Bush
administration fool you -- global warming is man-made and
is killing us.  Greenhouse gases from car tailpipes, factories,
and oil refineries trap heat in the atmosphere, warm the earth,
and cause countless "extreme weather events" that wreak
havoc on the world's most vulnerable communities.

The U.S. has only 6% of the world's population but
produces 25% of the world's greenhouse gases that
help cause these disasters! The U.S. Senate and the
Bush administration refuse even to ratify the Kyoto
protocol -- an international agreement
that requires a reduction of a meager 5%.

Join the BUS RIDERS UNION for an International
day of action against global warming:

10:00am sharp @ the corner of Wilshire & Western


SATURDAY, Dec 3, 1-3 PM


An international group of doctors
and medical personnel who provide life support
for civilian war victims presents A film on
Emergency's activities in Afghanistan.
The film is inspiring: doctors, nurses and support personnel
who selflessly choose to serve in various war-ravaged
areas of the globe: Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia,
Iraq, Sierra Leone, Sudan, giving aid to some of the
neediest people amidst the direst of earth's tragedies:
war, whence the name, Emergency.

This particular film will focus on Afghanistan
and the aid and relief efforts there, doubtless
providing an inside view into what's happening on
the ground in Afghanistan.

The event is free and all are invited.
Refreshments (quasi lunch!) will be served at 1 pm.
Screening at 2 pm followed by discussion.
Donations will be accepted for Emergency.

Palisades Public Library
861 Alma Real Drive
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Info: 310-573-1901

Sponsors:  Palisadians for Peace and
Physicians for Social Responsibility.



Share International presents a thought-provoking event:


As we face a world threatened by fascism, war,
growing economic disparity and environmental
degradation, governments everywhere try all
the standard ways to achieve security,
development and stability in the midst
of chaos - to no avail.

A group of enlightened teachers, known as the
Masters of Wisdom, are emerging into full
public view. These teachers, led by Maitreya,
the World Teacher, come to show us the
way out of our present crisis and inspire the
re-building of our world based on sharing,
justice and brotherhood.

Hear a panel of speakers on the Emergence
of the World Teacher. Hear about the up-coming
world stock market crash which will lead to
the re-distribution of world resources and the
coming world at peace based on justice and sharing.

8585 Melrose Ave. (just west of LaCienega)
Los Angeles, CA

- FREE -

For more info:

310-452-9681 , [EMAIL PROTECTED]



South Central Farmers' Health Fair

For Information:

(818) 255-1483


MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 7:30 - 9:00 PM

U.S. Tour of Duty presents:

"How we got into Iraq and how to get out"

Featuring in person: SCOTT RITTER

Venice United Methodist Church
1020 Victoria Avenue
Venice, CA
(1 block north of Venice Blvd. at Lincoln Blvd.)

Join Scott Ritter, former UN Weapons Inspector and author of Iraq
Confidential, and Lila Garrett, host of KPFK's "Connect the Dots,"
for an incisive discussion on how to extract ourselves from the
Iraq quagmire.

A book sale and signing will follow the event.

Doors open 6:30 PM.  Seating is first-come, first-served.

Suggested donation: $10 (nobody turned away)

For more information call 310.842.8794 or visit:

U.S. Tour of Duty, a non-profit project of Social and Environmental
Entrepreneurs (www.saveourplanet.org), supports the anti-war advocacy
of Iraq veterans, military families, policy analysts, and performers by
organizing public forums, developing communication strategies,
and producing video content.



Benefit: Pacifica Radio Archives

Fund Drive for the Archives.

What would we do without KPFK?
Please donate if you can.

Listen in, donate, volunteer in the phone room.

KPFK, 90.7 FM
3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West
North Hollywood, CA

(818) 985-2711
Website: http://www.kpfk.org/


Wednesday, December 7, 7:00 - 9:30 PM

Film: "Innocent Voices" FREE SCREENING

A screening as part of the MSMC
Human Rights Film Festival. It's the award-winning
film about a eleven-year-old boy caught in the
middle of the civil war in El Salvador.

Little Theater, Mount St. Mary's College
Chalon Campus
12001 Chalon Road
Los Angeles, CA

(310) 954-4368



You are cordially invited to attend the
FREE Hollywood premiere of a new documentary:


The stories about Iraq you won't hear on CNN,
Fox or in the mainstream media.

Features four soldiers describing their stories
from Iraq, perceptions of the war, insights into
the media and their concerns about US national

A film by Nancy Fulton, Susie Shannon and
James Metropole.

Fine Arts Theater
8556 Wilshire Blvd  (1 block west of La Cienega)
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

ADMISSION IS FREE.  Seating is limited.  Reserve your space today.
RSVP to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call (323) 939-5475.

ASK about inexpensive parking nearby.
Please send your name, phone number and number of people attending.
Special thanks to the fine arts theater for providing a great,
affordable venue:




Political Action: Int'l. Human Rights

International Human Rights Day.
Join or plan an event.



SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2:00 TO 5:30 PM

A Theatre Activist Workshop: Exploring
Strategies to End the War on Terror!

JOIN US! for an exciting opportunity to create
and explore ways to use the power of theatre
in the growing movement to stop the war.

The Global War on Terror: Who Profits? Who Pays?
Finding Your Place in the Midst of the Battle.

For Activists, Artists, and All People who are either
involved in or interested in creating a space to be
involved in this historic struggle to end the war on terror.

LED BY Jennifer Caldwell
of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition

At USC's PED Building, Room #207
(Directions & Accessibility info below)

$5 Donation Requested
(No One turned away for lack of funds)

RSVP: Norma Bowles < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Maximum 35 participants.  Reserve your space!


The Global War on Terror.  Many of us know we didn't choose this
route; yet, somehow, we are engaged, as the entire world is engaged,
in a global war that some say will last for the rest of our days.
How did this happen and who is behind it?  Where do we see the
effects?  Where is our place in this epic battle?

In this workshop, we will explore various forms of theater such as
Image, Forum, Newspaper, Invisible Theater and improvisation.
We will look at how we can contribute to ending the war, or, if
we are already involved, how we can add power and creativity to
our arsenal of strategies.

We will identify the powers behind the war and the masks they wear.
We will ask questions such as: How did the power holders achieve
power?  How do they protect their power?  Who is left without power?
What alternatives do the oppressed have?  What forms of intervention
are available to us for assisting in restoring the agency of the
powerless?  And, finally, how can we who intervene encourage greater

In the coming days before December 11, please consider these
questions and create some of your own.  As you contemplate these
questions, find a piece of news to bring to the workshop that
relates to the war.  It can relate to the war in any way you think
it relates to the war.

Please wear comfortable clothing that allows ease of movement and
come ready to play!

ABOUT THE PRESENTER: Jennifer Caldwell is an actress as well as an
activist.  She studied Meisner Technique with Bob Carnegie and Jeff
Goldblum in Los Angeles and the Acting Studio in New York City.
Since 9-11, she has been active in the anti-war movement and the
Cuba solidarity movement.  She is an organizer for the A.N.S.W.E.R.
(Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition and the National
Committee to Free the Cuban Five.  She is currently earning a
Bachelors' Degree in Liberal Studies with an emphasis on Performance
for Social Change.


* Please note:  PED #207 is a dance rehearsal space and there are very few
chairs.  There will be times during the workshop when everyone will need
to sit together on the wood floor.  If this is not comfortable or possible
for you, please bring a cushion with you and/or let us know and we'll see
if there's any way we can be of assistance.

* please note:  The workshop will begin promptly at 2:00 pm.


USC is located in the heart of south Metropolitan Los Angeles,
south of the 10 and west of the 110 freeways.

 From 110 (Harbor) North:
Take the Exposition exit. Go straight through the 37th Street light. Keep
left. Go under the freeway bridge. Cross Flower at the light and go
straight on Exposition through Figueroa. Turn right at the light at USC
Watt Way and enter at that gate or park at the meters (4 hour) near this

110 (Harbor/Pasadena) South:
Take the Exposition exit. Cross Flower at the light and go straight the
light past Figueroa. Turn right at the light at USC Watt Way and enter at
that gate or park at the meters (4 hour) near this gate.

10 (Santa Monica):
Take the Hoover exit, turn south at the light. Go all the way to where
Hoover ends at Jefferson. Turn left on Jefferson, right on Figueroa. Turn
right again on Exposition and go about a quarter mile. Turn right at the
light at USC Watt Way and enter at that gate or park at the meters (4 hour)
near this gate.

Parking at USC: $6
Off campus:  Usually free on Sundays!

Parking is available on Figueroa, Vermont,
Exposition and Jefferson.
On Vermont, south of Jefferson, near Taco Bell,
at 36th Street, there's an entrance to campus
that's very near the PED building where we'll be!

Public Transportation to USC:
DASH Route C (line starts at 7th Street Metro Center station): Runs every
15-30 minutes from 6:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Mon-Sat. Drops and picks up on
Figueroa Street. Cost: 25 cents. For more information about DASH routes,
call 1-800-COMMUTE.

Metro Bus and Metro Rail: Bus service is provided from Union Station to the
University Park Campus on bus lines 444, 445 and 446. Bus line 71 provides
transportation between Union Station and the Health Sciences Campus. For
information about these and other routes and schedules, call 1-800-COMMUTE.
Single zone fare: $1.10.

Tram Services: Union Station: The shuttle picks up passengers outside of
the main lobby, adjacent to the taxi and tram pick-up area at Union Station,
and in front of the JEP House located on 34th Street at Trousdale on the
University Park Campus. Operates Mon-Fri, morning trams run from Union
Station to UPC, afternoon trams run from UPC to Union Station. NOTE: Tram
services are provided at no charge to USC students, faculty, staff and
guests. For further information regarding tram route locations and
schedules, call Transportation Services at (213) 740-3575.


Proceed north from the entrance at USC Watt Way on foot and take Watt Way
past the bookstore (on your right) until you see the track and field (up
ahead, on your left).  The PED (Physical Education Department) building is
opposite the Track and Field on your right hand side (East).  Enter through
the front doors.

The workshop is in room 207, upstairs and all the way down on the right.
Restrooms in the building are downstairs on the left and right side (men's
and women's, respectively).

Fringe Benefits and Center for Theatre of the Oppressed
and Applied Theatre Arts, Los Angeles (CTO/ATA/LA)
are sponsoring this series of skills-sharing workshops
One Sunday each month throughout the academic year.
You are welcome to come and bring friends or colleagues
of any age or skill level!

January 8, February 12, March 12,
April 9, May 7 and June 11 .
The workshops are FREE unless otherwise stated.

**Please note:
If you have any questions about ACCESSIBILITY,
please ask us when you RSVP.

Following is the information we have to date vis wheelchair accessibility:
There are ample wheelchair accessible parking spaces near
the book store.  You must enter through the Northern part of the campus
(Jefferson and McClintock), proceed south to "Downey way," turn left to
"Watt way" and turn right into the bookstore parking lot.  You will find
wheelchair accessible parking there near the bookstore building, and PED is
just opposite this building.

Please note -- the PED Building is wheelchair accessible ONLY with advance
notice for those who need access.  Please e-mail Brent Blair at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] should you need assistance.  His cell phone is (323)
356-2552, and campus security (who possess the key to the elevator) are
reached at (213) 740-6000.  They can assist you .


For further events:  (Please save these websites since
Films For Peace will be taking a break beginning in 2006)


An excellent source of information and activities from
which FFP gathers many events is:
LAAMN - "Los Angeles Alternate Media News."


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