Hi.  This is as brilliant an analysis of consciousness and the
GW era as I've ever read, whatever journey Zingh actually took
to see all that within.  My only disagreement is that actual
impeachment would involve serious awareness and activating of
the majority, enough to bring societal change.  Otherwise, spot on.



Alternative Press Review
Your Guide beyond the Mainstream

Dear George... Have I Told You How Much I Appreciate You?

by Zbignew Zingh
Dear George,

I hope you don't mind if I address you familiarly, Mr. President? It seems
like you've been on my mind so much these past many years that I can speak
to you like an old buddy.

I want you to know, George, that despite all the derogatory things that I've
said and published about you on the Web, I really, really do appreciate what
you've done for me. So, I'd like to express my sincere thanks to you,
publicly, just this once.

Of course, just because I appreciate what you've done for me, please do not
misunderstand me. You're still an ignoramus, a liar and a thug. But I do
appreciate you.

When you first were "elected" in 2000, George... well, at that time, I still
thought that you were, more or less, elected... I thought of myself as a
proud and politically "liberal" citizen. You know who I mean, George. I was
one of those gullible, Panglossian types who got my news from the
television, and who thought that the United States was the champion of
democracy that could do no wrong. My glass was always half full and never
half empty. I used to vote for the Democratic lesser-of-two-evils and I
really thought that the Two Parties were totally different. Yes, I admit
that I wore rose colored American glasses, George; but I've grown up, since
then. I've gotten wiser and I've educated myself better. You know, once I
was blind and now I can see, and all that. I owe it all to you, George. You
have been the impulse behind my improved vision, my educational betterment.

You see, unlike your predecessors - Republican and Democratic presidents
alike - you have absolutely no skill whatsoever concealing in silken gloves
the tightly clenched iron fists of greed and power. True, your predecessors
hammered their victims as viciously and as you do, but they succeeded in
covering their actions with a veneer of righteousness that, in those naïve
days, caused me to accept the veneer as reality. Your naked power plays, by
contrast, are so crass, so blatant, so transparent that you have completely
shattered any illusion that what America does is for the good of its
citizens and the good of the world. In short, George, you've opened my eyes,
not just to your transgressions and those of your associates, but to all
that preceded you, too.

You see, unlike Mr. Clinton, who, at least, purported to feel our pain while
he caused so much of it, you just inflict pain without any empathy at all.
It really looks like you enjoy inflicting pain and killing people and
punishing anyone who crosses you. You seem to have that natural
Machiavellian knack, even though you probably have never read, nor could you
comprehend, the words of Machiavelli's book. And unlike your predecessors
who lied so effectively while they led us into one imperial war after
another, you lie very, very unskillfully. It is as though you and your
associates know that you no longer need to feign any conviction or
consistency in your lies; instead, you rely on the fact that most Americans
simply cannot accept, simply refuse to accept the truth about what you have
done and what you are doing.

The effect has been jarring, George. So jarring that you have caused me to
go back and reexamine my own gullibility, my own innocence, my own mental
construct of my old liberal American world. Your insensitive, heavy handed
style of governance, so much like that of a Mafia don, or the tinhorn
despots you are allied with, has startled me into looking more closely at
how someone like you could come to power in these United States. And once I
started looking more closely, George, I continued digging, searching,
analyzing. Then I fell through the looking glass and tumbled deep into the
wonderland of our political and economic history.

George, I frankly needed more time, more space, better sources of
information, so all-consuming was the quest for truth that you launched me
on. So I disconnected my television (no great loss there, I assure you!),
changed my old habits and amusements, and poured my energy into study and
examination of what had gone wrong for someone like you to be holding the
reins of government. Thanks to you George, I also had to get beyond all
those tired old media - the New York Times, the Washington Post, the weekly
news magazines, the Rupert Murdoch news holdings, the ClearChannel radio
stations, the whole raft of corporate media that seem to be your
cheerleaders. You also caused me to reexamine my old perceptions of the
so-called "Democrats" and the "public" radio and television stations because
they, too, had more and more often fallen in line with the corporate
weltanschauung that you embody. Thanks to you, George, I have finally
learned what I should have learned long ago: you can't trust the Pentagon,
the CIA, the FBI, any large corporation and anyone in the administration. If
the Federal Reserve Board says its Black, it's probably White. If the
Pentagon says its Hot, then it's probably Cold. If the CIA says its False,
then it's probably True. If Wall Street says Buy, then you should Sell. If
the DOJ says it's Constitutional, then it most likely is Not Constitutional.

I'm on a journey now, George, and I have you to thank for pushing me off on
it. You gave me a big shove into unknown waters when you said that I'm
either with you or I'm against you. You shoved me off because I am most
definitely not with you. I admit that it's a little scary because I'm not
certain where it all leads, George. I am certain, however, that it leads far
away from the illusory world of faux democracy, deceptocracy, secret
government, torture, lawlessness, economic and political degeneracy that you

I think, George, that quite frankly you scare a lot of people. No, I'm not
talking about little people like me. I think you scare the bejeezers out of
the mucky-mucks who own and run you, the people who bankrolled your career
and who pull your puppet strings. You frighten them because they must
recognize how effective you have been in startling whole masses of people
like me, in the U.S. and elsewhere, into undertaking similar journeys. In
short, you, George, have the capacity to single-handedly rip the veil off
the 200-plus year illusion of American exceptionalism, economic aggression
and exclusionary politics that has sustained our national ego for all this
time. You, George, seem to have the innate ability to disillusion oh so many
millions of people with our hollow economic, political and social orders so
that, more than any progressive, more than any liberal, more than any
revolutionary, you could actually kick out the psychic props that hold up
the whole rotten edifice. Thus are you most frightening to those who
desperately want to paint the smiley face back on capitalism, who want to
re-clothe the iron military fist in silken gloves of "diplomacy" and who
want to restore the myth that America is somehow better than everyone else.
You, George, have not even bothered with the niceties of gloving your bloody
hands in silk. You have not trifled with the diplomacy of manners or the
perfume of noble causes. Yours is the face of raw, naked power. You have
dropped the mask, George, and the face you show us is not the one that our
Owners and Leaders want us to see.

Equally frightening to the Leaders and Owners and String-Pullers of our
world is how effectively you have discredited most of the major institutions
they rely on to command respect and obedience from all of us. By packing the
Courts with right wing radicals you have denigrated the judiciary. By
cozying up with fanatical religious bigots, you have undermined the
respectability of the religion you profess. By claiming the power to
eavesdrop, kidnap, torture, incarcerate and wage war, literally at will, you
have debased the presidency and proved the need for a weaker, a more
constrained Executive Branch of Government. By manipulating world financial
institutions, discarding treaties willy-nilly, and force-feeding your
authoritarian brand of top-down "democracy" down the throats of the
unwilling, you have caused disrepute for everything that you tout.

Of course, I completely understand, George, that America is not better, or
worse, than any other nation on earth. Given the same degree of power and
opportunity, every civilization, every ethnicity, culture, religion, empire
or nation has done, or would do the same. There is no more criminality, no
more avarice, greed or corruption in our body politic or among our people -
nor any more "goodness", charity, benevolence, wisdom, insight or piety
either - than in any other place on the face of the earth. What
distinguishes the U.S. from everyone everywhere else is the current balance
of political, economic and military power. We have it; others don't.

But the mere recognition that we are fundamentally no different than anyone
else threatens the mythology that has stoked our hallucination for many
decades. What you have therefore caused me to understand, George, is that
even impeaching you is not sufficient. Replacing you with a prettier face or
a nicer president or a Democratic Congress is not enough. Nostalgia for a
better time is not enough. George, what you have taught me is that there
really is nothing to be nostalgic for.

That doesn't mean that we shouldn't cherry-pick the best from whatever any
culture or economic or political theory can offer. It simply means that we
have to look forward to creating new and better systems, rather than just
dumping your kind and returning to a mistaken nostalgia for a past that
never was. This is a troubling understanding, but thanks to you, George,
many people now think that way.

By the way, George, particularly as to you, I have a theory, why your poll
numbers have plummeted. Please don't take this as a personal attack, because
I really am grateful to you. You see, it's really not what you do that
alienates even your erstwhile supporters, but how you do it.

Surely, in the past, many American presidents and politicians and
businessmen have instigated unjust wars and wreaked havoc among the
downtrodden in order to line their own pockets and protect their real
constituents' economic interests. Many Americans could tolerate the
injustice of what was done in their names because these past acts were often
deftly carried out and the protocols of social illusion were respected.
Moreover, many Americans perceived that they benefited from these
injustices, albeit indirectly, and, in some instances, they even shared the
biases that blessed the travesties that were committed.

But you're something special, George. You're inept. A bungler. An
incompetent. You have no finesse. Indeed, throughout history, many have
shown themselves quite willing to accept the evils dished out by their
leaders. But incompetence - - whoa Bessie! - - that is the one unforgivable
sin. For many of your own disappointed supporters, including the country's
legitimately worried power elite, you should be impeached for your bungling
and ineptitude, if not for the actual deeds that you have done. America
hates a loser, George, and you're a loser.

As for me, personally, I'd like you to stay on in office, George. I don't
want you to be impeached. I would like it if you fulfilled the remaining
three agonizingly long years of your presidency (if only we could keep your
twitchy fingers off the nuclear button and prevent you from attacking anyone
else). A few more years of you - should the world survive them - and some of
the critically important lessons for change might actually take root. For
you have become such a wonderful enzyme, such a potent catalyst for our
collective political and economic education, that were you out of office and
some pretty-faced, old style, more adroit political deceiver in charge, then
we might all start to slip back into our dreamland; we might all backslide
into complacency, slip back into the hallucination and politically
degenerate state of our pre-Bush years.

So be assured, George: I, we, indeed the whole world appreciates what you
are doing for us. You are still an ignoramus, a liar and a thug, but we
appreciate you.

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