Hi.  It turns out Aaron McGruder is on a six month leave for
activities including a cable-tv show.  My rant at the LA Times
was logical but untrue.  Thanks to the truthsayers among you.

Today's essays both concern silence, selectively used and
misused, but relate to what we know, think we know and how
that 'knowledge' sustains the controllers in acting in their own
interests, now ours.  This isn't news, but should be remembered.

"The note of panic in some of the attacks on Mearsheimer and Walt contrasts
with the fact that what they say is no secret in American foreign policy
circles. People have for years taken for granted the informal censorship, or
self-censorship, exercised in the government and the press on this issue."

"in the case of The Washington
Post, two of them, both featuring the news that the totally insignificant
David Duke, a former head of the Klu Klux Klan, applauds the
Merscheimer-Walt paper. Duke is not a figure whose views are ordinarily
treated as of national interest by The Washington Post, and the newspaper's
linking of him to the Merscheimer-Wall document was an act of character
assassination by association just like those which won Senator Joseph
McCarthy infamy in the 1950s."


William Pfaff is the author of eight books on American foreign policy,
international relations, and contemporary history, including books on
utopian thought, romanticism and violence, nationalism, and the impact of
the West on the non-Western world. His newspaper column, featured in The
International Herald Tribune for more than a quarter-century, and his
globally syndicated articles, have given him the widest international
readership of any American commentator

      The Mearsheimer-Walt Paper on America's Israeli Lobby
      on 2006/4/5 11:20:00 (215 reads)
      By Willeam Pfaff

      Paris, April 4, 2006 - London's Financial Times performed an American
public service in its weekend edition, calling editorially for open and
honest discussion of the influence of Israel on American foreign policy.

      The call came amidst the resounding silence in "responsible" American
circles concerning the paper recently issued by two highly-regarded
political scholars, Stephen Walt of Harvard and John Mearsheimer of the
University of Chicago, discussing the "Israel lobby" in Washington and its
effect on American foreign relations.

      So far as one can make out from the internet, in the mainstream
American press, only United Press International, The International Herald
Tribune, The Christian Science Monitor, The Wall Street Journal, and The
Washington Post have carried articles on the paper.

      The Herald Tribune's was an opinion piece by Daniel Levy, a former
advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, calling for open discussion of
the lobby. The UPI and the Monitor provided professionally detached news

      The other two papers carried attacks -- in the case of The Washington
Post, two of them, both featuring the news that the totally insignificant
David Duke, a former head of the Klu Klux Klan, applauds the
Merscheimer-Walt paper. Duke is not a figure whose views are ordinarily
treated as of national interest by The Washington Post, and the newspaper's
linking of him to the Merscheimer-Wall document was an act of character
assassination by association just like those which won Senator Joseph
McCarthy infamy in the 1950s.

      The document has not otherwise lacked attention. The blogosphere is
full of it, with both attacks on it and defenses and praise. The authors
themselves predicted that the mainstream media would ignore or attack their
argument, which is essentially that the influence of Israel on American
policy has distorted it to Israel's advantage, and sometimes to American

      They say that Israel's friends in the United States have succeeded in
convincing Americans that Israeli and American national interests are
inseparable, which they are not, and have tried and often succeeded in
suppressing or punishing critical discussion of the relationship.

      What are very striking are the virulence as well as the volume of the
attacks being made on the authors. The Klu Klux Klan smear has been the
least of it. Their paper has been compared to Nazi propaganda of the 1930s
and to the czarist-era forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (which
still circulates in the Arab world).

  In fact, Mearsheimer and Walt are recognized and respected political
scholars in the so-called realist tradition, which regards the defense and
promotion of the national interest of states as the chief purpose of foreign
policy. Their paper is a responsible document of public importance.

      The venom in the attacks made on it risks the opposite of its intended
effect by tending to validate the claim that intense pressures are exercised
on publishers, editors, writers, and on American universities to block
criticism, intimidate critics, and prevent serious discussion of the
American-Israeli relationship.

      In Israel itself there has for many years been frank, cool and
reasoned discussion of the subject. Leading figures, including retired
officers and intelligence officials as well as peace activists, have in the
past warned that the actions of Israel's friends in America could eventually
rebound against Israel itself, with harm to Jews elsewhere.

      Some also have noted that the leading U.S. lobby group, the American
Israel Public Affairs Committee, is farther to the right in its views than
Israeli public opinion, and has interfered in Israeli politics through
support for the Likud party and by undermining Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

      The note of panic in some of the attacks on Mearsheimer and Walt
contrasts with the fact that what they say is no secret in American foreign
policy circles. People have for years taken for granted the informal
censorship, or self-censorship, exercised in the government and the press on
this issue.

      It is a fact of democratic life in the United States that determined
interest groups annex their own spheres of federal policy. Energy policy is
run by the oil companies, and trade policy by manufacturers, exporters and
importers, with an input from Wall Street.

      U.S. Cuba policy is decided by the Cuban lobby in Florida, and policy
on Armenia by Americans of Armenian descent. The Middle East, or at least
its part of it, belongs to Israel.

      However in the Israeli case the lobbying effort is linked to a foreign
government, even if the lobbyists sometimes take a policy line not that of
the government. Moreover, the lobbying involves war and peace issues.

      President George W. Bush said a few days ago that in connection with
the supposed threat of Iran, his concern is to protect Israel. Critics ask
why Israel should not protect itself. The same has been asked about Iraq.

      In this respect the controversy over the Israeli lobby is potentially
explosive. This is why denials, secrecy, and efforts at intimidation are
dangerous. Daniel Levy is right when he says that Israel itself would be
served "if the open and critical debate that takes place over here [in
Israel] were exported over there," meaning the United States.

      [The full Mearsheimer-Walt paper is available on the Harvard John F.
Kennedy School website, and a shortened version, published in March in the
London Review of Books, is easily found on the internet.]

      Copyright 2006 by Tribune Media Services. All Rights Reserved.


Divine Right of Bushes
by Maureen Dowd
NY Times Op-Ed: April 08, 2006

So the aide turns out to have been loyally following his leader's dictates,
rather than going around the boss's back to peddle secret information.

Scooter is a "good Judas," as it turns out, just as Judas himself was,
according to a 1,700-year-old Christian manuscript found in the Egyptian
desert that asserts that Jesus wanted Judas to betray him, so he entrusted
his disciple with special intelligence.

"You can see how early Christians could say, if Jesus' death was all part of
God's plan, then Judas's betrayal was part of God's plan," Dr. Karen King, a
professor of the history of early Christianity at Harvard Divinity School,
told The Times.

Since President Bush seems to see his mission in Iraq as part of God's plan,
he must have assumed that getting Scooter Libby to leak parts of a
classified document on Iraq to rebut Joe Wilson's charge about a juiced-up
casus belli was part of God's plan.

When other officials leak top-secret stuff - even in cases where the
whistle-blowers feel they are illuminating unlawful acts - they are
portrayed by the White House as traitors who should be investigated and

After The Times broke the story about the president allowing unauthorized
snooping in America, W. was outraged. The F.B.I. and Justice Department were
sicced on the leakers. "Revealing classified information," W. huffed, "is
illegal, alerts our enemies and endangers our country."

Really, W. should fire himself. He swore to look high and low for the
scurrilous leaker and, lo and behold, he has himself in custody. Since the
Bush administration is basically a monarchy, he should pass the crown to
Jenna. She couldn't do worse than this bunch of airheads and bullies.

Patrick Fitzgerald filed court papers indicating that Scooter testified that
in 2003, when the White House was getting rattled by the failure to find
W.M.D. and by criticism from a former diplomat on the margins of the war
scheme, the president authorized Dick Cheney to authorize Scooter to make a
one-sided dump of classified information about Saddam's arsenal to The
Times's Judy Miller.

Scooter was so concerned about the propriety of the deal that he checked
with the vice president's lawyer, David Addington, before he spilled.
Addington, whose politics are to the right of Louis XVI, said, go right
ahead. Now Black Adder has Scooter's job. Coincidence?

The Bushies once more showed incompetence by creating this elaborate
daisy-chain leak and giving it to the one person in journalism who had been
roped off from writing about the prewar intelligence, while her editors
sorted out problems with her past W.M.D. coverage. Judy never authored an
article about what Scooter gave her, either that intelligence or the
identity of the woman whom she wrote down in her notebook as "Valerie
Flame." (Stripper or spy?)

W. subscribes to the Nixonian theory that when a president does it, it's not
illegal - or maybe it's the divine right of kings. God has been pretty
active in Republican politics lately: Tom DeLay said God told him to drop
out of his re-election race.

If the administration were seriously trying to declassify something in the
national interest, wouldn't it have President Bush explain his decision or
have his Scottish terrier yip it out from the podium, rather than having
Scooter whisper it in Judy's ear?

Instead, sounding very Lewis Carroll, the White House claims that when the
president leaks something secret, it's not secret anymore. It's the
Immaculate Declassification: intelligence is declassified by passing it on
to a friendly reporter.

"The president believes the leaking of classified information is a very
serious matter," Scott McClellan said. "And I think that's why it's
important to draw a distinction here. Declassifying information and
providing it to the public, when it is in the public interest, is one thing.
But leaking classified information that could compromise our national
security is something that is very serious. And there is a distinction." And
thank goodness we have a White House that gets that distinction. Democrats
who don't, he sniffed, are guilty of "crass politics."

If W. wants the information out, it's good for the country to make it
public. If W. doesn't want the information out, it's bad for the country to
make it public. L'état, c'est moi.

That's how we got mired in the Iraq war in the first place. The
administration ruthlessly held back classified information that contradicted
its bogus case for war, and leaked classified information that supported it.

The Bushies keep trying to manipulate reality, but reality bites back.
That's not only crass politics. It's lethal politics. L'état, c'est mess.

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