The New History of 1948 and Palestinian Nakba

The entire debate between the old and the new historians revolves round the
question of moral responsibility for the consequences of the first
Arab-Israeli war.

By Avi Shlaim

On Old and New Histories

It is a pleasure and a privilege to be here although the subject of this
session – the Palestinian catastrophe (Nakba) -- is a tragic one.

And I feel doubly guilty towards the Palestinians. As an Englishman, I am
ashamed of my adopted country’s astonishing record of duplicity and betrayal
going all the way back to the Balfour Declaration. As an Israeli, I am
burdened by a heavy sense of guilt for the monumental injustice and
never-ending suffering that my people have inflicted on the Palestinians
since the beginning of this conflict over 100 years ago.

As the starting point for my remarks on the new history of 1948 and the
Palestinian Nakba, I would like to take Edward Said, a friend and a guide,
for whom there was a moving memorial meeting in the Friends House only two
days ago.

Edward was an intellectual with an astonishingly broad range of interests
but he was no historian. Yet he immediately grasped the significance of the
new history that began to emerge in Israel in the late 1980. He made two
points in this connection:

1. Palestinians can accept the new history as an honest, genuine version of
events because it conforms to their own experiences in 1948. This is in
contrast to the old history which Palestinians see as the propaganda of the

2. The fact that Israeli scholars started subjecting the behaviour of their
own community in 1948 to serious scrutiny in light of the evidence, would
encourage Palestinian scholars to do the same. Rashid Khalidi and Nur
Masalha are just two examples of this trend.

War for Palestine

The traditional Zionist rendition of the events of 1948 is familiar to all
of you. It lays all the blame for the war and its consequences on the Arab
side. This is a nationalist version of history and, as such, it is
simplistic, selective, and self-serving. It is, essentially, the propaganda
of the victors. It presented the victors as victims, and it blamed the real
victims - the Palestinians - for their own misfortunes.

Yet, until the 1980s, this one-sided narrative went largely unchallenged
outside the Arab world.

The 40th anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel in 1988 was
accompanied by the publication of four books:

Simha Flapan, The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities Benny Morris, The
Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949 Ilan Pappé, Britain and
the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948-1951 Avi Shlaim, Collusion across the

Between us we challenged many of the myths that have come to surround the
birth of Israel and the first Arab-Israeli War.

We came to be known collectively as the new historians or the revisionist
Israeli historians. The publication of our books triggered the war of the

There are 4 main bones of contention in the debate about 1948:

1. Britain’s policy in the twilight of the Palestine mandate 2. The military
balance in 1948. 3. Arab war aims 4. The causes of the Palestinian refugee

Let us review these issues briefly one by one.

1. British policy towards the end of the Palestine mandate

Zionist leaders at the time, and Zionist writers subsequently, portrayed
Britain’s policy as savagely hostile to the Yishuv.

The main charge was that Britain armed and encouraged her Arab allies to
resist the birth of the Jewish state by force.

A special place was reserved in Zionist demonology for Ernest Bevin, the
foreign secretary of the Labour government. Bevin was portrayed as a great
ogre, as a monster in human form.

I was 3 years old at the time and we lived in Baghdad and my mother used to
say to me: ‘If you don’t eat your porridge, Mr Bevin will come and take you
away.’ The threat never failed to work.

Ilan Pappé drove a coach and horses through the traditional Zionist account
of British policy.

His argument is that Britain was resigned to the emergence of a Jewish state
but supported her client, King Abdullah of Jordan, in his efforts to
pre-empt their common enemy, the Grand Mufti, Hajj Amin al-Husseini. The key
to British policy is Greater Transjordan at the expense of the Palestinians.

Hostility to the Mufti and to a Mufti-led state was an important and
constant factor in British policy in 1947-49.

So there is a case to be made against Britain during this critical period in
the struggle for Palestine. The case is not that Britain tried to prevent
the establishment of a Jewish state but rather that it helped to abort the
birth of a Palestinian state.

2. The Military Balance

The old historians saw the 1948 war as an unequal struggle between a Jewish
David against an Arab Goliath, as a desperate, heroic, and ultimately
successful Jewish struggle against overwhelming odds.

The heroism of the Jewish fighters is not in question. Nor is there any
question that the first round of fighting was indeed a struggle for

Yet, throughout the war, the IDF outnumbered all the Arab forces, regular
and irregular, operating in the Palestine theatre.

Estimates vary, but the best estimates suggest that on 15 May 1948 Israel
fielded 35,000 troops whereas the Arabs fielded 20 - 25,000. The problem of
the IDF was not manpower but firepower. Its firepower was negligible.

But during the first truce Israel violated the UN embargo and imported arms
from the Eastern bloc: artillery, tanks, aircraft.

Illicit arms imports decisively tipped the military balance in favour of
Israel. The Israelis now not only outnumbered but also outgunned their

The final outcome of the war was not a miracle but a reflection of the
underlying Arab-Israeli military balance. In this war, as in most wars, the
stronger side won.

3. Arab War Aims

The third question is why did the neighbouring Arab states send their armies
into Palestine upon expiry of the mandate?

The standard Zionist answer is that all the Arabs were united and that their
aim was to destroy the Jewish state and to throw the Jews into the sea. The
reality was more complex.

The Arab coalition facing Israel in 1948 was one of the most deeply divided,
disorganised, and ramshackle coalitions in the history of warfare.

There was no agreed Arab strategic plan for the conduct of this war. The
Arab armies were ill-prepared and ill-equipped for prolonged warfare. Most
of the Arab military leaders were incompetent.

There were dynastic rivalries at play between King Farouk of Egypt and the
Hashemite rulers of Jordan and Iraq. Syria and Lebanon also felt threatened
by King Abdullah’s ambition to make himself master of Greater Syria.

All the Arab armies intervened ostensibly in order to help the Palestinians.
But they treated the Palestinians with brutality and with contempt. The Arab
League promised the Palestinians money and arms. It did not keep its
promise, thereby helping to seal their fate.

In short, the Palestinians, in their hour of need, were let down by the
Arabs and they have been let down ever since.

4. The causes of the Palestinian refugee problem

This is a very controversial question and one which lies at the heart of the
Arab-Israeli dispute. The question is: Did they go or were they pushed?

The origins of the refugee problem are intimately connected with the
question of responsibility for solving this problem. Here we have two
diametrically opposed versions.

The official Israeli version maintains that the Palestinians left the
country on orders from their leaders and in the expectation of a triumphal
return after the Arab armies had swept all before them. Israel was thus in
no way responsible for turning the Palestinians into refugees.

The Arab version maintains that the Palestinians did not leave of their own
accord: they were pushed out. Israel expelled them and Israel therefore has
to give them a choice between and a return to their homes or compensation.

Benny Morris, in his 1988 book, studied the birth of the Palestinian refugee
problem thoroughly, carefully, and objectively.

He found no evidence of Arab calls on the Palestinians to leave their homes,
but nor did he find evidence of a Zionist master-plan for the expulsion of
the Palestinians. He therefore rejected both the Arab order and the Jewish
robber state explanations.

The refugee problem, he concluded, was a by-product of the war.

Countless reviewers pointed out that Benny Morris’s conclusion did not
correspond to the evidence he had unearthed. The evidence suggests a far
higher degree of Israeli responsibility for the mass flight of the

Sure, there were many different reasons for the Palestinian exodus but the
single most important reason was Israeli political, military, and
psychological pressure.

We now have a term to describe what Israel did to the Palestinians in 1948
which did not exist then – ethnic cleansing. So let us call a spade a spade.

Benny Morris himself has veered to the extreme right since the outbreak of
the al-Aqsa intifada. He now thinks that Ben Gurion made a mistake in
allowing a Palestinian minority to stay inside the state of Israel in 1948.
He should have expelled the whole lot.

In my humble opinion, Benny Morris’s current ideas are complete rubbish and
they don’t deserve to be taken seriously. He used to be a Young Turk and he
has become an old jerk! But his early scholarship is still valuable because
it documents the extent of Israel’s responsibility for displacing and
dispossessing the Palestinians.


The entire debate between the old and the new historians revolves round the
question of moral responsibility for the consequences of the first
Arab-Israeli war.

The old historians say that the new historians charge Israel with original
sin. My reply is that it is the old historians who cling to the doctrine of
Israel’s immaculate conception.

The evidence that we have at our disposal today, makes it patently clear,
and indeed beyond dispute, that the creation of the state of Israel involved
a monumental injustice to the Palestinians.

Unless and until Israel acknowledges its share of the moral responsibility
for the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem, this dispute will not
be solved.

Does the new historiography have any broader significance beyond the war of
the historians? Does it have any relevance to the quest for peace today?
Once again, Edward Said answered these questions in the affirmative. He
pointed out that if Israelis and Palestinians are to learn to coexist
peacefully side by side, it is essential that they understand their own
history and each other’s history. It is not enough for each side to examine
critically its own actions in 1948. We must have a common and comprehensive
picture of what happened in the war in order to deal with its consequences,
in order to find a solution to this tragic conflict.


Reuters      May 2, 2006

Quartet envoy questions Palestinian aid cuts

By Adam Entous

Jerusalem - International envoy James Wolfensohn, in his final report to
Middle East mediators after stepping down, sharply questioned the decision
of Western powers to cut off aid to the Hamas-led Palestinian government.
Having spent more than $1 billion a year on assistance to the Palestinians,
much of it to build government institutions and an economy needed to create
a "viable Palestinian state," the report asked: "Will we now simply abandon
these goals?"

The special envoy's report, a copy of which was obtained by Reuters on
Tuesday, said the United Nations and nongovernmental organizations will not
be able to fill the void if Palestinian Authority institutions collapse
under Western pressure. The so-called Quartet of international powers
mediating in the Middle East is made up of the United States, European
Union, Russia and the United Nations.

"It would surprise me if one could win by getting all the kids out of school
or starving the Palestinians. And I don't think anyone in the Quartet
believes that to be the policy," Wolfensohn told a Monday news conference in
Washington with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. "I think that's a
losing gambit," the former World Bank president added.

Wolfensohn officially stepped down as the Quartet's special envoy on April
30 because of restrictions on his role now that Islamic militant group Hamas
is in control of the Palestinian Authority, aides said. Israel's elder
statesman, Shimon Peres, told Israel Radio that Wolfensohn could not
function as an envoy because of Hamas. "It was impossible to clap with one
hand," said Peres.

The United States and the EU have cut off direct financial support for the
Authority, which has been unable to receive funds from abroad because local,
regional and international banks fear sanctions by the United States, which
regards Hamas as a terrorist organization. Rice said the United States was
accelerating efforts to get humanitarian help to the Palestinian people and
hoped Hamas would agree to the "minimum conditions for engagement" laid out
by the Quartet, she said. "If those political conditions can come into
place, then perhaps we can move forward," said Rice.

Wolfensohn's report said recent pledges of aid from Arab states would, at
best, provide temporary relief to the Hamas-led government, which has so far
been unable to secure the $130 million in funding needed each month to
maintain operations. While some donor nations have promised to increase
humanitarian assistance to offset cuts in direct assistance to the
Palestinian Authority, the report said: "Neither the U.N. nor the NGOs many
of the donors are looking toward have the capacity to fulfill these roles."

Wolfensohn's office said the Palestinian Authority's inability to pay
salaries was already having an impact on the economy. "The fiscal situation
of the PA has gone from bad to worse," the report said. By 2008, under this
scenario, unemployment would reach 47 percent and poverty 74 percent. The
World Bank estimates that real growth per capita will decline by 27 percent
in 2006 alone. "Actions to reduce the deficit are simply unavoidable and the
drastic financial shortfall will undoubtedly force more aggressive action by
the PA in the near future," it said.

The Quartet appointed Wolfensohn a year ago to help coordinate Israel's
withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and to spearhead rebuilding efforts there.
His final report acknowledged little benefit has come from a deal brokered
last year by Rice to boost the flow of goods into and out of Gaza after
Israel's withdrawal from the strip. The report said the Karni goods crossing
has been closed 50 percent of the days it was scheduled to operate. Export
volumes have averaged just 23 truckloads per day, far short of the 150
truckloads per day called for in the agreement.

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