----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jeff Blankfort 
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 5:23 PM
Subject: [Left Turn Newsletter] A US Lieutenant Refuses Deployment to Iraq

OLSON: What do you make of the growing anti-war sentiment in the country? 

WATADA: I don't see it manifest. Soldiers that come back from Iraq say they get 
the impression many people don't know a war is going on; they say even friends 
and family seem more involved in popular culture and American Idol. People are 
not interested in the hundreds of Iraqis and the dozens of Americans dying each 

This is what needs to be acknowledged and turned around. During the Vietnam War 
there were creative actions going on all the time. Simply assembling to march 
every six months and spending weeks mobilizing for that march is not getting it 

(from the forthcoming issue of Left Turn magazine)

The Courage to Resist: A US Lieutenant Refuses Deployment to Iraq 
by Sarah Olson

Ehren Watada is a 27-year-old First Lieutenant in the United States Army. He 
joined the Army in 2003 during the run-up to the Iraq war. He turned in his 
resignation to protest the war in Iraq in January 2006. He expects to receive 
orders to deploy in late June and will become the first Lieutenant to refuse 
orders to deploy to Iraq, setting the stage for what could be the biggest 
movement of GI resistance since the Vietnam War. He faces a court-martial, up 
to two years in prison for missing movement by design, a dishonorable 
discharge, and other possible charges. He says speaking against an illegal and 
immoral war is worth all of this and more. Journalist SARAH OLSON spoke with 
Watada in May. 

SARAH OLSON: When you joined the Army in 2003, what were your goals? 

LT. EHREN WATADA: 2003 was a couple of years after the terrorist attacks of 
9/11. I had the idea that my country needed me and that I needed to serve my 
country. I still strongly believe that. I strongly believe in service and duty. 
That's one of the reasons I joined: because of patriotism. 

I took an oath to the US Constitution, and to the values and the principles it 
represents. It makes us strongly unique. We don't allow tyranny; we believe in 
accountability and checks and balances and a government that's by and for the 
people. The military must safeguard those freedoms and those principles and the 
democracy that makes us unique. A lot of people, like myself, join the military 
because they love their country, and they love what it stands for. 

OLSON: You joined the Army during the run-up to the Iraq war, but you had 
misgivings about the war. How did that happen? 

WATADA: Like everybody in America and around the world, I heard what they were 
saying on television about the stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and 
the ties to al-Qaeda and 9/11. I also saw the millions of people around the 
world protesting and listened to the people resigning from the government in 
protest. I realized that the war probably wasn't justified until we found proof 
of these accusations the President and his deputies were making against Iraq. 

But I also believed we should give the President the benefit of the doubt. At 
that time, I never believed-I could never conceive of-our leader betraying the 
trust we had in him. 

OLSON: What was your experience in the military? 

WATADA: My first duty assignment was in Korea. It's hard learning to be an 
officer, and it was hard being stationed overseas. It is a different kind of 
situation that you're put in. You're not just being told what to do and 
execute. As an officer you are constantly leading by example. You have to do 
the right thing even when you don't necessarily want to. When you go into the 
field, it's not like a civilian job where you go home at the end of the day, 
take a shower, relax, and eat a nice meal. 

OLSON: So you got the order to go to Iraq after you returned from Korea. What 
were your thoughts at the time? 

WATADA: Back in Korea we trained for a separate mission but we all knew what 
was going on in Iraq. Our commanders were telling us to be ready for war and to 
start training for it. 

When I came back I still had doubts about the war and why we were in it. When 
they told me I was going to deploy, I said, "OK. I'm going to start training 
for it, and I'm going to start training the guys under me. And I'm going to do 
that to the best of my ability." 

OLSON: So what changed? 

WATADA: I realized that to go to war, I needed to educate myself in every way 
possible. Why were we going to this particular war? What were the effects of 
war? What were the consequences for soldiers coming home? I began reading 
everything I could. 

One of many books I read was James Bamford's Pretext for War. As I read about 
the level of deception the Bush Administration used to initiate and process 
this war, I was shocked. I became ashamed of wearing the uniform. How can we 
wear something with such a time-honored tradition, knowing we waged war based 
on a misrepresentation and lies? It was a betrayal of the trust of the American 
people. And these lies were a betrayal of the trust of the military and the 

My mind was in turmoil. Do I follow orders and participate in something that I 
believe to be wrong? When you join the Army you learn to follow orders without 
question. Soldiers are apolitical and you don't voice your opinion out loud. 

I started asking: why are we dying? Why are we losing limbs? For what? I 
listened to the President and his deputies say we were fighting for democracy; 
we were fighting for a better Iraq. I just started to think about those things. 
Are those things the real reasons why we are there, the real reasons we are 
dying? But I felt there was nothing to be done and this administration was just 
continually violating the law to serve their purpose and there was nothing to 
stop them. 

The deciding moment for me was in January of 2006. I watched clips of military 
funerals. I saw the photos of these families. The children. The mothers and the 
fathers as they sat by the grave, or as they came out of the funerals. One 
really hard picture for me was a little boy leaving his father's funeral. He 
couldn't face the camera so he was covering his eyes. I felt like I couldn't 
watch that anymore. I couldn't be silent anymore and condone something that I 
felt was deeply wrong. 

OLSON: You made the decision to refuse orders to deploy to Iraq. What happened 

WATADA: I alerted my commander this January and told him I would refuse the 
order to go to Iraq. He asked me to think it over. After about a week, I said, 
"OK, I've made my decision. I've come to believe this is an illegal and an 
immoral war, and the order to have us deploy to Iraq is unlawful. I won't 
follow this order and I won't participate in something I believe is wrong." 
My commanders told me that I could go to Iraq in a different capacity. I 
wouldn't have to fire a weapon and I wouldn't be in harm's way. But that's not 
what this is about. In my resignation letter I said that I would rather go to 
prison than do something that I felt was deeply wrong. I believe the whole war 
is illegal. I'm not just against bearing arms or fighting people. I am against 
an unjustified war. 

OLSON: You've had about six months to think about this. It's a pretty heavy 
revelation that you're quite possibly facing prison time. How are you feeling 

WATADA: A lot of people, including my parents, tried to talk me out of it. And 
I had to tell them, and I had to convince myself first, that it's not about 
just trying to survive. It's not about just trying to make sure you're safe. 
When you are looking your children in the eye in the future or when you are at 
the end of your life, you want to look back on your life and know that at a 
very important moment, when I had the opportunity to make the right decisions, 
I did so, even knowing there were negative consequences. 

OLSON: What is your intellectual and moral opposition to the Iraq war? What is 
that based in? 

WATADA: First, the war was based on false pretenses. If the President tells us 
we are there to destroy Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, and there are 
none, why are we there? Then the President said Saddam had ties to al-Qaeda and 
9/11. That allegation has been proven to be false, too. So why are we going 
there? The President says we're there to promote democracy and to liberate the 
Iraqi people. That isn't happening either. 

Second, the Iraq war is not legal according to domestic and international law. 
It violates the Constitution and the War Powers Act that limits the President 
in his role as commander in chief from using the armed forces in any way he 
sees fit. The UN Charter, the Geneva Convention, and the Nuremberg principles 
all bar wars of aggression. 

Finally, the occupation itself is illegal. If you look at the Army Field Manual 
27-10, which governs the laws of land warfare, it states certain 
responsibilities for the occupying power. As the occupying power, we have 
failed to follow a lot of those regulations. There is no justification for why 
we are there or what we are doing. 

OLSON: One of the common criticisms of military resisters is that you have 
abandoned your colleagues and that you are letting others fight a war in your 
place. What's your response to this? 

WATADA: My commander asked me, "If everybody like you refused to go to Iraq, 
what would that leave us with?" And I guess he was trying to say we wouldn't 
have an army anymore, and that would be bad. But I wanted to tell him, "If that 
happened, the war would stop because nobody would be there to fight it." 

When people say, "You're not being a team player," or, "You are letting your 
buddies down," I want to say that I am still fighting for my men, and I am 
supporting them. But the conscionable way to support them is not to drop 
artillery and cause more destruction. It is to oppose this war and help end it 
so all soldiers can come home. It is my duty to not follow unlawful orders and 
not participate in things I find morally reprehensible. 

OLSON: Are your feelings common among people in the military? 

WATADA: The general sentiment of people within the military is that they're 
getting a little sick and tired of this war. You can tell with the recent Zogby 
poll that said more than 70 percent of people in the military want to withdraw 
at the end of this year. That's a powerful statement from people within the 
military who aren't really given the chance to speak out publicly. 

OLSON: What do you think the US should do in Iraq now? 

WATADA: I think the US should pull out all troops immediately. The outbreak of 
the civil war is something that we caused with our invasion and our war. I 
don't think it's at a point right now where we can fix it. 

OLSON: You've mentioned your sense of betrayal. Can you explain this? 

WATADA: The President is the commander in chief, and although he is our leader, 
there must be a strong relationship of trust. Anybody who's been in the 
military knows that in order to have a cohesive and effective fighting force, 
you need to have a certain level of trust between leaders and soldiers. And 
when you don't, things start to break down. 

I signed a contract saying I will follow orders and do what I'm told to do. 
There are times when I won't be able to question it and evaluate the legality 
of these orders, so I have to have the ultimate trust in my leader. I have to 
trust the President's word and trust him to do what's right. I have to trust 
him to sacrifice our lives only for justified and moral reasons. Realizing the 
President is taking us to a war that he mislead us about has broken that bond 
of trust that we had. If the President can betray my trust, it's time for me to 
evaluate what he's telling me to do. I've realized that going to this war is 
the wrong thing to do. 

OLSON: What do you make of the growing anti-war sentiment in the country? 

WATADA: I don't see it manifest. Soldiers that come back from Iraq say they get 
the impression many people don't know a war is going on; they say even friends 
and family seem more involved in popular culture and American Idol. People are 
not interested in the hundreds of Iraqis and the dozens of Americans dying each 

OLSON: How does Iraqi civilians' plight impact your decision not to go? 

WATADA: Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator. He was repressive. He did use 
torture. But the torture and the killing haven't stopped since we've been 
there. It's something I don't think I or anybody else in this country should be 
a part of. 

In war, each side dehumanizes the other. American soldiers dehumanize Iraqis to 
the point where Iraqi civilians are nothing to them. And that's how these 
atrocities occur. You have a lot of young American men and women doing things, 
killing a lot of innocent civilians without thinking. The Iraqis are probably 
worse off than they were before we invaded the country. 

OLSON: Now that you've submitted your resignation, what's next for you? 

WATADA: I submitted a resignation packet, which was disapproved. My commander 
asked me again if I was still going to go along with this. And I said yes of 
course. I still believe the same things that I did six months ago. And he said 
he couldn't charge me until I violate an order. So I've been given an order to 
deploy in late June. When I refuse, the chain of command will charge me and 
court-martial me. 

OLSON: As people learn about your story, are there things you especially want 
people to hold in their minds and their hearts about what you're doing and why? 

WATADA: I think that we are all given freedoms and liberties by the 
Constitution, but I think the one God-given freedom and right that we really 
have is freedom of choice. The moment we tell ourselves that we no longer have 
that choice is the moment we take that one freedom away. The only freedom we 
have. And I just want to tell everybody, especially people who doubt the war, 
that you do have that one freedom. And that's something that they can never 
take away. Yes, they will imprison you. They'll throw the book at you. They'll 
try to make an example out of you, but you do have that choice. And that is 
something that you'll have to live with for the rest of your life. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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