Stop the Band-Aid Treatment

We Need Policies for a Real, Lasting Middle East Peace

By Jimmy Carter

08/01/06 "Washington Post' -- -- The Middle East is a tinderbox, with some
key players on all sides waiting for every opportunity to destroy their
enemies with bullets, bombs and missiles. One of the special vulnerabilities
of Israel, and a repetitive cause of violence, is the holding of prisoners.
Militant Palestinians and Lebanese know that a captured Israeli soldier or
civilian is either a cause of conflict or a valuable bargaining chip for
prisoner exchange. This assumption is based on a number of such trades,
including 1,150 Arabs, mostly Palestinians, for three Israeli soldiers in
1985; 123 Lebanese for the remains of two Israeli soldiers in 1996; and 433
Palestinians and others for an Israeli businessman and the bodies of three
soldiers in 2004.

This stratagem precipitated the renewed violence that erupted in June when
Palestinians dug a tunnel under the barrier that surrounds Gaza and
assaulted some Israeli soldiers, killing two and capturing one. They offered
to exchange the soldier for the release of 95 women and 313 children who are
among almost 10,000 Arabs in Israeli prisons, but this time Israel rejected
a swap and attacked Gaza in an attempt to free the soldier and stop rocket
fire into Israel. The resulting destruction brought reconciliation between
warring Palestinian factions and support for them throughout the Arab world.

Hezbollah militants then killed three Israeli soldiers and captured two
others, and insisted on Israel's withdrawal from disputed territory and an
exchange for some of the several thousand incarcerated Lebanese. With
American backing, Israeli bombs and missiles rained down on Lebanon.
Hezbollah rockets from Syria and Iran struck northern Israel.

It is inarguable that Israel has a right to defend itself against attacks on
its citizens, but it is inhumane and counterproductive to punish civilian
populations in the illogical hope that somehow they will blame Hamas and
Hezbollah for provoking the devastating response. The result instead has
been that broad Arab and worldwide support has been rallied for these
groups, while condemnation of both Israel and the United States has

Israel belatedly announced, but did not carry out, a two-day cessation in
bombing Lebanon, responding to the global condemnation of an air attack on
the Lebanese village of Qana, where 57 civilians were killed this past
weekend and where 106 died from the same cause 10 years ago. As before there
were expressions of "deep regret," a promise of "immediate investigation"
and the explanation that dropped leaflets had warned families in the region
to leave their homes. The urgent need in Lebanon is that Israeli attacks
stop, the nation's regular military forces control the southern region,
Hezbollah cease as a separate fighting force, and future attacks against
Israel be prevented. Israel should withdraw from all Lebanese territory,
including Shebaa Farms, and release the Lebanese prisoners. Yet yesterday,
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert rejected a cease-fire.

These are ambitious hopes, but even if the U.N. Security Council adopts and
implements a resolution that would lead to such an eventual solution, it
will provide just another band-aid and temporary relief. Tragically, the
current conflict is part of the inevitably repetitive cycle of violence that
results from the absence of a comprehensive settlement in the Middle East,
exacerbated by the almost unprecedented six-year absence of any real effort
to achieve such a goal.

Leaders on both sides ignore strong majorities that crave peace, allowing
extremist-led violence to preempt all opportunities for building a political
consensus. Traumatized Israelis cling to the false hope that their lives
will be made safer by incremental unilateral withdrawals from occupied
areas, while Palestinians see their remnant territories reduced to little
more than human dumping grounds surrounded by a provocative "security
barrier" that embarrasses Israel's friends and that fails to bring safety or

The general parameters of a long-term, two-state agreement are well known.
There will be no substantive and permanent peace for any peoples in this
troubled region as long as Israel is violating key U.N. resolutions,
official American policy and the international "road map" for peace by
occupying Arab lands and oppressing the Palestinians. Except for mutually
agreeable negotiated modifications, Israel's official pre-1967 borders must
be honored. As were all previous administrations since the founding of
Israel, U.S. government leaders must be in the forefront of achieving this
long-delayed goal.

A major impediment to progress is Washington's strange policy that dialogue
on controversial issues will be extended only as a reward for subservient
behavior and will be withheld from those who reject U.S. assertions. Direct
engagement with the Palestine Liberation Organization or the Palestinian
Authority and the government in Damascus will be necessary if secure
negotiated settlements are to be achieved. Failure to address the issues and
leaders involved risks the creation of an arc of even greater instability
running from Jerusalem through Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad and Tehran.

The people of the Middle East deserve peace and justice, and we in the
international community owe them our strong leadership and support.

Former president Carter is the founder of the nonprofit Carter Center in

© 2006 The Washington Post Company


A World Gone Mad
Published: July 31, 2006

As if the war in Iraq and the battles between Israel and its neighbors were
not frightening enough, now comes word of a development in Pakistan that may
well be the harbinger of a much greater catastrophe.

Over the past few years, Pakistan has been hard at work building a powerful
new plutonium reactor that when completed will be able to produce enough
fuel to make 40 to 50 nuclear weapons a year.

This is happening at the same time that the Bush administration is pushing
hard for final Congressional approval of a nonmilitary nuclear cooperation
deal with Pakistan's rival, India, that would in fact enhance India's
bomb-making capacity. The deal would enable India to free up its own stocks
of nuclear fuel to the extent that it could expand its nuclear weapons
production from about seven warheads a year to perhaps 50.

Yes, Virginia, the world is going mad.

Pakistan's initiative, which in a few years could increase its bomb-making
capacity twentyfold, was first reported last week by The Washington Post.
Experts at the Institute for Science and International Security, after
analyzing the program, concluded that "South Asia may be heading for a
nuclear arms race that could lead to arsenals growing into the hundreds of
nuclear weapons or, at minimum, vastly expanded stockpiles of military
fissile material."

There is no way to overstate the potential danger of an accelerated nuclear
arms race in South Asia. Breeding nukes willy-nilly is an invitation to
Armageddon. Pakistan, for those who need to be reminded, is where Osama bin
Laden and his henchmen are thought to be hiding. It's also the home of Abdul
Qadeer Khan, the pied piper of proliferation (now under house arrest) who
provided crucial nuclear materials and expertise to Iran, North Korea and

Representative Edward Markey, the Massachusetts Democrat who led the
opposition to the deal with India, told me he was surprised by the subdued
reaction to the news about Pakistan's reactor.

"You would have thought that a firestorm would break out," he said. "As a
nation, we should be very afraid if Pakistan can come up with a twentyfold
increase in the amount of nuclear weapons materials that it can manufacture.
The greatest fear we have is of a bomb slipping into the hands of a
terrorist group - and we know that Al Qaeda is in Pakistan - and then having
it moved toward the Middle East, or put on a ship headed to an American

Mr. Markey, who is co-chairman of a bipartisan House task force on
nonproliferation, noted that the White House had long been aware of
Pakistan's plutonium-production reactor but had kept that knowledge
from Congress and the American public. Why? To what end? Does the
administration not understand the truly horrifying stakes involved in this
deplorable spread of nuclear adventurism?

"This is not just about Pakistan, or Pakistan and India," said Mr. Markey.
"What impact will this have on China, which is looking at what India might
do? What impact will it have on Iran, a signatory to the Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty, being put on trial at the U.N., with sanctions
being asked by the United States?"

(Neither India nor Pakistan are signers of the treaty.)

Common sense should tell you that thundering along the road to ever more
nuclear weapons in ever shakier hands is madness, the global equivalent to
driving drunk at ever higher speeds. Does anyone think China will sit
quietly by as India and Pakistan develop the capacity to outpace it in the
production of nukes?

Does anyone doubt that at some point, if the spread of nuclear weapons is
not vigorously suppressed, a bomb will end up in the hands of a freak who
has no other intention in the world than to use it?

John F. Kennedy, in a televised address to the nation in July 1963, said: "I
ask you to stop and think for a moment what it would mean to have nuclear
weapons in so many hands, in the hands of countries large and small, stable
and unstable, responsible and irresponsible, scattered throughout the world.
There would be no rest for anyone then, no stability, no real security, and
no chance of effective disarmament."

There was a time when the top leaders of the United States understood that
we should be moving toward fewer nukes on the planet, not an exponential,
suicidal increase in these worst of all weapons.


Tuesday 01 August 2006

  US fasters on 30th day of hunger strike travel to Jordan on Wednesday to
meet with MPs about peace plan and break fast, then on to Lebanon.
    After 28 days of fasting, anti-war hunger strikers received a
breakthrough victory for their sacrifice: Leading members of the Iraqi
Parliament invited fasters to join them to discuss their plans for peace in
Iraq. On Wednesday, August 2, hunger strikers will travel to Amman, Jordan
to meet with these Iraqi MPs and break their fast. The group includes:

  a.. Peace mom Cindy Sheehan,

  b.. Retired Colonel Ann Wright,

  c.. Iraq war veteran Geoffrey Millard,

  d.. Politician/Writer Tom Hayden,

  e.. CODEPINK co-founders Medea Benjamin, Jodie Evans, Gael Murphy and
Diane Wilson.
    The trip is being sponsored by CODEPINK: Women for Peace and the human
rights group Global Exchange.

    This invitation comes after fasters were rebuffed in numerous attempts
to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki during his visit to
Washington last week, including setting up "Camp Al-Maliki" across from the
Iraqi Embassy and publishing an open letter to him in one of the largest
Iraqi newspapers. Faster and CODEPINK cofounder Medea Benjamin was arrested
for disrupting al-Maliki's address to Congress last Wednesday, saying loudly
and repeatedly, "Iraqis want the troops to leave, bring them home now!" The
parliamentarians, who expressed concern for fasters' health and dismay at
the Prime Minister's dismissal of their repeated requests for a meeting,
will travel to meet with the US delegation in Jordan on August 3.

    The Iraqi elected officials will brief the Americans on the
Reconciliation Plan they have been working on at the Reconciliation
Conference held in Cairo last week. CODEPINK cofounder Medea Benjamin said,
"It is a breakthrough for the US peace movement to meet directly with Iraqi
parliamentarians working on a peace plan. We hope to return to the US to
build support for their plan."

    With the increased violence between Israel and Lebanon, a part of the
U.S. delegation will go on to Syria and Lebanon to bear witness to the
suffering of innocent victims of war in the region.


    For more information on the delegation to Jordan, please see

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