Hi.  This report is too important and too long to include the
calendar I'd intended sending.  I'll email that separately, later
this morning.  This one's a killer, unfortunately.


"Rosa Brooks writes in the Los Angeles Times: "[T]ake any
of the 'alternative' methods that Bush wants to use on
U.S. detainees and imagine someone using those methods
on your son or daughter. If the bad guys captured your
son and tossed him, naked, into a cell kept at a
temperature just slightly higher than an average
refrigerator, then repeatedly doused him with ice water
to induce hypothermia, would that be okay? What if they
shackled him to a wall for days so he couldn't sit or
lie down without hanging his whole body weight on his
arms? What if they threatened to rape and kill his wife,
or pretended they were burying him alive? What if they
did all these things by turns? Would you have any
problem deciding that these methods are cruel? . . ."

Bush Gets His Way
By Dan Froomkin
Special to washingtonpost.com

Friday, September 22, 2006; 12:42 PM

Pay no attention to the news stories suggesting that the
White House caved in yesterday.

On the central issue of whether the CIA should continue
using interrogation methods on suspected terrorists that
many say constitute torture, the White House got its
way, winning agreement from the "maverick" Republican
senators who had refused to go along with an overt
undoing of the Geneva Conventions.

The "compromise"? The Republican senators essentially
agreed to look the other way.

Once again (see Monday's column ) there was so much
disingenuousness flying through the airwaves that
straight news reporting simply wasn't up to the task of
conveying the real meaning of the day.

So let's go to the editorials and opinion columns.

Editorials and Opinions

The Washington Post editorial board writes: "Mr. Bush,
as he made clear yesterday, intends to continue using
the CIA to secretly detain and abuse certain terrorist
suspects. He will do so by issuing his own
interpretation of the Geneva Conventions in an executive
order and by relying on questionable Justice Department
opinions that authorize such practices as exposing
prisoners to hypothermia and prolonged sleep
deprivation. Under the compromise agreed to yesterday,
Congress would recognize his authority to take these
steps and prevent prisoners from appealing them to U.S.
courts. The bill would also immunize CIA personnel from
prosecution for all but the most serious abuses and
protect those who in the past violated U.S. law against
war crimes.

"In short, it's hard to credit the statement by Sen.
John McCain (R-Ariz.) yesterday that 'there's no doubt
that the integrity and letter and spirit of the Geneva
Conventions have been preserved.' In effect, the
agreement means that U.S. violations of international
human rights law can continue as long as Mr. Bush is
president, with Congress's tacit assent. . . .

"[T]he senators who have fought to rein in the
administration's excesses -- led by Sens. McCain,
Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and John W. Warner (R-Va.) --
failed to break Mr. Bush's commitment to 'alternative'
methods that virtually every senior officer of the U.S.
military regards as unreliable, counterproductive and
dangerous for Americans who may be captured by hostile
governments. . . .

"Mr. Bush wanted Congress to formally approve these
practices and to declare them consistent with the Geneva
Conventions. It will not. But it will not stop him
either, if the legislation is passed in the form agreed
on yesterday."

The New York Times editorial board writes: "The deal
does next to nothing to stop the president from
reinterpreting the Geneva Conventions. While the White
House agreed to a list of 'grave breaches' of the
conventions that could be prosecuted as war crimes, it
stipulated that the president could decide on his own
what actions might be a lesser breach of the Geneva
Conventions and what interrogation techniques he
considered permissible. It's not clear how much the
public will ultimately learn about those decisions."

David Ignatius's Washington Post opinion column today
chronicles the administration's astonishing and
undercovered torture-related legal wranglings, which
date back to the decision to rough up terror suspect Abu
Zubaida in 2002.

"From the outset the CIA officers wanted written
assurance that what they were doing was legal. The
Justice Department prepared an initial (and now
infamous) August 2002 memo from Jay S. Bybee, head of
the Office of Legal Counsel, with the chilling advice
that techniques were permissible if they didn't produce
pain equivalent to that caused by 'organ failure,
impairment of bodily function or even death.' The Bybee
torture memo was withdrawn, but the Justice Department
offered a broad assurance in 2002 that because the
program would operate outside U.S. jurisdiction, at
secret sites abroad, interrogators would not be subject
to U.S. law. Justice officials also argued that because
captives were illegal 'enemy combatants,' they didn't
have protections under the Geneva Conventions. That
didn't satisfy the CIA officers running the program,
especially after the uproar over Abu Ghraib, so they
pressed Justice for a more detailed written opinion. It
finally arrived in spring 2005.

"The real crunch came when McCain began pushing in
mid-2005 for a law that would explicitly ban harsh
interrogation methods. The initial response of some CIA
officers staffing the program was to accept the McCain
amendment, since Justice had ruled that the techniques
they were using were legal. But Vice President Cheney
preferred to fight McCain, and several months of bitter
negotiation produced a legislative history that in CIA
officers' minds removed any ambiguity -- McCain viewed
the program as illegal under his new statute.

"What came next remains murky, even to those most
closely involved. Rep. Duncan Hunter, the chairman of
the House Armed Services Committee, demanded an
assurance that the McCain amendment wouldn't harm the
CIA's anti-terrorism efforts. He received a letter of
assurance from John Negroponte, the director of national
intelligence, even though CIA officers had advised
Negroponte that the amendment would undermine the
existing program. Meanwhile, President Bush signed the
law but appended a signing statement that said it didn't
alter the president's inherent powers, which in Cheney's
view included the right to authorize the program. The
administration, in other words, wanted it both ways.

"Without clear legal guidance, CIA officers suspended
interrogations in December 2005. . . .

"The administration began tinkering with the program
this spring, discarding some of the most extreme
techniques, in an effort to make it comply with the
McCain amendment."

Rosa Brooks writes in the Los Angeles Times: "[T]ake any
of the 'alternative' methods that Bush wants to use on
U.S. detainees and imagine someone using those methods
on your son or daughter. If the bad guys captured your
son and tossed him, naked, into a cell kept at a
temperature just slightly higher than an average
refrigerator, then repeatedly doused him with ice water
to induce hypothermia, would that be okay? What if they
shackled him to a wall for days so he couldn't sit or
lie down without hanging his whole body weight on his
arms? What if they threatened to rape and kill his wife,
or pretended they were burying him alive? What if they
did all these things by turns? Would you have any
problem deciding that these methods are cruel? . . .

"[T]hough the word 'accountability' isn't in the White
House dictionary, there's a long entry under 'CYA --
covering your ass.'

"Bush isn't stupid. He understands that it's far too
late for him to leave a legacy that won't be a source of
shame to future generations. So he's going for second
best: a congressionally delivered 'get-out-of-jail-free'

Questions the Press Should Ask

Members of the traditional press were paying scant
attention to the issue of state-sanctioned torture until
a rift appeared within the Republican party itself.
That, in Washington, qualifies as high drama.

And now that the rift has been papered over, most
reporters' tendencies will be to cover the issue mostly
from the angle of its effectiveness as a political
cudgel in the mid-term elections.

But the American public deserves to hear a full and open
debate on this important moral issue. And if Congress
won't host it, then it's up to the Fourth Estate to rise
to the challenge.

Step one would be some actual reporting into the CIA
interrogation program, including aggressive truth-
squadding of the assertions coming from the White House.
President Bush, for instance, yesterday called the
program the "most potent tool we have in protecting
America and foiling terrorist attacks."

Can he back that up? What little investigative reporting
I've seen on the program thus far, by Ron Suskind among
others, suggests that Bush's assertion is exaggerated or
just plain wrong -- and that in fact the use of torture
or near-torture has produced little or no valuable
information. It's imperative that the media give the
public a better sense of whether Bush is credible on
this issue.

Here's a question reporters should be asking: If, as
Suskind has alleged, the administration is aware that
those harsh CIA interrogation tactics don't really work
-- and no one is currently in CIA detention anyway --
then why is this such an important issue for the White
House? One possible answer: That this has nothing to do
with the future; that it's about giving them cover for
their actions in the past.

Here's another question reporters should be asking: Have
the senators been assured that Vice President Cheney
won't get Bush to attach a "signing statement" to this
bill, asserting his inherent powers, as he did the last
time he signed torture legislation?

Finally, as the White House gears up to use detainee
policy as a political issue, it is incumbent on the
press to remind the public that there are not only two
choices: Doing it Bush's way and letting terrorists go
free. Even if the Democrats aren't coherent about other
alternatives, the press should be.

The Coverage

It's the penultimate paragraph of R. Jeffrey Smith and
Charles Babington 's article in The Washington Post this
morning that tells the story in a nutshell: "A senior
administration official, who spoke on the condition of
anonymity, said in an interview that Bush essentially
got what he asked for in a different formulation that
allows both sides to maintain their concerns were
addressed. 'We kind of take the scenic route, but we get
there,' the official said."

(Interestingly enough, Dan Bartlett, counselor to the
president, gave a nearly identical quote on the record
to the New York Times .)

Smith and Babington write: "Yesterday's final marathon
talks occurred in Vice President Cheney's little-known
office on the second floor of the Dirksen Senate Office
Building. . . .

"The agreement coalesced around two crucial issues: the
GOP senators' insistence that Bush not be allowed to
reinterpret the meaning of the Geneva Conventions, and
the White House's insistence that CIA agents not be
subject to prosecution for aggressive interrogation
techniques -- tactics that did not constitute torture
but were more aggressive than 'simple assault.'

"The biggest hurdle, Senate sources said, was convincing
administration officials that lawmakers never would
accept language that allowed Bush to appear to be
reinterpreting the Geneva Conventions. Once that was
settled, they said, the White House poured most of its
energy into defining 'cruel or inhuman treatment' that
would constitute crimes under the War Crimes Act."

Rick Klein writes in the Boston Globe: "Unlike the
Geneva Conventions, the War Crimes Act is an American
law that applies only to U.S. officials and is not part
of an international treaty. Rewriting the War Crimes Act
to outlaw specific acts -- and implicitly permitting
others -- does not erode the Geneva Conventions, which
broadly state that countries can't engage in 'outrages
upon personal dignity,' said Senator Lindsey O. Graham,
Republican of South Carolina."

Margaret Talev writes for McClatchy Newspapers that
Graham "said he believed the compromise would prohibit
simulated drowning, or 'water-boarding' as a CIA
interrogation technique.

"But Graham didn't rule out other aggressive techniques
such as sleep deprivation or playing loud music. He said
the legislation wouldn't spell out which 'alternative
interrogation techniques' are permitted and which are
prohibited. . . .

"Eugene Fidell, the president of the National
Association of Military Justice, which serves as a
watchdog over military prosecutions, said details of the
deal were too scant to render an analysis. He sharply
criticized the closed-door negotiations, saying the
terms should have been the subject of public Senate

Julian E. Barnes and Richard Simon write in the Los
Angeles Times (in a story headlined, "Bush Bows to
Senators on Detainees"): "A Senate staffer involved in
negotiations said [the language of the accord] would ban
the most outrageous of CIA methods, including water
boarding -- a tactic in which detainees are made to feel
as if they're drowning -- and mock executions."

And here's precisely the kind of story to watch out for:

Anne Plummer Flaherty writes for the Associated Press:
"Republicans hope that an accord reached between the
Bush administration and GOP senators on the treatment of
terror-war detainees means the party can go on a
campaign-season offensive on the issue of protecting the
country. . . .

"The agreement was hailed by human rights groups and
seen by many as the president caving in when his usual
Republican support crumbled."

Hadley Speaks

Here's the transcript of an extraordinarily unhelpful
telephone briefing from national security adviser Steve
Hadley yesterday afternoon.

He expressed delight about the accord and how "all
Republicans coming together," and repeatedly referred to
a new legal "clarity" -- that he wouldn't clarify. Among
the questions he dodged:

* "Does that mean that every single technique used in
interrogation up until now is, as you see it,
permissible under this agreement?"

* "Just to follow up, is it conceivable that a technique
that was used in the past would not be permissible
henceforth after this process is finished?"

* "What did the administration give up in this
negotiation? Because it seems like you got everything
that you asked for."

ACLU Watch

Caroline Fredrickson, director of the ACLU's Washington
office released this statement : "This is a compromise
of America's commitment to the rule of law. The proposal
would make the core protections of Common Article 3 of
the Geneva Conventions irrelevant and unenforceable. It
deliberately provides a 'get-out-of-jail-free card' to
the administration's top torture officials, and
backdates that card nine years. These are tactics
expected of repressive regimes, not the American

"Also under the proposal, the president would have the
authority to declare what is -- and what is not -- a
grave breach of the War Crimes Act, making the president
his own judge and jury. This provision would give him
unilateral authority to declare certain torture and
abuse legal and sound. In a telling move, during a call
with reporters today, National Security Advisor Stephen
Hadley would not even answer a question about whether
waterboarding would be permitted under the agreement."

Lederman Watch

Georgetown Law School professor and blogger Marty
Lederman has the complete language of the accord, and
concludes: "It's not subtle at all, and it only takes 30
seconds or so to see that the senators have capitulated
entirely, that the U.S. will hereafter violate the
Geneva Conventions by engaging in cold cell, long time
standing, etc., and that there will be very little
pretense about it. In addition to the elimination of
habeas rights in section 6, the bill would delegate to
the president the authority to interpret 'the meaning
and application of the Geneva Conventions' 'for the
United States,' except that the bill itself would define
certain 'grave breaches' of Common Article 3 to be war
crimes. Some Senators apparently are taking comfort in
the fact that the Administration's interpretation would
have to be made, and defended, publicly. That's a small
consolation, I suppose; but I'm confident the creative
folks in my former shop at [the Justice Department's
Office of Legal Counsel] -- you know, those who
concluded that waterboarding is not torture -- will come
up with something."


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