CHALLENGES 2006-2007:
A Bad Year for Empire
Jim Lobe

WASHINGTON, Dec 22 (IPS) - For those who believed that the precise and
overwhelming demonstration of U.S. military power in Afghanistan and Iran
would "shock and awe" the rest of the world -- and particularly Washington's
foes and aspiring rivals -- into accepting its benevolent hegemony, 2006 was
not a good year.

Not only has Washington become ever more bogged down -- at the current rate
of nearly three billion dollars and 20 soldiers' lives a week -- in an
increasingly fragmented and violent Iraq whose de facto civil war threatens
to draw in its neighbours, but a resurgent Taliban has exposed the fragility
of what gains have been made in Afghanistan since the U.S.-led military
campaign ousted the group five years ago.

In neighbouring Pakistan, the U.S.-backed government of President Pervez
Musharraf has withdrawn its forces from tribal areas along the Afghan
border, effectively handing control of the region to pro-Taliban forces
believed to be sheltering al Qaeda.

In Lebanon, a pro-western government, the product of last year's U.S.-backed
"Cedar Revolution", finds itself under siege from a Syrian- and
Iranian-backed Hezbollah which appears to have emerged from last summer's
war with Israel stronger and more confident than ever.

Meanwhile, North Korea ended its longstanding moratorium on testing its
ballistic missiles on the Fourth of July, thus making its own rather defiant
contribution to the fireworks traditionally associated with Washington's
Independence Day celebrations. Apparently dissatisfied with Washington's
appreciation, Pyongyang conducted its first nuclear test four months later.

Similarly, Iran, the other surviving member of Bush's "Axis of Evil",
announced last April that it successfully enriched uranium and subsequently
shrugged off U.S. and European demands that it freeze its programme, even as
it hosted a succession of leaders from the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad
and offered Washington help in stabilising Iraq provided that it dropped its
"arrogant" attitude.

An increasingly assertive and energy-rich Russia has also become noticeably
more defiant over the past year, challenging with growing success
Washington's post-9/11 military encroachment in the Caucasus and Central
Asia and effectively reversing two of the three U.S.-backed "colour
revolutions" -- in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan -- in its near abroad.

The looming succession battle in Turkmenistan, whose natural gas endowments
and strategic perch next to both Iran and Afghanistan make it a very
desirable piece of real estate, will likely intensify this latest version of
"Great Game".

By collaborating with China in both the U.N. Security Council and the
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), Moscow has also challenged the
unipolarists' notion that Washington's overwhelming global military
dominance would not provoke the creation of countervailing coalitions
designed to contain its power.

Even in Africa, defying the U.S. came at little cost. Sudan, accused by Bush
himself for two years of committing genocide in Darfur, manoeuvred
Washington into backing a clearly unworkable peace accord and then, when it
fell apart, not only rejected repeated U.S. demands to permit deployment of
a U.N. peacekeeping force to the region, but also helped spread the conflict
into neighbouring Chad and Central African Republic.

In nearby Somalia, meanwhile, covert U.S. support for a coalition of
warlords, who had kept the country in a permanent state of insecurity for
more than a decade, backfired big-time last summer when an Islamic militia
that Washington accuses of being linked to al Qaeda chased them out of the
country. As the year ends, the U.S. is effectively backing Ethiopia's
deployment of thousands of troops in support of the disintegrating interim
government in Baidoa, permitting the Islamists' to rally nationalist opinion
for a war that analysts fear could burst beyond Somalia's borders.

In Latin America, Washington averted the worst -- the victory of leftwing
presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in Mexican elections last
summer. Nonetheless, clumsy U.S. efforts to influence elections over the
past year in Bolivia and Nicaragua proved counter-productive, as candidates
backed by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who appears to delight in
nothing more than provoking Bush, won in both countries, as well as in

Coupled with Chavez' own sweeping victory earlier this month, the year's
elections results in Latin America appear to have confirmed a left-wing
populist and anti-U.S. trend -- the so-called "pink tide" -- which, along
with the recent disclosures regarding ties between right-wing paramilitaries
and the government of Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, poses serious
threats to Washington's multi-billion-dollar anti-drug effort in the Andes.

Elections elsewhere also proved disappointing to Washington's unipolar
ambitions, none more so than last January's victory, despite last-minute
efforts by Washington bolster the Fatah, of Hamas in the Palestinian

Not only did the election set back prospects for resuming a credible
Israeli-Palestinian peace process, but Bush's reaction -- to isolate rather
than engage the winner, and, more recently, to actively seek in its
ouster -- made clear that Washington's "freedom agenda" for the Middle East
was largely rhetorical, except when aimed against hostile states like Syria
or Iran.

Indeed, Hamas' victory and the growing strength and popularity of Islamist
parties throughout the Arab world brought to a screeching halt U.S. pressure
on friendly authoritarian governments, notably Sunni-led Saudi Arabia,
Egypt, and Jordan, to implement democratic reform. Meanwhile, the
administration has tried to rope them into an alliance with Israel against
what Jordan's King Abdullah has referred to as the ascendant "Shia Crescent"
of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah.

Of course, the most important revolt against the Bush administration's
Washington's globocop aspirations took place here at home last month when
voters handed Democrats control of both houses of Congress in mid-term
elections in which Iraq and foreign policy, by virtually all accounts,
played the decisive role.

While the warhawks predictably claimed that the results reflected more the
public's lack of confidence in the way Bush had carried out policy than on
the policy itself, a battery of polls in both the run-up to the election and
immediately afterward found that that a large majority of citizens believe
the administration's belligerent unilateralism had made the United States --
as well as the rest of the world -- less, rather than more, safe.

Nearly eight in 10 respondents in one survey sponsored by the influential
Council on Foreign Relations and designed by legendary pollster Daniel
Yankelovich said they thought the world saw the U.S. as "arrogant", and
nearly 90 percent said such negative perceptions threaten national security.

"It's not just a matter of (wanting to be) well-loved or nice," said

Whether the implications of these findings, as well as the elections
results -- not to mention the foreign policy balance sheet of 2006 -- will
be absorbed by Bush and his senior policy-makers in 2007, however, remains
very much in doubt.

The post-election departure of two arch-unilateralists, former Pentagon
chief Donald Rumsfeld and U.N. Amb. John Bolton, notwithstanding, nothing
fires up the imperial impulse more than multiplying acts of defiance.


The Daily Mail (London)
28th December 2006

100,000 Iraqis flee their homes in the last month
More than 108,000 Iraqis have left their homes and registered as refugees in
the last month, a senior official has said.

Since the February 22 bombing of a Shi'ite shrine that sparked a wave of
sectarian killings between majority Shi'ites and minority Sunnis, about
432,000 Iraqis have fled their homes, Deputy Migration Minister Hamdiya
Ahmad said.

"The main reason behind the rise of displaced families is the deterioration
of the security situation and the death threats that people have received to
flee their houses, in addition to the bombing of safe areas," she said.

In Baghdad alone, 42,000 Iraqis have left their homes since the bombing of
Samarra. Baghdad has a population of seven million.

The government acknowledges many people do not register with the ministry or
have fled abroad, and so are not counted in these statistics.

Ahmad said a large majority of people who have fled their homes come from
farmland in the outskirts of Baghdad.

The Shi'ite Middle Euphrates region of Kerbala and Najaf, and the Shi'ite
southern provinces have received the largest number of refugees, she said.

The ministry estimates the average Iraqi family at six people. It gave a
total of 72,000 families as having fled their homes since the Samarra


Neighbors for Peace and Justice,
San Fernando Valley

New Year's Peace Vigil
Get a head start on the new Democratic majority

Tonight! FRIDAY
6PM - 7:30
NE corner Ventura & Laurel Canyon blvds

Bring friends, music, and candles.

Thanks to everyone who came out on a cold night last Friday.
Special thanks to Wade for the hot cider.

Got a sign idea for '07?

How about.

(Everybody Else Comes Home.)

What are you doing Sunday night?

Many of your friends from the corner will be at.


Sunday, December 31, 2006
The Church in Ocean Park
235 S. Hill Street in Santa Monica.

7PM - All you can eat and drink.
8PM - A great bill of music and comedy.
Playing In Traffic
Ross Altman
Maria Armoudian & Dennis Davis
Comedians Rick Overton, Denise Munro Robb, David Zasloff and Bill Bronner.
performance poet Linda Albertano, surprise special guest speakers.
Party M.C. longtime peace activist Jerry Rubin

New Year's Resolution Contest
Midnight Peace Ceremony - special guest artist Michele Hutchins

Admission is $30 per person and $20 for low
income. Includes complimentary buffet,
complimentary champagne and complimentary reserved parking.
The event is sponsored by the Alliance for
Survival peace and environmental groups. For
advance reservations or information call (310) 399-1000.

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