Counterpunch - Jan 11, 2007

Carter's Inconvenient Truths

An Honest Man Refutes Propaganda

Jimmy Carter, probably the most decent man to occupy the White House,
received a lot of grief during his term in office, most of it undeserved.
His latest book, Palestine Peace Not Apartheid has brought him even more
grief, none of it deserved.

My own appreciation of Jimmy Carter is new-found. It began with his
previous book, Our Endangered Values, in which Carter criticized the
direction in which George W. Bush was taking America with his assaults on
the Constitution and international law. His latest book, currently a best
seller, shows that Carter has the courage to match his decency and
commitment to peace in the Middle East.

A case can be made that while other US presidents focused on the Soviet or
communist threat, Carter perceived that the greater threat to world peace
and US interests was in the Middle East. With America's backing, Israel
was a rising military power whose policies and existence were viewed as
a threat by Arab countries. After Israel's military successes and Carter's
success in arranging peace between Egypt and Israel, new Arab-Israeli
tensions arose from Israel's refusal to leave occupied Palestine and return
to its own borders.

Over time the occupied lands have been appropriated by Israeli settlements
and now by a massive wall and special roads on which no Palestinian can
travel. Palestinian villages have been cut off from water, from their
fields and groves, from schools and hospitals, and from one another.
Essentially, what was once Palestine has become isolated ghettos in which
the Palestinian inhabitants cannot enter or depart without Israeli

Israel's policy is to turn Palestinians into refugees and to incorporate
the West Bank into Israel. Slowly over time the policy has been implemented
in the name of fighting terrorism and protecting Israel. Had Israel tried
to achieve this all at once, opposition would have been great and the crime
too large for the world to accept. Today Israel's gradual destruction of
Palestine has become part of the fabric of everyday affairs.

Many people, including intelligent Israelis, believe that peace in the
Middle East cannot be achieved through military coercion and that peace
requires Israel to abandon its policy of stealing Palestine from
Palestinians. Jimmy Carter, whose long involvement with the issue makes him
very knowledgeable and credible, is one of these people.

The reason that Israel has been able to appropriate Palestine unto itself
with American aid and support is that Israel controls the explanation of
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At least 90% of Americans, if they know
anything at all of the issue, know only the Israeli propaganda line. Israel
has been able to control the explanation, because the powerful Israel Lobby
brands every critic of Israeli policy as an anti-semite who favors a second
holocaust of the Jews.

In Palestine Peace Not Apartheid, Jimmy Carter takes the risk of speaking
truth to propaganda. Predictably, the Israel Lobby and its shills ranging
from the "conservative" National Review to "liberal" media and commentators
have attempted to banish Carter by labeling him an "anti-semite."

We must not let the Israel Lobby get away with demonizing an American
president who dares to stand up to their lies.

Carter's book is a readable and factual history of the Israeli-Palestinian
issue and its various turnings. The most powerful chapter is the
penultimate, "The Wall as a Prison."

Carter makes clear that the wall has little to do with Israeli security and
a lot to do with dispossession of the Palestinians. Carter writes:

  "It is obvious that the Palestinians will be left with no territory in
  which to establish a viable state, but completely enclosed within the
  barrier and the occupied Jordan River valley. The Palestinians will have
  a future impossible for them or any responsible portion of the
  international community to accept, and Israel's permanent status will be
  increasingly troubled and uncertain as deprived people fight oppression
  and the relative number of Jewish citizens decreases demographically
  (compared to Arabs) both within Israel and in Palestine. This prospect
  is clear to most Israelis, who also view it as a distortion of their
  values. Recent events involving Gaza and Lebanon demonstrate the
  inevitable escalation in tension and violence within Palestine and
  stronger resentment and animosity from the world community against both
  Israel and America."

Most Zionists and American neoconservatives could care less about what the
world community thinks. They are concerned only with Israeli hegemony in
the Middle East. They realize that this goal can only be obtained with
military coercion and have discarded any reliance on negotiation and
compromise. Bush, for example, has refused the unanimous recommendation of
the Iraq Study Group to talk with Iran and Syria. The US and Israeli
electorates have proven to be powerless, while a handful of
neoconservatives and Zionist settlers drive Middle East policy.

Carter is well aware that the "Roadmap for Peace" has been turned into a
propaganda device. Carter writes that Israel uses the roadmap "as a
delaying tactic with an endless series of preconditions that can never be
met while proceeding with plans to implement its unilateral goals," and
that the US uses it "to give the impression of positive engagement in a
'peace process,' which President Bush has announced will not be fulfilled
during his time in office."

The Israel Lobby and its bought-and-paid-for minions tried to demonize
Carter for using the word "apartheid" to describe the Palestinian ghettos
that Israel has created. The word calls to mind the former South African
government's policy of racial separation, which was mild compared to the
restrictions and dispossessions Israel has imposed on Palestinians. A
number of commentators have come to Carter's defense, including Jewish
scholar Norman Finkelstein (CounterPunch, Dec. 28, 2006) and former Israeli
Minister of Education Shulamit Aloni (Yediot Acharonot, Israel's largest
circulating newspaper). They point out that within Israel itself Israel's
policy is commonly called apartheid.

If Americans could read the frank discussion in the Israeli press about
Israel's inhuman treatment of Palestinians they would wonder how they, as
Americans with a "free press," became so totally brainwashed.

In an act of honest statesmanship that is rarely witnessed, Carter
concludes his book:

  "The bottom line is this: Peace will come to Israel and the Middle East
  only when the Israeli government is willing to comply with international
  law, with the Roadmap for Peace, with official American policy, with the
  wishes of a majority of its own citizens--and honor its own previous
  commitments--by accepting its legal borders. All Arab neighbors must
  pledge to honor Israel's right to live in peace under these conditions.
  The United States is squandering international prestige and goodwill and
  intensifying global anti-American terrorism by unofficially condoning or
  abetting the Israeli confiscation and colonization of Palestinian
  territories. It will be a tragedy--for the Israelis, the Palestinians,
  and the world--if peace is rejected and a system of oppression,
  apartheid and sustained violence is permitted to prevail."

One can add to Carter's bottom line that the Bush administration, American
neoconservatives, and the Olmert Israeli government believe that the
solution lies in the use of military force to smash Iraq, Iran, Syria, and
Hezbollah and to inflict cultural genocide on Muslims by deracinating
Islam. This is the path on which Bush with deceit and treachery is leading

[Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan
administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal
editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor
of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.He can be reached at:



HEDY EPSTEIN, Survivor and Human Rights Advocate
To Make Three Public Appearances on Tour of LA Area

Speaking About Her Experiences During
Four Visits to Palestine 2003-2006

Saturday, January 13, Beverly Hills;
Sunday, January 14, Long Beach;
and Tuesday, January 16 at UCLA

WHO: Hedy Epstein, in 1939, was one of about 10,000 children who left Nazi
Germany for England through the Kindertransport program. She came to the
U.S. in 1948 and since then has been an advocate for justice and human
rights.  The focus of her talks will be her experiences in four trips to the
Occupied Palestinian territories.


WHEN: Sunday, January 14, 2007 at 4 p.m.

WHERE: St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Long Beach
525 E. 7th St. (Atlantic Avenue at 7th Street)
Long Beach, CA 90813

PARKING: Parking lots on Atlantic Avenue and 7th Street)

SPONSORED BY: Episcopal Peace Fellowship,
Long Beach Chapter
and by Women in Black-Los Angeles and
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom


WHEN: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 at 5 p.m.

Ackerman Union Second Floor Lounge (room 2414)
450 Hilgard (Use Westwood Blvd. entrance to campus)
Westwood, CA  90095

SPONSORED BY:  Students for Justice in Palestine

CALL: 310 806-2686 for more information



Hedy Epstein was born August 15, 1924, in Freiburg, Germany. She lived with
her parents Ella and Hugo Wachenheimer in Kippenheim, Germany. Her family,
originally from Spain, had lived in Germany for many generations.

On May 18, 1939, Hedy went to England on a children's transport to flee Nazi
Germany. Five hundred children were on this transport, part of the almost
10,000 children that England took in between December 1938 and September 1,
1939, the beginning of World War II.   Hedy's parents perished in Auschwitz.

After the war, Hedy returned to Germany, working as a research analyst at
the Nuremberg trial of the Nazi doctors who performed medical experiments on
concentration camp inmates.  In 1948 she came to the US and became active in
the causes of civil and human rights and social justice, including fair
housing, abortion rights, and antiwar activities. As a peace delegate, Hedy
journeyed to Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Cambodia in 1989.  Hedy has also
visited the Israeli Occupied West Bank four times since 2003 to witness the
facts on the ground.

In her autobiography, published in Germany, Erinnern Ist Nicht Genug,
("Remembering is not enough"), Hedy adds, "Remembering must also have a
present and a future perspective."



Women in Black-Los Angeles is working with individuals and groups all over
the U.S. on a campaign to boycott the Israel Philharmonic when it performs
in the United States in late January and early February of 2007.   We
initiated this campaign because Palestinian civil society and Israeli
opponents of Apartheid have asked supporters all over the world to help them
combat Israeli Apartheid by conducting campaigns of boycott, sanctions and
divestment from Israel. Similar campaigns were crucial in ending Apartheid
in South Africa.   The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra is supported by the
Israeli government and boasts of its role in celebrating Israel's military
victories. It is therefore an appropriate target of boycott.

In October we composed a letter to the members of the Israel Philharmonic
asking them to take a public stand against the Israeli occupation of
Palestine. Copies of this letter went round the world by email and by the
time it was sent to the Philharmonic, it had more than 800 signatures.
However, we heard nothing from the Orchestra members, so in late December we
sent a letter to the management of the Los Angeles Philharmonic asking them
to either cancel the performances of the Israel Philharmonic or make an
announcement in opposition to the Israeli occupation at each of the two
orchestra performances in Los Angeles.

Copies of our letter to the Israel Philharmonic, our letter to the L.A.
Philharmonic management, and a summary of Israel's crimes against the
Palestinian people can be found on our website at
The letters explain why we believe the orchestra should oppose the
occupation and why we think a cultural boycott is justified.

We have now sent emails to signers of the original letter to the Israel
Philharmonic who live in the New York and San Francisco area asking them to
also initiate boycott campaigns when the orchestra comes to their city.  We
will also contact signers of the letter who live in the Los Angeles area.

In Los Angeles we will let audiences know about the boycott by holding
silent vigils at two January matinee performances of the L.A. Philharmonic
at Disney Hall, one on Sunday, January 14 and one on Sunday, January 28,
2007.  Both vigils will be held from 1:00 pm to 2 pm.

We will then hold our anti-Apartheid/boycott vigils at each of the two
performances of the Israel Philharmonic at Disney Hall.  These vigils will
take place on the evenings of Monday, February 5 and Tuesday, February 6,
2007, from 6:30 to 8 pm.   Disney Hall is located at the corner of First
Street and Grand Ave. in downtown Los Angeles.  We hope you will join us.

The schedule of the vigils at Disney Hall is:

Sunday, January 14, from 1 to 2 pm
Sunday, January 28 from 1 to 2 pm
Monday evening, February 5 from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Tuesday evening, February 6 from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Disney Hall is located at the corner of First Street and Grand in downtown
Los Angeles.

If you would like to add your name to the letter to the Israel Philharmonic
please contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You can call us at
323-993-3322 for more information.

President Carter writes in his new book, Palestine, Peace, Not Apartheid,
"Israel's current policy in the territories is a system of Apartheid, with
two peoples occupying the same land but completely separated from each
other, with Israel totally dominant and suppressing violence by depriving
Palestinians of their basic human rights.  Israel's continued control and
colonization of Palestine land have been the primary obstacles to a
comprehensive peace agreement in the Holy Land."


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