ActionLA - Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

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Boycott Across America

April 15th-22nd  2007               Fighting for  Truth  Fighting for  Justice
February 2007
There  are political realities we have to face if we are to be  successful in 
this massive effort to bring the Bush  administration to justice.  While 
millions are well aware  of the litany of criminal charges levied against this  
administration, many of us have also been unwilling to accept  the very real 
political power that they wield.  Frankly  the path of this administration is 
littered with destroyed  reputations, ruined lives and untimely deaths.     
It is  not outside of the realm of possibility that key members of  Congress 
may be under extraordinary pressure to refrain from  pursuing criminal 
charges.  The reasons for this position  are no doubt many:  They are 
compromised in  some way, they may want to hold onto expanded executive powers  
for their own ends, they may truly feel as if the majority of  Americans are as 
mean-spirited and destructive as the  administration so they want to appease 
them.....or perhaps  they are just afraid and uncertain, lacking a moral  
Whatever the actual pressures are that have  caused the Democratic leadership 
to abandon any direct  opposition to the Bush Administration, we must 
understand that  at heart, almost all politicians are concerned first and  
with getting elected again.  And unless this  issue is heard within the home 
districts of even the  staunchest neo-con Republican, it will be possible for 
the  House Leadership to just ignore our calls for justice and  pursue their 
politically driven agenda.                   Impeachment  Statistics
Change is  Hard           
OK, There may be  lies, damned lies and statistics but the numbers can  also 
reveal the truth.  Compare these two poll  results, the first and IPSOs poll 
taken during the  elections and the second a Zogby poll released in  January---
IPSOs Poll  November 2007

Favoring Impeachment :
By Party 
<!--[if  !supportEmptyParas]--> 
    *   72% of Democrats   
    *   56% of Independents  
    *   20% of Republicans  
    *   Region   
    *   53% Northeast  
    *   51% West  
    *   50%  South 
Now the Ipso's  poll was only asking for an up or down opinion.    After 
House Speaker Pelosi took the issue "Off the  table" we see a 6% drop in 
from Democrats.   But so what, the 3% gains with both the Independent and  
Republican voters make up for  it. 

Zogby Poll in  January 2007 
    *   66% of Democrats   
    *   59% of Independents  
    *   23% of Republicans.

By  ideology, impeachment was supported by:  
    *   90% of Progressives  
    *   71% of Libertarians  
    *   65% of Liberals  
    *   58% of Moderates  
    *   33%of  Conservatives                      
    *   ...and even 28%  of Very Conservative voters favor  impeachment!

(Still that  means a third of conservatives are open to the message  whereas 
a third of liberals are  not!).

Responses also varied by  age, sex, race, and religion. 

74% of  those 18-29 
47% of those 31-49 
49% of those  50-64
40% of those over 65 
55% of women        49% of men.   
By  Race:
75% of African  Americans 
56% of Hispanics 
47% of Whites   
By  Religion:
Majorities of Catholics, Jews, and  Others favored impeachment, 
while 44% of Protestants  and 38% of Born Again Christians did  so.

Majorities favored  impeachment in every region: 
54% in the  East                                                   53% in the 
 South                                                  2% in the  West       
                                             50% In the Midwest

By community size  impeachment support  runs:                                 
                                56% in large  cities                          
                      58% in small  cities                                    
          48% in the  suburbs                                             46% 
in rural areas 
 There are a lot of  things you can do to help in this fight besides just  
signing the pledge:
1.  If you are already  involved then keep up the work!  Helping to spread  
the word about this boycott is a tremendous help in and  of itself! 
2.  If you have time to  volunteer we have a  goal of reching out to people 
in every Congressional  District.  There is a lot that you can do to help  just 
by putting in an hour or two a  day. 
3.  Make signs and flyers  and pass them out at work, at home and in the  
community.  Promote the boycott as a civic action  to end the war and impeach 
this  administration. 
4.  Have faith and hope, we  can turn the tide, we can see justice once and 
for  all.  We have only to believe in it and work for it  to see it become 
5.  Imagine the  impact.  If over 50% of Americans support  impeachment and 
ending the war that means that somewhere  between 75 and 100 million adults.  
How big of a  hit do you think corporate America is willing to risk  for this 
6.  Contribute artwork,  videos, essays and participate in our online 
community  at            
Based  partially on the work of Dr. Peter Phillips we  know that the neo 
cons, whom he refers to as the  "Global Domination Group" have been working  
tirelessly for almost 40 years to gain this level  of power.   
Hundreds  of millions of dollars have been poured into the  establishment of 
"think tanks", in reality  ideologically driven policy mills, to move  
American politics so far to the right that  despotism is  now a very real 
The  politics of today are the result of a longstanding  and concerted effort 
by a group of ruthless and  self-serving individuals who seek nothing more  
than to utterly weaken the Federal government and  unleash a new paradigm of 
power based solely on  wealth and personal connections.    
To stop  this drive towards the destruction of our  democracy we must step up 
and do our duty, and  that is a scary word for many people.    
We don't  like to be told what our duty is, especially if we  are staunch 
advocates of personal freedom.   But our freedom comes with a price, it comes 
with  responsibility whether we like it or not.    
It has  often been said that freedom is a plant that  thrives with the blood 
of patriots.  It has  also been pointed out that people will suffer for  a 
long time in silence before they cast off any  form of government that they are 
used  to. 
The suffering wrought by our  government is immense, yet it is hidden from 
most  of us.  2 million people in prison, rampant  poverty and corruption, over 
600,000 lives utterly  shattered in a war based on lives, our  constitutional 
rights undermined and erased by the  pen of a single man  but still we have 
not  yet fully decided to risk our lives, property and  honor.    
Is it because we still have our  TV, our job, our family.  Do we just look up 
 from the latest episode of "Desperate Housewives"  and say, "Why rock the 
Because if we don't rock it now it  will no doubt sink and besides, how much 
injustice  and waste does it take to say "We're Not Buying It  Anymore!"       
    We Aren't Buying  It!  
Media Freedom Foundation  
P.O. Box 571
Cotati, California 94931
United States

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (  

Please  Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:
The Peace  Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048
(at the memo line write donations to ActionLA/AFGJ, all donations are  tax  

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
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