Global Research      February 13, 2007

Fool Us Twice? From Iraq to Iran

by Marjorie Cohn

It's déja vu. This time the Bush gang wants war with Iran. Following a
carefully orchestrated strategy, they have ratcheted up the "threat" from
Iran, designed to mislead us into a new war four years after they misled us
into Iraq.

Like its insistence that Iraq had WMD, the Bush administration has been
hyping claims that Iran seeks nuclear weapons. The International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA), however, has found no evidence that Iran is building
nuclear weapons. IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei says there is plenty of time
for negotiation with Iran.

["A day after the U.S. military charged Iran's government with shipping
powerful explosive devices to Shiite Muslim fighters in Iraq to use against
American troops, Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff said Monday that he hasn't seen any intelligence to support the
claim."  From The McClatchy Newspapers, February 13, 2007 - Ed]

Bush has sent two battle carrier groups, replete with nukes, to the Persian
Gulf and a third is reportedly preparing to follow. In support of Bush's
case that Iran poses a danger to the U.S., three unnamed American officials
ceremoniously trotted out metal parts found in Iraq and claimed Iran
supplied them to kill our soldiers in Iraq.

This "evidence" - or "packaging," as the Associated Press calls it - doesn't
pass the straight face test with most reputable observers. "The officials
offered no evidence to substantiate allegations that the 'highest levels' of
the Iranian government had sanctioned support for attacks against U.S.
troops," according to Monday's Washington Post.

Saturday's New York Times cited information gleaned from "interrogation
reports" from Iranians and Iraqis captured in the recent U.S. raid on the
Iranian embassy in northern Iraq. They allegedly indicated money and weapons
components are brought into Iraq over the Iranian border at night. If those
people indeed provided such information, query what kind of pressure, i.e.
torture, might have been applied to encourage their cooperation. Recall the
centerpiece of Colin Powell's 2003 lies to the Security Council about ties
between Iraq and al Qaeda came from false information tortured out of Ibn
al-Shaykh al-Libi.

Any Iranian weapons in Iraq may belong to the Supreme Council for Islamic
Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), a Shiite resistance group the U.S. used to
support. There could be old Iranian munitions lying around which are left
over from the Iran-Iraq war during the 1980s. A former high level U.S.
military officer told me it was not uncommon to find large caches of weapons
around Iraq. He cited the 2004 discovery of 37,000 American Colt 45 handguns
in a warehouse near the Iranian border on the Iraq side, likely procured
"when Saddam was our friend." The United States armed both sides in the
Iran-Iraq conflict.

The U.S. National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq, released last week,
concluded that Iranian or Syrian involvement is "not likely to be a major
driver of violence" in Iraq.

Paul Krugman wrote that even if Iran were providing aid to some factions in
Iraq, "you can say the same about Saudi Arabia, which is believed to be a
major source of financial support for Sunni insurgents - and Sunnis, not
Iranian-backed Shiites, are still responsible for most American combat
deaths." Indeed, 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis. But as Krugman
mentions, the Bush administration's "close personal and financial ties to
the Saudis" have caused it to downplay "Saudi connections to America's

American troops are still fighting in Afghanistan. Yet the Bush
administration hasn't complained about the Taliban attacks on Afghanistan
that originate in Pakistan, a country with documented nuclear weapons. Of
course the Bush administration is cozy with the Pakistani regime.

The government of Israel, which also has nukes, is fueling the call for an
invasion of Iran. On February 7, the Los Angeles Times cited Israeli
politicians and generals warning of a "second Holocaust" if no one fails to
prevent Tehran from acquiring nukes.

Israel would like to start a war with Iran and supports this desire by
citing a quote from Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that Israel should
be wiped off the map. But this is an erroneous translation of what he said.
According to University of Michigan professor Juan Cole and Farsi language
analysts, Ahmadinejad was quoting Ayatollah Khomeini, who said the "regime
occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time." Cole said this "does
not imply military action or killing anyone at all." Journalist Diana
Johnstone points out the quote is not aimed at the Israeli people, but at
the Zionist "regime" occupying Jerusalem. "Coming from a Muslim religious
leader," Johnstone wrote, "this opinion is doubtless based on objection to
Jewish monopoly of a city considered holy by all three of the Abramic
monotheisms." Iran has not threatened to invade Israel.

Indeed, only 36 percent of the Jews in Israel told pollsters last month they
thought a nuclear attack by Iran posed the "biggest threat" to Israel.
Americans concur. Seventy-five percent want negotiations in lieu of war with

Yet Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards, all beholden to the
Israel lobby, have bought into Bush's dangerous rhetoric about Iran.

It would be sheer lunacy to make war on Iran. Three former high-ranking U.S.
military officers and a coalition of 13 British think-tanks and faith groups
have warned that an attack on Iran would have disastrous consequences.

Bush probably won't ask Congress to bless his Iran war. He will provoke a
confrontation and then claim we have to fight back. Last year, the New York
Times documented a January 2003 meeting with Prime Minister Tony Blair,
where Bush "talked about several ways to provoke a confrontation [with
Iraq], including a proposal to paint a United States surveillance plane in
the colors of the United Nations in hopes of drawing fire."

A nuclear attack on Iran would violate U.S. obligations under the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty. Any attack would violate the U.N. Charter. All
treaties we ratify become part of U.S. law under the Constitution's
Supremacy Clause. Twelve European, international, and U.S. legal and human
rights groups issued an open letter warning of the illegality of any
offensive military action by the U.S. against Iran.

Congress has tied itself in knots over a non-binding resolution on Iraq. If
our elected representatives responded to their constituencies instead of the
Bush gang's fear mongering, they would stand up to him and pass a modern day
Boland Amendment forbidding military action against Iran.

Marjorie Cohn is a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, president of
the National Lawyers Guild, and the U.S. representative to the executive
committee of the American Association Jurists. Her new book, Cowboy
Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law, will be published in


Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 16:39:40 -0500 (EST)

IPS via Electronic Intifada - Feb 8, 2007

Arabs Less Worried About Iran, Poll Finds
By Jim Lobe

WASHINGTON, Feb 8 (IPS) - U.S. and Israeli hopes of forging of a Sunni Arab
alliance to contain Iran and its regional allies may be misplaced, at least
at the popular level, according to a major survey of six Arab countries
released here Thursday.

The face-to-face survey of a total of 3,850 respondents in Egypt, Jordan,
Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates found that close
to 80 percent of Arabs consider Israel and the United States the two biggest
external threats to their security. Only six percent cited Iran.

And less than one in four Arabs believe Iran should be pressured to halt its
nuclear programme, while 61 percent, including majorities in all six
countries, said Tehran had the right to pursue it even if, as most believe,
the programme is designed to develop nuclear weapons.

The poll, the fifth in an annual series conducted by Zogby International and
designed by Shibley Telhami, a senior fellow at the Saban Centre for Middle
East Policy at the Washington-based Brookings Institution, was carried out
in November and early December -- after last summer's war between Lebanon's
Hezbollah and Israel, but just before the controversial execution of former
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

The latter event has widened the divide between Shi'a and Sunni Muslims
throughout the region, according to some reports, and played into recent
efforts by the U.S. to forge a de facto alliance between Israel and
Sunni-led Arab states, including Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf
sheikhdoms, to contain what they see growing Iranian influence in Iraq,
Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine.

But Telhami, who will present his findings at a major Brookings-sponsored
conference of Islamic leaders in Doha next week, told IPS he doubts these
sectarian tensions are changing basic attitudes among the general public on
key regional issues in the countries covered in the survey, with the
exception of Lebanon.

"The public of the Arab world is not looking at the important issues through
the Sunni-Shi'a divide," he said. "They see them rather through the lens of
Israeli-Palestinian issues and anger with U.S. policy (in the region). Most
Sunni Arabs take the side of the Shi'as on the important issues."

Indeed, the survey strongly suggests that the U.S., whose image in the Arab
world has fallen to an all-time low over the past year according to this and
other recent polling, faces a steep uphill battle in rallying Arab public
opinion behind it on critical regional questions.

More than three out of four of all respondents described their attitudes
towards Washington as either "somewhat" (21 percent) or "very" (57 percent)
unfavourable. Negative feelings were strongest in the three monarchies:
Jordan, where 90 percent of respondents described their views as
unfavourable, Morocco (87 percent), and Saudi Arabia (82 percent).

After aggregating the poll results in each country and weighting them by
national population, the survey found that nearly four out of 10 Arabs named
President George W. Bush as the foreign leader they most disliked, far ahead
of two Israeli leaders, Ariel Sharon (11 percent) and his successor, Ehud
Olmert (seven percent).

That result was particularly remarkable, according to Telhami, because, in
his 2005 survey, Sharon led Bush in the "most disliked" category by a 45-30
percent margin. Even in Lebanon, Bush was found to be more than twice as
disliked as Olmert, despite the latter's responsibility for destroying much
of the country's infrastructure during last summer's war with Hizbollah.

The most effective way for Bush to improve Arab views of the U.S., according
to the survey, would be by brokering a comprehensive peace between Israelis
and Palestinians based on Israel's return to its 1967 borders.

Asked to choose among six possible steps Washington could take to improve
its image, substantial majorities or pluralities of respondents in every
country except Saudi Arabia opted for a comprehensive peace settlement. The
other choices included withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq and from the
Arabian Peninsula, stopping aid to Israel, promoting democracy and providing
more economic aid to the region.

Ironically, only 16 percent of respondents in Saudi Arabia, whose leaders
have pressed Bush hardest in recent months for a more vigorous U.S. effort
to achieve a peace agreement, chose the Arab-Israeli option. That was their
fourth choice, behind withdrawing U.S. forces from Iraq and the Arabian
Peninsula and stopping aid to Israel.

Asked to rate the importance of the Arab-Israeli conflict in developing
their attitudes towards the U.S. on a five-point scale, 76 percent of
Jordanians, 65 percent of Moroccans, 62 percent of Lebanese, and 54 percent
of Saudis gave it a five, or "extremely important".

Majorities in every country said they were prepared for peace with Israel
based on its return to the 1967 borders, but, among those who said so,
majorities also said they did "not believe the Israelis will give up the
territories (it has occupied) peacefully."

On the other hand, pluralities in both Saudi Arabia (42 percent) and Jordan
(36 percent) said that "Arabs should continue to fight Israel" even if it
returned to its 1967 borders.

Weighted by national population, the survey found that 61 percent of Arabs
would accept such an agreement. "That is much more than I had expected,"
noted Telhami. Twenty-nine percent said Arabs should keep fighting.

If Bush displaced Sharon as the most disliked leader in 2006, the
Iranian-backed leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has displaced French
President Jacques Chirac as the most admired, according to survey.

Asked to volunteer their favourite for that category, the weighted aggregate
of 14 percent named Nasrallah; eight percent, Chirac; four percent, Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; and three percent, Venezuelan President Hugo
Chavez. "These are people who are seen to have stood up to the U.S.,"
Telhami said, adding, "Not a single one is a Sunni Arab."

As in the past several years, large majorities of Arabs attribute less
benign objectives to U.S. policy in the region, including "controlling oil"
(75 percent, "protecting Israel"; 69 percent "weakening the Muslim World";
and 68 percent, "the desire to dominate the region." Only nine percent of
the weighted aggregates they believed one of Washington's main objectives
was promoting democracy.

Majorities, ranging from 51 percent in Lebanon to 68 percent in Jordan and
77 percent in Morocco, believe Iran has the right to pursue its nuclear

"Even in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, whose governments are really frightened
about Iranian power, their publics do not define Iran as the major threat,"
noted Telhami, who added that tended to confirm that Arab leaders and their
citizenries do not see key issues through the same prism.


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