Dear Reader:  There is a real Iraqi peace plan on the table.  It
includes "provisions for disbanding militias, protecting Iraq's unity,
managing Iraq's natural resources, building relationships with other
countries based on mutual interest and the principle of non-intervention
in domestic issues, and healing the wounds of more than 30 years of
dictatorship, war, sanctions, and foreign occupation."  Have you
heard about it?  Probably not.  Here's some of the most valuable and
newest information on the subject I've sent you.  And pass it on. The
mass media hasn't and won't, until it's savaged.  At the bottom is the
first of many actions I'll get about the ever-weakening Democrats in
congress.  It's the least we should do, as a start.

U.S. Imperial Ambitions Thwart Iraqis' Peace Plans
By Joshua Holland and Raed Jarrar . Posted May 21, 2007.

Iraq's resistance groups have offered a series of peace plans that might put
an end to the country's sectarian violence, but they've been ignored by the
U.S.-led coalition because they're opposed to foreign occupation and
privatization of oil.

Last week, a majority of Iraqi lawmakers demanded a timetable for U.S. and
other foreign troops to leave their country. The very next day, the Al
Fadhila party, a Shi'ite party considered moderate by the (often arbitrary)
standards of the commercial media, held a press conference, in which they
offered a 23-point plan for stabilizing Iraq.

The plan addressed not only the current situation in Iraq -- acknowledging
the legitimacy of Iraqi resistance, setting a timetable for a complete
withdrawal of occupation troops and rebuilding the Iraqi government and
security forces in a non-sectarian fashion -- but also the challenging
mission of post-occupation peace-building and national reconciliation. It
included provisions for disbanding militias, protecting Iraq's unity,
managing Iraq's natural resources, building relationships with other
countries based on mutual interest and the principle of non-intervention in
domestic issues, and healing the wounds of more than 30 years of
dictatorship, war, sanctions, and foreign occupation.

An online search shows that the peace plan was largely ignored by the
Western commercial media.

That's par for the course. While every nuance of every spending bill that
passes the U.S. Congress is analyzed in minute detail, the Iraqis --
remember them? -- have proposed a series of comprehensive peace deals that
might unite the country's ethnic and sectarian groups and result in an
outcome American officials of all stripes say they want to achieve: a
stable, self-governing Iraq that is strong enough to keep groups like al
Qaeda from establishing training camps and other infrastructure within its

Al Fadhila's peace plan was not the first one offered by Iraqi actors, nor
the first to be ignored by the Anglo-American Coalition. More significant
even than proposals made by Iraqi political parties are those put forth by
the country's armed resistance groups --- the very groups that have the
ability to bring a halt to the cycle of violence. Comprehensive plans have
been offered by the Baath party that ruled Iraq for three generations, The
Islamic Army in Iraq and other major armed resistance groups and coalitions.
The plans vary on a number of points, but all of them shared a few items in
common: the occupation forces must recognize them as legitimate resistance
groups and negotiate with them, and the U.S. must agree to set a timetable
for a complete withdrawal from Iraq. That's the key issue, but Iraq's
nationalists see it only as the first step in the long path to achieving
national reconstruction and reconciliation.

But these plans are unacceptable to the Coalition because they A) affirm the
legitimacy of Iraq's armed resistance groups and acknowledge that the
U.S.-led coalition is, in fact, an occupying army, and B) return Iraq to the
Iraqis, which means no permanent bases, no oil law that gives foreign firms
super-sweet deals and no radical restructuring of the Iraqi economy. U.S.
lawmakers have been and continue to be faced with a choice between Iraqi
stability and American Empire, and continue to choose the latter, even as
the results of those choices are splashed in bloody Technicolor across our
TV screens every evening.

Last year, a comprehensive, 28-point proposal for stabilizing Iraq was
offered by the nascent Iraqi government itself after long meetings with
different Iraqi groups. According to local polls and political leaders, most
Iraqis believed it was the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel -- the
plan was attractive to the vast majority of the public, even those Iraqis
affiliated with violent resistance groups. But the plan wasn't acceptable to
Washington, and was watered down so as to be unrecognizable under U.S.

Many Americans -- quite understandably -- believe that only wild-eyed,
RPG-toting crazies who, in the words of George W. Bush, "hate and fear
democracy," oppose a U.S.-led occupation that would otherwise be embraced --
or at least tolerated -- by a majority of "good" or "moderate" Iraqis.

Peaceful Protest Suppressed

But while the commercial press focuses on the bloody scenes created by those
who have taken up arms against the occupation and the fledgling Iraqi
government, the reality is that there has been a significant opposition
expressed in non-violent means; as in regular demonstrations on the streets
of Baghdad and other cities, petitions signed by Iraqis, strikes organized
by Iraqi unions, through parliamentarian work to create binding
legislations, and on the opinion-pages of the dozens of Iraqi newspapers
that have proliferated since the invasion. This non-violent demonstration of
Iraqis' anti-occupation sentiment reflects large majorities of all of Iraq's
major ethnic and sectarian groups -- more than eight out of ten, according
to many polls.

As early as 2005, the University of Michigan's Juan Cole reported that the
Sadrist movement -- named after the father of the nationalist cleric Muqtada
al-Sadr -- had gathered a million signatures on a petition demanding a
timetable for occupation forces to withdraw. More recently, the Arabic press
reported that as many as a million Iraqis -- a million Shia and Sunni
working together -- had protested the continuing occupation in Najaf on the
fourth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad last month.

  The same dynamic is also playing out in the parliament, where a bloc of
vocal Iraqi nationalists -- one that draws from all of Iraq's major
ethno-sectarian groups -- is emerging to challenge the occupation, keep Iraq
from being partitioned into weak, semi-autonomous states and oppose
Anglo-American carpet bagging around the country's vast energy resources.

  One of the few laws left on the books from the Saddam Hussein era is one
that severely limits the rights of Iraqi workers to organize. As journalist
David Bacon reported in the winter of 2003, coalition forces "escalated
their efforts to paralyze Iraq's new labor unions with a series of arrests"
that left one of the few surviving segments of Iraq's once-vibrant secular
civil society toothless.

  In addition, Iraqi newspapers and T.V. stations have been repeatedly
targeted. The major clashes between U.S. forces and the Mehdi Army in 2004
were sparked by the closure of the Sadrists' official newspaper and a number
of broadcast stations have been shut down because of their anti-occupation
stands. 82 Iraqi journalists have been killed since 2003.

  The unreported -- or at least under-reported -- story is that Iraqi
nationalists are not just "insurgents"; there are many who still believe in
political solutions and non-violent resistance. They continue to work
against the occupation through diplomacy and non-violent opposition, but the
Al-Maliki regime, which is dominated by Iraqi separatists, has joined the
White House, the Pentagon and the bulk of the U.S. Congress in marginalizing
their voices. It is the latest in a long series of examples of American
officials backing only the worst horses in Iraq -- a theme that began with
the embrace of proven fraudsters like Ahmed Chalabi.

  Much of the violence in Iraq has been fueled by this systematic disregard
for non-violent means of opposing the occupation. Before they sink down the
memory-hole, let's recall what just a few of the headlines from the very
early days of the occupation were saying:

    a.. "U.S. Soldiers Kill 13 at Iraq Protest Rally, Hospital Reports,"
Associated Press, 29 April 2003.
    b.. "At Least 10 Dead as U.S. Soldiers Fire on School Protest,"
Independent (UK), 30 April 2003.
    c.. "Two more die during protest at US killings: Mayor wants troops to
leave town where 14 were shot dead day before," Guardian, 1 May 2003
    d.. "More protesters fall to U.S. guns in Falluja; commander says
Americans will remain," Associated Press, 1 May 2003.
    e.. "[During a demonstration] US Soldiers Are Said to Kill Iraqi
Policemen by Mistake", New York Times, 12 September 2003

  Non-violent resistance in Iraq continues to be met with violence today.
Iraqi nationalists have faced repeated attacks by both Coalition forces and
Iraqi separatists -- from the bombing of the National Dialogue Front's
headquarters in Baghdad, to attacks by Shia separatists like SCIRI on Sadr
loyalists. At the same time, U.S. officials have heaped praise on -- and the
White House has feted -- Iraqi separatists while dismissing Iraq's
nationalists as "extremists" or members of "anti-government forces."

  That truly sovereign Iraqis would ever permit the U.S. to build large
permanent bases in Iraq or re-write Iraq's constitution (in violation of
international law) so that the country could serve as a lab for radical
neoliberal economic theories without coercion -- much less fall into
lockstep with the U.S. on other matters of regional concern, like the
Israel-Palestinian conflict -- was always a grand delusion.

  In that sense, Washington's choice after the invasion was always clear:
the administration could have given the Iraqis a chance to build a sovereign
and independent state for themselves -- one without the meddling of outside
forces, be they Qaeda, Iranian or American -- and take its chances with the
outcome. But it chose instead to use the invasion as a means of securing a
toe-hold in the region for the U.S. military and an unprecedented and an
extreme form of "business-friendly" legal structures for international
investors. The situation in Iraq today is not a result of a lack of options;
it's due to constantly choosing the wrong one.

  The American strategic class faces the same choice today; they can
continue to refuse to offer a timetable for leaving, continue supporting
Iraq separatists and pro-Iranian groups and push a disastrous oil law that
will tear the country apart, or they can return the country to the Iraqis
and let them try to put theior country back together. Continuing to ignore
Iraqis' non-violent resistance to the U.S. occupation can achieve nothing
other than pushing the country towards more violence.


Mad at Congress? Take the Iraq Vote Pledge
Are you mad at Congress for surrendering to George Bush over the Iraq 
Supplemental? So are we - and we're determined to do something about it.

Together, we have spent the past six months doing everything in our power to 
persuade the new Democratic Congress to end the disastrous Iraq War. But 
even though a majority of Democrats (including Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid) 
want to set a timetable for withdrawal, Republicans are marching in lockstep 
behind Bush along with a crucial minority of "Bush Democrats."

So what can we do? Let's put them on notice that we will defeat all pro-war 
Republicans next November, and replace "Bush Democrats" with progressive 
Democrats in next year's primaries. Take the Iraq Vote Pledge:

"I pledge to vote against every Senator and Representative who approves 
funding to continue the disastrous Iraq War. We have already given far too 
much of our blood and treasure - and killed far too many Iraqis - for a war 
based on lies. We are now occupying a hostile nation divided by civil war 
for the benefit of military contractors and Big Oil.

The only way to support our troops is to bring them home NOW, and no funds 
should be used for any other purpose. If Congress fails to bring our troops 
home, I will do everything I can - and urge everyone I know - to defeat 
pro-war Senators and Representatives, both in my party's primary elections 
and in the November general election."

Sign it now:

Read about our plan to support anti-war Democrats in primaries:

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