Address by Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson on October 27, 2007
    By David Swanson      Monday 29 October 2007
      Salt Lake City, Utah -
      Today, as we come together once again in this great city, we raise our 
voices in unison to say to President Bush, to Vice President Cheney, to other 
members of the Bush Administration (past and present), to a majority of 
Congress, including Utah's entire congressional delegation, and to much of the 
mainstream media: "You have failed us miserably and we won't take it any more."
      "While we had every reason to expect far more of you, you have been 
pompous, greedy, cruel, and incompetent as you have led this great nation to a 
moral, military, and national security abyss."
      "You have breached trust with the American people in the most egregious 
ways. You have utterly failed in the performance of your jobs. You have 
undermined our Constitution, permitted the violation of the most fundamental 
treaty obligations, and betrayed the rule of law."
      "You have engaged in, or permitted, heinous human rights abuses of the 
sort never before countenanced in our nation's history as a matter of official 
policy. You have sent American men and women to kill and be killed on the basis 
of lies, on the basis of shifting justifications, without competent leadership, 
and without even a coherent plan for this monumental blunder."
      "We are here to tell you: We won't take it any more!"
      "You have acted in direct contravention of values that we, as Americans 
who love our country, hold dear. You have deceived us in the most cynical, 
outrageous ways. You have undermined, or allowed the undermining of, our 
constitutional system of checks and balances among the three presumed co-equal 
branches of government. You have helped lead our nation to the brink of 
fascism, of a dictatorship contemptuous of our nation's treaty obligations, 
federal statutory law, our Constitution, and the rule of law."
      "Because of you, and because of your jingoistic false 'patriotism,' our 
world is far more dangerous, our nation is far more despised, and the threat of 
terrorism is far greater than ever before.
      It has been absolutely astounding how you have committed the most 
horrendous acts, causing such needless tragedy in the lives of millions of 
people, yet you wear your so-called religion on your sleeves, asserting your 
God-is-on-my-side nonsense - when what you have done flies in the face of any 
religious or humanitarian tradition. Your hypocrisy is mind-boggling - and 
disgraceful. What part of "Thou shalt not kill" do you not understand? What 
part of the "Golden rule" do you not understand? What part of "be honest," "be 
responsible," and "be accountable" don't you understand? What part of "Blessed 
are the peacekeepers" do you not understand?
      Because of you, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, many 
thousands of people have suffered horrendous lifetime injuries, and millions 
have been run off from their homes. For the sake of our nation, for the sake of 
our children, and for the sake of our brothers and sisters around the world, we 
are morally compelled to say, as loudly as we can, 'We won't take it any more!' 
      "As United States agents kidnap, disappear, and torture human beings 
around the world, you justify, you deceive, and you cover up. We find what you 
have done to men, women and children, and to the good name and reputation of 
the United States, so appalling, so unconscionable, and so outrageous as to 
compel us to call upon you to step aside and allow other men and women who are 
competent, true to our nation's values, and with high moral principles to stand 
in your places - for the good of our nation, for the good of our children, and 
for the good of our world."
      In the case of the President and Vice President, this means impeachment 
and removal from office, without any further delay from a complacent, complicit 
Congress, the Democratic majority of which cares more about political gain in 
2008 than it does about the vindication of our Constitution, the rule of law, 
and democratic accountability.
      It means the election of people as President and Vice President who, 
unlike most of the presidential candidates from both major parties, have not 
aided and abetted in the perpetration of the illegal, tragic, devastating 
invasion and occupation of Iraq. And it means the election of people as 
President and Vice President who will commit to return our nation to the moral 
and strategic imperative of refraining from torturing human beings.
      In the case of the majority of Congress, it means electing people who are 
diligent enough to learn the facts, including reading available National 
Intelligence Estimates, before voting to go to war. It means electing to 
Congress men and women who will jealously guard Congress's sole prerogative to 
declare war. It means electing to Congress men and women who will not submit 
like vapid lap dogs to presidential requests for blank checks to engage in 
so-called preemptive wars, for legislation permitting warrantless wiretapping 
of communications involving US citizens, and for dangerous, irresponsible, 
saber-rattling legislation like the recent Kyl-Lieberman amendment.
      We must avoid the trap of focusing the blame solely upon President Bush 
and Vice-President Cheney. This is not just about a few people who have wronged 
our country - and the world. They were enabled by members of both parties in 
Congress, they were enabled by the pathetic mainstream news media, and, 
ultimately, they have been enabled by the American people - 40% of whom are so 
ill-informed they still think Iraq was behind the 9/11 attacks - a people who 
know and care more about baseball statistics and which drunken starlets are 
wearing underwear than they know and care about the atrocities being committed 
every single day in our name by a government for which we need to take 
      As loyal Americans, without regard to political partisanship - as 
veterans, as teachers, as religious leaders, as working men and women, as 
students, as professionals, as businesspeople, as public servants, as retirees, 
as people of all ages, races, ethnic origins, sexual orientations, and faiths - 
we are here to say to the Bush administration, to the majority of Congress, and 
to the mainstream media: "You have violated your solemn responsibilities. You 
have undermined our democracy, spat upon our Constitution, and engaged in 
outrageous, despicable acts. You have brought our nation to a point of 
immorality, inhumanity, and illegality of immense, tragic, unprecedented 
      "But we will live up to our responsibilities as citizens, as brothers and 
sisters of those who have suffered as a result of the imperial bullying of the 
United States government, and as moral actors who must take a stand: And we 
will, and must, mean it when we say 'We won't take it any more.'"
      If we want principled, courageous elected officials, we need to be 
principled, courageous, and tenacious ourselves. History has demonstrated that 
our elected officials are not the leaders - the leadership has to come from us. 
If we don't insist, if we don't persist, then we are not living up to our 
responsibilities as citizens in a democracy - and our responsibilities as moral 
human beings. If we remain silent, we signal to Congress and the Bush 
administration - and to candidates running for office - and to the world - that 
we support the status quo.
      Silence is complicity. Only by standing up for what's right and never 
letting down can we say we are doing our part.
      Our government, on the basis of a campaign we now know was entirely 
fraudulent, attacked and militarily occupied a nation that posed no danger to 
the United States. Our government, acting in our name, has caused immense, 
unjustified death and destruction.
      It all started five years ago, yet where have we, the American people, 
been? At this point, we are responsible. We get together once in a while at 
demonstrations and complain about Bush and Cheney, about Congress, and about 
the pathetic news media. We point fingers and yell a lot. Then most people 
politely go away until another demonstration a few months later.
      How many people can honestly say they have spent as much time learning 
about and opposing the outrages of the Bush administration as they have spent 
watching sports or mindless television programs during the past five years? 
Escapist, time-sapping sports and insipid entertainment have indeed become the 
opiate of the masses.
      Why is this country so sound asleep? Why do we abide what is happening to 
our nation, to our Constitution, to the cause of peace and international law 
and order? Why are we not doing all in our power to put an end to this madness?
      We should be in the streets regularly and students should be raising hell 
on our campuses. We should be making it clear in every way possible that 
apologies or convoluted, disingenuous explanations just don't cut it when 
presidential candidates and so many others voted to authorize George Bush and 
his neo-con buddies to send American men and women to attack and occupy Iraq.
      Let's awaken, and wake up the country by committing here and now to do 
all each of us can to take our nation back. Let them hear us across the 
country, as we ask others to join us: "We won't take it any more!"
      I implore you: Draw a line. Figure out exactly where your own moral 
breaking point is. How much will you put up with before you say "No more" and 
mean it?
      I have drawn my line as a matter of simple personal morality: I cannot, 
and will not, support any candidate who has voted to fund the atrocities in 
Iraq. I cannot, and will not, support any candidate who will not commit to 
remove all US troops, as soon as possible, from Iraq. I cannot, and will not, 
support any candidate who has supported legislation that takes us one step 
closer to attacking Iran. I cannot, and will not, support any candidate who has 
not fought to stop the kidnapping, disappearances, and torture being carried on 
in our name.
      If we expect our nation's elected officials to take us seriously, let us 
send a powerful message they cannot misunderstand. Let them know we really do 
have our moral breaking point. Let them know we have drawn a bright line. Let 
them know they cannot take our support for granted - that, regardless of their 
party and regardless of other political considerations, they will not have our 
support if they cannot provide, and have not provided, principled leadership.
      The people of this nation may have been far too quiet for five years, but 
let us pledge that we won't let it go on one more day - that we will do all we 
can to put an end to the illegalities, the moral degradation, and the 
disintegration of our nation's reputation in the world.
      Let us be unified in drawing the line - in declaring that we do have a 
moral breaking point. Let us insist, together, in supporting our troops and in 
gratitude for the freedoms for which our veterans gave so much, that we bring 
our troops home from Iraq, that we return our government to a constitutional 
democracy, and that we commit to honoring the fundamental principles of human 
      In defense of our country, in defense of our Constitution, in defense of 
our shared values as Americans - and as moral human beings - we declare today 
that we will fight in every way possible to stop the insanity, stop the 
continued military occupation of Iraq, and stop the moral depravity reflected 
by the kidnapping, disappearing, and torture of people around the world.

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