----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ron Gochez 
To: undisclosed-recipients: 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 8:25 AM
Subject: [DopeXResistance-L.A.] Obama is NOT the answer or our best 
"option"...he's just another Democrat...

Please spread this to your lists...the masses of oppressed people's in the US 
have to know that neither the Republicans nor the Democrats will bring us a 
better way of life. History has proven this. This "lesser of the two evils" 
notion is such a limited and even backwards way of thinking. Even if the 
Democrats were to be less evil (which history shows that they are not), that 
concept would still let you know that they are EVIL!!

Can ANYone show me ANYthing that ANY Democratic President has EVER done for the 
oppressed African, Indigenous or any peoples of color??? 

The analysis on the Democratic Party is CRYSTAL CLEAR...TRANSPARENT...they are 
Capitalists & Imperialists...just as much as the Republicans....no ands, if's 
or buts. To support the Democrats is, whether we like it or not and whether we 
admit it or not, to support the oppression of the masses of the world. Don't 
let skin color fool you...neo-colonialism is a powerful tool that has long been 
used by White Power to keep its position at the top socially, politically and 
economically. If Malcolm X and Frantz Fanon understood this 40+ years ago, why 
are so many of us still confused over this question today?

If you are sincere about seeing a TRUE change in this society, dedicate 
yourself to organizing in the streets! This is the hardest but most neccessary 
work that FEW dare to take on. Change will NOT come via the ballot box in this 
country! The 2000 elections demonstrated that the entire system is a scam so if 
some of us still believe in that system, that is a sad reality. Those who say 
that "Our vote is our voice" are lying to you. Hell. most of the Raza community 
can't even vote anyway so that alone should tell you that this is NOT a 
democracy. We can pay taxes, we can clean your homes, we can die for oil and 
White Power in Iraq/Afghanistan but we can't even vote! We can't be lazy and 
think that voting is the only way to make change...grassroots ORGANIZING is the 
only way! The Villaraigosa's and Obama's (neo-colonials) of this society are 
dangerous because they confuse and fool a lot of our people's...so I hope that 
many of us are not falling into this trap...don't believe the hype! Independent 
community organization is the only solution. 

All Power to the People! Que viva la organizacion popular! 

Ron Gochez
Social Justice Educator/Community Organizer

Mensaje se repitira en espanol...


After the first day of the Democratic Party Convention the Raza Rights 
Coalition offers our opinion to the debate over the presidential campaign of 
Obama-Biden 2008
Recently there has been much talk about the "Obamamania" phenomenon, not only 
in African American communities, but also in many oppressed communities of 
color within the current political borders of the U.S.  There are some voices 
that are saying that Obama is another type of candidate that brings hope and 
will bring fundamental changes, and that these will benefit the majority of 
people.  They argue that our vote is our voice, and that Obama is the best 
that's out there, when compared to the other presidential candidate John McCain.

The Raza Rights Coalition has maintained that neither one of the political 
parties, democrats or republicans of the gringo political system will improve 
our conditions as a people.  We have maintained since our beginning in 1989, 
that only an organized struggle, committed to achieving a dignified existence-, 
which means ensuring that every one has access to the basic needs in order to 
live-, a recognition and respect for human rights, will bring about the 
necessary chage that our community aspires towards. The candidate in either 
McCain or Obama-Biden will not do this.

The Raza Rights Coalition bases its understanding on the concrete reality on 
which Barack Obama and Joe Biden represent in terms of "real change." However 
before we enter into details of the Democratic Party candidate, we would like 
to say just a few things about the Republican candidate John McCain.

It is important to say that John McCain is of the most nefarious characters in 
political power in Washignton D.C. He promotes military expansion, military 
occupation of nations (Irak and Afghanistan), he believes that the rich should 
not have to pay taxes, promotes the expansion of the Border Wall (wall of 
death) and increasing in the number of Border Patrol and ICE agents- that 
political police that terrorizes our communities, and finally he is aligned 
with the huge oil industry. Fidel Castro wrote a summary of John McCain in his 
reflections entitled : The Republican Candidate, written between February 11-16 
of this year. The Raza Rights Coalition completely agrees with the observations 
made by Compañero Fidel Castro and for these reasons we energetically reject 
the candidacy of John McCain for President of the United States.

The Raza Rights Coalition bases itself on concrete facts, and we consider 
important to present the following on the Obama-Biden candidacy and their 
agenda for "change."

1. Obama has pronounced himself in favor of continuing with the re-enforcement 
and increase in the militarization of the border.  Time and time again he has 
declared that a reform on the issue of immigration should have as a condition a 
border that would guarantee national security.  In his declarations Obama has 
maintained that his support for the construction of the wall of shame will be 
able to guarantee the security of the U.S.  It is clear that Obama also has 
forgotten about the more than 5,000 deaths of men, women, and children along 
the U.S./Mexico border.   

2.  On the issue of exterior politics, Obama recently reiterated his continued 
support for the criminal blockade against the Cuban people, as he made a 
pilgrimage to Miami to speak, with a sombrero in hand he spoke to the National 
Cuban American Foundation. This terrorist organism that renders service to the 
CIA has attacked its own people since they ran out of Cuba after the heroic 
Revolution of 1959.  Now Obama has the "guts" to appear in front of white & 
racist Cubans, and apologize for the abolition of racial inequality, and he 
dates to promise to work to implement regression to the feudal, dependent, and 
racist system of before.  He also speaks of human rights when his actions 
defend a system that for decades has trampled over the fundamental rights of 
its own people.  What a contradiction.  It is clear that Obama forgot the 
continuous acts of terrorism of the U.S. government against the heroic Cuban 

On the same note, Obama also reiterated his support for Israel, a state that 
tramples and suffocates human rights of the native Palestine peoples and 
occupies territories not belonging to them-a photocopy of the U.S. in the 
Middle East. In fact, he has not proposed a fundamental change in the war and 
the occupation in Iraq, except for a few cosmetic changes.  Now he proposes 
"more support for the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan without 
questioning at any point the doctrine of imperialism and Yankee Intervention in 
the Middle East.  Once again Obama forgot to mention the more than 600,000 
victims of the war and occupation in Iraq.  

3. His economic program has not really contemplated something substantial in 
terms of fundamental changes that will really better the living conditions of 
the working class.  He speaks of change and does not propose any real 
amelioration for workers, farmers, students, housewives, and other sectors of 
our community.  The most deplorable thing is that his rhetoric of hope creates 
more confusion than a real solution.  For decades, candidates of one party or 
another, of the rich & white-regardless of their individual color-have promised 
a solution or hope if we "behave" and if the privileged ones go out and vote 
they can sit and wait for the "changes."  It is time to say, Enough! to the 
deceived ones and understand that the real changes are created from below-from 
the grassroots.    

This is why the Raza Rights Coalition at the beginning of the year at its 
annual retreat discussed the importance of this campaign: Neither Democrats, 
Nor Republicans - Only an Organized People's Power will Overcome!  We cannot 
keep looking for a savior amongst the rich. We cannot negotiate our dignity. We 
cannot wait until the "good will" of the "good citizens" comes upon us and that 
a miracle will happen through the vote will save us from deportations and daily 
infringements. If we want real changes, if we want to be able to look into the 
eyes of our children and create a better tomorrow for everyone, we must be 
honest and understand that the time to struggle has come.  The need to give our 
free time up and join an organized process is now.  To be able to create the 
changes that are necessary, it will need to happen from below-from the bases.  

The solution is not amongst the politicians that seek a position and who will 
in the meantime forget about their promises.  It will not be the rich in power 
who break the chains of oppression-the solution is in our own people and 
communities.  In this campaign, we can all participate, and we should all 
participate, regardless of immigration status.  We will not and should not 
confirm ourselves with a simple vote and wait for "changes."  For almost 20 
years, since its inception in 1989, the Raza Rights Coalition has fought to 
make a reality the demands of the Raza Rights Coalition.

¡Ni Demócratas, Ni Republicanos: Solo el Poder del Pueblo Organizado Vencerá!

We offer to all those that believe in fundamental social change; and for those 
that can think beyond the two party dictatorship the alternate that we have 
begun to build. We offer you our latest issue of PUEBLO UNIDO (May-August 2008).




Raza Rights Coalition
-project of Unión del Barrio

En el día que inicia la convención del Partido Demócrata, La Coalición ofrece 
nuestra opinión en torno a la candidatura de Obama-Biden 2008.

Recientemente, se ha hablado mucho del fenómeno Obamamania que se esta viendo, 
no solo en comunidades afro americanas, sino en muchas comunidades oprimidas y 
de color dentro de las fronteras políticas actuales de los Estados Unidos. Hay 
algunas voces que dicen, que Obama es otro tipo de candidato que nos traerá  
esperanza y hará cambios fundamentales y que estos traerán beneficios para las 
masas de nuestro pueblo. Ellos alegan que nuestro voto es nuestra voz y que 
Obama es lo mejor que hay. Y comparan la candidatura de Obana en contraste al 
de John McCain, quien promueve las mismas políticas del genocida Bush.

La Coalición Pro-Derechos de la Raza ha mantenido que ninguno de los dos 
partidos, demócratas o republicanos, del sistema político gringo mejorarán las 
condiciones fundamentales de nuestra comunidad. Hemos mantenido desde nuestro 
inicio en 1989, que solo una lucha organizada, comprometida con las necesidades 
mas elementales del ser humano por una existencia digna, y el reconocimiento y 
respecto a los derechos humanos creara el cambio a la cual nosotros aspiramos.

La Coalición Pro-Derechos de la Raza se basa en hechos concretos y consideramos 
importante presentar lo siguiente sobre Obama y el candidato a la 
vise-presidencia Joe Biden y su verdadera agenda de "cambio". Pero antes de 
entrar en detalle sobre los candidatos demócrata, quisiéramos decir algunas 
palabras del candidato Republicano John McCain.

Es importante decir que John McCain es del corte mas nefasto de las cúpulas del 
poder en Washington. Promueve el expansionismo militar, la ocupación militar de 
pueblos (Irak y Afganistán), cree que los ricos no deberían pagar impuestos, 
promueve la expansión del muro de la muerte e incremento de personal de la 
migra para que siga aterrorizando a nuestro pueblo, está alineado a los 
intereses de las empresas petroleras. Fidel Castro resume a este personaje de 
manera clara en sus reflexiones titulada: El Candidato Republicano, publicadas 
del 11-16 de febrero del presente año. La Coalición comparte plenamente la 
perspectiva del compañero Fidel y por estas razones denunciamos enérgicamente 
la presidencia del candidato republicano John McCain.

Para la Coalición Pro-Derechos de la Raza existen tres razones fundamentales 
por el cual no coincidimos con la candidatura de Obama-Biden.

1. Obama se ha pronunciado a favor de continuar con el reforzamiento e 
incremento de la militarización en la frontera. Una y otra vez ha declarado que 
una reforma en el tema migratorio deberá poner como condición a una frontera 
que pueda garantizar la seguridad nacional. En sus declaraciones Obama ha 
mantenido que su apoyo por la construcción del muro fronterizo podrá garantizar 
la seguridad de Estados Unidos. Es claro que a Obama también se le olvidáron 
las mas de 5,000 muertes de hombres, mujeres y niños a los largo de la frontera 
entre México y Estados Unidos.

2. En el tema de política exterior, Obama recientemente reiteró su apoyo 
continuo al bloqueo criminal contra el pueblo de Cuba al hacer una 
peregrinación a Miami y hablar, sombrero en mano a la Fundación Nacional Cubana 
Americana. Este organismo  terrorista al servicio de la CIA ha atacado a su 
propio pueblo desde que salieron huyendo de Cuba tras el heroico triunfo de la 
revolución del Movimiento 26 de Julio en enero de 1959. Ahora, Obama tiene las 
agallas de aparecer frente a los cubanos blancos y racistas, y disculparse por 
la abolición de la desigualdad racial y se atreve a prometerles que trabajara 
para implementar la regresión al sistema feudal, dependiente, y racista de 
antes. También habla de derechos humanos cuando con sus acciones defiende a un 
sistema que por siglos ha atropellado los derechos fundamentales de su propio 
pueblo. Que incongruencia. Es claro que a Obama se le olvidaron los continuos 
actos de terrorismo del gobierno de Estados Unidos en contra del pueblo heroico 

En el mismo tema, Obama también reiteró su apoyo a Israel, un estado que 
aplasta y sofoca los derechos humanos de los pueblos nativos palestinos y ocupa 
territorios que no son suyos-una copia fotostática de Estados Unidos en el 
Oriente Medio. De hecho, no ha  propuesto un cambio fundamental en la 
trayectoria de la guerra y la ocupación en Irak, salvo algunos cambios 
cosméticos. Ahora propone "mas apoyo a la lucha contra el terrorismo en 
Afghanistan" sin cuestionar en ningún momento la  doctrina del imperialismo y 
la intervención yanqui en Oriente Medio. Una vez más, Obama olvido mencionar a 
las más de 600,000 victimas de la guerra y ocupación en Irak.

3. Su programa económico no ha contemplado realmente algo sustancial en cuanto 
a cambios fundamentales que logren verdaderamente mejorar las condiciones de 
vida del pueblo trabajador. Habla de cambio y no propone alivio real para los 
obreros, campesinos, estudiantes, amas de casa y otros sectores de nuestro 
pueblo. Lo más deplorable es que sus habladurías de esperanza crean más 
confusión que solución. Por décadas candidatos de un partido u otro, de los 
ricos y blancos-irrespectivo de su color individual- han prometido una solución 
o esperanza si nos "portamos bien" y si los privilegiados van y depositan su 
voto en las urnas y se sientan a esperar los "cambios".  Es hora de decir, ¡Ya 
basta! a estos engaños y asumir nuestra responsabilidad en crear los cambios 
verdaderos desde las bases de nuestra sociedad; manzana, comunidad, ciudad, 

Por esto, la Coalición Pro-Derechos de la Raza a inicios del año en su retiro 
anual discutió la importancia de esta campaña: ¡Ni Demócratas, Ni 
Republicanos-Solo el Poder del Pueblo Organizado Vencerá! No podemos seguir 
buscando o esperando que un político de la clase dominante (los ricos) salga a 
"salvarnos". No podemos limosnear la dignidad. No podemos esperar que la buena 
voluntad de los "buenos ciudadanos" nos caiga encima y que un milagro a través 
del voto nos salve de las deportaciones y los abusos diarios. Si queremos 
cambios verdaderos, si queremos poder ver a los ojos a nuestros hijos y crear 
un mejor mañana para ellos, debemos ser honestos y llegar a la realización que 
la hora de luchar ha llegado. La necesidad de entregar nuestro tiempo e 
integrarnos a un proceso organizativo es ahora. Para poder crear los cambios 
que son necesarios habrá que empezar desde abajo-desde las bases.

La solución no esta en los políticos que solo buscan el puesto y quienes pronto 
olvidan las promesas. No serán los ricos en el poder quienes rompan las cadenas 
de opresión-la solución esta en nuestro pueblo mismo. En esta campaña [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] podemos y debemos participar independientemente del estatus 
migratorio de las personas, no debemos ni podemos conformarnos con el simple 
voto y esperar "los cambios" Por casi los 20 años-desde su inicio en 1989, la 
Coalición Pro Derechos de la Raza ha luchado por hacer realidad las demandas de 
la Coalición.

¡Ni Demócratas, Ni Republicanos; Solo el Poder del Pueblo Organizado Vencerá!

Ofrecemos a todos quienes creen en un cambio verdaderamente fundamental; y a 
quienes son capaces de pensar más allá de la dictadura de los dos partidos 
ofrecemos nuestra alternativa que hemos empezado a construir. Les ofrecemos 
nuestro mas reciente edición de Pueblo Unido (Mayo-Agosto 2008)- boletín de la 
Coalición Pro-Derechos de la Raza.




Coalición Pro-Derechos de la Raza
-proyecto de Unión del Barrio

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