Two amazing events today.  David Letterman interviews Pete Seeger
tonight, CBS, 11:30 pm - Pete's first network appearance in 30 years,
and the House rejected the bailout bill, 228 to 205.  You have to read
this interview, and hope time and circumstance allow Dennis's
ideas and solutions to bear fruit.  His analysis of the bailout is spot-on.

Then, watch Pete.  There's more on this below, right after Kucinich.
And Happy Rosh Hashana.


Rep. Dennis Kucinich Rejects $700 Billion Bailout

Democracy Now! interview
September 29, 2008

"Is this the United States Congress or the Board of Directors of Goldman

JUAN GONZALEZ: The House is set to vote today on a $700 billion emergency
bailout plan for the financial industry. The proposed legislation was forged
during a marathon negotiating session over the weekend between lawmakers
from both parties and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. The 110-page bill
would authorize Paulson to initiate what is likely to become the biggest
government bailout in US history, allowing him to spend up to $700 billion
to relieve faltering banks and other firms of bad assets backed by home
mortgages, which are falling into foreclosure at record rates.

While the legislation creates multiple levels of congressional oversight,
Paulson would be granted broad latitude to purchase any assets from any
firms at any price and to assemble a team of individuals and institutions to
manage them. The measure would also require federal officials to rein in
excessive compensation for corporate executives who participate in the

Money for the program would be released in segments, with the Treasury
Secretary receiving $250 billion immediately. Paulson has said he expects to
spend about $50 billion a month on the program.

AMY GOODMAN: The Senate could take up the bill by Wednesday. The financial
package looms as a final piece of business before lawmakers leave to
campaign for the November elections.

Just before this broadcast, I caught up with Democratic Congress member
Dennis Kucinich of Ohio. He was just headed to the House floor. I asked him
about his thoughts on the bailout plan.

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: This is a copy of the bill which will provide for a
$700 billion bailout of Wall Street. It has provisions in it where it talks
about helping homeowners, but when you read the fine print, you see it has
language like "may" instead of "shall" and "encouraging" instead of
"mandating" help for the millions of homeowners who are worried right now
about whether they're going to lose their home. There's no help for them in

  So what we have here is a rescue plan that essentially gives all the
speculators a bailout and puts the bad debts in the custody of the
government. The president of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank has said that
this plan could create a fiscal chasm, says that the problem isn't tight
monetary policy, it's the reckless behavior of some of these investors who
have now found themselves in a position where a government bailout is going
to help reward their bad behavior.

  AMY GOODMAN: Is it any better than when it was first introduced by the
Treasury Secretary, by Henry Paulson?

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, you know, that implies that you would accept
the underlying premise. I reject the underlying premise that we needed this
bill. And as a matter of fact, that we're putting this up before an
adjournment in an election season shows that Congress is being put under
extraordinary pressure to bail out Wall Street. We haven't looked at any
alternatives, Amy. This is-you know, it isn't as though, if you had a
liquidity crisis, that-you know, a real one-that you'd start to look at all
the alternatives. We haven't done that. We have a bill here, a bill of more
than a hundred pages, that we haven't had a single hearing on the bill, you
know-on the concept, yes, on what Paulson and Bernanke asked for initially.
But, you know, we need to have hearings on this. There's 400 economists and
three Nobel Prize-winning economists who have said, "Whoa, wait a minute!
What are you doing? Why are you rushing this?" You know, this thing doesn't
smell right, frankly.

  AMY GOODMAN: What do you think has to happen right now?

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, you know, Congress better get ready with a
plan B. If this thing goes down, we need to find a way to help Wall Street
pay for its own problems. You can do that with a 20-.25 percent stock
transfer tax, cancellation of dividends. You know, make the shareholders and
the investors have to pay for the funny business that was going on on Wall
Street. Why make the taxpayers pay? You know, the very underlying idea of
this needs to be challenged, and frankly, there hasn't been enough of that
going on.

  Well, what we have is a transfer of wealth, actually. It's a continuation
of a transfer of wealth. This whole government has become nothing more than
a big machine that transfers the wealth upwards with our tax policies, our
energy policies, with this fiscal policies, with the war. All the wealth of
the country goes from the pockets of the people into the hands of a few.
This is a very dangerous moment. You know, it's the biggest amount of
injection of capital by the government in a single time since the New Deal.
And frankly, there is no trickle down here. There's just rewarding bad

  AMY GOODMAN: It sounds like it was mainly the House Republicans who
balked, who revolted on Friday. Yet, you and a number of your colleagues are
joining them. Do you believe this will pass today?

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: It's going to be a very close vote. And I don't see
this as a partisan issue, by the way. I mean, in a way, the debate that
tries to make it a partisan issue is a diversion. This is really whether or
not people will side with Main Street in a struggle with Wall Street,
because, you know, this is not about left or right. This is about up or
down, and it's about the color green.

  And frankly, Wall Street is-has put itself on a trajectory with now we
have almost a quadrillion-half a quadrillion dollars of derivatives that are
out there, floating out there. People have said that if this is intended to
be a fix, it's a joke, on one hand. On the other hand, who's paying for it?
Why are we rushing this? I don't-you know, and everything about this, I
think, is unacceptable.

  AMY GOODMAN: Congressman Kucinich, what happens if this doesn't pass?

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, that's exactly right. I mean, we need to be
ready with plan B, which helps Wall Street restrain some of this bad
conduct, which immediately, you know, puts-looks at some of the issues of
liquidity that have to do with the policies of the Fed. We had a former head
of the FDIC tell a group of congressmen yesterday that the Bush
administration has been going around the last few weeks, actually, so
tightening up on the practices of banks that they're forcing them to have
bigger reserves, which in a way would, you know, kind of create-help to
create the kind of tight money policies that we're saying we're trying to
alleviate with this bill. So, you know, there needs to be a deeper look at

  It seems to me there's a possibility that this crisis has a little bit of
manufacture to it. And that really concerns me, because we haven't had
enough time to look at this in an in-depth way, to analyze the impact of it
on the economy, to see if it's going to do anything about a recession that
we're obviously headed into, to see if it's going to handle the underlying
concerns on Wall Street about the speculation and a lack of regulation. The
bill doesn't, by the way, address anything about the speculation, anything
about the lack of regulation. The SEC has failed. The Fed has failed. And 
essentially telling all the same actors, "Go for it. You know, here's
another opportunity," except this time it's with taxpayers' money.

AMY GOODMAN: We'll come back to Democratic Congress member Dennis Kucinich
after break.


AMY GOODMAN: We go back to my interview with Democratic Congress member
Dennis Kucinich. I spoke to him just before the broadcast. He was headed to
the House floor, and I asked him what he said on the House floor earlier,
comparing the Congress to the board of Goldman Sachs.

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: I said we're the Congress of the United States; 
not the board of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is struggling to survive. And,
you know, their former chief is now the head of the US Treasury. He's in a
position to be able to direct assets in a way that would help enhance his
own financial standing. I mean, that's a clear conflict of interest. And,
you know, that's something that needs to be said. You know, why are we
permitting the person who has essentially been in a position where he's
managed assets that-you know, many of which are now in trouble, and he can
come back and help clear the books for a lot of his friends? This is wrong.
It's fundamentally wrong. And, you know, it's one of the things that adds a
degree of stench to this.

  AMY GOODMAN: What concessions do you think right now are critical? For
example, what do you think should happen to homeowners who have already been
foreclosed on or are facing foreclosure?

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, you know, there's been a number of suggestions
about the homeowners, and, you know, one is by an economist by the name of
Nouriel Rubini, who says that we should come up with a plan that's very
similar to what's happened in the '30s, where you have a home loan process
called the HOLC, and this would enable homeowners to actually be protected,
that people wouldn't go out of their-wouldn't find themselves in a position
where they're going to lose their homes. It's called the Home Owners'
Mortgage Enterprise. And this would be a means of helping-several steps that
would help assure that we address directly the issue of people losing their
homes, often through no fault of their own, and finding themselves in a
position where they're not getting any help from the government, because one
of the real conceits of this bill is that it has the word "homeowner" all
over it, but when you look deeper at the fine print of the text, it does not
provide any direct aid for homeowners and doesn't even require that the
government set itself on a path to help homeowners. This is not about
homeowners. This bill is about bailing out Wall Street speculators with $700
billion of taxpayers' money.

  AMY GOODMAN: Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke warned lawmakers that an
imminent meltdown in financial markets threatens to destroy the wealth and
jobs of millions of Americans, if this isn't passed.

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, there's many ways that you can stimulate the
economy. One is that you can have massive infrastructure spending. You could
get that started right away. It would have to go far beyond what Congress
passed the other day. If you want to spend money into circulation and move
the money in the economy, you can do that through spending on things that
are tangible: bridges, water systems, sewer system. You can stimulate the
economy by having a national healthcare plan. I mean, that would take a
little bit longer to set up, but that would be a huge break for all these
businesses that are having difficulties.

  There are many ways that we could address this, but the plan that they've
put to us, they said this is the only option. Isn't it interesting that the
only plan that we get up-you know, for an up or down vote is one that gives
a complete bailout to Wall Street without any restraints or protections for
the investors who might come into this now.

  AMY GOODMAN: Congressman Kucinich, can you explain how it is that the
Democrats are in charge, yet the Democrats back down on their demand to give
bankruptcy judges authority to alter the terms of mortgages for homeowners
facing foreclosure, that Democrats also failed in their attempt to steer a
portion of any government profits from the package to affordable housing

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, I mean, those are two of the most glaring
deficiencies in this bill. And I would maintain there was never any
intention to-you know, well, many members of Congress had the intention of
helping people who were in foreclosure. You know, this-Wall Street doesn't
want to do that. Wall Street wants to grab whatever change they can and
equity that's left in these properties. So-

  AMY GOODMAN: Right, but the Democrats are in charge of this.

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Right. You know, I'll tell you something that we
were told in our caucus. We were told that our presidential candidate, when
the negotiations started at the White House, said that he didn't want this
in this bill. Now, that's what we were told.

  AMY GOODMAN: You were told that Barack Obama did not want this in the

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: That he didn't want the bankruptcy provisions in the
bill. Now, you know, that's what we were told. And I don't understand why he
would say that, if he did say that. And I think that there is a-the fact
that we didn't put bankruptcy provisions in, that actually we removed any
hope for judges to do any loan modifications or any forbearance. There's no
moratorium on mortgage foreclosures in here. So, who's getting-who's really
getting helped by this bill? This is a bailout, pure and simple, of Wall
Street interests who have been involved in speculation.

  And I don't, for the life of me, understand why this is going to do
anything to address the underlying problems in the economy, which actually
had to do with the recklessness. This is what the president of the Federal
Reserve Bank in Dallas said, that-and, you know, I might have the actual
quote here. Listen to this quote: he said, "The seizures and convulsions 
experienced in the debt and equity markets have been the consequences of a
sustained orgy of excess and reckless behavior, not a too tight monetary
policy." This is the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank president, Richard Fisher.

  So, you know, we're getting stampeded here to vote for something that
doesn't help homeowners, that doesn't do anything about foreclosures, that
doesn't help those people who have been in bankruptcy and are looking for a
way out. As a matter of fact, it made sure they can't get out. So, who's
this for? It's for speculators. It's to play a game that provides some
temporary help in the market, and, you know, you might see an uptick today
if this passes the House. On the other hand, if it doesn't, we need to be
ready to find a way for Wall Street to address its problems without having
to tap the increasingly diminishing resources of the federal taxpayers.

  AMY GOODMAN: And the issue of oversight, Congressman Kucinich? Before,
there was Section 8, saying there was no executive or legislative oversight

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, you know, the word "oversight" has new meaning
here. You know, oversight could mean "I overlooked something." And frankly,
the Securities and Exchange Commission looked the other way while all
these-all this fast-paced trading was going in derivatives and derivatives
of derivatives. We have about a four-$500 trillion, almost a half a
quadrillion dollars of derivatives floating out there that no one really
understands how that's going to affect the underlying economy when some of
these things start imploding.

  You know, I think that-I think we're looking at a situation here where it
is precisely the lack of regulation and the lack of oversight by the
administration that has caused this. Congress is going to have hearings next
month, but frankly, we should be having hearings now, before we pass a bill.
I mean, it's just upside-down that you have hearings about the underlying
problem after you pass a bill, because you have hearings first, you do the
analysis, and then you come up with a fix that can protect investors,
strengthen the economy.

  We should be concerned about the strength of the FDIC. We're told that
there's more than a hundred banks that are in trouble right now and could
collapse. We have to make sure depositors' money is protected. This bill
doesn't have anything to do with that.

  AMY GOODMAN: The issue of corporate compensation? According to the
Institute for Policy Studies, chief executives of large US companies made an
average of $10.5 million last year, 344 times the pay of the average worker.

  REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, this is really a fundamental issue in our
society. Again, it's all about how the wealth accelerates to the top and how
work is not respected or rewarded for its own intrinsic value. We've really
moved, you know. We've made a transition in our economy from industrial
capitalism to finance capitalism. And with this debt-based economy that we
have, where we keep-this public and private debt keeps exploding, as it has
under-as it did under Alan Greenspan, quadrupling in a period of twenty
years, we see ourselves in a position where the debt just keeps building and
building and building, and we're calling that economic progress. It is not.

  We need to challenge again the underlying assumptions about a debt-based
economy, about whether or not we should revisit the 1913 Federal Reserve
Act, which has an unfortunately privatized monetary system and created a
system which includes banks having the ability to create money almost out of
thin air with a fractional reserve. We have to look at the implications of
that, maybe put the Federal Reserve under the Treasury and have the Treasury
really be responsive to the interests of the American people and keeping the
economy going.

  You know, we're looking at the potential here for some positive changes,
if we address them directly. But what this bill does, unfortunately, it just
kind of helps things keep going until the next trillion-dollar crisis, which
is coming in a few months when the Alt-A or jumbo mortgages, which are being
reset in '09 and 2010, will find their maximum financial stress on
marketplaces. So I think that you have to realize that this-what we're doing
today is not going to forestall a recession, it is not going to solve the
problem of a collapse of mortgages, it's not going to help homeowners.

  When all is said and done and the jeweler's eye is applied to this bill,
this bill is about Wall Street. And unfortunately, you know, Goldman Sachs,
with their man now as the Secretary of the Treasury, is going to be able to
have some of its policies escape scrutiny. And this is probably a way to
keep them afloat, I'm sure. Well, you know, I don't want anybody to go down
or out of business, but it seems to me that when the Secretary of the
Treasury has massive holdings in Goldman Sachs and he's going to be in a
position of being able to direct investments and buy out bad investments, I
think that we could easily conclude what that would do for his former firm.

AMY GOODMAN: Democratic Congress member Dennis Kucinich. He's voting against
the bailout today.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 12:43 PM
Subject: Pete Seeger on David Letterman Tonight, September 29

Dear Ed, Peter and Friends of The Folk Club,

Pete Seeger will be on the David Letterman show tonight, which starts at
11:30 and I believe goes for an hour on Channel 2, CBS.  Unlike John McCain
last week, Pete is not expected to cancel.  This is wonderful news,
especially now, in the middle of this presidential campaign, since David
Letterman has become a significant progressive voice on late night TV.
Booking Pete, after what I believe is a more than 30 year absence from
network TV, is a statement in and of itself.  It was CBS, through the
Smother's Brother's show in 1968, that broke the blacklist where Pete was
concerned, and it is another high water mark in their history that they
would give a national platform to Pete in the midst of a political climate
that more and more resembles some of the charged repressive atmosphere of
the 1950's, the 1960's battle over an unpopular war that will influence the
upcoming election as it did forty years ago in 1968, and most recently, even
echoes of the 1930's as we face mounting threats of a second depression.
Who better to address this complex of issues than Pete Seeger, who lived and
sang truth to power during all of those previous episodes?

The usual format of late night TV is to have the musical guest on toward the
end of the show, so Pete will likely be on after midnight.  But if there is
any way to watch it, I know you will be moved at seeing America's tuning
fork still out there, bringing music that makes a difference to a national

One more thing:  Many of you have sent me emails the past year advocating
Pete Seeger for a Nobel Peace Prize.  David Letterman has voted with his
feet by booking Pete just a few months before that choice is made.  Let us
in the LA Peace Movement, and the Folk Music world, support it in the best
we can right now.

Don't miss this landmark TV Event!

Thank you,

Ross Altman
Los Angeles Folk Singer
Santa Monica Traditional Folk Music Club


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