Published: Sunday, July 18, 2010
Bylined to: Franz J. T. Lee <>

Oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico threatening all plant, animal and human life

* <>**VHeadline
commentarist, University of Los Andes (ULA), Venezuela political sciences
professor, Dr. Franz J. T. Lee writes:  *Millions here in Venezuela and
elsewhere do not seem to be informed about the imminent danger which is
facing mankind as a result of the huge oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico. It
is not a matter of closing a hole here and there ... it is a matter of life
or death.

Below we will just indicate the real problem, warn about a possible
extinction of life on planet Earth about a global agony over the next years
and decades. It is not the first time that the *experimentum mundi*, the
experiment which Mother Nature is carrying out with herself, that planetary
life is mortally being threatened by extinction.


   The bourgeois capitalist mode of destruction is hell bent on annihilating
   life, which took millions of years to come into existence, within two or
   three centuries.

Over billions of years, many times already sparks of possible organic life,
sensorial certainty and social consciousness in a myriad of terrestrial
levels, degrees and forms had been in imminent danger of partial or total
extinction due to sudden natural changes in the climate and other structural
processes in the solar environment as a result of cosmic causes, tendencies
and latencies. Surely at the dawn of humanity, *Proconsul africanus*, our
ancient forefather, who had lived some 30,000,000 years ago on the 'Dark
Continent' did *not* experience the last fatal cataclysm which destroyed
over 90% of earthly life. He, and she, as intrinsic creations of Mother
Nature had a simple natural death, a transmutation, which lasted hundred
thousands of years, to other spheres, other worlds. other transgalactic

*Unfortunately, one of the successors of Ancient Man is ruling class homo
homini lupus, the real discoverer of labor, of merciless economic
exploitation of nature and society.*

Transhistorically, in our eon, the next natural cataclysm was already on its
way. However, in their insatiable hunger for profits, power, torture, terror
and privileges, for 'full spectrum dominance' and 'military humanism,'
prematurely, as modern ruling classes, as corporate industrial elites, in
total megalomania and treachery lost total control over their unilateral,
unilinear production, of capitalist chaotic over-production, and thus placed
mankind in complete jeopardy. Worse even, they are bringing about the first
man-made global catastrophe, which for nearly 7,000,000,000 people could
terminate in post-barbarism, in a terrestrial, galactic 'death zone.'

At any event, for millions of workers, victims of an Orwellian cruel 'mental
holocaust,' of 'Newspeak,' ignorance is bliss, for those who still care, who
still have some emancipatory sparks, some human feeling or love, it is
folly, extremely dangerous, to be wise. Around the Gulf of Mexico over 15
million persons are in imminent danger, and yet they are so near to the
fleeting moments of death, that they cannot see the red warning red lights
from the collapsing World Market, the World Trade Organization and the
ominous Twin Towers. The military 'assets' and 'rats' are already leaving
the sinking Titanic in the Gulf of Mexico. The millions of poor people,
descendants of African slaves, have nowhere to go, except accept the 'blood
and dirt' of agonizing capital (Marx).

*What happened in the region of the Gulf of Mexico millions of years ago
which could occur any moment again, if not stopped according to experts
immediately, within six months?*


   What did corporate military megalomania of an international syndicate of
   mega-war criminals do to Mother Earth, to her kith and kin?

Leaving all religious fairy tales or horror stories aside, according to
stringent studies of world renowned prehistorians, geologists and natural
scientists, on planet Earth about 251 million years ago occurred the
'Permian extinction event.' In chain reaction, a colossal undersea methane
gas bubble exploded, poisoned the atmosphere and eventually killed 96% of
planetary life which till then has developed across aeons.

Certainly, this event had changed the cosmic creation of life on planet
Earth, what survived was just a fragment of the experiment. Who knows
perhaps homo homini lupus is a child of this catastrophe.

However, not enough!

55 million years later, during the so-called 'Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum
(LPTM),' which lasted about 100,000 years, the next methane gas bubble
erupted and the series of explosions destroyed once more over 90% of
terrestrial life. Who knows what precious, archaic, human attributes and
factors were again destroyed!

*What is the relevance of all this with reference to the current oil leaks
in the Gulf of Mexico and others possibly elsewhere?*

On the face value, according to the Empire of Murdoch, CNN, the reports of
British Petroleum (BP) and United States President Barack Obama: the oil
leak will soon be stopped and the weather will be fine again in the USA!
According to an article of Terrence Aym. "Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may
have triggered a 'world-killing' event": "Those subterranean seas of methane
virtually reshaped the planet when they explosively blew from deep beneath
the waters of what is today called the Gulf of

The fact of the matter is that another methane bubble exists undersea in the
current Gulf of Mexico and in all probability naturally it would explode
again in some thousands or millions of years. This time corporate
imperialism in its oil 'vampirism' went too far by deep drilling for oil in
a most delicate area of planet Earth. However, even if by luck we should
escape the next man-made methane explosion, then surely would await us other
dangers: white phosphorous bombs, the arsenals of arms of mass destruction,
electro-magnetic weapons, the HAARP type of projects ... which can produce
earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, droughts, projects which could even move
planets out of their orbits... also the Swiss CERN Project, and in health
services, the chips and nanobots in our brain tissues, all these, inter
alia, to control the global wage slaves. The modern post-Orwellian Horror
and Terror Cabinet of Dr. Mabuse is awaiting us too.

What is really hair-raising, most troublesome, is to know really how
dangerous is the situation in the Gulf of Mexico for the whole of humanity.
Because of censorship and prohibition to enter the affected areas ... which
show the real delicate situation ... veritable news are very scanty, but
here and there also the truth leaks through the perforated cordon of
treachery. Certain facts cannot be hidden from the public anymore, even BP
is forced to admit that they do exist.

*Finally, what is the bottom line?*

"BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling operation may have triggered an
irreversible, cascading geological Apocalypse that will culminate with the
first mass extinction of life on Earth in many millions of years." (Ibid.)

*What BP and Obama are not telling us is very simple:* Apart from other
occult factors BP drilled deeply down into a geologically very dangerous
zone and probably did cause a premature release of a mammoth methane bubble.

If this should be true, then the lives of 15 million people living in that
region are in immediate danger. If not, well, then we would still have a new
lease of life to face the next late capitalist disaster.

According to the theories and investigations of Northwestern University's
Gregory Ryskin and other scientists the methane disaster is already taking
on apocalyptic shape. If the sea bed really is ruptured and the methane gas
would explode,

* The people living in the Gulf Coast will be the first exposed to
poisonous, cancer causing chemical gases.

* Methane is now already streaming through the porous, rocky seabed at an
accelerated rate and gushing from the borehole of the first relief well.

* The upper level strata of the ocean floor is succumbing to greater and
greater pressure. That pressure is causing a huge expanse of the
seabed-estimated by some as spreading over thousands of square miles
surrounding the BP wellhead-to bulge.

*We need not describe more ... this is the greatest danger that humanity
ever has experienced till now.*

Because of the unilateral development of natural science and technology in
the service of the maximization of capital, of destruction, of death, and
because they were never developed to really save natural and human life, now
with all our 'development and 'progress, we do not have the means to halt
this coming disaster.

*Finally, if billions of workers would not awake now, not defend life, then
we would soon be star dust blowing in the galactic winds.*

Franz J. T. Lee

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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