Sunday, July 11, 2010

You a "Perfect Citizen"? NSA Will Deploy Snooping Sensors on Private Networks

Rather than addressing an impending social catastrophe, Western 
governments, which serve the interests of the economic elites, have 
installed a "Big Brother" police state with a mandate to confront and 
repress all forms of opposition and social dissent. -- Michel 
Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall, Preface, The Global Economic 
Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century, Montreal: 
Research, 2010, p. xx.

In a sign that illegal surveillance programs launched by the Bush 
administration are accelerating under President Obama, 
Wall Street Journal revealed last week that a National Security 
Agency (NSA) program, PERFECT CITIZEN, is under development.

With a cover story that this is merely a "research" effort meant to 
"detect cyber assaults on private companies and government agencies 
running such critical infrastructure as the electricity grid and 
nuclear-power plants," it is also clear that the next phase in 
pervasive government spying is underway.

With "cybersecurity" morphing into a new "public-private" iteration 
of the "War On Terror," WSJ reporter Siobhan Gorman disclosed that 
giant defense contractor <>Raytheon "recently 
won a classified contract for the initial phase of the surveillance 
effort valued at up to $100 million."

This wouldn't be the first time that Raytheon had positioned itself, 
and profited from, a media-driven panic. As investigative journalist 
Tim Shorrock documented for 
"as the primary spying unit of defense industry giant Raytheon," the 
firm's Intelligence and Information Services division 
(<>Raytheon IIS) is the 
premier provider of command and control systems "capable of 
transforming data into actionable intelligence."

According to Shorrock, the unit's "most important clients ... are the 
NSA, NGA, and NRO, for which it provides signals and imaging 
processing, as well as information security software and tools;" in 
other words, agencies that are at the heart of America's electronic 
warfare complex.

The program, Gorman writes, "would rely on a set of sensors deployed 
in computer networks for critical infrastructure that would be 
triggered by unusual activity suggesting an impending cyber attack." 
While Journal sources claim the program "wouldn't persistently 
monitor the whole system," a leaked Raytheon email paints a different 
picture, in line with other NSA intrusions into domestic affairs.

"The overall purpose of the [program] is our Government...feel[s] 
that they need to insure the Public Sector is doing all they can to 
secure Infrastructure critical to our National Security," the 
whistleblower writes. "Perfect Citizen is Big Brother."

These revelations have triggered concerns that projects like PERFECT 
CITIZEN, and others that remain classified, signal a new round of 
secret state surveillance and privacy-killing programs under the 
catch-all euphemism "cybersecurity."

The Journal reports that information captured by PERFECT CITIZEN 
"could also have applications beyond the critical infrastructure 
sector, officials said, serving as a data bank that would also help 
companies and agencies who call upon NSA for help with investigations 
of cyber attacks, as Google did when it sustained a major attack late 
last year."

In other words, the program will have major implications "beyond the 
critical infrastructure sector" and could adversely affect the 
privacy rights of all Americans. In fact, it wouldn't be much of a 
stretch to hypothesize that PERFECT CITIZEN may very well be related 
to other "intrusion detection programs" such as Einstein 3's 
deep-packet inspection capabilities that can read, and catalogue, the 
content of email messages flowing across private telecommunications networks.

One unnamed military source told the Journal, "you've got to 
instrument the network to know what's going on, so you have 
situational awareness to take action."

However, as the UK publication 
Register noted, "many of the networks that the NSA would wish to 
place Perfect Citizen equipment on are privately owned, however, and 
some could also potentially carry information offering scope for 
'mission creep' outside an infrastructure-security context."

The Register's Lewis Page, a former Royal Navy Commander and frequent 
critic of the surveillance state, writes that "full access to power 
company systems might allow the NSA to work out whether anyone was at 
home at a given address. Transport and telecoms information would 
also make for a potential bonanza for intrusive monitoring."

When queried whether the program would be yet another snooping tool 
deployed against the public, NSA spokesperson Judith Emmel told 
Register Friday: "PERFECT CITIZEN is purely a 
vulnerabilities-assessment and capabilities-development contract."

According to NSA, "This is a research and engineering effort. There 
is no monitoring activity involved, and no sensors are employed in 
this endeavor. Specifically, it does not involve the monitoring of 
communications or the placement of sensors on utility company systems."

When specifically asked by Page if NSA is "seeking to spy on US 
citizens by means of examining their power or phone usage, tracking 
them through transport systems etc, the NSA would simply never think 
of such a thing."

"Any suggestions that there are illegal or invasive domestic 
activities associated with this contracted effort are simply not 
true. We strictly adhere to both the spirit and the letter of US laws 
and regulations," insisted Emmel.

Which raises an inevitable question: what would lead a Raytheon 
insider to compare the project to "Big Brother"? This is strong 
language from an employee of one of America's largest defense firms, 
a company in the No. 4 slot on Washington Technology's 
Top 100 list of prime federal contractors with some $6.7 billion in 
total revenue, 88% of which are derived from defense contracts.

At this point we don't know, and Siobhan Gorman hasn't told us since 
the Journal, as of this writing, hasn't seen fit to enlighten the 
public with the full text, if one exists, as to why someone obviously 
familiar with the program would put their job at risk if PERFECT 
CITIZEN were simply a "vulnerabilities-assessment and 
capabilities-development contract" and not something far more sinister.

The Pentagon Rules. Any Questions?

The Journal reported that the project began as "a small-scale effort" 
under the code name APRIL STRAWBERRY. Over time, the classified 
program was "expanded with funding from the multibillion-dollar 
Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative, which started at the 
end of the Bush administration and has been continued by the Obama 
administration," Gorman wrote. Now, with billions of dollars 
available "the NSA is now seeking to map out intrusions into critical 
infrastructure across the country."

Calling reported earlier this year (see: "Obama's National 
Cybersecurity Initiative Puts NSA in the Driver's Seat"), although 
the administration has released portions of the Bush regime's 
National Security Presidential Directive 54 (NSPD-54) in a sanitized 
version called the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative 
the full scope of the program remains shrouded in secrecy.

Indeed, most of NSPD-54 and CNCI have never been released to the 
public. This led the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) to write 
in a 2008 
<>report that 
"virtually everything about the initiative is classified, and most of 
the information that is not classified is categorized as 'For 
Official Use Only'."

Due to the opacity of the highly-secretive program and stonewalling 
by the administration, the SASC joined their colleagues on the Senate 
Select Committee on Intelligence and called for the initiative to be 
scaled-back "because policy and legal reviews are not complete, and 
because the technology is not mature."

Hardly beacons of transparency themselves when it comes to overseeing 
depredations wrought by the secret state, nevertheless SASC 
questioned the wisdom of a program that "preclude public education, 
awareness and debate about the policy and legal issues, real or 
imagined, that the initiative poses in the areas of privacy and civil 
liberties. ... The Committee strongly urges the [Bush] Administration 
to reconsider the necessity and wisdom of the blanket, indiscriminate 
classification levels established for the initiative."

In fact, as the investigative journalism web site 
reported last summer, the White House "has erased all mention of the 
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board from its Web site. The 
removal, which was done with no public notice, has underlined 
questions about the Obama administration's commitment to the board." 
As of this writing, it remains an empty shell.

Despite repeated efforts by civil liberties and privacy groups, the 
Obama administration has been no more forthcoming than the previous 
regime in answering these critical concerns, particularly when the 
"policy and legal issues" are cloaked in secrecy under a cover of 
"national security."

Instead, CNCI's "Initiative #12. Define the Federal role for 
extending cybersecurity into critical infrastructure domains," offer 
little more than linguistic sedatives meant to lull the public as to 
how and through what means the administration plans to build "on the 
existing and ongoing partnership between the Federal Government and 
the public and private sector owners and operators of Critical 
Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR)."

While the administration claims that the "Department of Homeland 
Security and its private-sector partners have developed a plan of 
shared action with an aggressive series of milestones and 
activities," as we now know the civilian, though securocratic-minded 
Homeland Security bureaucracy is being supplanted by the Pentagon's 
National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command as the invisible 
hands guiding the nation's "cybersecurity" policies.

As I 
last month (see: "Through the Wormhole: The Secret State's Mad Scheme 
to Control the Internet"), corporate greed and venality aren't the 
only motives behind hyped-up "cyber threats." Armed with multibillion 
dollar budgets, most of which are concealed from public view under a 
black cone of top secret classifications, agencies such as NSA are 
positioning themselves as gatekeepers over America's electronic 
communications infrastructure.

The Media's Role

With corporate media serving as "message force multipliers" for the 
flood of alarmist reports emanating from industry-sponsored think 
tanks such as the Bipartisan Policy Center 
(<>BPC) and the Center for Strategic 
and International Studies (<>CSIS), or lobby shops 
like the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association 
(<>AFCEA) and the Intelligence and National 
Security Alliance (<>INSA), it is becoming 
clear that consensus has been reached amongst Washington power 
brokers, one that will have a deleterious effect on the free speech 
and privacy rights of all Americans.

Floated perhaps as a means to test the waters for restricting 
internet access, 
New York Times reported July 4 that "the Internet affords anonymity 
to its users--a boon to privacy and freedom of speech. But that very 
anonymity is also behind the explosion of cybercrime that has swept 
across the Web."

Reporter John Markoff, a conduit for "cyberwar" scaremongering, 
informs us that "Howard Schmidt, the nation's cyberczar, offered the 
Obama administration's proposal to make the Web a safer place--a 
'voluntary trusted identity' system that would be the high-tech 
equivalent of a physical key, a fingerprint and a photo ID card, all 
rolled into one."

"The system" Markoff writes, "might use a smart identity card, or a 
digital credential linked to a specific computer, and would 
authenticate users at a range of online services."

Schmidt has described the Obama administration's approach (note the 
warm and fuzzy phrase hiding the steel fist) as a "voluntary 
ecosystem" in which "individuals and organizations can complete 
online transactions with confidence, trusting the identities of each 
other and the identities of the infrastructure that the transaction runs on."

Markoff's reporting would be humorous if we didn't already know that 
secret state agencies themselves have already compromised the Secure 
Socket Layer certification process (SSL, the tiny lock that appears 
during supposedly "secure" online transactions), as computer security 
and privacy researchers Christopher Soghoian and Sid Stamm revealed 
in their paper, <>Certified 
Lies: Detecting and Defeating Government Interception Attacks Against SSL.

In March, Soghoian and Stamm introduced the public to "a new attack, 
the compelled certificate creation attack, in which government 
agencies compel a certificate authority to issue false SSL 
certificates that are then used by intelligence agencies to covertly 
intercept and hijack individuals' secure Web-based communications." 
They provided "alarming evidence" that suggests "that this attack is 
in active use," and that a niche security firm, 
<>Packet Forensics, is already 
marketing "extremely small, covert surveillance devices for networks" 
to government agencies.

Not everyone is thrilled by Schmidt's call to create this allegedly 
"voluntary" system. Lauren Weinstein, the editor of 
<>Privacy Journal, told the 
Times that "such a scheme is a pre-emptive push toward what would 
eventually be a mandated Internet 'driver's license' mentality."

The stampede for increased state controls are accelerating. Stewart 
Baker, the NSA's chief counsel under Bush, told the Times that the 
"privacy standards the administration wants to adopt will make the 
system both unwieldy and less effective and not good for security." 
Baker and his ilk argue that all internet users "should be forced to 
register and identify themselves, in the same way that drivers must 
be licensed to drive on public roads."

Considering that police have increasingly turned to license plate 
readers that are fast becoming "a fixture in local police arsenals," 
as the 
for Investigative Reporting revealed last month, and that such 
devices have been deployed for political surveillance here in the 
heimat and abroad, as both 
Guardian and 
Weekly disclosed in reports documenting outrageous secret state 
spying, a licensing scheme for internet users is an ominous analogy indeed!

The Grim Road Ahead

A confidence game only works when "marks," in this case American 
citizens, allow themselves to be defrauded by a person or group who 
have gained their trust.

And when trust cannot be won through reason, fear tends to take over 
as a powerful motivator. This is amply on display when it comes to 
Washington's ginned-up "cybersecurity" panic.

According to this reading, fraudulent internet schemes, identity 
theft, even espionage by state- and non-state actors (say corporate 
spies who benefit from NSA's ECHELON program) have been transformed 
into a "war," one which Bush's former Director of National 
Intelligence, Mike McConnell, currently an executive vice president 
with the spooky Booz Allen Hamilton firm, 
the U.S. is "losing."

But as security technology expert Bruce Schneier 
last week, "There's a power struggle going on in the U.S. government right now.

"It's about who is in charge of cyber security, and how much control 
the government will exert over civilian networks. And by beating the 
drums of war, the military is coming out on top."

Schneier avers that "the entire national debate on cyberwar is 
plagued with exaggerations and hyperbole." Googling "cyberwar," as 
well as "'cyber Pearl Harbor,' 'cyber Katrina,' and even 'cyber 
Armageddon'--gives some idea how pervasive these memes are. Prefix 
'cyber' to something scary, and you end up with something really scary."

Hackers, criminals and sociopaths have been around since the birth of 
the "information superhighway." Schneier writes, "we surely need to 
improve our cybersecurity. But words have meaning, and metaphors 
matter. There's a power struggle going on for control of our nation's 
cybersecurity strategy, and the NSA and DoD are winning. If we frame 
the debate in terms of war, if we accept the military's expansive 
cyberspace definition of 'war,' we feed our fears."

This is precisely the intent of our political masters. And if the 
purpose of "cyberwar" hype is to breed fear, mistrust and 
helplessness in the face of relentless attacks by shadowy actors only 
a mouse click away then, as Schneier sagely warns: "We reinforce the 
notion that we're helpless--what person or organization can defend 
itself in a war?--and others need to protect us. We invite the 
military to take over security, and to ignore the limits on power 
that often get jettisoned during wartime."

Destroy trust, increase fear: create the "Perfect Citizen."


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