'Sheik al-Torture' is now a democrat

                                                        By Pepe Escobar


                                                        The Egyptian revolution 
is being dissolved right in front of the world's eyes 
                                                        by an optical illusion.


                                                        The protesters who have 
been on the streets for two weeks still want President 
                                                        Hosni Mubarak out. Now. 
Yet United States President Barack Obama is firmly in 
                                                        not-so-fast mode, glad 
that "Egypt is making progress". Obama has not mentioned 
                                                        even once the capital 
words "free elections".


                                                        Washington's "orderly 
transition" road map - fully supported by Tel Aviv and 
                                                        European capitals - is 
a facelift. Mubarak stepping down has become an 
                                                        afterthought; the 
already anointed successor is




                                                        Vice President Omar 
Suleiman, the former head of the Mukhabarat, whom the 
                                                        protesters call "Sheik 


                                                        Sheik al-Torture 
already behaves as a president - while the actual president is 
                                                        still inhabiting his 
palace, but as a ghost. The regime, a brutal military 
                                                        dictatorship, remains 
an immovable subject - even while being denounced by the 
                                                        protesters as 
illegitimate from A to Z, from the executive to the legislative. 
                                                        The key point is that 
acting president Suleiman is the regime. If French 
                                                        philosopher Jean 
Baudrillard was alive, he would say this revolution never took 
                                                        place - except on the 
world's television screens.


                                                        Some among the 
fragmented opposition want the head of the constitutional court 
                                                        to be appointed as 
interim president, and then preside over the election of a 
                                                        constituent assembly. 
Others - including the youth movement - want a national 
                                                        committee to supervise 
the Washington-sanctioned "orderly transition".


                                                        Gilbert Achcar, 
professor of international relations at the School of Oriental 
                                                        and African Studies in 
London, goes straight to the point, "In order to impose 
                                                        such a thorough change, 
the mass movement would need to break or destabilize 
                                                        the regime's backbone, 
that is, the Egyptian army."


                                                        Meet the new boss ... 

                                                        Egypt is a hardcore 
military dictatorship. The army, essentially paid for by US 
                                                        taxpayer money, is no 
"honest broker". The Mubarak regime's repression against 
                                                        the protests has not 
been even more vicious because soldiers in this conscript 
                                                        army would certainly 
have refused to shoot their own people; thus plan B, the 
                                                        regime's goons and the 
hated baltagia - state-sponsored thugs in 
                                                        plainclothes - 
unleashed last week.


                                                        Still, the regime was 
never shaken to the core - because the army remains in 
                                                        charge. Graphic 
example; the state-owned newspaper al-Gomhuria had a monster 
                                                        headline this Monday 
reading "New Era" above a photo of Suleiman meeting some 
                                                        of the opposition under 
a picture of Mubarak.


                                                        The protesters insist 
on the end of the state of emergency - enforced for the 
                                                        past 25 years. The 
regime says this would depend on "security conditions"; they 
                                                        could keep repeating 
this ad nauseam for months. The regime won't accept 
                                                        dissolving parliament; 
it refuses to hold a really free, fair election to 
                                                        replace the current, 
kangaroo, pro-Mubarak parliament.


                                                        "Divide and rule" is 
the regime's modus operandi - and it's working 
                                                        wonders. The tactics 
are predictable; minimal concessions; accusing the 
                                                        protesters of being a 
tool of "foreign powers"; and also accusing them of being 
                                                        a threat to Egypt's 


                                                        Crucial: the "foreign 
powers" slander came from the lion's (Suleiman's) mouth 
                                                        last Thursday, in a 
long interview to state television - exactly the same day 
                                                        that foreign 
journalists were being hunted, beaten, arrested or humiliated all 
                                                        across Cairo. Suleiman 
explicitly blamed "certain friendly nations who have 
                                                        television channels, 
they're not friendly at all, who have intensified the 
                                                        youth against the 
nation and the state". How about that as a democrat's 


                                                        Some already see right 
through it. The left-wing Nasserists (three seats in the 
                                                        2000 election), who 
insist the revolution represents all Egyptians, won't talk 
                                                        to Suleiman again 
unless Mubarak is gone. Suleiman has explicitly said Mubarak 
                                                        - ghost, illusion or 
both - stays.


                                                        Writing on Ahram 
online, columnist Nabil Shawkat says about Mubarak that "the 
                                                        spirit of his rule, the 
essence of his regime, and the methods of his era are 
                                                        far from over". He also 
notes that "in his first television interview, he 
                                                        [Suleiman] gave the 
impression that he was running the country, that - if he 
                                                        wanted - he could tell 
Mubarak to go to his room and stay there." Talk about 
                                                        the ghost in the room.


                                                        Even with a monster 
ghost in a closet inside his room, the regime's targets 
                                                        remain clear. 
Activists, such as independent filmmaker Samir Eshra and blogger 
                                                        Abdel-Karim Nabil 
Suleiman, keep being arrested. Human Rights Watch's Daniel 
                                                        Williams was kept by 
the army for no less than 36 hours. It's easy for a 
                                                        well-oiled repression 
machine to intimidate the overwhelming majority in the 
                                                        streets, who have no 
political affiliation.


                                                        There are no 
independent workers' unions. The April 6 Youth Movement as well as Kefaya
                                                        (Enough!) are 
campaigners, not established political parties. Legendary 
                                                        Egyptian economist 
Samir Amin, professor at the universities of Paris and 
                                                        Cairo, insists things 
might change if the working class and peasant movements 
                                                        started to act as 
forcefully as the current actors - the urban, educated, 
                                                        unemployed youth and 
the middle classes. What they all should do is to pierce 
                                                        the contradictions of 
the regime with concerted action.


                                                        ... same as the old 

                                                        Washington could live 
with an Egypt like a new Pakistan; a heady mix of 
                                                        unstable comprador 
elites, some political Islam (via the Muslim Brotherhood), 
                                                        military intelligence 
and why not, another military dictator. It's not exactly 


                                                        Yet the notion that 
protesters from all walks of life, from students to 
                                                        lawyers, not to mention 
Egyptian human-rights groups, would gladly accept the 
                                                        face-lifted Sheik 
al-Torture as a dialogue-driven democrat speaks Luxor temples 
                                                        about how Washington 
really despises nationalist, popular movements.


                                                        Before the Pharaoh 
anointed him as vice president last week, Omar Suleiman, aka 
                                                        "Sheik al-Torture" 
(everyone in Egypt knows he supervised US Central 
                                                        Intelligence Agency 
(CIA) renditions as well as torture of al-Qaeda suspects), 
                                                        born July 2, 1936, in 
Qena, southern Egypt, was a minister without portfolio 
                                                        and director of the 
Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate, the national 
                                                        intelligence agency, 
from 1993 to 2011.


                                                        In the 1980s, he got 
training at the John F Kennedy Special Warfare School and 
                                                        Center at Fort Bragg in 
North Carolina. Foreign Policy magazine ranked him the 
                                                        Middle East's most 
powerful intelligence chief in 2009, even ahead of Israel's 
                                                        Mossad head at the 
time, Meir Dagan.


                                                        It doesn't matter that 
the Egyptian street abhors him; for the top echelons of 
                                                        the army he is the new 
rais [president]. Al-Jazeera describes him as "the point man" 
                                                        for Egypt's secret 
relations with Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin 
                                                        Netanyahu loves him. 
Former bouncer and Deputy Prime Minister of Israel Avigdor 
                                                        Lieberman has expressed 
"his respect and appreciation for Egypt's leading role 
                                                        in the region and his 
personal respect for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and 
                                                        Minister Suleiman".


                                                        According to a 2006 
diplomatic cable on WikiLeaks, the CIA - what else? - also 
                                                        loves him; "Our 
intelligence collaboration with Oman Soliman [sic] is now 
                                                        probably the most 
successful element of the relationship" with Egypt. Suleiman 
                                                        always negotiated 
directly with top CIA officials.


                                                        On the other side of 
the spectrum, Human Rights Watch stresses, "Egyptians ... 
                                                        see Suleiman as Mubarak 
II, especially after the lengthy interview he gave to 
                                                        state television Feb 3 
in which he accused the demonstrators in Tahrir Square 
                                                        of implementing foreign 
agendas. He did not even bother to veil his threats of 
                                                        retaliation against 
protesters." Human Rights Watch notes at least 75 Egyptian 
                                                        activists and 
demonstrators and about 30 foreign journalists have been arrested 
                                                        since the protests 
began, and at least 297 people have been killed.


                                                        The street is under no 
illusions. They know the army - the strongest player in 
                                                        the Egyptian political 
equation - might even invest in a massive crackdown if 
                                                        it feels threatened. 
The spark could be anything from an imaginary threat from 
                                                        "foreign powers" to a 
feeling that they will never be ready to cede power to 
                                                        civilians for the first 
time since 1956.


                                                        Minister of Defense 
Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, for instance, is 
                                                        impervious to "economic 
and political reforms that he perceives as eroding 
                                                        central government 
power", according to a WikiLeaks cable. But for the moment 
                                                        the army is more than 
comfortable with Sheik al-Torture running the show. And 
                                                        so are the democrats in 


                                                        Pepe Escobar is the 
author of 
How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble 
                                                        Books, 2007) and 
                                                                Red Zone Blues: 
a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge. His new book, 
                                                        just out, is 
                                                                Obama does 
Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009).


                                                        He may be reached at 



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