America’s Nuclear Nightmare
                                                        The U.S. has 31 
reactors just like Japan’s — but regulators are ignoring the risks and boosting 
industry profits
The Davis-Besse nuclear 
generating station in Ohio, where a football-size hole overlooked by NRC
 inspectors nearly caused a catastrophe in 2002
                        Entergy Nuclear via the NRC




                                By Jeff Goodell
                                                April 27, 2011 9:00 AM 
Five days after a massive 
earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, triggering the worst nuclear 
disaster since Chernobyl, America's leading nuclear regulator came 
before Congress bearing good news: Don't worry, it can't happen here.
 In the aftermath of the Japanese catastrophe, officials in Germany 
moved swiftly to shut down old plants for inspection, and China put 
licensing of new plants on hold. But Gregory Jaczko, the chairman of the
 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, reassured lawmakers that nothing at the 
Fukushima Daiichi reactors warranted any immediate changes at U.S. 
nuclear plants. Indeed, 10 days after the earthquake in Japan, the NRC 
extended the license of the 40-year-old Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor —
 a virtual twin of Fukushima — for another two decades. The license 
renewal was granted even though the reactor's cooling tower had 
literally fallen down, and the plant had repeatedly leaked radioactive 
Photo Gallery: See America's Worst Nuclear Plants

Perhaps Jaczko was simply trying to prevent a full-scale panic about 
the dangers of U.S. nuclear plants. After all, there are now 104 
reactors scattered across the country, generating 20 percent of 
America's power. All of them were designed in the 1960s and '70s, and 
are nearing the end of their planned life expectancy. But there was one 
problem with Jaczko's testimony, according to Dave Lochbaum, a senior 
adviser at the Union of Concerned Scientists: Key elements of what the 
NRC chief told Congress were "a baldfaced lie."

Lochbaum, a nuclear engineer, says that Jaczko knows full well that 
what the NRC calls "defense in depth" at U.S. reactors has been 
seriously compromised over the years. In some places, highly radioactive
 spent fuel is stockpiled in what amounts to swimming pools located 
beside reactors. In other places, changes in the cooling systems at 
reactors have made them more vulnerable to a core meltdown if something 
goes wrong. A few weeks before Fukushima, Lochbaum authored a widely 
circulated report that underscored the NRC's haphazard performance, 
describing 14 serious "near-miss" events at nuclear plants last year 
alone. At the Indian Point reactor just north of New York City, federal 
inspectors discovered a water-containment system that had been leaking 
for 16 years.

As head of the NRC, Jaczko is the top cop on the nuclear beat, the 
guy charged with keeping the nation's fleet of aging nukes running 
safely. A balding, 40-year-old Democrat with big ears and the air of a 
brilliant high school physics teacher, Jaczko oversees a 4,000-person 
agency with a budget of $1 billion. But the NRC has long served as 
little more than a lap dog to the nuclear industry, unwilling to crack 
down on unsafe reactors. "The agency is a wholly owned subsidiary of the
 nuclear power industry," says Victor Gilinsky, who served on the 
commission during the Three Mile Island meltdown in 1979. Even President
 Obama denounced the NRC during the 2008 campaign, calling it a 
"moribund agency that needs to be revamped and has become captive of the
 industries that it regulates."

In the years ahead, nuclear experts warn, the consequences of the 
agency's inaction could be dire. "The NRC has consistently put industry 
profits above public safety," says Arnie Gundersen, a former nuclear 
executive turned whistle-blower. "Consequently, we have a dozen 
Fukushimas waiting to happen in America."

The meltdown in Japan 
couldn't have happened at a worse time for the industry. In recent 
years, nuclear power has been hyped as the only energy source that could
 replace coal quickly enough to slow the pace of global warming. Some 60
 new nukes are currently in the works worldwide, prompting the industry 
to boast of a "nuclear renaissance." In his 2012 budget, President Obama
 included $54 billion in federal loan guarantees for new reactors — far 
more than the $18 billion available for renewable energy.

Without such taxpayer support, no new reactors would ever be built. 
Since the Manhattan Project was created to develop the atomic bomb back 
in the 1940s, the dream of a nuclear future has been fueled almost 
entirely by Big Government. America's current fleet of reactors exists 
only because Congress passed the Price-Anderson Act in 1957, limiting 
the liability of nuclear plant operators in case of disaster. And even 
with taxpayers assuming most of the risk, Wall Street still won't 
finance nuclear reactors without direct federal assistance, in part 
because construction costs are so high (up to $20 billion per plant) and
 in part because nukes are the only energy investment that can be 
rendered worthless in a matter of hours. "In a free market, where real 
risks and costs are accounted for, nuclear power doesn't exist," says 
Amory Lovins, a leading energy expert at the Rocky Mountain  Institute. 
Nuclear plants "are a creation of government policy and intervention."

They are also a creation of lobbying and campaign contributions. Over
 the past decade, the nuclear industry has contributed more than $4.6 
million to members of Congress — and last year alone, it spent $1.7 
million on federal lobbying. Given the generous flow of nuclear money, 
the NRC is essentially rigged to operate in the industry's favor. The 
agency has plenty of skilled engineers and scientists at the staff 
level, but the five commissioners who oversee it often have close ties 
to the industry they are supposed to regulate. "They are vetted by the 
industry," says Robert Alvarez, a former senior policy adviser at the 
Energy Department. "It's the typical revolving-door story — many are 
coming in or out of jobs with the nuclear power industry. You don't get a
 lot of skeptics appointed to this job."

Jeffrey Merrifield, a former NRC commissioner who left the agency in 
2007, is a case in point. When Merrifield was ready to exit public 
service, he simply called up the CEO of Exelon, the country's largest 
nuclear operator, and asked him for a job recommendation. Given his 
friends in high places, he wound up taking a top job at the Shaw Group, a
 construction firm that builds nuclear reactors — and he's done his best
 to return the favor. During the Fukushima disaster, Merrifield appeared
 on Fox News, as well as in videos for the Nuclear Energy Institute, the
 industry's lobbying group. In one video — titled "Former NRC 
Commissioner Confident That Building of New U.S. Nuclear Plants Should 
Continue" — Merrifield reassures viewers that the meltdown in Japan is 
no big deal. "We should continue to move forward with building those new
 plants," he says, "because it's the right thing for our nation and it's
 the right thing for our future."

Such cozy relationships between regulators and the industry are 
nothing new. The NRC and the utilities it oversees have engaged in an 
unholy alliance since 1974, when the agency rose from the ashes of the 
old Atomic Energy Commission, whose mandate was to promote nuclear 
power. "For political reasons, the U.S. wanted to show something good 
could come out of splitting the atom," says Robert Duffy, a political 
scientist at Colorado State University who has written widely about the 
history of nuclear power. "There was great pressure on the industry to 
get nuclear plants built quickly." With no effective oversight by the 
government, the industry repeatedly cut corners on the design and 
construction of reactors. At the Diablo Canyon plant in California, 
engineers actually installed vital cooling pipes backward, only to have 
to tear them out and reinstall them.

But even the lax oversight provided by the NRC was more than the 
industry could bear. In 1996, in one of the most aggressive enforcement 
moves in the agency's history, the NRC launched an investigation into 
design flaws at a host of reactors and handed out significant fines. 
When the industry complained to Sen. Pete Domenici of New Mexico, a 
powerful nuclear ally, he confronted the head of the NRC in his office 
and threatened to cut its funding by a third unless the agency backed 
off. "So the NRC folded their tent and went away," says Lochbaum. "And 
they've been away pretty much ever since."

The Japanese disaster should
 have been a wake-up call for boosters of nuclear power. America has 31 
aging reactors just like Fukushima, and it wouldn't take an earthquake 
or tsunami to push many of them to the brink of meltdown. A natural 
disaster may have triggered the crisis in Japan, but the real problem 
was that the plant lost power and was unable to keep its cooling systems
 running — a condition known as "station blackout." At U.S. reactors, 
power failures have been caused by culprits as mundane as squirrels 
playing on power lines. In the event of a blackout, operators have only a
 few hours to restore power before a meltdown begins. All nukes are 
equipped with backup diesel generators, as well as batteries. But at 
Fukushima, the diesel generators were swamped by floodwaters, and the 
batteries lasted a mere eight hours — not nearly long enough to get 
power restored and avert catastrophe. NRC standards do virtually nothing
 to prevent such a crisis here at home. Only 11 of America's nuclear 
reactors have batteries designed to supply power for up to eight hours, 
while the other 93 have batteries that last half that long.

And that's just the beginning of the danger. Aging reactors are a 
gold mine for the power companies that own them. Nuclear plants are 
expensive to build but cheap to operate, meaning the longer they run, 
the more profitable they become. The NRC has done its part to boost 
profitability by allowing companies to "uprate" old nukes — modifying 
them to run harder — without requiring additional safety improvements. 
Vermont Yankee, for example, was permitted to boost its output by 20 
percent, eroding the reactor's ability to cool itself in the event of an
 emergency. The NRC's own advisory committee on reactor safety was 
vehemently opposed to allowing such modifications, but the agency 
ultimately allowed the industry  to trade safety for profit. "The NRC 
put millions of Americans at elevated risk," says Lochbaum.
Indeed, the NRC's "safety-last" attitude recalls the 
industry-friendly approach to regulation that resulted in the BP 
disaster in the Gulf of Mexico last year. Nuclear reactors were built to
 last only 40 years, but the NRC has repeatedly greenlighted industry 
requests to keep the aging nukes running for another two decades: Of the
 63 applications the NRC has received for license extensions, it has 
approved all 63. In some cases, according to the agency's own Office of 
the Inspector General, NRC inspectors failed to verify the authenticity 
of safety information submitted by the industry, opting to simply cut 
and paste sections of the applications into their own safety reviews. 
That's particularly frightening given that some of America's most 
troubled reactors — including Davis-Besse in Ohio, where a football-size
 hole overlooked by NRC inspectors nearly caused a catastrophe in 2002 —
 are now pushing for extensions. "If history is any judge, the NRC is 
likely to grant them," says Gundersen, the former nuclear executive.

Even after a reactor is found to be at higher risk because of new 
information about earthquake zones — as is the case at Indian Point, 
located only 38 miles from New York City — the NRC has done little to 
bolster safety requirements. The agency's current risk estimate of 
potential core damage at the Pilgrim reactor in Plymouth, Massachusetts,
 is eight times higher than its earlier 1989 estimate — yet it has done 
little to require the plant to prepare for an earthquake, beyond adding a
 few more fire hoses and other emergency gear. The Diablo Canyon plant 
in California, which sits near one of the most active seismic zones in 
the world, is supposedly engineered to withstand a 7.5 earthquake. 
There's only one problem: Two nearby faults are capable of producing 
quakes of 7.7 or higher. Should it be shut down? "That's the kind of big
 question the NRC should be capable of answering," says Gilinsky, the 
former NRC commissioner. "Unfortunately, they are not."

The biggest safety issue the NRC faces with old nukes is what to do 
about the nuclear waste. At Fukushima, the largest release of 
radioactivity apparently came from the concrete pools where spent fuel 
rods, clad with a special alloy, are placed to cool down after they are 
used in the reactor. These spent rods are extremely hot — up to 2,000 
degrees Fahrenheit — and need a constant circulation of water to keep 
them from burning up. But in America, most plants have no way of keeping
 the water circulating in the event of a power failure. Nor are the 
pools themselves typically housed in secure bunkers, because the NRC 
long considered it virtually impossible for the special alloy to catch 

Fukushima proved them wrong. The earthquake damaged the systems 
that cooled the spent rods, allowing the water to drain out. The rods 
then heated up and the cladding caught fire, releasing cesium-137 and 
other radioactive particles. The rods were eventually cooled with 
seawater fired from water cannons and pumped in by firetrucks, but not 
before a significant amount of radiation had been released.

In theory, pools in the U.S. were only supposed to hold spent fuel 
rods for a short time, until they could be moved to a permanent disposal
 site at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. But the site has remained unfeasible 
despite two decades and $7 billion in research, prompting President 
Obama to finally pull the plug on it last year. That means tens of 
thousands of tons of irradiated fuel continue to sit in spent fuel pools
 at reactors across the country — America's largest repository of 
radioactive material. A release of just one-tenth of the radioactive 
material at the Vermont Yankee reactor could kill thousands and render 
much of New England uninhabitable for centuries. "Yet the NRC has 
ignored the risk for decades," says Alvarez, the former Energy 
Department adviser.

According to a 2003 study, it would cost as much as $7 billion to 
move the spent fuel out of the pools and into more secure containers 
known as dry-cask storage. So why hasn't the NRC required such a 
precaution? "Power companies don't want to pay for it," says Alvarez. 
"They would rather let the public take the risk." Gilinsky offers 
another explanation. "After insisting for years that spent fuel pools 
were not a problem," he says, "the NRC doesn't want to admit what 
everyone knows after Fukushima: They were wrong."

As chairman of the NRC, 
Gregory Jaczko was supposed to reform the agency. He formerly served as 
science adviser to Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, and won his seat on the 
commission in 2005 over protests from the industry. Under his 
leadership, however, the NRC has displayed an alarming lack of urgency 
in the wake of Fukushima. The agency says it is currently taking a quick
 look for immediate problems at U.S. reactors, and promises to follow up
 with a more in-depth review later. But it's an indication of how little
 respect the agency commands that no one expects much to change. Indeed,
 ever since the terrorist attacks in 2001, the NRC has become 
increasingly secretive. "The agency has used national security as an 
excuse to withhold information," says Diane Curran, an attorney who 
specializes in nuclear safety.

Some critics argue that it's time for an outside agency, such as the 
National Academy of Sciences, to take an independent look at the safety 
and security of America's aging nukes. A better idea might be to simply 
repeal the Price-Anderson Act and force the nuclear industry to take 
responsibility for the risks of running these old plants, rather than 
laying it all off on taxpayers. The meltdown in Japan could cost Tokyo 
Electric some $130 billion — roughly three times what the Deepwater 
Horizon spill cost BP. If nuke owners had to put their own money where 
their atoms are, the crumbling old reactors would get cleaned up or shut
 down in a heartbeat.

Instead, by allowing the industry to cut safety margins in exchange 
for profits, the NRC is actually putting the "nuclear renaissance" 
itself at risk. "It has not been protesters who have brought down the 
nuclear industry," said Rep. Ed Markey of Massachusetts. "It has been 
Wall Street." Wind and natural gas are already cheaper than nukes, and 
the price of solar is falling fast. And with each new Fukushima, the 
cost of nukes — as well as the risks — will continue to rise.

"The question is not whether we will get an earthquake or a tsunami,"
 says Lochbaum. "The question is whether we are fully prepared for 
unexpected events, and whether we are doing everything we can to protect
 the public. I don't think we are. If and when there is a nuclear 
disaster, I would hate to be the one who has to stand up in front of the
 American people and say, 'We knew about these problems, but did nothing
 about them.'"

This article appears in the May 12, 2011 issue of Rolling Stone. The issue is 
available now.


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