South Africa: The more things change the more they remain the same -
Polokwane and 
Written by Vusumuzi Martin Bhengu Wednesday, 01 June 2011

*We publish here an article written by a comrade of the Young Communist
League in South Africa. The article, which was first published on the
website of SASCO (The South African Students Congress) was a reply to
another comment on the same website called "**A revolution foresaked or
advanced: 2007 Polokwane
*" (at the bottom of the page). Although we are not in complete agreement
with all the content of the article we think that it is an important
contribution to the debate that is going on within the South African worker

Firstly I must say that the paper written by comrade Maneli raises
key questions that revolutionaries should be asking themselves in this stage
of the Revolution (or lack thereof). Chief among these questions are
the following questions:

   1. Did Polokwane really bring change?
   2. Who is the ANC?
   3. Is the SACP the real vanguard of the working class?

Comrade Maneli kicks of his paper with a very sensitive exposition that
has a potential to have one labelled a counter-revolutionary by the
"real revolutionaries" in our midst.

"These seeds where left to grow in our ranks and the leadership of
Jacob Zuma assisted in the process by watering them by deploying them in
key strategic areas of governance; they are root causes of the current
anarchy destabilized nature of the ANC. In essence the task of removing all
that is about working-class exploitation and crass materialism,
commoditisation of public enterprise and later entrepreneurism was left
untouched. Then BOOM!!!! We have a problem yet again. The emergence of our
"pop-star" Jacob Zuma has meant nothing to the progression of the

Truth must be told that Jacob Zuma was a result of an effort of
antagonist classes that had highly contradictory expectations from this
man... "Zuma's camp" was a somehow amusing bunch of Leftist, disgrungeld
pursuers of tenders and people afraid of going to jail.

The emerging black bourgeoisie that was marginalised by the Mbeki
elite, pumped funds for country wide campaigns to have Zuma elected
president of the ANC and ultimately president of the republic. Zuma was seen
a popular figure after he was humiliated by the Mbeki elite when he was
expelled from parliament after reports that he allegedly engaged in corrupt
activities with his former financial adviser, Shabir Shaik. He was then a
rallying point for all those who were excluded in the ailing tendering
system by the Mbeki elite.

Zuma's appeal to rural and township folk, presented him as the victim
of state capitalism, therefore the working class under the leadership of
COSATU and the SACP supported his quest to assume to the highest office in
the republic. They supported him despite of his lack of involvement in
the working class struggles and hailed him as the voice of the working
class that he had hitherto despised when he was MEC for economic development
and tourism in KwaZulu-Natal and also Deputy President of the republic.
Rather, he was part of the leadership collective that adopted GEAR and
abandoned RDP, but when all hell broke loose, Zuma came out as an angel with
a halo who was somehow not in favour of GEAR. The SACP and COSATU had to
adopt the "hope and pray strategy" when they supported Zuma. They "hoped and
prayed" that he would not despise them once he is elected, like past leaders
of the

The ANC views itself as "the disciplined force of the left organised
to conduct consistent struggle in pursuit of a caring society in which the
well being of the poor receives focused and consistent attention. It seeks
to put in place the best elements of a developmental state and social
democracy." [2]

The NDR as outlined by the strategy and tactics of the ANC seeks to
achieve this developmental state and social democracy. It views the black
African working class and the black middle strata as the motive force of the

The achievement of democracy in 1994 saw the dramatic emergence of the
black capitalist group. This group was the direct product of democratic
change and direct creation of the NDR. The question that arises is somehow
difficult to answer, lest we be labelled anti-NDR. Nonetheless, if the ANC
seeks to create an equal and caring society, how does it simultaneously
create a black capitalist group that shall exploit the very same working
class it views as the motive force of the revolution?

The rise of this black capitalist group is dependent in part on co-operation
with elements of established white capital; they are susceptible to
co-option into serving its interest and thus developing in comprador
bourgeois. Because their advancement is dependent on varierity
of interventions and as with all private capital, on opportunities provided
by the ANC led state, they constantly use corrupt means to advance
their personal interest, and thus developing into a parasitic
bureaucratic bourgeois.

The scale of the wealth of the ANC created oligarchs is in direct
contrast to the founding principles of the freedom charter and the class
position of the majority of its members. 16% of the post-polokwane NEC have
been convicted of post-Apartheid crimes. A further 13% have the dark cloud
of fraud and corruption scandals hanging over them and 3% of them have
had run-ins with the law. In total, 33% of the 88 members of the NEC have
been involved in one scandal or another involving fraud, corruption
and maladministration .

There are some for whom the post-Apartheid South Africa has become
a profitable gold mine, Literaly. Some NEC members are no longer active
in parliamentary politics, but their connections to the corridors of power
have certainly allowed them a life style and access to wealth unheard of by
many South Africans.
Are these the creation of the Mbeki era, as we were made to
believe Pre-Polokwane?

There is a well-known saying which says that people who live in glass
houses should not throw stones. Closer examnation of the current ANC NEC
reveals many similarities to the previous NEC that was a focus point for
public disgust, because of the lavish lives it lead. This NEC is composed of
people who have bussines interest as far as reaching as the international
arms trade, uranium and platinum mining, the oil and shipping
trade, international finance and recently the lucrative stadium

However the reader might say "but the ANC is not the NEC"...
well, examnation of the current political climate revelas that
contituancies usually have little power compared to the upper levels of
power. What happens on the ground is not what is stipulated in the
constitution, the contituancy has "handlers" who control and manage it.
These "handlers" usually receive rewards from the upper levels of power for
delivering their contituancy.

The ANC in this epoch is faced with three options in its quest to
survive dying a slow death; it can either act as a party of the present,
anelectoral machine blinded by short-term interest, satisfied with
current social reality or merely give stewardship to its sustenance. Or it
can become a party of the future, using political power and harnessing
the organisational and intellectual resources of society to attain the
vision of a democratic society. Or it can become both, because the changing
and slippery present requires creativity in regard to the above challenges -
not least in the development program of the broad liberation movement and
the organisational character of the ANC. If the ANC is going to spend a lot
of time admiring its own foot work, it risks forgetting where it has
been trying to go for the past decades. If it simply stares at future goals,
it is going to lose its balance right here in the present.

The ANC must not conduct itself like an electoral party, and it must not
be like a shapeless jelly fish with an ideological form that is
fashioned hither and thither by the multiple contradictory forces of

There is no use in mincing matters. No milksop words can hide the ugly
fact that the present South Africa is mainly divided into two great
antagonist classes - into capitalist, the owners of all the means for the
employment of labour, on one side we have the working men, the owners of
nothing but their own working power. The produce of the latter has to be
divided between both classes and it is this division about which the
struggle is constantly going on. Each class tries to get as large a share as
possible; and it is the most
curious aspect of this struggle that the working class, while fighting
to obtain a share of its own produce, is often accused of robbing
the capitalist.

The struggle between two great classes of society necessarily becomes
a political struggle. In a political struggle of class against
class, organization is the most important weapon, hence the need for a
strong vanguard party that does not limit its role to that of a fan club to
other organisations. A fan club mobilises supporters for a particular club,
but it never benefits from having a great following. Instead it is the club
owners and the players that benefit from ticket sales.

After the 1994 democratic break-through, the SACP entered into the
struggle against capital with new weapons, by sending men of its own class
into parliament. And here, I'm sorry to say, the deployed cadres of the
SACP forgot their duty as the advanced guard of the working class. The new
weapon has been in their hands for more than 15 years but they scarcely
ever unsheathed it. At some point the SACP must wake up and smell the coffee
and realise that the MTV has hardly achieved its envisaged goals.

The SACP must not forget that it cannot continue to hold the position it
now occupies unless it really marches in the van of the working class. It is
not in the nature of the working class to posses the power to send forty
of fifty of its members to parliament and yet be satisfied forever to
be represented by capitalist.

Nonetheless, the recent public sector strike and the consistent
public service delivery protests, are the symptoms that the working class of
this country is awakening to the consciousness that it has for sometime
been moving on the wrong direction; that the present actions for higher
wages and better service delivery, keep it in a vicious cycle out of which
there is no issue. It is not the lowness of wages and lack of service
delivery that forms the fundamental evil, but the capitalist system itself.

Only a mass Leninist vanguard party that struggles on
a democratic-centralist basis is capable of leading the working class to
power. Although this party will start small it must grow to mass size if
we want to seize power.The current leaders of the SACP have never been able
to, and cannot build such a party due to their character as a petty
bourgeoisie and their Stalinist modus operandi . Nor can other organisations
like the trade unions, 'social movements' or NGOs replace the need for a
vanguard party. However, a genuine Marxist-Leninist vanguard party of the
working class will not emerge spontaneously or by proclamation; it needs to
be built in the course of the class struggle in the trade unions, in work
places and the townships and villages of South Africa.

The vanguard party will emerge and win influence in a vigorous
struggle against Stalinism, reformism, opportunism, syndicalism, centrism,
anarchism and sectarianism within the working class movement, both
nationally and internationally. The vanguard party cannot be a "new"
organisation, but should be "new" leadership within the SACP.

Under all circumstances, we are obliged to promote the
political independence and unity of the working class and internal democracy
within the class organisations.

This vitally includes a struggle for a transitional programme of
demands, which must serve as a bridge from the present limited consciousness
and organisation of workers, through a series of class battles, to the
mass revolutionary conquest of power by the working class.

   - A revolution forsaken or advanced: 2007 Polokwane aftermath. By Sbusiso
   - ANC Draft Strategy and Tactics

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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