The High Cost of Voting for Spoilers
By Mike Hersh

The 2012 Election season has begun. Next year, the Republican challenger to 
President Obama will be preparing to select his or her running mate, and 
testing attack-lines intended to gain control of the federal government, 
including the power to nominate Supreme Court Justices. Noam Chomsky warns 
"there are differences [between Democrats and Republicans and] in this system 
of immense power, small differences can translate into large outcomes." He said 
of the Bush Administration and like-minded Republicans, "the present group in 
power is particularly cruel and savage...."

Sadly, some of my friends are saying they'll sit out the 2012 election or else 
vote for a non-viable spoiler in close contests. They say there's no real 
difference between Democrats and right wing Republicans. Considering the 
onslaught against unions, women, the environment, public schools, Medicare, and 
more since the latest crop of Republicans took control, that's a hard case to 

No real difference between the Donkeys and the rampaging Elephants? Then why 
are the Chambers of Commerce, the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove's organization 
pouring so many $millions into Republican campaigns? What differences do they 
see that justifies their investment in these right wing candidates? Those who 
cannot see any real differences between Democrats and right wing Republicans 
should consider Barbara Boxer as Chair of the Senate Committee on the 
Environment vs. James Inhofe as chair. Or take the word of experience: PDA 
works with several Democrats in Congress, and they are much different. These 
Democrats are trying to do the best thing for people and the planet. 
Republicans put their narrow partisan special interests above everything else. 
Compare and contrast the People's Budget against the Ryan Budget which nearly 
all the Republicans in Congress support. No important diference? Really?

When it comes to threatening and even violently attacking other people at 
political events, that's a Republican right wing staple. Support for GBLT, 
women, the middle class, working people, minorities, etc. that's Democratic. 
Many Republicans deny global warming and evolution. Democrats rely on science. 
So clearly there are several important, critically important differences 
between the major parties. Can anyone offer any indication that sitting it out 
or supporting 3rd party spoilers would work better in 2012 than the disastrous 
outcomes of 2000, 1994, 1980, and 1968? The record is clear. Trying to "punish" 
Democrats ends up brutalizing those most vulnerable here and around the world. 
Giving up on the Democratic Party only empowers the corporate influence and 
Blue Dog wing of the  Party.

As you read this, Democrats are working to regain the House, while Republicans 
are striving to keep it and to retake the White House and the Senate--to 
control what Chomsky calls "this system of immense power." Down-ticket races 
for other offices will be at stake. In more than 99% of these contests over the 
course of American policy, either a Democrat or a Republican will win. In some 
of these high-stakes races, people may be tempted to vote for a spoiler.

This while the climate--the very susrvival of human life on Earth--is at stake. 
If the Climate-Change-Denying Republicans regain the Senate majority, they will 
replace Barbara Boxer with James Inhofe as Chair of the Senate Committee on the 
Environment and Public Works. Boxer--the current committee chair--supports 
Green Jobs, and has a terrific record on the environment. She believes in 
expanding public works. Remember how Inhofe ran the committee back when he was 
the chair? Inhofe--currently the ranking Republican on the committee--says 
global warming is a hoax. Is this the person we want running the Senate 
Committee on the Environment? James Inhofe--then-Chair of the 
Committee--actually said this:

Much of the debate over global warming is predicated on fear, rather than 
science. Global warming alarmists see a future plagued by catastrophic 
flooding, war, terrorism, economic dislocations, droughts, crop failures, 
mosquito-borne diseases, and harsh weather-all caused by man-made greenhouse 
gas emissions.

Hans Blix, chief U.N. weapons inspector, sounded both ridiculous and alarmist 
when he said in March, "I'm more worried about global warming than I am of any 
major military conflict."

Science writer David Appell, who has written for such publications as the New 
Scientist and Scientific American, parroted Blix when he said global warming 
would "threaten fundamental food and water sources. It would lead to 
displacement of billions of people and huge waves of refugees, spawn terrorism 
and topple governments, spread disease across the globe."

Appell's next point deserves special emphasis, because it demonstrates the 
sheer lunacy of environmental extremists: "[Global warming] would be chaos by 
any measure, far greater even than the sum total of chaos of the global wars of 
the 20th century, and so in this sense Blix is right to be concerned. Sounds 
like a weapon of mass destruction to me."

No wonder the late political scientist Aaron Wildavsky called global warming 
alarmism the "mother of all environmental scares."

Does Inhofe speak for you? Think there's really no difference between Inhofe 
and Boxer? Inhofe is a typical 21st Century Republican--he's their pick to 
direct environmental policy in the Senate! He--like most of his party's leaders 
and decision-makers--ignores science and serves the special interests. Can we 
afford to reward right wing crank Inhofe by further empowering his party on 
Election Day? Unless left and moderate--the sane and civilized--unite to vote 
and otherwise work to prevent right wing ascendancy, millions and probably 
billions of people will suffer. If we lose another decade in seeking to control 
green house gasses, we could all be doomed.

The record is clear. Trying to "punish" Democrats ends up brutalizing those 
most vulnerable here and around the world. This time, our failure to stop the 
right wing putsch may be our last clear chance to protect the planet. It's not 
about defending a party or protecting some politician. Politicians usually do 
OK for themselves. It's about doing what will most help--and at least do no 
harm to--the most vulnerable people and the planet itself. Unless the left and 
moderate--the sane and civilized--unite to prevent right wing ascendancy, 
millions and maybe even billions of people will suffer. If we lose another 
decade in seeking to control greenhouse gasses, we could all be doomed. This is 
a real risk. Why should we accept or increase it by empowering climate change 
deniers and radical anti-environmentalists?

In every election, we have choices. Making bad choices--such as too many 
liberals and progressives did in 1968, 1980, 1994 and 2000--have horrible 
consequences. Other factors hurt the more moral, better qualified candidates in 
each of those elections, That's true, but that doesn't excuse or justify using 
a mistaken, misguided and failed tactic in any of those years. It sure doesn't 
support the call to keep making the same error again! We have another option. 
If you don't like the Democratic nominee, hold your nose and at the very least 
stop the right wing putsch. Then, get involved in the process to pick the next 
nominees. Run yourself, or back a truly progressive candidate. This can and 
does work. I know. I do it.

I suggest those who care about people and progress prevent those who would hurt 
all us from gaining power, even if that means helping those who disappoint us. 
Also, be careful who you aim to punish. You may end up hurting those you care 
about most. People who sought to "punish" Al Gore in 2000 did him a favor 
personally. He became a millionaire, an Oscar winner, a Nobel Prize winner, and 
even a Grammy winner! Who suffered because some on the left wanted to "teach 
Gore a lesson?" Not Al Gore. This is who suffered when Bush and Cheney took 
control of the federal government: Poor and working people, the environment, 
GLBT people, minorities, immigrants, education, our servicemen and women in 
uniform, Iraqis, Afghans, and everyone hurt by global warming, the 9/11 
attacks, the Bush/Cheney overreactions to 9/11 and their manipulations of fear, 
New Orleans and other Katrina victims, and so on.

The suffering will increase if we fall prey to the "not a dime's worth of 
difference" talk and either sit out the election or otherwise fail to turn back 
the right wing putsch. What's at stake in the 2012 elections? The climate is at 
stake if the GOP retakes the Senate and replaces Sen. Barbara Boxer with Sen. 
James Inhofe on the Senate committee on the Environment and Public Works. 
Boxer--the current committee chair--supports Green Jobs. Inhofe--the highest 
ranking Republican on the committee--says global warming is a hoax. I remember 
how Inhofe ran the committee back when he was the chair.

We're facing climatic and economic crises. We know how to fix this. We've done 
it before. The New Deal helped build us into an economic titan. We need 
another, New Deal--a Green New Deal. Rather than overspend by 100s of $billions 
on past and overblown threats like the USSR and the leftovers called al Qaeda, 
we should redirect most of our weapons budget into building for the future. 
Developing cheaper, cleaner, renewable energy. Providing good jobs, high 
quality education, excellent health care, safe and affordable housing, 
transportation, child care etc. for all our people. It's go forward or slip 
into failure. The choice is ours.

The right wing Republicans have a very different vision. Besides denying global 
warming and mocking governmental efforts to develop clean, green energy, they 
are waging class warfare against middle class Americans. Failed candidate for 
Governor of California, Meg Whitman is another typical 21st century 
Republican--someone who thinks America has too many jobs, the rich are too poor 
and the poor are too rich. Not all Republicans are callous, greedy millionaires 
who exploit whoever they can, but most callous, greedy millionaires who exploit 
whoever they can are Republicans. And most of those who support candidates like 
Whitman are Republicans. This is a paraphrase of a great quote from the genius 
John Stuart Mill: "Not all conservatives are stupid people, but most stupid 
people are conservatives." Don't vote for callous, greedy millionaires who 
exploit whoever they can. Don't vote Republican. And don't waste your vote on a 
spoiler in a close contest.

Anyone still wondering about the stark, critical differences between the right 
wing Republicans and Democrats should consider the ongoing campaign of violence 
and intimidation Republicans wage against dissenters. Sharron Angel is a 
typical 21st century Republican--someone who suggests "Second Amendment 
remedies"--gun violence--if right wingers fail to win on Election Day. This is 
overt right wing strategy and tactics, increasingly in practice.

Mike Lux offers just a few examples from the current era:

* Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller hires a group tied to a paramilitary 
militia to do security for him, and his paratroopers assault and handcuff a 
citizen journalist just trying to get a question answered.

* a bullet is shot through Rep. Grijalva's campaign office window, and obscene 
threats are delivered to his ofc as well. * Rep. Perriello's gas line to his 
house was cut.

* Republican congressional candidate Allen West using a motorcycle gang known 
for violent criminal activity for security, and then gang members actually 
harassed and bullied a Democratic staffer trying to videotape a public event.

* Vandalism and assassination threats occur at offices of Congressional members 
during the health care fight.

* a doctor who performs abortions in KS is brutally murdered while coming out 
of his church on a Sunday morning.

* a guard at the Holocaust Museum is murdered by an anti-Semitic racist stoked 
by listening to Limbaugh and Beck.

* a lunatic also stirred up by Glenn Beck shows about the Tides Foundation is 
stopped on his way to murder people at the Tides office in San Francisco.

These are just the actual acts of violence. In the meantime, we have people 
coming to town hall meetings and Presidential rallies with assault weapons, 
Republican Senate candidates talking openly of having to use "Second Amendment 
means" in case regular politics doesn't work, Republican Governors and 
Ex-Governors (Rick Perry and Sarah Palin) meeting with secessionist groups with 
ties to racists. Rand Paul's wimpy statement about civility is only one more 
example Republicans' condoning violent acts and rhetoric by their supporters. 
Sarah Palin's online fundraising using gun sight graphics to target people like 
Gabby Giffords shows the tenor of today's GOP.

Media Matters weighed in with this list:

White powder and swastikas mailed to Rep. Grijalva. On October 21, an envelope 
containing "a plastic bag of white powder and two pieces of paper with 
swastikas written on them" was reportedly mailed to Rep. Raul Grijalva's (D-AZ) 
campaign office. The powder was determined to be non-toxic.

Byron Williams set out to kill people at Tides Foundation and ACLU. On July 18, 
Byron Williams was stopped by California Highway Patrol and engaged in a 
shootout with law enforcement. He later said he planned to murder individuals 
at the Tides Foundation and ACLU and his mother said he was angry about 
"Congress railroading through all these left-wing agenda items." As reporter 
John Hamilton documented, Williams said he saw Fox News' Glenn Beck as "a 
schoolteacher" and that "it was the things [Beck] exposed that blew my mind." 
Indeed, the gunman, Byron Williams, was driven by belief in conspiracy theories 
that have been pushed by Beck and other members of the right-wing media.

AZ federal judge threatened, Grijalva office fired on after ruling on AZ 
immigration law. Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said in a statement he shut down 
his Yuma district office after staff members discovered a bullet had shattered 
a window there Thursday. And authorities said U.S. Judge Susan Bolton received 
hundreds of  threats at her downtown Phoenix court offices after issuing the 
injunction, according to news reports.

Phoenix man indicted for alleged murder threats against Grijalva and his aides. 
The Yuma Sun reported on June 14 that a Phoenix man was indicted on federal 
charges for "allegedly threatening to kill U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva in late 
April, over Grijalva's opposition to the state's new immigration law." The 
article added: "Prosecutors say Haynes is accused of calling Grijalva's office 
in Tucson twice on April 23 and threatening to 'come down there and blow the 
brains out' of Grijalva and his employees."

Man arrested for allegedly threatening to kill Sen. Patty Murray. Charles Alan 
Wilson, 64, was arrested at his home in central Washington after he allegedly 
called Murray's office on numerous occasions over the last few weeks saying 
that she "had a target on her back," and "I want to [expletive] kill you," 
according to court documents. The alleged phone calls stretched over almost two 
weeks and were said to be in relation to Murray's vote to pass health care 
overhaul legislation.

Members of right-wing militia group arrested for allegedly plotting overthrow 
of the U.S. government. Nine members of the "Hutaree militia" were arrested in 
March and charged with plotting a violent uprising against the U.S. government, 
a plot that was to begin with an attack on law enforcement personnel. The 
Southern Poverty Law Center has called the Hutaree militia as a member of the 
radical right-wing patriot movement.

AP: Man arrested for allegedly making threatening phone calls to Pelosi. The AP 
reported that in the days after the vote on the health care reform bill, "The 
FBI arrested a California man Wednesday for allegedly making threatening phone 
calls to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi."

Threats made against Rep. Betsy Markey. A Denver television station reported 
that Rep. Betsy Markey's (D-CO) chief of staff "said the calls came on Saturday 
before the House cast its final vote on health care reform. She said in the 
first, the caller said to one of Markey's staff members, 'better hope I don't 
run into you in a dark alley with a knife, a club or a gun.' In another 
instance, a caller said something like 'better tell your boss that she better 
be careful when she comes back here to Colorado.'"

Gas line outside the house of the brother of Rep. Tom Perriello was cut. Rep. 
Tom Perriello's (D-VA) brother's address was erroneously posted online by a Tea 
Party blogger who invited activists to descend on the house. In March, a gas 
line outside the brother's house was cut.

Threats made against Rep. Stupak after he voted for final version of health 
care bill. Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) was the target of threatening faxes and 
phone calls, including death threats. Some of the faxes included "racial 
epithets used in reference to President Obama," according to CBS News.

Picture of a noose faxed to Rep. Clyburn. Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), the 
Majority Whip, said in a March interview on CNN that his office had received a 
fax of a noose after he voted in favor of the health care reform bill.

Brick thrown at Democratic county headquarters in Rochester, NY.

Rep. Slaughter threatened with brick and "snipers."

Rep. Giffords' office window shattered, [and the Congresswoman and people 
meeting her at a shopping center shot, some killed]

White powder mailed to Rep. Weiner with "drop dead" message.

Rep. Driehaus threatened and right-wing blogger publishes his home address.

Brick thrown through window of Witchita County Democrats' offices.

In addition to the examples Media Matters and Mike Lux listed above, there are 
many more including:

* The campaign of terror including assassinations of doctors, bombing women's 
clinics, and physicial intimidation of women seeking reproductive health 

* The maniac who read 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America (by serial liar 
Bernard Goldberg) and murders people at a liberal church.

* The anthrax attacks on Sen. Pat Leahy and others routinely attacked by Rush 
Limbaugh and other hate radio demagogues.

Sharron Angle, Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Rand Paul, Christine O'Donnell, James 
Inhofe, Jon Kyl, Joe Miller, and so on are the mainstream of the Republican 
party now. The billionaires and mega-milionaires will try to control the show, 
but the violent, delusional inmates have taken over the asylum. Remember when 
the Bush/Cheney regime called us traitors if we didn't agree with them? When 
their Press Secretary Ari Fleischer warned us to "watch what [we] say"?  When 
Bush fans threatened and even shot at the Dixie Chicks, and Bush didn't tell 
them to stop. He said there are "consequences" for speaking your mind. How many 
more can you add?

It will only keep getting worse unless we keep right wing Republicans far away 
from power over other people. Unless all sane people vote against and work to 
stop all Republicans. Every. Single. One. No Republican deserves to be in 
office. If they weren't condoning the hatred, racism, exploitation and 
violence, they'd quit the extreme right wing Republican Party. We must vote and 
work to stop these right wing fanatics from taking over our Congress, or else 
violent actions against innocent people will only get more and more common. 
Again, with a nod to JS Mill: Not all Republicans are right wing racist thugs, 
but most right wing racist thugs are Republicans. And from Forrest Gump: 
"Stupid is as stupid does." Don't vote for spoilers when that would empower 
crazy, racist thugs. Don't by any action or inaction allow right wing extremism 
to thrive.

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