I thought so, the 30,000 troop withdrawal for Election season, is only 
half of what he escalated it to (not including the contractor escalation 
numbers too).

Considering that he ran on getting us out of the Middle East, ain't it 
comforting to know that those who INVESTED the most MONEY in the last 
RECORD SETTING Election, are STILL getting their money's worth?



*Tonight President Obama gives his speech about withdrawing troops from 
Afghanistan, to kick off his campaign for reelection.  The networks are 
allowing it in prime time-- because their owners, stockholders, and 
board members are making a fortune from the wars, and realize it is an 
obvious scam to keep the wars going, a token withdrawal with which to 
fool a disgruntled public.

President Obama would have to withdraw at least 60,000 troops just to 
get back to the troop strength in Afghanistan when he took office, so 
anything less will be a dog and pony show intended to divert the 
attention of the masses.  Early in his administration, Obama doubled the 
size of the occupation there by over 30,000, then last year added 
another 30,000 in a President Bush-like "surge," increasing the numbers 
during his presidency from about 32,000 to 99,000 (not counting 
contractors numbering over 100,000).

The reason for this scam is clear, the American people want out (latest 
polling numbers 
Politicians are frightened of the public mood, indicative in a report 
from /Truthout/ 

Glenn Greenwald summarizes many of Obama's broken peace promises in his 
piece this morning 
"Today in Endless War."

*As our butt-kissing politicians recommend cutting Social Security and 
Medicare to balance a budget out of control because of their tax cuts to 
the rich, profitable corporate wars, Wall Street bailouts and other 
scams, Senator Bernie Sanders tells us 
that 5 million seniors face the threat of hunger.  Sanders is one of few 
among our psychopaths called "senator," to have a conscience, and he 
often sounds such alarms never relayed to the public by our shameless 
mass media.

Robert Reich just made a video in which he "solves the US economy in two 

*Milton Mathis, with an IQ in the low 60's, was executed in Texas last 
by Governor Perry, who's now slaughtered 230 people in this manner, 
popular enough with voters that he keeps getting reelected.

In most of the civilized world executions have been outlawed as human 
rights violations, but even where they are still allowed they are most 
often banned when applied to children or the mentally slow, since these 
are not considered to be aware enough of their actions to be found 
guilty of criminal intent.

Perry is thought to be considering a run for the White House, 
reminiscent of Bill Clinton's execution of a mentally slow Ricky Ray 
Rector,**with which to appeal to voters**, as Clinton ran for the White 
House. **After consuming his last meal,**Rector told his guards he 
wanted to save his pecan pie for later, and helped guide the execution 
needle into his arm, thinking it was medicine.

**The democracy movement in the USA that will be starting its major 
action on 6 October, has put out a statement in unity with the other 
democracy movements on the planet and asked that we go with it this 
morning, following.

A similar piece was supposed to run at /al Jazeera/ on Sunday, so we 
held back on publishing it to give /al Jazeera/ the scoop.  But /al 
Jazeera/ is trying to get into the American market, where they are 
mostly shut out by the ruling Forces of Greed 
<http://members.cox.net/libertyuv/FOG.htm>, pushing them toward 
increasing censorship, as we have noted in recent months.  To merge into 
the American mass media requires that the viewpoint of the ruling Forces 
of Greed <http://members.cox.net/libertyuv/FOG.htm> be unchallenged, so 
/al Jazeera/ has been excluded from most cable networks.

As we predicted, the entire mass media will censor this action as long 
as they can, and when it becomes impossible to ignore it, they will turn 
to attacking the movement and its leaders with lies.  This is standard 
operating procedure for the corporate media in their sycophantic role 
within the planet's Corporate Empire  --Jack


OUR GLOBAL ALLIES <http://www.october2011.org/node/332>



*****Written by the October2011.org Movement,
a coalition of individuals and organizations seeking to end corporatism 
and militarism in the United States*

*Inspired by the courageous, nonviolent uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, 
Bahrain, Yemen, Greece, Spain, and elsewhere, people in the United 
States have come together to form the October2011 Movement. This fusion 
of peace, social justice, environmental, student, and immigrant rights 
organizations is in solidarity with all who seek a peaceful, just, and 
sustainable future and stands ready to engage in its own campaign of 
nonviolent resistance beginning in Washington, D.C., this October. We 
recognize that your revolution is our revolution, that American Empire 
prevents you from achieving self-determination and economic justice, and 
that only together can we achieve our shared goals. *

*October marks the beginning of the11th year of the U.S. invasion and 
destruction of Afghanistan. It marks the beginning of yet another 
federal budget that delivers unlimited funds for war and corporate 
interests while putting in place an austerity budget for services that 
meet human and environmental needs. But this October will mark the 
beginning of something else in the United States --- a moment when we 
will unite to demand an end to a system that puts profits and warfare 
over the welfare of people and the environment.*

*The response to our call, which is but one week old, has been 
tremendous. Already more than one thousand have pledged to join this 
resistance action in Freedom Square and that number is growing rapidly. 
Leading figures from a wide range of communities have stepped up to join 
the call. Among them are noted African-American scholar and activist 
Cornel West; Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC ) President Baldemar 
Velasquez; Pulitzer Prize-winning war correspondent and author Chris 
Hedges; single-payer health-care advocates David Himmelstein and Steffie 
Woolhandler; noted environmentalists Derrick Jensen and Harvey 
Wasserman; and antiwar leader Ret. Col. Ann Wright, along with numerous 
other prominent peace activists. You can see more of the people who 
signed up by visiting www.October2011.org <http://www.October2011.org>.*

*History is knocking on the door of the United States and its people are 
ready. As the crises in our communities and around the world grow, so 
must our response. We can no longer abide the outrageous and growing 
wealth inequality in this country. We cannot accept a government "of, 
by, and for" the corporations. We cannot remain silent while our leaders 
continue to exploit and slaughter people in distant lands or while 
millions of us have no access to health care. A majority of Americans 
want the wars to end. We want investment in jobs, education, and 
environmental protection. We want banks to invest for our future, not 
for their executives' pocketbooks. We want laws that are just, lawmakers 
who obey them, and the power to hold them accountable when they do not. 
For that, we need a judiciary biased toward justice, not the partisan 
powers and big business interests they serve.*

*In the United States the people have little voice in the process of 
governance, as elected officials and institutions have been corrupted by 
concentrated corporate interests that have bought and paid for them. The 
people have no control over their own lives and the direction of their 
own communities. The brave who speak out for justice are often ignored, 
harassed, or imprisoned. Unified resistance has become the essential 
avenue for change.*

*Our time has come. We pledge to stand together in nonviolent resistance 
to corporate greed, government corruption, violence and injustice. We 
must follow our brave brothers and sisters of the Arab Spring and 
developing European Summer into an Autumn of an American awakening. With 
our bodies united in resistance and our voices coalesced into one 
sustained cry for justice, we can and must Stop the Machine and Create a 
New World! *

*It is very difficult for us to get honest information about democracy 
movements around the world from the U.S. corporate-controlled media. 
Please visit our website at www.October2011.org 
<http://www.October2011.org> and keep us informed of your actions. We 
have called our action "Stop the Machine! Create a New World!" Together 
we will end concentrated corporatism and create a peaceful, just, and 
sustainable future that respects all of humanity and the planet.


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*To join the Liberty Underground news service email 
libertyuv@hotmail.comwith "join" for a subject*
*You may also join our talk group 
<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyundergroundtalk/>if you would like 
to participate*
*email: libert...@hotmail.com*
*Tell your friends about /LUV News/ because some people just don't get it*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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