Wrongfully Banishing Professor David Protess
by Stephen Lendman Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2011 at 12:55 AM


Wrongfully Banishing Professor David Protess - by Stephen Lendman

On March 18, Chicago Tribune writers Matthew Walberg and Dan Hinkel 
headlined, "Northwestern at odds with star professor," saying:

"Cook County prosecutors sparked a media firestorm nearly two years 
ago when they subpoenaed notes, recordings, and even grades of (his) 
students (because of their work proving) Anthony McKinney had wrongly 
been convicted of a 1978 murder."

The battle sparked a feud between Northwestern and Protess, whose 
Medill Innocence Project uncovered numerous wrongful murder 
convictions, culminating when former Illinois Gov. George Ryan 
declared a moratorium on capital punishment in 2000 after 13 
prisoners were found innocent and released.

On January 11, 2003, two days before leaving office, he then cleared 
death row, commuting sentences for 163 men and four women to life 
imprisonment. He also declared a moratorium on future executions, now 
banned after Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation last March, saying 
it's impossible "to create a perfect, mistake-free death penalty system."

Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism's Protess, also 
Medill Innocence Project Director, was "a superstar (investigative) 
professor, leading teams of students (to uncover 13) wrongful death 
penalty convictions....One was just hours from execution."

Medill Dean John Lavine, however, suspended him by email, with no 
further comment about his future. In fact, he was effectively fired, 
Lavine privately suggesting he wouldn't be welcomed back.

It was a textbook case of academic lynching, affecting a 
distinguished professor deserving high honors, not denigration and banishment.

Northwestern's statement said in part:

"There have been recent media reports regarding the conduct of David 
Protess (and his) Medill Innocence Project....Northwestern has been 
conducting its own review of (his) actions and practices....It served 
as the basis for Northwestern's response to subpoenas issued by the 
Cook County State's Attorney's office." Despite his laudable work, 
his "Innocence Project (goal) would not justify any improper 
actions," despite no legitimate evidence proving any.

On March 18, The Daily Northwestern's Brian Rosenthal headlined, 
"Updated: NU removes David Protess as professor of Investigative 
Journalism in spring," saying:

His removal "leave(s) the future of the class unclear. In an 
interview, Protess said he will continue to serve as director of the 
Innocence Project, but he doesn't know if the project will continue 
to be involved with the class...."

At the time, he also said he's "committed to continuing our 
investigations in these cases. Innocent prisoners should not be 
punished for the dean's decision....The innocent prisoners in jail 
transcend anything going on at Northwestern. I'm not going to neglect 
the cause."

In addition, he expressed disappointment "because last quarter's 
class was the best group of students I've taught in years."

The eight undergraduates in his spring class petitioned Medill's 
Senior Director of Undergraduate Education Michele Mitoun saying:

"If removing Protess is part of an effort by the University to 
discipline him for defending the integrity of the Innocence Project 
to which he and decades of students have given so much, please know 
that you are not punishing Prof. Protess half as much as you are his 
students, and the two men still sitting behind bars."

Dozens of alumni also petitioned Northwestern and Medill, saying:

"We are writing to request a public explanation of the facts 
surrounding the apparent removal of Professor Protess. In particular, 
we would like to know the reasons for (his) removal, and your 
explanation of why this action was necessary and is in the best 
interests of Medill and Northwestern."

Former students like Evan Benn, now a St. Louis Post-Dispatch 
reporter called Protess' class "life-changing." Another, Maurice 
Possley, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, said he was "incredibly 
professional." Paul Ciolino added:

"If you look at this thing 30 to 40 years from now, Protess will be a 
beloved figure that they'll be building statues about."

The Northwestern Faculty Senate passed a motion expressing "deep 
concern" over the way Protess was treated.

Former Medill Dean (1989 - 1996), now Columbia University Journalism 
Professor, Michael Janeway said he zealously pursued a cause, one 
"you could not question."

On June 19, New York Times writers David Carr and John Schwartz 
headlined, "A Watchdog Professor, Now Defending Himself," saying:

Renown Journalism Professor Protess "spent three decades fighting to 
prove the innocence of others has been locked in a battle to do the 
same for himself. It hasn't gone as well."

In fact, spurious practices he's accused of include deceptive 
tactics, cooperating with defense lawyers (that "negates a 
journalist's legal privilege to resist subpoenas"), "whether he 
altered an email to cover up that cooperation," and giving his 
students better grades for uncovering evidence that, in fact, was 
their job to do in wrongful conviction cases.

In addition, his students are bogusly charged with allegedly paying 
off a witness and misrepresenting themselves.

They and Protess vigorously deny all accusations, calling them a 
malicious smear campaign by the Cook County state's attorney's 
office. Dean Lavine became party to it by claiming, without 
justification, that Protess "knowingly misrepresented the facts and 
his actions," compromising his own character and academic freedom by saying so.

In mid-June, Protess "retired from Northwestern altogether (effective 
August 31)," while continuing to run the Innocence Project, saying:

"I have spent three decades exposing wrongful convictions only to 
find myself in the cross hairs of others who are wrongfully accusing me."

He also believes he's been criticized and denigrated for defending 
his students and occasional lapses of memory, the latter, of course, 
affecting everyone without facing accusations of wrongdoing.

On June 13, Protess said he's now President of the Chicago Innocence 
Project, continuing his investigative work non-profit.

According to George Washington University Professor Mark Feldstein:

Protess "is in the hall of fame of investigative journalists in the 
20th century. Using cheap (very willing) student labor, he has 
targeted a very specific issue. That work has reopened cases, changed 
laws, and saved lives."

Protess said Dean Lavine initially supported him, but now knows it 
was a charade, saying:

It was "an attempt to seem as if he were fighting for the First 
Amendment when, in fact, he was undermining the Innocence Project at 
every turn," no doubt for an ulterior motive perhaps benefitting 
himself at the expense of truth, justice and integrity.

On May 11, Daily Northwestern writer Brian Rosenthal headlined, "In 
Focus: 'Dismantling of a legacy:' The rise and fall of David Protess," saying:

Barely a decade after founding the Medill Innocence Project, he's now 
"barred from teaching his trademark class, publicly vilified by his 
dean," and forced to "take a 'leave of absence' that few 
realistically think will ever end." He's also "reportedly (barred 
from) enter(ing) the building."

Medill Professor Michele Weldon said:

"I think everything about the situation is tragic. It is tragic for 
David, the students, the faculty, the schools, the alums, all the 
people who are affected by the Innocence Project and individuals who 
hope to be recipients of the work" it performs.

As a result, he made enemies in high places, especially state and 
local prosecutors, unhappy to have their wrongful convictions exposed 
and overturned.

In fact, they're a national cancer, mostly affecting innocent Blacks 
and Latinos, wrongfully sentenced to death and murdered by 
authorities who know it and don't care. Others are imprisoned for 
life when officials won't admit errors and release them because 
America's corrupted prison industrial complex thrives on adding 
inmates, justice be damned to do it.

Author Michelle Alexander calls it "The New Jim Crow" in her book by 
that title, calling mass incarceration a modern-day caste system 
created by elitist racists who embrace colorblindness. As a result, 
imprisonment became a politically charged social control instrument, 
unrelated to crime.

Exposing it by combining investigative journalism and advocacy for 
justice earned Protess the distinction he deserves. Denigrating him 
is contemptible and shameless. It also taints Northwestern, Medill 
and Dean Lavine for compromising inviolable academic and speech freedoms.

The Innocence Project (IC)

Full information on it can be found through the following link, now 
continued by Protess' Chicago Innocence Project (CIP):

Founded in 1999, IC's mission statement says it "engages 
undergraduate journalism investigative reporting of 
miscarriages of justice, with priority given to murder cases that 
resulted in sentences of death or life without parole. Our goal is to 
expose wrongdoing in the criminal justice system."

Until his wrongful banishment, Protess helped free innocent 
prisoners, saved from lethal injections or other ways to murder them. 
He'll now continue that heroic mission as President of his newly 
opened Chicago Innocence Project, an initiative vitally important to 
continue, especially by someone of his distinction and commitment.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at

Also visit his blog site at and listen to 
cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive 
Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US 
Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are 
archived for easy listening. .


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