
*The /Egypt Revolutionaries' Alliance/, a coalition of over 50 political
groups, has called for a general strike in Egypt
<http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/02/09-9> starting tomorrow.
The protests are set to continue spontaneously until May, activists say,
to press demands including a return of the army to its barracks, forming
a national salvation government, prosecuting those responsible for
incidents of violence against protesters and better pay and conditions
for workers.

*Egyptians were at the forefront of the international Occupy Movement
when they occupied Tahrir Square last year, and this escalation of their
activism starts on the anniversary of the overthrow of President Mubarak.*


*Peter van Buren goes into President Obama's unprecedented war on
pointing out that mishandling classified information under the Espionage
Act has only been prosecuted by previous governments three times in its
history, and Obama has already used it six times in an attempt to keep
the American people in the dark about what their government is doing.

**We didn't run Chris Hedges' article
earlier this week, although it was all over the internet in discussion
groups and probably the most controversial column in both the Occupy
Movement and mainstream progressive circles.  With that level of
saturation we didn't feel it necessary to copy it to our limited space.

But make no mistake, ten months ago, when we were in early discussions
about the Occupy Movement at /LUV News/ and asked for our opinion, we
didn't bring up nonviolence.  We saw no need to-- everybody in the
leadership pushed nonviolence, and we wouldn't have committed to Occupy
if the leadership had not embraced nonviolence.  Nonviolence is the
tactic the ruling Forces of Greed most fear, next to an outbreak of
democracy itself, because they have no weapon against it.

There are forces attempting to destroy the Occupy Movement now, and they
include those pushing violence (video by Anonymous
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD8UohyYPWA&feature=youtu.be>).  We have
no evidence that they are FBI but we are suspicious, from past
experience (going back many decades).  We suspect that the movement has
been infiltrated, all of the major Occupy groups and internet social
groups.  You will recognize these people by the way they push violence
and use pejoratives against those opposed to violence, like Hedges.
They are also trying to drive wedges between people within the movement,
a traditional FBI tactic.

When we see people wearing masks breaking windows and starting fires
we can't prove they are FBI, we can't see their faces, but everybody in
the movement is tainted by what they do.  At /LUV News/ we said early in
the Occupy Movement we are not marching with people wearing masks, we
assume they are wearing masks either because they are FBI or because
they intend to discredit the movement with lawbreaking which will
destroy the movement.

During the week we have been reading nasty attacks on Hedges all over
the internet, in articles and social groups.  Chris signed on for the
Occupy Movement last May when we did, months before there was an Occupy
Wall Street, and we felt then that this movement would be nonviolent all
the way.  The ruling Forces of Greed <http://luvnews.info/FOG.htm> would
love nothing more than for Occupy Groups to start destroying property
and fighting with police, so they could tell the masses through the
controlled mass media that Occupy is a terrorist group, but they have
taken care of the problem by gunning us terrorists down and ending in a
matter of minutes what took months of hard work to build.

We are building a movement, person by person, still far short of the
kind of mass necessary to bring about needed change against an Empire
run by psychopaths who will do anything to stop us.  The American people
are not going to join a movement which appears to embrace violence.  We
must close ranks on this or we are destroyed, as many of those pushing
violence intend  --Jack

*Interview With Chris Hedges About Black Bloc


*by J. A. Myerson*

*Chris Hedges' syndicated Truthdig column "Black Bloc: The Cancer in
Occupy <http://www.truth-out.org/black-bloc-cancer-occupy/1328541484>,"
printed Tuesday at Truthout and elsewhere, created quite a stir among
members of Occupy Wall Street (OWS). Some endorsed the sentiment. Among
others, including some central organizers who helped plan the action
over the summer, the column raised eyebrows and hackles. I compiled what
I considered to be the best critiques of the piece that I came across
(as well as my own questions) and interviewed Hedges over the phone.*

*I explained at the outset that I, too, had written in Truthout to urge
doctrinal nonviolence
and that I am enormously fond of Hedges' prodigious body of work.
Nevertheless, I explained, there was a lot about the column that
confounded me and many people I'd heard from, and I asked him to let me
push for clarification on a number of points. Here is the transcript of
that recorded interview, edited very minimally for clarity.*

**J.A. Myerson: A previous column of yours entitled "The Greeks Get It"
insinuated that the riots there were productive and, as you know, they
committed vandalism and arson and so did protesters everywhere from
Iceland to Romania, where the prime minister just resigned. I wonder if
the arsonists and vandals in those movements were cancerous to you as

**Chris Hedges: *Yes.*

**JAM: Then I wonder if you would explain your writing, "Here's to the
Greeks. They know what to do when corporations pillage and loot their
country... Riot. Shut down the city centers. Toss the bastards out ...
The Greeks, unlike most of us, get it."**

**CH: *The article and the column lauded the Greeks for responding. It
was not an article about tactics. You use the word "insinuate." That's
correct. You would have to insinuate that I supported rioting, but I
don't know how you can in the long history of everything that I've
written. The point that I was trying to make in that article was that
the Greeks had gotten out on the street and risen up. I didn't agree
with everything they'd done out on the street, but I was confounded by
the passivity on the part of the American public that was being fleeced
and abused in a manner not dissimilar to what was happening in Greece. I
never in that article approve rioting. I had to put it in there, because
it's what they did, but the point of the article was that the Greeks had
responded and we hadn't - What's wrong with us?*

**JAM: You speak of the black bloc as though it were a political
organization with membership, a violent, secretive, nihilistic cabal,
which calls to mind the Black Hand, conveniently. It sounds like a
really snarky question, but I swear I am genuinely interested in your
answer: were you aware writing this piece that that is not an apt
description of a black bloc, which is no organization at all, but a
protest tactic that does more than just smash and burn?**

**CH: *I put in there that they detest organization of any kind. I use
part of their jargon - "feral" and "spontaneous" protest - whereby you
walk down a street and nothing is planned. You walk by a window and you
break it. They feel that any kind of attempt to plan immediately imposes
a kind of hierarchy that they oppose. That's in the piece. There's a
limit to expounding upon the internal - I didn't get into primitive
anarchism and all this kind of stuff. But that was certainly part of the
piece. It's precisely because they detest - there's a line in the
article that says that they are opposed to those of us on the organized
left. The operative word is "organization."*

**JAM: I have seen black blocs de-arresting their comrades (stealing
people back from police custody), without hurting anyone or anything. I
have seen them win a tug of war with the police and confiscate their
kettle netting. I have seen them returning tear gas canisters from
whence they came in order to mitigate the suffering of children and
elderly protesters in their midst.**

**CH: *Let's not paint these people as the Boy Scouts, come on.*

**JAM: Obviously, there is smashing and burning, but I wonder if tactics
like those, which are also part and parcel of black bloc protests, are
also cancerous.**

**CH: *First of all, let's be clear. I don't have a problem with
anarchism. The problem is they're not tactics I would engage in. I
wouldn't classify them as "violent." I would classify violence as the
destruction of property and vandalism, the shouting of insulting
messages to the police, physical confrontations with the police. Those
are very clear cut acts of violence. The issues that you raise are more
nebulous and circumstantial. Throwing a tear-gas canister back that's
been fired at you I would not classify as a violent act and yet it was
something that probably would not have been done during the civil rights
movement under King.*

**JAM: I think he might have thought of that as violent.**

**CH: *I don't know that he would have thought of it as violent. He
wouldn't resist arrest. I know that's an issue. When I've been arrested,
I don't resist arrest. Many people do resist arrest. King never did
resist arrest. But I prefaced it by saying that it's not something I
would do. On the other hand, those are more nebulous issues, which may
be part of black bloc activity, but let's be careful. Black bloc
activity includes other things that are clearly defined as acts of
violence. They don't limit it to those activities is what I'm saying.*

**JAM: Did you speak to people who had participated in a black bloc in
the compilation of this column?**

**CH:* No.*

**JAM: I've got some assertions you make in the column and I want to ask
you about them. Let's start with the one you mentioned. "Black Bloc
adherents detest those of us on the organized left and seek, quite
consciously, to take away our tools of empowerment." How did you arrive
at that conclusion?**

**CH:* Because of the tactics that they embrace. Smashing the window of
a coffee shop - which happened in November in Oakland to a local coffee
shop owner and then the coffee shop was looted - is an activity that is
destructive to OWS, in my view.*

**JAM: And it necessarily entailed detesting the organized left and
consciously seeking to take away the tools of empowerment?**

**CH:* If you look at the writings of black bloc ideologues, they're
very clear. I did listen to several hours of Anarchy Radio before I
wrote this, which is out of Eugene. None of that made it into the piece,
but I was curious to hear them and hear them on the Zapatistas.*

**JAM: I'm interested in that, because the excerpts I have written out
are instances of you describing black blocs and their attitudes and
their ideology.**

**CH:* This is the radio program that's run by John Zerzan. They're all
archived online, plus his publications are online, so I read a lot of
the publications and quoted from some of the publications and I listened
to probably four or five hours of the radio broadcasts. Like I listened
to them on Noam Chomsky. I was curious as to what their attitudes were
on a variety of issues.*

**JAM: I'm struggling with the seemingly conflicting proposals that they
are opposed to organization, have no organization and hate organization
and, yet, monolithically ascribe to any ideology at all.**

**CH: *I didn't say that they subscribe to an ideology. I said that they
subscribe to tactics. I don't know how much you know about them, but
it's the whole anti-civilization movement. That's another discussion.
But there is a hostility towards civilization as it's currently
configured and it must be taken down. Their problem with those of us on
the organized left is that we, in essence, are attempting to reform it
rather than destroy it. And that's their attack on Chomsky. Zerzan calls
him a sell-out. They hate Derrick Jensen, which is why I called him.
They've really gone after Derrick.*

**JAM: Here's another excerpt. "These acts, the movement argues, can
never be organized. Organization, in the thinking of the movement,
implies hierarchy, which must always be opposed. There can be no
restraints on 'feral' or 'spontaneous' acts of insurrection. Whoever
gets hurt gets hurt. Whatever gets destroyed gets destroyed." Where does
"the movement" argue this?**

**CH: *When they talk about the tactics. That's what "feral" activity
is. It rises out of the moment. That's what they embrace. You don't walk
down the street and say, "We're going to target that shop." It's a
spontaneous response.*

**JAM: That's interesting taken in the context of this quotation. "The
Black Bloc movement bears the rigidity and dogmatism of all absolutism
sects. Its adherents alone possess the truth. They alone understand.
They alone arrogate the right, because they are enlightened and we are
not, to dismiss and ignore competing points of view as infantile and
irrelevant. They hear only their own voices. They heed only their own
thoughts. They believe only their own clichés. And this makes them not
only deeply intolerant but stupid." How did you arrive at the
conclusions that they're rigidly dogmatic and dismissive of all other
points of view?**

**CH: *From listening to anarchist radio and reading anarchist web sites.*

**JAM: You cite an article by someone named "Venomous Butterfly," which
criticizes the Zapatistas on anarchist grounds, in a magazine called
Green Anarchy, whose publisher, John Zerzan, you describe as "one of the
principal ideologues of the Black Bloc movement in the United States."
Seemingly on these grounds alone, you contend that "Black Bloc
adherents" "argue" that the "real enemies" include "populist movements
such as the Zapatistas." I can personally confirm that many Black bloc
anarchists support the Zapatistas and I'm left wondering about the
wisdom of thinking one article in one magazine that no one has endorsed
as representative indicates much. An equivalent would be if someone
attributed Alexander Cockburn's views on the climate crisis to Katrina
van den Heuvel, furthermore adding that van den Heuvel is one of the
principal ideologues of the Occupy movement and that therefore
Cockburn's views on the climate crisis are broadly applicable to the
Occupy movement. Did you have better grounds for this assertion than
I've detected?**

**CH: *I certainly, first of all, don't consider myself an expert on the
black bloc. I am certain that there are, as with any group, varieties of
opinions and divisions. I think it is pretty uniform that they are
dismissive of the organized left and I see it as a value judgment. I
think that their tactics are ones that essentially are destructive to
the tools of empowerment of the organized left. The vandalism that they
carry out and the cynicism that they express are juvenile. I am sure
that there are black blocs who support the Zapatistas, but they are by
and large hostile to any organized entities on the left, including
unions, including environmental activists, including populist movements.
If you look at the sentence, it says "populist movements such as the
Zapatistas." I just pulled it out as an example. Zerzan is hostile to
the Zapatistas. I'm sure that others are not. But I used it as an
example of a movement that has been attacked by black bloc proponents.*

**JAM: You write, "The Occupy encampments in various cities were shut
down precisely because they were nonviolent." I think I get the point,
but I wonder if you'd game that out, because it seems to insinuate that,
had camps been violent, they would not have been shut down.**

**CH:* That's a pretty broad leap. They were shut down because they
articulated the concerns and anger and frustrations of the mainstream.
This is a mainstream movement. Any time you went to Zuccotti Park on a
Saturday, it was filled with strollers from mothers and fathers from New
Jersey. And the movement spread and resonated. There has been an
extremely concerted effort to destroy it, first by physically removing
their centers of operation and now attempting to create internal
divisions within the movement, using black bloc activity to discredit
the movement, attempting to set up front organizations like Van Jones to
channel the energy back into the Democratic Party and electoral
politics. I think these movements really terrify the power elite and, in
particular, the Democrats. One could argue that the greatest enemy of
the Occupy movement is Barack Obama. I don't want to see the movement
destroyed. We cannot underestimate, in this security and surveillance
state, the extent to which there are internal forces within this
movement seeking to rip it apart. The black bloc is a gift to their hands.*

**JAM: What then is the solution to the problem? What is the prognosis
for the cancer?**

**CH:* There has to be a rigid adherence to nonviolence. That does not
mean that the black bloc can't exist. We saw a multiplicity of groups in
the 1960s - from the Yippies to the Panthers to the Weather Underground
- but the movement itself has to continue to operate in a way that it
does not alienate the mainstream. If the security and surveillance state
is able to alienate the mainstream from OWS, then OWS will be far more
vulnerable to being destroyed. That's very similar to the civil rights
movement. I'm a huge admirer of Malcolm X. And, yet, the establishment
didn't really fear Malcolm X; they feared King. That's true here. They
fear OWS. They don't fear the black bloc.*

**JAM: That sentiment I agree with completely. But it's interesting to
track the basis for your compunction in the piece. That expression seems
sort of practical-strategic-pragmatic in a way that I really agree with,
but you weren't quoting Gene Sharp, you were quoting "All's Quiet on the
Western Front," so it seems like part of your objection to black bloc
tactics is less strategic-tactical than almost spiritual.**

**CH: *It's both. I've spent my life around mobs and groups and crowds
and armies and they foster for me very frightening physical and
emotional responses.*

**JAM: Thank you for taking the time to answer combative questions.**

**CH: *I don't mind combative questions. But a lot of it was tenuous
conjecture. The idea that because I mentioned the word "riot" in the
piece about the Greeks, that I embrace rioting.*

**JAM: It's actually a thing that confuses me personally and I'm looking
for your advice on it. I am myself a big nonviolent advocate. But
Iceland, Italy, Tunisia, Egypt, Chile, Romania - all over the place ...**

**CH:* That's a longer discussion. Eight hundred people were killed in
Egypt. It's a different discussion. When we get to those levels, let's

**JAM: Will you expand on that? Are you saying that once there's a big,
widespread revolutionary movement, then there's room for that kind of

**CH: *I'm not going to go there. Personally, I'm always nonviolent. But
once that kind of repression manifests itself, it inevitably provokes
counterviolence. I wrote a whole book on this called "War Is a Force
That Gives Us Meaning." Violence is a poison and even when it's employed
in a just cause, it's still a poison. This is something I intimately
understand. I'm not a pacifist. You can push people to a point where
they have no option but to employ violence. That's certainly what
happened to the people in Sarajevo, but once you do, it's always tragic.
I don't want to go there. That's why I've been such a fervent supporter
of OWS, because I don't want us to descend into that.*

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