This does not include the ones Egypt and the US had with him also:


How secret renditions shed light on MI6's licence to kill and torture

Little-known clause lets secretary of state authorise UK's spies to commit
crimes abroad


   - [image: Ian Cobain] <>
      - Ian Cobain <>
      - <>, Tuesday 14 February
      2012 13.00 EST

 [image: Documents, photographs and fingerprint sheets in Libyan police
Documents, photographs and fingerprint sheets cover the floor in a Libyan
police station, which was burned by rebels in 2011. Photograph: Pier Paolo

In fiction, James Bond drew quite judiciously upon his licence to kill,
bumping off just 38 adversaries in a dozen Ian Fleming novels. In each
case, the individual received his or her just deserts.

In real life, MI6 <> insists its
officers do not kill anyone. "Assassination," its former head Sir Richard
Dearlove has 
"is no part of the policy of Her Majesty's government" and would be
entirely contrary to the agency's ethos.

But there can be circumstances in which MI6 officers do have a licence to
kill or commit any other crime <>,
enshrined in a curious and little-known law that was intended to protect
British spies from being prosecuted or sued in the UK after committing
crimes abroad.

Section 7 of the 1994 Intelligence Services Act
<>offers protection
not only to spies involved in bugging or bribery, but also to any who
become embroiled in far more serious matters, such as murder, kidnap or
torture – as long as their actions have been authorised in writing by a
secretary of state.

And as such, the section is certain to come under intense scrutiny in the
months ahead, as detectives and human
rights<>lawyers pore over
the details of the secret
rendition <> operations that MI6
ran in co-operation with Muammar Gaddafi's regime in 2004.

Last month Scotland Yard and the Crown Prosecution Service
the operations, in which two leading Libyan dissidents were abducted
and taken to Tripoli with their families, were to be the subject of a
criminal investigation.

A few days later lawyers for both families began civil proceedings against
Sir Mark Allen, the former head of counter-terrorism at MI6, accusing him
of complicity in their "extraordinary rendition", torture and inhuman and
degrading treatment. Proceedings against the government, MI6 and
MI5<>are to follow.

The case is based in large part upon a batch of documents discovered in an
abandoned Libyan
last September. These showed that the abductions were plotted with
the help of MI6: it was all part of the rapprochement between Gaddafi and
the UK and US that saw the dictator abandon his WMD programme and open oil
and gas exploration opportunities to western firms.

When a researcher for Human Rights Watch stumbled upon the documents, no
attempt was made to deny MI6 involvement in the rendition operations they

Instead, Whitehall sources immediately said the operations were part of
"ministerially authorised government policy". The statement was intended as
a clear signal that a secretary of state had signed off a "clause 7
authorisation" under the Intelligence Services Act.

Section 7 is entitled Authorisation of Acts outside the British Islands,
and says: "If, apart from this section, a person would be liable in the
United Kingdom for any act done outside the British Islands, he shall not
be so liable if the act is one which is authorised to be done by virtue of
an authorisation given by the secretary of state under this section."

It adds that liable in the United Kingdom "means liable under the criminal
or civil law of any part of the United Kingdom".

The "acts" can take place only overseas and remain illegal both under the
laws of the country where they are committed and possibly under
international law. But, section 7 says, with the stroke of a pen a
secretary of state can rule that no* *UK law can be brought to bear.

The act had been drafted as a consequence of a series of European court
judgments in the 1980s that forced Britain's ultra-secretive intelligence
agencies to emerge into the daylight of the public domain.

Before then, the agencies had always been, in the Whitehall language of the
day, disavowed: there was no official acknowledgment of their existence.

First a Swedish citizen brought proceedings against his nation's security
service, and the European commission of human rights said that intelligence
agencies should be avowed and put on a statutory footing.

The Swede's case was followed by two more, one brought by a Surrey antiques
dealer whose phone had been bugged, the second by Harriet
Harman<>and Patricia
Hewitt <>, the future
cabinet ministers, who had discovered they had been under lengthy
surveillance while running Liberty, the civil rights body.

MI5 was first to be placed on a statutory basis by legislation that set out
its functions. And then, in 1992, John Major publicly avowed MI6. The prime
minister also named its chief, Sir Colin McColl, saying it was time to
"sweep away some of the cobwebs of secrecy which needlessly veil too much
of government business".

With avowal came a legal conundrum. Britain's spies are crown servants, and
as such had for decades been subject – in theory – to section 31 of the 1948
Criminal Justice Act <>.

This extends English law to cover the conduct of crown servants in
whichever country they serve. As long as the agencies' existence had not
been acknowledged, their officers could never be admitted to be crown
servants, and so were effectively exempt from that law.

But with public avowal came the possibility, however remote, that some of
the tricks of the espionage trade could land one or two of its
practitioners in the dock.

The solution was section 7. David Davis, a junior minister in the Major
government at the time when the bill was passing through parliament, says
many MPs believed it was intended to authorise the three Bs: bugging,
burglary and blackmail.

Few MPs expected it to cover "extraordinary rendition", a measure whose
very name had not been invented. This is not how it was seen by senior
officers at MI6. They always intended that a clause 7 authorisation could
extend to any crime whatsoever, on the grounds that they could never see
what was over the horizon.

Indeed, the question of whether section 7 offered a licence to kill was
raised when the bill was discussed in a Commons committee.

A Foreign Office minister, Douglas Hogg, who talked of the act
"disapplying" UK law, was asked by one MP whether it could ever be employed
to authorise "lethal force".

Hogg pointed to the Falklands conflict and recent Gulf war and said: "There
clearly are circumstances within the conditions contemplated by the
honourable gentleman when lethal force would be justified … the secretary
of state would not, in ordinary circumstances, issue a clause 7
authorisation in respect of the use of force.

"I say ordinary circumstances because I can conceive of circumstances …
when it would be right to do so. Examples would be serious emergencies or
crises causing great damage to Great Britain or her citizens."

When the bill received its second reading in February 1994, section 7 was
barely mentioned.

Jack Cunningham, the shadow foreign secretary, welcomed the decision to
avow MI6, "since everyone in London could see the building of the wonderful
new headquarters just down the
river<>from here, it was
hardly credible to maintain the fiction that the
organisation did not exist".

Cunningham's main concern about section 7 appeared to be that Britain's
spies had been operating without its protections for many years.

Other MPs were concerned more by the new oversight body established by the
act – the intelligence and security committee – believing it had too few
powers and was insufficiently independent of government.

There was recognition too that section 7 signalled an advance, in that
intelligence officers should in future be able to commit only those "acts"
that had been considered and agreed by senior ministers.

One of the few who voiced any concern about the sweeping nature of section
7 was the recently elected member for Hartlepool, Peter

The number of requests for authorisations grew rapidly after 9/11, and in
one year, 2009, MI6 asked that 500 be signed

There is no suggestion that MI6 officers have exercised their licence to
kill since the act passed into law. Stephen Dorril, author of a history of
MI6, believes its last assassination was in about 1961. Dorril says George
Kennedy Young, the deputy director of MI6, "who openly talked of
assassination in front of the CIA guys", ordered a killing in Iran without
consulting the chief, Sir Dick White.

In addition, the inquest into the death of Princess Diana heard that an MI6
officer had suggested assassinating an unnamed Balkan warlord in the early
1990s. Dearlove told the hearing that the proposal had been "killed stone
dead" by the officer's line managers.

But there were warnings at the time the act was passed that it could be
used to authorise torture. John Wadham, then legal director of Liberty, wrote
in an article 
Modern Law Review
* *that it did not make clear whether torture was considered acceptable,
and that action against a British citizen abroad could also be placed
outside the law.

A number of sources familiar with the wording of section 7 authorisations
have told the Guardian that they do not cover the signatories: a secretary
of state who signs a piece of paper that disapplies UK law in advance of a
criminal act is not beyond accusations that he or she has committed an

One former secretary of state who has signed quite a few authorisations in
his time says he believes that he could not have been committing an offence
as he was carrying out his duties in accordance with an act of parliament.
"And the acts then authorised are not crimes, they become lawful acts. But
don't quote me – I'm not a lawyer."

But when section 7 was drafted, MI6 had always understood that a secretary
of state who signed an authorisation for certain operations could be
putting the UK in breach of article 3 of the European convention on human
rights, which prohibits torture. Article 3, according to this
understanding, would then "disapply" the authorisation.

With the Yard's criminal investigation now underway, and litigation against
MI6 and its former officers moving towards the courts, this question of
whether another law may "trump" section 7 is exercising a great many legal

Government lawyers are expected to argue that section 7 trumps all: that
the words "he shall not be so liable if the act is one which is authorised
to be done by virtue of an authorisation given by the secretary of state"
cannot be bettered by any other piece of legislation.

But in considering what happened to the Libyans and their families – who
included a pregnant woman – much attention will be paid to another passage
in section 7 which decrees: "Nothing will be done in reliance on the
authorisation beyond what is necessary for the proper discharge of a
function of the intelligence service."

Furthermore, the Libyans' lawyers will argue that section 7 is trumped
by section
3 of the 1998 Human Rights
Act<>– which says
legislation "must be read and given effect in a way which is
compatible with the [European] convention rights – and by the 2001
Criminal Court Act <>,
which sets out the circumstances in which individuals shall be sent to The
Hague to stand trial.

Sapna Malik of the law firm Leigh Day says: "Our view is that the
Intelligence Services Act is subject to and superseded by both the Human
Rights Act and the International Criminal
and we look forward to testing that argument in court."

The arguments are expected to rumble on through the court system,
eventually reaching the supreme court.

Another of the Libyans' lawyers, Cori Crider of the legal charity Reprieve,
predicts: "The higher up the court system it goes, the worse it will get
for the government."

No doubt the government would like to see much of the proceedings held
behind closed doors, under controversial
new courtroom secrecy laws as a consequence of the Binyam Mohamed

Scotland Yard, meanwhile, will be taking advice on the matter from lawyers
at the Crown Prosecution Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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