SATURDAY, MAR 10, 2012 5:40 AM EDT

Kucinich and "wackiness"



Rep. Dennis Kucinich  (Credit: AP Photo/Harry Hamburg, File)

Last week, Rep. Dennis Kucinich
was defeated in a Democratic primary by Rep. Marcy Kaptur after
re-districting pitted the two long-term incumbents against each other.
Kucinich's fate was basically sealed when the new district contained far
more of Kaptur's district than his. His 18-year stint in the House will come
to an end when the next Congress is installed at the beginning of 2013.

Establishment Democrats have long viewed Dennis Kucinich with a mixture of
scorn, mockery and condescension. True to form, the establishment liberal
journal American Prospect
<> gave
Kucinich a little kick on the way out, comparing his political views to the
1960s musical "Hair" (the Ohio loser talked about "Harmony and
understanding"!), deriding him as "a favorite among lefty college kids and
Birkenstock-wearers around the country," and pronouncing him "among the
wackiest members of Congress." Yes, I said The American Prospect, not The
Weekly Standard.

The Prospect article also praises as "great" a
est-hits-a-loop-lament/2012/03/06/gIQATu6jwR_blog.html> snide, derisive
Washington Post piece which purports to "highlight some of the particularly
bizarre facts about" Kucinich. Among those is the fact that "he introduced
3087.html> impeachment articles against former President George W. Bush and
former Vice President Cheney for their roles in the Iraq war" and "proposed
a Cabinet-level agency devoted to peace." What a weirdo and a loser. Even
more predictably, a team of four interns at The New Republic - the magazine
that  <> spent years crusading for the
attack on Iraq,
smearing Israel critics as anti-Semites, and
blic/index.html> defining its editorial mission as re-making the Democratic
Party in the image of Joe Lieberman -
olive-impeach-ufo-assad> denounced the anti-war Kucinich as "ludicrous,"
citing most of the same accusations as the Prospect and the Post.

Revealingly, two days after the Prospect article crowned Kucinich "among the
wackiest members of Congress," TPM featured
sault-on-the-constitution.php> this article, the day after Eric Holder
ithout_charges/singleton/> advocated the view that the President has the
power to target American citizens for execution without charges:

1600/tpm.png> tpm.png

1600/tpm1.png> tpm1.png

So let's recap the state of mental health in establishment Democratic
circles: the President who claims (and exercises) the power to target
American citizens for execution-by-CIA in total secrecy and with no charges
- as well as those who dutifully follow him - are sane, sober and Serious,
meriting great respect. By contrast, one of the very few members of Congress
who stands up and vehemently objects to this most radical power - "The idea
that the United States has the ability to summarily execute a US citizen
ought to send chills racing up and down the spines of every person of
conscience" - is a total wackjob, meriting patronizing mockery.

1600/kucinich.png> kucinich.png

Both the Prospect and Post recite the trite case demonstrating Kucinich's
supposed weirdness. He's friends with Shirley McLaine, who believes in
reincarnation, and he once (according to McLaine) claimed to have an
encounter with a UFO. Is any of that really any more strange than the litany
of beliefs which the world's major religions require? Is Barack Obama
"wacky" because he
-house-45964> claims to believe that Jesus turned water into wine, rose from
the dead and will soon welcome him to heaven? Is Chuck Schumer bizarre
because he seems to
believe that there's some big fatherly figure sitting in the sky who spewed
fire and brimstone at those who broke the laws he sent down on some stones
and now hovers over him judging his every move? Is Harry Reid a weirdo
because he apparently  <> venerates as
divine the "visions" of a man who had dozens of wives, including some
already married to other men?

Neither the Prospect nor the Post would ever dare mock as "wacky" the belief
in invisible judgmental father-figures in the sky or that rendition of
life-after-death gospel because those belief systems have been deemed
acceptable by establishment circles. "Wacky", like its close cousin "crazy,"
is a term of establishment derision exclusively reserved for those who
deviate from such conventions. And that's the point worth making here: the
real reason anyone with D.C. Seriousness, including many establishment
liberals, relished mocking Kucinich is because he dissented from the
orthodoxies of the two political parties. That, by definition, makes one
wacky and weird, even when - as is true for the Obama assassination powers
and so many other bipartisan pieties - the actual wacky and crazy beliefs
are those orthodoxies themselves (we've
<> seen this repeatedly with those
who stray from two-party normalcy). In reality, the actual crazies are those
who fit comfortably within that two-party mentality and rarely challenge or
deviate from it, while those who are sane, by definition, dissent from it
(just today, the Super Serious Democratic Sen. Carl Levin, a prime
co-sponsor of the indefinite detention bill passed late last year,
lockade-of-iran-1.417611> called for a naval blockade of Iran).

anyone-else-in-d-c.html> a 2010 Newsweek article, Conor Friedersdorf
perfectly described how this "crazy" appellation is used by the small-minded
to enforce bipartisan beliefs and limit the realm of sanity to the
suffocatingly narrow range of opinions permitted by the two parties:

Forced to name the "craziest" policy favored by American politicians, I'd
say the multibillion-dollar war on drugs, which no one thinks is winnable.
Asked about the most "extreme," I'd cite the invasion of Iraq, a war of
choice that has cost many billions of dollars and countless innocent lives.
. . .

I hardly expect the news media to denigrate the policies I've named, nor do
I expect their Republican and Democratic supporters to be labeled crazy,
kooky, or extreme. These disparaging descriptors are never applied to
America's policy establishment, even when it is proved ruinously wrong,
whereas politicians who don't fit the mainstream Democratic or Republican
mode. . . . are mocked almost reflexively in these terms, if they are
covered at all. . . .

[I]s it not just as extreme that President Obama claims
<> an unchecked power to
assassinate, without due process, any American living abroad whom he
designates as an enemy combatant? Or that Joe Lieberman wants
<> to strip Americans of
their citizenship not when they are convicted of terrorist activities, but
upon their being accused and designated as enemy combatants? . . . [C]razy,
kooky, extreme actions are perpetrated by establishment centrists far more
often than by [those typically derided in mainstream circles as crazy].

The current President not only has seized the power to assassinate American
citizens with no charges, but also to
<> imprison people
indefinitely with no charges, to bomb
-qaeda-somalian-islamist> six different countries where no war is declared
and where
er-bombs-killed-35-women-and-children.html> civilians are routinely killed,
to invoke extreme,
roving-killing.html?_r=1&hp> self-parodying levels of secrecy to hide what
he does, and to prosecute wars even after Congress votes
orization-resolution> against their authorization. His cabinet is filled
with people who, while in public life, advocated an aggressive attack on
another country on the basis of weapons that did not exist, including his
Vice President and Secretary of State. His financial team is filled with the
very same people who implemented the Wall-Street-subservient policies that
led to the 2008 financial crisis. Despite all that, it would be unhealthy in
the extreme to hold your breath waiting for the Prospect or the Post to mock
any of them as crazy or "wacky," because what they advocate - as crazy as it
is - fits comfortably within the approved orthodoxies of establishment

Meanwhile, the crazy wacko, Dennis Kucinich, has been an outspoken opponent
of all of that. In a rational world, that would make him sane and those he
opposed crazy. But in the world of Washington's political and media class,
it's Kucinich who is the crazy one and those who did all of that are sane
and Serious. Put another way, the chickenhawk warmongers at The New Republic
are normal, while the anti-war Kucinich is "among the wackiest."

It's not difficult to see why Democrats, including progressives, often took
(and continue to take) the lead in demonizing Kucinich as a wacky loser.
After his Party leaders decreed that impeachment of Bush was "off the table"
- both because they feared it would jeopardize their electoral prospects and
because top Democrats were  <>
complicit in Bush crimes - Kucinich defied their orders and
nich-resolution?_s=PM:POLITICS> introduced articles of impeachment against
Bush for the Iraq War, his chronic lawbreaking, and his assault on the
Constitution: exactly what impeachment was designed to prevent and punish.
He was one of the very few people in Congress who
ation-act-it-authorizes-permanent-warfare-anywhere-in-the-world/> vehemently
denounced the assaults on the Constitution with equal vigor under the prior
GOP President and the current Democratic one. He was one of the very few
people in Congress with the courage to deviate from the AIPAC script,
opposing the Israeli blockade of Gaza,
<> condemning Israeli wars of
aggression, and
<> repeatedly
publicizing the oppression of Palestinians with the use of American funds
and support. He repeatedly
_b_155709.html> insisted on
a_n_877396.html> application of the law to the Executive Branch's foreign
policy when all of Washington agreed to overlook it. He repeatedly
opposed bipartisan measures to intensify hostility toward Iran. When the
Democrats won Congress in 2006 based on a promise to end the Iraq War, only
to turn around and continue to fund it without restrictions (thus ensuring
that this politically advantageous war would be raging during the 2008
election), Kucinich
continuously demanded that they follow through on their promises.

In the domestic policy area, Kucinich typically defended the values which
the Democratic Party claims to support even as it assaults those very
values. As Progressive  <> wrote
this week, "Kucinich was fearless in standing up to corporate power, in
denouncing NAFTA and GATT and the WTO and the fallacy of free trade, in
criticizing the Federal Reserve Board for not doing more about unemployment
and for bailing out the banks" and he "campaigned mightily for universal
single-payer health care" (though, under heavy pressure and threats, he
supported Obama's health care bill at the last moment). Kucinich
cial-security> vocally criticized President Obama for proposing substantial
cuts to Social Security. He became an
ot-a-radical-position-to-want-pot.htm> increasingly outspoken critic of the
Drug War. The Nation's John Nichols this week
ucinich-lost> praised him as "one of [Congress'] steadiest critics of
corporate power." Those noble fights were often waged against his own
party's leadership, with risk to his own political fortunes, and with very
few allies.

One criticism of Kucinich that is not unreasonable per se is that he has no
real legislative accomplishments to show for his 9 terms in Congress. Citing
that criticism, Andrew Sullivan this week
l> branded him "A Forgettable Ideologue"and quoted from
wont-be-missed.html> an anti-Kucinich post in The New Yorker (yet another
Serious, Sane magazine that
<> played a key
role in fueling the flames of war against Iraq). The New Yorker post is
entitled "Why Kucinich Won't be Missed," in which Alex Koppelman argues:

For all of his advocacy for liberal issues, Kucinich got almost nothing
accomplished. He's one of those legislators who becomes a favorite of the
base - this happens on both sides; look at Michele Bachmann - by talking a
lot while doing very little. Effective legislators build coalitions, they
work to persuade their colleagues, they even compromise, if that's what's
necessary to get legislation passed (or blocked, if that's the goal). Not
Kucinich. Liberals may miss him, briefly, but they'll forget him soon
enough. After all, he left nothing to remember him by.

I find this unpersuasive on multiple levels. For one, enacting legislation
is not the only way to have an important impact on our political culture.
Shining light on otherwise-ignored issues, advocating rarely-heard political
positions, using one's platform to highlight the corruption of those in
power and to challenge their warped belief systems are all vitally important
functions. Advocacy of that sort may not produce immediate, tangible
successes, but it is a prerequisite for changing prevailing political mores
and persuading citizens to think differently. "Talking a lot" is a synonym
for persuasion, advocacy and debate. It's far from "doing very little."
Those are all critical steps in changing a political system. It's true that
Kucinich cannot point to any law he passed that, say, guts the National
Security State or corporate-lobbyist control over Washington, but that
hardly means his work was inconsequential. Those types of changes often take
years, even decades, of advocacy, and urgently need those with public
platforms to amplify the underlying views to change how citizens think.

But more important: Kucinich's animating belief was that both political
parties often embraced extremist, destructive policies due to a combination
of cowardice and malignant views. He usually resided outside of the
bipartisan mainstream. He was often right when the Sober Centrists and Party
leaders were dreadfully wrong: on Iraq, on the extremism of the Bush assault
on the Constitution and rule of law, on America's self-destructive and
immoral blind support for Israel, on the subservience of Washington to a
corporatist and Wall Street agenda. He was one of a tiny handful of people
willing to bravely challenge those orthodoxies and the imperatives of
lobbyist rule. It's not his fault that most of his colleagues and the
broader political class clung to those destructive pieties and cowardly
served those who own and control Washington.

Would it have been better if he had won more fights? Sure. Could he have
been a more shrewd and calculating political operative? Probably. But his
failure to get Washington to see the wretched errors of its ways reflects
far more on them than it does on him. Faced with a militarized and
corporatized state and a cowardly political and media class that enables it,
Kucinich did what he should have done: opposed it loudly, courageously,
consistently, and passionately.

In sum, Kucinich was one of the those rare people in Washington whose
commitment to his beliefs outweighed both his loyalty to his Party and his
desperation to cling to political office. He thus often highlighted the
severe flaws, deceit and cowardice of his fellow Democrats and their Party
as well as the broader political class. That's why he has to be vilified as
crazy and wacky. He's long been delivering an unpleasant message about the
Democratic Party and Washington generally, and like all unwanted messengers,
has to be dismissed and marginalized so that this criticism disappears.
Thus, those who brought us the Iraq War, Endless War in general, citizen
assassinations, the systematic incineration of the Constitution known as the
War on Terror, the financial collapse, the destruction of the middle class,
and the financial and political supremacy of banker-criminals are sane and
respectable. Those who most vehemently opposed those assaults, like Dennis
Kucinich, are the "wackiest."

Such self-affirming pronouncements will make those who passively acquiesced
to all those policies and who support the politicians who brought them to us
feel much better: sure, Kucinich stood stalwartly against them all and
warned us of their dangers while I cheer for politicians who bring us these
things, but he believes in UFOs and impeachment and a Department of Peace.
What a wackjob. That's what the "crazy" insult enables and why it's so
popular in the halls of political and media Seriousness.

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