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David Versus Goliath

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"If you tell a lie big  enough and keep repeating it, people will
eventually come
to believe it. The lie  can be maintained only for such time as the State
can shield
the people from the  political, economic and/or military consequences of
the lie.
It thus becomes  vitally important for the State to use all of its powers
to repress
dissent, for  the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by
extension, the
truth is  the greatest enemy of the State."  - Joseph Goebbels

"Freedom of the press  is guaranteed only to those who own one." -A. J. 

"We can have a democracy  or we can have great wealth in the hands of a
few, but we cannot  have both." - Louis Brandeis

July 14/15, 2012

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Engineering Consent For An  Attack On Syria
Syrian "Civilian Massacre" Story Falls  Apart

By Alex  Newman

Yet another alleged "massacre"  of "civilians" by the Syrian dictator
Bashar al-Assad's
forces. As has become  typical, Western governments and mainstream media
 - the New York Times,  the BBC, and others included - parroted anonymous
activists" for the  claims.  

Hillary Clinton Is  Today's Joseph Goebbels
Latest Syria "Massacre" - Goebbelsesque  Propaganda

By Tony  Cartalucci

What the Western  corporate-media is actually reporting is terrorist
forces being
defeated by the  Syrian military in violence growing SOLELY because the
West continues
to funnel  cash, increasingly advanced arms, and even foreign fighters
into the
country.    http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article31863.htm

New Massacre Blame  Game in Syria

By  RT

Both government and rebel  forces are blaming each other for the slaughter
- while
the world body remains  paralyzed on whether to extend its observer
mission, or
impose sanctions. Maria  Finoshina reports.  

Covering Syria: The  Information War

By Aisling  Byrne

What we are seeing is a new  stage of information war intentionally
and cast as a simplistic  narrative of a struggle for human rights and
 so as deliberately to  exclude other interpretations and any
geo-strategic motivation.

Where Syrian Fighters  Get Their Weapons From

By  Reuters

Syrian rebels are smuggling  small arms into Syria through a network of
land and
 sea routes involving cargo  ships and trucks moving through Turkey,
Lebanon and
 Iraq.   http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article31855.htm

Israel Invents Syrian  WMD Threat, IDF Commanders Threaten Intervention

By Richard  Silverstein

The latest series of stories  derives from U.S. and Israeli intelligence
 and suggests that Syria has a  "vast stockpile" (Wall Street Journal) or
of tons" (Rupert Murdoch's  Sky News) of chemical weapons that could fall
into the
hands of Al Qaeda.


Syrian Rebels Aim To  Use Chemical Weapons, Blame Damascus

By  RT

The armed Syrian opposition  has got their hands on chemical weapons,
which they
 acquired from Libya, a media  report claims.

Stifling Free Speech  As A Way Of Helping Israel

By Jeff Warner and  Shakeel Syed

Our message was simple: "Tell  Congress: Spend Our Money at Home, Not on
the Israeli


The Most Successful  Terrorist Of The 20th Century

By Uri  Avnery

Shamir, the dead honest  fanatic, has many followers. Olmert, the living
 pragmatist, has very  few. Netanyahu, their current successor, has the
vices of
 both and the virtues  of neither.


Stop This Murderous  Insanity!
Obama's Execution of the Drone War Should Terrify Even Drone  Defenders

By Conor  Friedersdorf

It's one thing to support  killing militants, and quite another to empower
one man
to do it in secret  without checks or meaningful oversight.


What Happens When  Assassination Replaces Torture?

By Tom  Junod

What if the the kind of  militant who was captured and tortured under Bush
is the
kind of militant who is  simply being killed under President Obama?  

NSA Whistleblower:  U.S. Assembling Information On Every U.S. Citizen

By Muriel  Kane

"They're pulling together all  the data about virtually every U.S. citizen
in the
country ... and assembling that  information," Binney explained.  

Too Hot for  TED
Middle Class CONSUMERS are the 'Job Creators'

Must Watch 6 Minute  Video

Who is Nick Hanauer? Nick  Hanauer is a venture capitalist from Seattle,
whose speech
at the TED University  conference was deemed "too politically
controversial to post
on their web site."

Governments Exist to  Further the Interests of "Favored Groups"
"We the People" are Never the  Favored Group

By Prof. John  Kozy

The people are viewed by the  establishment as chickens to be broiled for


The Weaponization of  Economic Theory

By Michael  Hudson

There is no need for the  present austerity. If Europe acted like the
United States,
it could bail out the  banks.


Romney's 'Free Stuff'  Speech Is a New Low

By Matt  Taibbi

Wow. If you live long enough,  you'll see some truly gross things in
politics, but
Mitt Romney's work this past  week "courting black support" was enough to
turn even
the strongest stomach.   

Hard News

Afghanistan: At least  20 killed in wedding blast:   A suicide attacker
blew himself
up  Saturday in a wedding hall in northern Afghanistan, killing more than
20 people
 including a well-known commander and other local leaders, Afghan
officials  said.

33 alledged Afghan  resistance members killed, 27 detained in last week:
    Kandahar police on Thursday claimed that 33 "anti-government  gunmen"
were killed
and 27 more detained in Kandahar City and different  districts last week. 

Three killed in  Afghanistan blasts:   Two separate bombings in
Afghanistan have
  killed a Nato service member as well as an official with the Afghan
ministry of
 women's affairs and her husband.  http://is.gd/a81i2E

U.S. Has No Idea Who's  a Taliban 'Leader,' Still Boasts About Killing
Them:   Since
January  2011, ISAF occupation force troops have killed or captured at
least 104
 Afghan  resistant "leaders". You might expect the resistance to be
battered from
the  loss of so many senior commanders in such a short period of time.


Pakistani opposition  holds anti-NATO rallies:   Pakistan's opposition
parties are
holding  anti-NATO demonstrations to protest against Islamabad's decision
to reopen
NATO  supply routes to Afghanistan.


Moody's Cuts Pakistan  Credit Rating Deeper Into Junk:   The foreign- and
 bond ratings were cut one step to Caa1 from B3 with a negative outlook,
  said in a statement yesterday. That hands Pakistan its lowest assessment
in more
 than a decade, putting it on the same level as Cuba and below countries 


New Details of a  Battle Challenge Reports of a Syrian "Massacre":   "The
of  people killed in Tremseh were either rebel fighters from the village
or from
  surrounding villages."


Rebel fighters killed  in Syria "massacre":   Opposition activists in
Syria suggest
that  many of those killed in a massacre in Hama province may have been
rebel fighters
 rather than unarmed civilians.


Syria says army  assault on Tremseh targeted 'terrorists':   Syria said on
 that an attack in the village of Tremseh, widely condemned as a massacre
by  President
Bashar al-Assad's troops, was a successful military operation that  killed
"terrorists" but no civilians.


Syria massacre dead  mostly rebels, activists say:   Most of the people
killed in
the  Treimsa violence in central Syria were rebel fighters, an activist
said on
 Friday, addiing the bloodbath followed a Free Syrian Army attack on an
army  convoy.


Syrian Army killed  armed terrorists not civilians: military:   The Syrian
has  killed a large number of anti-government terrorists who were behind
the killing
 and wounding of dozens of people in the west of the country, a military


Engineering Consent For An  Attack On Syria:
Ban urges Security Council action over Syria:    UN chief says inaction
will become
"a license for further  massacres", a day after activists report mass


Syrian rebels  create mayhem to blame it on Assad regime': Video -   RT
talks to
  author and Middle East expert Tariq Ali


Syrian rebels aim  to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus - report 

Syria: Does video  footage shows Assad forces torturing? Video


Syria cooperating, but  lack of money hurting humantarian aid:   A senior
U.N. humanitarian
 officer who briefed reporters Friday on the situation in Syria said there
been a "breakthrough" in dealing with the Syrian government. "Bureaucratic
  and obstructions, the officer said, "have been largely removed."


UN Syria Resolution  'Unacceptable' - Moscow:   "We have stated repeatedly
Chapter 7  of the UN Charter is unacceptable to us," he said, referring to
a clause
 enabling the UN to take "urgent military measures" to enforce its 


Israel kills 2  Palestinians:   At least two Palestinians killed in
separate  incidents
in Gaza, as Israeli armed forces opened fire near the  border. 

Abbas asked Cuba to  free American contractor:   What does an American
jailed in
 Cuba have  to do with the Palestinians? Emails stolen in May from a
 Authority  cabinet minister may provide a clue.


Iraq attacks kill two,  wound 16:   Two people were killed and 16 others
 in five  separate attacks in Iraq on Friday, security and medical
officials  said.


Pentagon Seeks to Sell  Drones to Iraq, Turkey:   Fleets of military
drones are
proliferating  in the Middle East, potentially adding to tensions in the
 under a  renewed push by the US Defense Department to lift restrictions
on arms
 sales and  boost profits for US manufacturers.


Young protester shot  dead by Saudi forces in Awamiyah:   Saudi security
have killed  a young protester during an anti-regime demonstration in the
city of
Awamiyah in  the Kingdom's Eastern Province, Press TV reports.


Tehran to give firm  response to provocative acts: Iran UN envoy:   The
ambassador  to the UN says Tehran avoids confrontational policies despite
the imposition
of  Western sanctions, but will not hesitate to give a "firm and
appropriate"  response
to any threats and provocations against the country.


Special Report: The  wonks who sold Washington on South Sudan:   In the
a small  band of policy wonks began convening for lunch in the back corner
of a
dimly lit  Italian bistro in the U.S. capital.  http://is.gd/MZk5Fq

Sounds like a good idea to  me:
Russian parliament passes restrictions on NGOs:    Russia's lower house of
on Friday passed a bill imposing  new restrictions on non-governmental
that receive funding from  abroad.


Mexico: Operative  Group of #YoSoy132 Announces Nonviolence Resistance
Sessions:    Since before and still after the electoral fraud of July 1,
the  Mexican
people have succeeded in introducing a posture of protest, action and 
into the national panorama due to the grave irregularities of the 
campaign that
 named Enrique Peña Nieto as the imposed "president-elect" of the  United
 of Mexico.  http://www.narconews.com/Issue67/article4612.html

Obama Can Seize  telephone, Cellular and Wireless Networks: :   Obama
Signs Executive
 Order Giving The Department of Homeland Security Authority to Seize
Control of
 Telecommunications Facilities, Including Telephone, Cellular and Wireless


Did Romney Make a  False Statement on His Financial Disclosure?:   The
  certified that after February 1999 he was not involved with Bain Capital
"in any way." But he signed documents for the firm's big  deals.


JPMorgan's 'hidden'  losses soar to $5.8bn:   Criminal charges could
result after
internal  review finds some traders at huge US bank deliberately misvalued

European banks are  technically bankrupt: Video - Max Keiser -   A new
report by
 the  International Labor Organization (ILO) says the eurozone is in
danger of losing
 4.5 million jobs over the next four years, unless it changes its current 


Ireland shows sharp  GDP fall :   The Irish economy contracted by 1.1 per
cent in
the  first three months of 2011, official figures showed yesterday.
Consumer spending
 fell by 2.1 per cent as the government continued to impose deep cuts and
tax  rises.


Spain Will Have To  Cede Most Control Of Banks: WSJ:   Spain will likely
have to
 cede  most control over its banks to Europe in exchange for assistance,
to a  draft agreement of the bank bailout agreement, The Wall Street
Journal  reported


Hundreds clash with  riot police in Madrid:   Hundreds of protesters have
with  riot police in Madrid over the new set of austerity measures. One
suffered a broken nose and three people were arrested


Racist: Wells Fargo  posts record profits:   Wells Fargo, the nation's
largest home
 mortgage lender, agreed to pay $175 million to resolve allegations that
it  charged
African-American and Hispanic borrowers higher fees and interest rates 
than whites,
the Justice Department said Thursday.


"Let us be peace and joy"
Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq  "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially  acknowledged) In
War On Iraq: 4,883
Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In 
Afghanistan : 3,087
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since  2001


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