Hi. This Nation editorial was intended for an early July Sunday sending, but 
was replaced
week after week by deaths of notables, the Rio conference, et al.  It remains 
timely and
the clearest analysis by far of our situation and what is to be done; or, at 
least what I
agree with, in broad strokes. 
And speaking of notables, Pete Seeger was just interviewed on the Colbert 
Report; humorously,
of course, about his summing-up book, then performing and leading the audience, 
also of course. 
I saw it live. It's a delightful, heart-warming treat, about 10 minutes long. 
Just click on this URL:  <http://www.commondreams.org/video/2012/08/07-0> 

 * * *  
A Politics for the 99 Percent 
 <http://www.thenation.com/authors/katrina-vanden-heuvel> Katrina vanden Heuvel 
and  <http://www.thenation.com/authors/robert-l-borosage> Robert L. Borosage 
June 23 edition of The Nation.
Reuters/Andrew Burton
This year will feature the most ideologically polarized election since the 
Reagan-Carter face-off of 1980. A radical-right Republican Party, backed by 
big-money interests, has made itself the tribune of privilege and will do 
significant damage if it takes control in Washington. Staving off that outcome 
depends on mobilizing the Democratic base. Yet President Obama’s agenda is far 
removed from what is needed to meet the challenges this country faces. Because 
of this, we believe progressives must expand the limits of the current debate, 
even as they rally against the threat posed by a Republican victory.
No one should discount the potential destructiveness of a victory for Mitt 
Romney. The widespread media assumption that he’s really a “Massachusetts 
moderate” who adopted extreme positions to placate the Republican electorate 
before resetting his Etch A Sketch would be irrelevant even if it were true. A 
Romney victory could be accompanied by GOP control of all branches of 
government, with the party’s right-wing majority in the House driving the 
agenda. As Grover Norquist argues, “We are not auditioning for fearless 
leader…. We just need a president to sign this stuff.”

The “stuff” they would pass—already endorsed by Romney—includes repeal of the 
modest reforms enacted to police corporations after the Enron scandal and banks 
after the financial collapse; repeal of healthcare reform, stripping some 30 
million people of coverage; budget cuts that would gut almost all domestic 
functions of the government, from education to child nutrition to safeguarding 
clean air and water; and an end to Medicare and Medicaid as we know them. These 
draconian measures would be used to pay for increases in military spending and 
tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. Under the Romney plan, those making 
over $1 million a year would receive an average tax break of $250,000. A Romney 
victory would buoy a Republican right eager to roll back social progress, 
constrict voting rights and exacerbate racial divides in an era of middle-class 
decline. The offensive against labor and workers’ rights would escalate. And 
Romney’s bellicose foreign policy would make George W. Bush look dovish. If 
Romney wins, we will spend four years fighting to limit the damage he will 
inflict on the nation.

Obama has indicted the right’s extremes, arguing eloquently for public 
initiatives to save the middle class and revive the American dream. He’s made 
inequality a central theme of his campaign, and he will defend tax hikes on the 
wealthy and investments in areas vital to our future, from education to new 
energy. In attacking the vulture capitalism of Romney’s Bain Capital, defending 
the auto industry rescue and promoting investment in new energy, he makes an 
implicit case for industrial policy. Obama’s defense of human rights—for women, 
gays and minorities—stands in stark contrast to his opponent’s views. His 
re-election would help consolidate the emerging reform-coalition majority based 
on minorities, the young, single women, professionals and union households. 
Obama is winding down two wars, but his embrace of a modified “war on 
terror”—drones, renditions, expanded surveillance and other trappings of the 
imperial presidency—poses deep perils for the country. Even so, at least if 
Obama wins—and particularly if the Democrats manage to take back the House—our 
chances of reversing these policies, and winning the broader battle for reform, 
are vastly greater.

The System Isn’t Broken; It’s Fixed 

Yet on the central issue of the campaign—the economy—the limits of the Obama 
agenda are apparent. In his “economic Sermon on the Mount,” delivered three 
months after he took office, Obama argued that we could not return to an 
economy built on debt and bubbles; we had to build “a new foundation” that 
would work for working people. He proposed moderate measures in critical areas: 
an economic stimulus, plus reforms in the healthcare, energy and financial 
sectors. But despite the economic crisis, an election mandate and Democratic 
majorities in both houses, Republicans combined with entrenched interests to 
delay, dilute and in some cases defeat reform.

Now the old economy has recovered, even if Americans have not. The big banks 
are more concentrated than ever and back to making big bets, certain that they 
are too big to fail. The trade deficit is growing, back up to an average of 
more than $1.5 billion a day. Wages continue to fall, with more and more 
Americans struggling to afford healthcare and retirement. Student debt exceeds 
credit card debt, and the piecemeal privatization of public education 
continues. Inequality continues to grow, with the top 1 percent capturing a 
staggering 93 percent of the income growth in 2010.

Beneath Washington’s polarized politics, an establishment consensus has 
congealed around austerity. After this fall’s election, the United States will 
face a fiscal train wreck: the Bush tax cuts will expire at the end of the 
year, as will the payroll tax cut and extended unemployment benefits. The debt 
ceiling must be raised again, and Republicans are threatening to hold the 
country hostage once more. The legacy of the last negotiation is an automatic 
sequester that requires cutting about 10 percent of the discretionary 
budget—both domestic and military programs. If all the cuts are made, the 
still-weak economy will plunge back toward recession. That specter is used to 
justify the call—made by both parties—for a grand bargain based on “shared 
sacrifice,” in which “everything is on the table.” In this construct, deficits 
pose the biggest threat, with austerity the needed remedy. Since we have all 
lived beyond our means, the argument goes, we should all share in the necessary 

In fact, mass unemployment, not the deficit, poses the biggest threat to the 
economy. A turn to austerity would essentially be a declaration that chronic, 
widespread joblessness—with the declining wages and rising insecurity that 
accompany it—is the new normal, to which Americans must adjust. The mantra of 
shared sacrifice ignores the reality that most Americans already have 
sacrificed—in reduced wages, lost savings, collapsed home values. The question 
now should be: Who pays the tab for the mess created by Wall Street excesses, 
costly wars and thirty years of failed conservative policies? The “shared” 
sacrifice of austerity saddles the most vulnerable and the middle class with 
the tab. Wall Street gets bailed out and the rich get lower tax rates, while 
the 99 percent get unemployment and cuts in education, government services, 
retirement security and affordable healthcare.

The situational populism of presidential campaign rhetoric cannot mask the 
limits of the Obama mandate. He will offer no transformational agenda, no new 
foundation for an economy that works for working people, no plan for reviving 
the middle class. And no matter who wins, only sustained popular pressure will 
forestall a debilitating “grand bargain” that will further undermine the middle 
class and the poor.

The Progressive Response 

Not surprisingly, the high stakes of 2012 have fueled the perennial debate over 
the importance of electoral politics versus movement politics. In the face of 
the threat posed by the right, Democrats urge activists to swallow their 
disappointment with the president and pull together to get out the vote. In 
contrast, many movement activists scorn electoral politics, arguing that both 
parties are so corrupted and compromised that energy should be focused on 
building independent movements and protests.

Frances Fox Piven terms this a false dichotomy. “Elections and movements do not 
proceed on separate tracks. To the contrary, electoral politics creates the 
environment in which movements arise.” And movements can challenge the limits 
of the electoral debate, forcing politicians to address issues and adopt 
positions they might otherwise shun. The dedication and imagination of Occupy 
Wall Street forced inequality, mass unemployment and declining wages onto the 
national agenda, issues that Romney argued should be talked about only “in 
quiet rooms.” Popular movements in Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere have won 
dramatic victories in repelling the right’s offensive against unions and 
working people—even as they have also compelled Democratic politicians to talk 
once more about workers’ rights. Successful movements build their own 
narrative, mobilizing activists around a cause and forcing politicians seeking 
a majority to change their calculations.

In 2012 progressives have little choice but to do both: to take the election 
seriously while continuing to organize independent movements and challenge the 
limits of the debate. Committing to electoral politics need not mean—cannot 
mean—simply folding into an existing campaign and trumpeting a politician’s 
exaggerated promises. Progressives should see elections as an opportunity to 
identify champions, drive issues into the debate and hold politicians in both 
parties accountable. This requires building an infrastructure independent of 
the Democratic Party, and a movement willing to challenge compromised 
incumbents. A prime example was Ned Lamont’s 2006 campaign against Joe 
Lieberman in Connecticut over the Democratic senator’s support for the Iraq 
War. After Lamont’s stunning upset victory in the primary, Democrats who had 
begun the campaign arguing about the supply of bulletproof vests finished it 
calling for an end to the war, which helped them win a majority in the House.

In this election, there are several high-profile races that could send 
Washington a message—notably the Senate campaigns of Sherrod Brown and 
Elizabeth Warren, both of whom have argued forcefully for taming Wall Street, 
and both of whom are prime targets for the right. In the House, there are more 
than a dozen progressive challengers who, if elected, would strengthen the 
“democratic wing of the Democratic Party.”

At the state and local levels, the stunning mobilization against Governor Scott 
Walker in Wisconsin, followed by recall challenges of Republican senators, 
helped inspire progressives (and sober conservatives) across the country, who 
will push their own campaigns no matter what the outcome of the recall. 
Progressive Majority will field hundreds of local and state candidates while 
targeting key races that could flip state legislatures.

Even without primary challenges, movements can raise the public’s awareness of 
progressive issues and force politicians to adopt positions they might 
otherwise avoid. Activists are moving to put the housing crisis and corrupt 
banking practices at the center of the national debate. While Occupy Our Homes 
mobilizes in communities to defend citizens against foreclosure and the 
Campaign for a Fair Settlement demands that we hold Wall Street accountable for 
the pervasive fraud that inflated the housing bubble, the Home Defenders League 
is organizing underwater homeowners in targeted states to demand that banks pay 
for resetting mortgages, which would bring dramatic benefits in jobs and growth 
to the overall economy. If these movements gain traction in Florida, Ohio and 
Nevada, the presidential and Congressional candidates will have to respond.

With student debt greater than credit card debt, students and Occupy activists 
have started to challenge university tuition hikes, demanding relief from 
Washington and Wall Street. The president has pushed for extending lower 
interest rates on student loans, in part to appeal to young voters.

This fall the biggest challenge for progressives will be finding a way to use 
the election to break the establishment consensus on post-election austerity. 
This requires mobilization around the demand of Good Jobs First and condemning 
a premature turn to austerity that would force working families to pay for the 
mess that Wall Street created. In addition, a broad-based coalition could join 
the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Senator Bernie Sanders and prominent 
economists to lay out a common-sense approach to growth and deficits. The most 
effective deficit-reduction measure is putting people to work—as soon as the 
unemployed start collecting paychecks, they spend and stimulate the economy, 
putting even more people to work and expanding tax revenue. Fair tax reform 
that shuts down corporate loopholes and tax havens and hikes taxes on the 
wealthy can help pay for the investments we need to build a new foundation for 
growth. Borrowing money at current interest rates, which are cheaper than free, 
and investing it in renovating our decrepit infrastructure—roads, sewers, 
energy systems—will put people to work and have a positive economic return. 
After we do this, we can focus on getting our books in order over the long 
term—not by cutting Medicare or Social Security but by fixing our broken 
healthcare system.

With Romney and the Republicans championing a return to the policies that have 
devastated the middle class, the election also offers an opportunity to 
overcome what has been the most baffling of Obama’s failures: his unwillingness 
to “re-litigate the past,” to educate Americans about the bankrupt ideas and 
policies that served the 1 percent as they failed the country. It is a measure 
of that stunning default that after the worst economic crisis since the Great 
Depression, the right could be revived electorally without being forced to 
rethink its assumptions or agenda, and without having to change even a comma of 
its creed.

Occupy Wall Street has helped to expose how a rigged system threatens our 
democracy and our economy. Progressives should use the election to hone our 
narrative on how we got into this mess and how we can get out of it. The 
conversation shouldn’t simply be about an agenda, though. It should be about 
values—about the standards we hold in common, now offended by a system that 
tramples the basic beliefs most Americans hold about their country. In this 
post–Citizens United world, big money and both parties are flooding the 
airwaves with billions of dollars in negative ads, but this election can serve 
as a perfect teachable moment—if progressives counter with teach-ins, house 
parties, demonstrations, nonviolent protests and marches.

An Honest Politics 

Americans understand that the system is broken—and rigged against them. They 
increasingly see both parties as compromised, and they have little sense of an 
alternative and even less of a sense that anyone is prepared to fight for them. 
Progressives must therefore be willing to expose the corruption and compromises 
of both parties. This requires not only detailing the threat posed by the right 
but honesty about the limits of the current choice.

We also must go from opposition to proposition. Broad coalitions and campaigns 
are needed to lay out alternatives and fight for them. Occupy Wall Street 
challenged the heart of darkness, and the commitment and sacrifice of the 
thousands who took part in that movement have inspired hope. That’s why 
sustained efforts to mobilize and drive issues into the debate, while using 
nonviolence and direct action to defend people in peril, are vital. At the same 
time, progressives can champion candidates who will fight to transform the 
Democratic Party into an instrument of the 99 percent.

Defeating Romney and the right’s ruinous agenda is necessary but not 
sufficient. We need to worry less about co-optation and more about 
collaboration and expansion. A new course will require electing progressive 
champions and holding them accountable. It will require bold mobilizations 
around neglected issues to break the establishment’s stranglehold on our 
politics. It will require new ideas, new ways of organizing, new strategies of 

We are still struggling to free ourselves from the ideas and institutions of 
the conservative era. We see more clearly than ever the flaws of a system 
rigged to benefit the few. The money politics that supports market 
fundamentalism has been exposed. The perils of the politics of 
division—enforced by a beleaguered, aging white minority against an emerging, 
more diverse America—are clear. Now we must reach out, teach, engage and 
mobilize millions of Americans. We must provide them with a sense of hope, a 
story of possibility, and enlist them to create change. It won’t be easy. But 
it never is.


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