Captures Syrian Hostages in

I've been watching the news all day, and nobody has said the magic words
that I have been waiting for. The latest capture of Syrian hostages in
Lebanon might have been carried out by the Mukdad clan, but it doesn't take
a rocket scientist to see the hands of Iran behind this. The capture of the
forty Iranian revolutionary guards (retired, according to Iran) in Damascus
a few weeks ago saw the biggest flurry of Iranian diplomatic activity in
the region since I don't know when.

Why was it that after the capture of those Iranians that Iran held Turkey
directly responsible, and warned the United States to release them? Note
that one of the hostages taken in Lebanon is said to be a Turkish diplomat
- that's yet to be confirmed - and there is also Qatari nationals. All this
is not for one Lebanese guy captured in Damascus, nor for the Lebanese
nationals that have been held captive near Aleppo for months. To think
otherwise is folly. An Iranian official visiting Syria, a context set up,
and a trap sprung. It was only a matter of time before some hothead in one
of the many fragments of the FSA decided to capture some Lebanese man
thinking he was a member of Hezbullah. After all, if Israel was ready to go
to war with Lebanon in 2006, and the capture of the Israeli soldiers was
used as a pretext, why shouldn't Iran apply the same approach in Lebanon

For years I have been blogging about Iran's methodical tit-for-tat
kidnappings and operations, and this now has all the hallmarks. Of course,
you will never find a direct link between the Mukdad clan and Hezbullah or
Iran, but mark my words, those Syrian hostages will not be released if the
Lebanese man held by the FSA is released. The Iranians want their own
hostages released. The question is who are these people that the FSA has
held, and why does Iran want them so badly above all else?

This brings us to why the FSA captured them, and who told them about these
"pilgrims" in particular? And why did Iran warn the United States and hold
it responsible?

 Posted by Maysaloon

 Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Bombings, Kidnappings, Iranian Drones, A
Captured MANPAD....
Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 10:49
James Miller in Bahrain, EA Middle East and Turkey, Ghaith Abdul-Ahad,
Hassan al-Moqdad, Middle East and Iran, Nabeel Rajab, Said Yousif
Almuhafda, Syria

*Free Syrian Army members show off a captured haul of regime weaponry,
including a portable anti-aircraft system*


*See also Syria Audio Feature: "Assessing An Airstrike on Azaz" --- Scott
Lucas with Monocle
Syria 1st-Hand: From Student and Gap Salesman to Insurgent in
Wednesday's Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Wearing Down the

1910 GMT: *Syria.* Contrary to popular opinion, there is still plenty of
fighting in the Salleh el Dine district of Aleppo:

The battle lines have not changed very much in recent days. In places like
Saleh el Dine, the FSA is not making an effort to establish permanent
control, as they were last week, but because of this they are still able to
enter the district, conduct ambush or "hit and run" style attacks, and
prevent further Assad military incursions.

Also, despite all the violence in the city, primarily characterized by
intense bombing and shelling campaigns, the majority of the city is still
in partial or total FSA control, and there are almost no areas where the
regime has been able to effectively send in tanks.

1850 GMT: *Syria.* The LCC has now raised their death toll to
At least 60 of those deaths were reported in Qatana
where 60-65 bodies have reportedly been found, some of them burning, in the
local landfill. A low-quality
video<>claims to
show some of the bodies.

1820 GMT: *Syria.* The town of Dumayr, in rural Damascus
was heavily shelled today. We suspect that the reason was a major attack on
the town by the Free Syrian Army. Yesterday we posted a video claiming to
show FSA fighters having captured a military arsenal
<>that included 4 anti-aircraft machine guns, many
RPGs and rifles, a huge
amount of ammunition - and a MANDPADS air defense system.

We're told that the fighters came from Harasta and
eastern suburbs of Damascus that are also heavily attacked today.

Now, we have another video showing the arms in the control of the FSA:

We also have video that claims to show FSA soldiers returning from the
raid. It's hard to verify, except that in the bottom of some of the trucks,
the soldiers appear to be sitting on some of the ammo boxes and weapons

1808 GMT: *Syria.* According to the LCC, death toll has risen to 179


86 were reported in Damascus and its suburbs (including 60 unidentified
martyrs from the Qatana massacre and 8 in Hajar Aswad); 69 in Aleppo
(inluding 40 in Qadi Askar and 8 in Shaar); 14 in Idlib; 5 in Deir Ezzor; 2
in Hama; 1 in Homs; and 1 in Daraa who was actually martyred in Damascus.

As this number notes, however, the 60 bodies found in Qatana were not
killed today, but the bodies were discovered today.

1614 GMT: *Syria.* It appears that the UN mission in Syria may be over once
Kofi Annan steps down:

 LBCI News English @*LBCI_News_EN* <>

French ambassador: #*UN* <> Security
Council will not renew mandate of UN observer mission in
#*France* <>
16 Aug 12 <>

   - ***Reply*<>
   - ***Retweet*<>

1555 GMT: *Syria.* The death toll in Syria has jumped to
according to the LCC, with most of that number made up of the 86 deaths in
Damascus. Some of that number appears to be made up of victims of a mortar
attack in 


Dozens of martyrs and wounded were reported as a result of the heavy mortar
shelling and missile attacks in the town.

the Free Syrian Army and regime forces in the eastern suburb of
Harasta (map), and there are reports that Irbin
has also been shelled. In other words, there is a steep escalation of
violence in the eastern Ghouta suburbs of Damascus. It's too early to tell,
but this could be a significant renewal of armed conflict there.

1514 GMT: *Syria. Snap-Analysis* - Ignoring the confusing headlines, the
news that the another general, the brother of the Syrian Vice President no
less, has defected is another major blow to the credibility of the regime.

But this episode says something deeper. There are two major reasons for
most defections. The first, a sense that the policies of the regime are
objectionable. The second reason, however, is the fear that the regime will
collapse and those responsible for those policies may be held accountable.
General Shara's defection likely puts his cousin n a precarious spot, so
one has to wonder whether the General would put his cousin in jeopardy,
this late in the game, for ideological reasons. Surely, the regime is not
doing anything today that it did not do months ago. This raises the
possibility that General Shara is fleeing the regime because his life, and
his cousin the Vice President's, are already at risk. But that risk is not
from a possible regime reaction. That risk is the possible fall of the
regime. If a high-ranking General like Shara believes that the regime is so
weak that he needs to flee it, that is a significant development in and of

One also has to wonder if yesterday's bombing in Damascus is related to
Shara's defection. There's no evidence that General Shara was responsible,
but this is the second blow to the heart of the regime's security
leadership in the capital. One has to seriously question the loyalty of
many members of the regime, as attacks persist that look like inside jobs,
and defections persist at even the highest levels.

An activist is maintaining a list (with Youtube videos) of all the Generals
who have defected from the military. So far, more than 50 have fled the
Perhaps General Shara's defection is not a military blow to the regime, but
a high-profile defection of this kind is another psychological blow, to say
nothing of the information that Shara likely has that will help the Free
Syrian Army in their continued fight to topple Assad.

1450 GMT: *Syria.* As anyone who has been following the news knows,
sometimes, especially when translations get involved, the news turns into a
giant game of telephone, and everybody gets the wrong information. Reuters
officially clarifies the news reported earlier:

 Reuters India @*ReutersIndia* <>

ADVISORY - Al-Arabiya TV says relative of Syrian vice president has
defected, not the vice president
16 Aug 12 <>

   - ***Reply*<>
   - ***Retweet*<>

1443 GMT: *Syria.* Previous news appears to be a translation issue -
according to people who saw the Al Arabiya broadcast, the relative of the
Vice President, General Yuaarab al-Sharaa, has defected himself - the
General does not say that the VP defected.

1438 GMT: *Syria.* *Now Lebanon*, associated with the AFP, reports that the
Vice Presiden't claimed relative is a General in the regime:

 NOW Syria @*NOW_Syria* <>

#*Syrian* <> General Yuaarab al-Sharaa,
cousin of Vice President Farouq al-Sharaa, has defected -New TV
16 Aug 12 <>

   - ***Reply*<>
   - ***Retweet*<>

A Twitter account with a focus on Syria suggests that Vice President Shara
has already been under house arrest, and this is likely a rumor. We can't
confirm that Shara was under house arrest, however:

 Alexblx @*Alexblx* <>

#*Assad* <> placed VP
#*Shara*<>- under house arrest to
control his movements - when earlier defection
rumors arose - so defection wld be difficult?
16 Aug 12 <>

   - ***Reply*<>
   - ***Retweet*<>

1430 GMT: *Syria.* BREAKING - an incredible claim coming from Al-Arabiya
(not the most trusted name in news) - According to a relative of Syria's
al-Shara, Shara has defected and joined the Syrian uprisings:


In the statement, read by a man Al-Arabiya identified as a relative of the
Sunni Muslim vice president, Shara called on the army to join "the
revolution" against Assad's rule. Reuters could not immediately verify the
authenticity of the statement.

Obviously, this is breaking news with more details to follow. We are
heavily skeptical of the report, especially since we don't yet know who
this man who read the story was, whether he is actually a relative of
Shara's, and whether Shara is being represented by this man.

1310 GMT: *Bahrain.* Prominent human rights activist Said Yousif has posted an
account of his 

I was driving in the street close to Zayed City when I was stopped by
traffic police, in the middle of the highway. I was told that I was wanted
after being identified at the checkpoint in A’ali. A police car then
arrived and four officers punched and slapped me in front of my

A traffic policeman forcibly took my phone from me, whilst another was
inspecting my car. They found a banner with a picture of Nabeel Rajab and
asked me who it was. I told them it was Nabeel and they told me to say "no,
this is our whore". When I refused to speak such language, especially in
front of my children, I was punched twice in the head.

 Yousif said he was held for three hours and released only when he signed a
pledge that he would return to the police station when summoned, again
without a lawyer.

1219 GMT: *Syria.* The violence is once again rippling through Aleppo
province today. The most noteworthy reports so far are from Al Bab to the
which was shelled today, and Taqad, to the west
where the Free Syrian Army has clashed with regime forces. There aren't
many details to go off of yet, but the areas west of Aleppo have been
militarily disastrous for the regime army in the past. This could be a
skirmish of little significance, or a sign that the military is trying to
cut Aleppo off from northern Idlib province.

1142 GMT: *Syria.* That said, Azaz is a horrible scene. *The Guardian* has
posted a gallery of graphic
from the ground there - the amount of affected children is very
disturbing. Al Jazeera also notes that journalists are allowed by the
Turkish government to pass freely in and out of the border near Azaz, which
means we're likely to see more coverage of the horrific event soon.

1122 GMT: *Syria.* Of the four headlines that Scott Lucas picked today (the
most important developments yesterday, though as the ellipsis indicates,
not the only headlines), the media seems to have only covered one - the
bombing in Azaz - and the analysis of that story is completely off the
mark. Take this


HRW said two opposition Free Syrian Army facilities in the vicinity of the
attack might have been targets of the Syrian aircraft.
One was the headquarters of the local Free Syrian Army brigade two streets
away from the block that was hit. The other was a detention facility where
the Free Syrian Army held "security detainees" government military
personnel and members of pro-government shabiha militia.

Neither of these facilities was damaged in the attack.

The bombing of Azaz, some 30 miles (50 kilometers) north of Aleppo,
shattered the sense of control rebels have sought to project since they
took the area from President Bashar Assad's army last month. Azaz is also
the town where rebels have been holding 11 Lebanese Shia they captured in

First of all, nearly a dozen towns north of Aleppo are bombed every day.
The only reason Human Rights Watch, or most of the media, is noting this
now is that this time the bombs were more effective than usual, basically
an accident of happenstance. Secondly, the Free Syrian Army headquarters,
blocks away and untouched, was not the target. Most of those killed in all
of these bomb strikes and shelling campaigns are civilians. The FSA hardly
ever receives large-scale casualties as the result of air strikes - with a
few notable exceptions. The Assad regime has no intelligence on the ground,
but it does not need intel. This bombing, like all the other daily bombing
and shelling attacks, is blindly-fired aggression aimed at stressing the
civilian populace into breaking. Thirdly, Azaz is being bombed precisely
because the Free Syrian Army continues to win victories south and west of
Azaz, and the regime has no real recourse at this point.

1100 GMT: *Syria.* Yesterday saw one of the highest death tolls in recent
weeks, but today is on pace to potentially surpass it. The Local
Coordinating Committees already report that 62 people have been killed
Assad forces:


39 martyrs were reported in Aleppo (most of them were killed in the
massacre of Qadi Askar neighborhood), 10 in Damascus and its Suburbs, 5 in
Idlib, 5 in Deir Ezzor, 2 in Hama and 1 in Homs.

A few things to keep in mind - it's relatively early in Syria (about 2 PM),
but also the LCC's confirmed death toll lags many hours behind. It's very
rare to see this number this high this early.

This number is a mix of civilians and insurgents, but does not include
Assad forces. Syrian state media also does not tally regime losses.

Aleppo is once again the focus today. Many of the northern suburbs are once
again being heavily shelled and bombed from the sky. This "massacre" in
Aleppo hasn't been flushed out with details yet, though, but we'll keep our
eyes open.

The last note - this LCC number does not include the 15 who, according to
injured in Azaz yesterday but died today in Turkey.

James Miller takes over today's live coverage. Thanks to Scott Lucas for
getting us started today.

0945 GMT: *Syria*. Ghaith Abdul-Ahad has spoken of yesterday's attack on
near the Turkish border, in which at least 30 people died immediately and
others died later (see 0820 GMT):


Between 3.15 and 3.30 [p.m.] two bombs hit the town --- one in the middle
of a cluster of houses, leaving a circle which is just a big empty space.
Around it are collapsed buildings and others that are half-collapsed.

When I arrived, there was a heavy stench of death and they were pulling a
body out, but it was only the head. They kept digging. Kids were lifting
big boulders and finding bits of flesh and bones.

One of the houses was the home of Fadhel Danoun. Twenty-five of his family
were killed. One daughter, Umma Ahmad, survived.

It was a poor section of town. Sixty-four houses have collapsed or fallen
apart. People are still retrieving blankets, carpets and plastic shoes. A
hundred metres away there are homes with parsley and mint still growing in
their gardens.

Another guy, Ahmad al-Aboud, who is 57, was standing on piles of concrete
that were his home. He said he didn't hear a plane. There was a big
explosion like an earthquake.

He said: "We're all poor workers' families. We don't even have a gun in
this area."

The injured have been taken to Turkey. People say they don't blame the
Syrian regime so much as the Saudis, Qataris, Turks and Americans for
failing to help them.


 Human Rights Watch
the airstrike was errant targeting:


One [possible target] was the headquarters of the local Free Syrian Army
brigade two streets away from the block that was hit. The other was a
detention facility where the Free Syrian Army held "security detainees"
government military personnel and members of pro-government shabiha

Neither of these facilities was damaged in the attack.


 However, as the Associated Press notes, the objective may not have been
military but psychological: "The bombing of Azaz, some 30 miles (50
kilometers) north of Aleppo, shattered the sense of control rebels have
sought to project since they took the area from President Bashar Assad's
army last month."

0855 GMT: *Bahrain*. Reports are coming in that Nabeel Rajab, the President
of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, has been given a three-year prison
sentence <> this
morning for participation in illegal

Rajab was already serving a three-month term for Twitter messages which
allegedly insulted the Prime Minister.

0820 GMT: *Syria*. Another 15 Syrians injured in Wednesday's airstrike on
Izaz have died in Turkish
they were brought across the border.

A Turkish official said Thursday that many of the injured suffered severe
burns in the attack by a Syrian regime MiG fighter jet, which killed more
than 30 people instantly and left more than 200 injured.

0650 GMT: *Syria*. The 57-member Organisation of Islamic Cooperation has
"a strong message" to Damascus.

A statement issued at the end of an OIC summit meeting in Mecca, Saudi
Arabia said participants had agreed on "the need to end immediately the
acts of violence in Syria and to suspend that country from the OIC",
expressing "deep concern at the massacres and inhuman acts suffered by the
Syrian people".

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the head of the OIC, said, "This world can no longer
accept a regime that massacres its people using planes, tanks and heavy
artillery....[This is] also a message to the international community
stating that the Muslim world backs a peaceful solution , wants an end to
the bloodshed and refuses to let the problem degenerate into a religious
conflict and spill over" into the wider region."

0510 GMT: *Syria*. Closing Wednesday's Live Coverage, James Miller sent the
message: "205 dead, Iran drones unearthed, kidnappings, bombings, Free
Syrian Army victories --- and MANPADS".

While the note had the virtue of being concise, it could not begin to
capture a day that rushed from one dramatic and violent incident to
another, most of which pointed to the growing pressure on the Assad regime:

1. The Local Coordinating Committees reported that at least 205 people were
killed by security forces. Of the dead, 90 were in Aleppo Province, many of
them in Izaz on the Turkish border --- it was hit by fighter jets that
flattened at least 10 houses.

2. The morning had begun with the drama of a Free Syrian Army attempt to
kill high-ranking regime military officers with explosives attached to gas
canisters. One was set off near a building where the Command Council was
supposed to be meeting, but did not appear to hit its target --- three
people were reportedly wounded.

There were clashes throughout the day in parts of Damascus and in its

3. The conflict spilled over into Lebanon, as the al-Moqdad family claimed
to have seized at least 20 members of the Free Syrian Army in retaliation
for the abduction of Hassad al-Moqdad inside Syria.

Insurgents had shown the detained al-Moqdad in a video, claiming he was a
member of Hezbollah.

4. A video of an airforce research base in Aleppo, captured by the
insurgents <>,
appeared to show two Ghods
Ababil<> unmanned
aircraft, Iranian-made drones previously been given to Hezbollah.

5. And last night, the claim --- again with video --- emerged that the Free
Syrian Army had captured four anti-aircraft guns, hundreds of boxes of
ammunition, and a MANPAD (Man-Portable Air-Defense System) in Dumair near
Damascus. Miller summarised:

The fact that the Free Syrian Army is capturing more and more ordnance from
regime bases and arms depots is another sign that the FSA is growing
stronger, and in many areas has the upper hand.

*Even if one MANPAD, 4 AA guns, many RPGs, dozens of small arms, and
thousands of rounds of ammunition is not enough to fuel a whole war, it is
enough to help resupply an insurgent fighting force whose largest
limitation may be logistics. It is also enough to serve as a morale boost
for the FSA, and serve to opposite purpose for the Assad military.*

 Article originally appeared on EA WorldView (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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