If you know about a 'Kill List' that is used by the CIA, and that our
Drone Bomber Program is the most used tool to carry it out, then you might
be more informed then some of the "Representatives" we have in Congress or
a Chairperson of the DNC, well informed though you may be,  you might only
see it as, 'almost unacceptable'.



*I was at a dinner party last night where, among other inane and
cringe-inducing things that were said, a guest proffered that he thought
the drone attacks in
Pakistan<http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/10/20-4>were "almost
*That's a quote. "Almost unacceptable."*
*I wonder which part of the attack on this
acceptable? The part where not all his limbs were blown off, just some
of them? Or the part where not his entire family was slaughtered, just some
of them?*
*This guest was an Obama supporter who just couldn't bring himself to say
that anything his beloved leader does is wrong. (Oh, and this person was at
pains to tell us, repeatedly, how "well-informed" he is.)*
*At least some of us know it's wrong. That's why it's good to see that the
legal system, in other countries at least, is standing up and saying so.
Let's hope these CIA officials are put on Interpol's


*This is the second case in a week I've read about of an American citizen's
being put on the No-Fly List and left stranded
No criminal record, no criminal actions, no suspicion of anything -- other
than what's dreamed up in the fevered imaginations of our National Security
State goons -- no explanation. Just bingo -- you're not allowed to fly.
Tough luck that you're stuck in a foreign country where you probably can't
afford a hotel night after night after night after night, not to to mention
food, until your government decides that maybe perhaps it might just allow
you back home. *
*Oh, but that's right, I forgot -- we live in a democracy. We live in a
free country. Never mind that restriction of travel is one of THE hallmarks
of a police state. Let's just ignore that pesky little fact.*



*Former Senator and former presidential candidate George McGovern has died
at the age of 90. Here's a remembrance from Alexander Reed Kelly at


*I will forever be in debt to Glenn Greenwald, who's not afraid to tell it
like it is. I know that has put him on the sh*t list of many liberals these
days -- the very same liberals who praised him to the skies during the Bush
administration. If that alone isn't a ringing endorsement, I don't know
what is.  -Lisa Simeone*

 The Remarkable, Unfathomable Ignorance of Debbie Wasserman
The Chair of the Democratic National Committee is completely unaware of one
of the biggest stories of the Obama years
*by Glenn Greenwald*

** On 29 May 2012, the New York Times published a remarkable 6,000-word
its front page about what it termed President Obama's "kill list". It
detailed the president's personal role in deciding which individuals will
end up being targeted for assassination by the CIA based on Obama's secret,
unchecked decree that they are "terrorists" and deserve to die.

Based on interviews with "three dozen of his current and former advisers",
the Times' Jo Becker and Scott Shane provided extraordinary detail about
Obama's actions, including how he "por[es] over terrorist suspects'
biographies on what one official calls the macabre 'baseball cards'" and
how he "insist[s] on approving every new name on an expanding 'kill list'".
At a weekly White House meeting dubbed "Terror Tuesdays", Obama then
decides who will die without a whiff of due process, transparency or
oversight. It was this process that resulted in the death of US citizen
Anwar Awlaki in Yemen, and then two weeks later, the killing of his
16-year-old American son, Abdulrahman, by

The Times "kill list" story made a huge impact and was widely
media figures, politicians,
Among other outlets, the New York Times itself harshly
Obama's program in an editorial entitled "Too Much Power For a
President", denouncing the revelations as "very troubling" and argued: "No
one in that position should be able to unilaterally order the killing of
American citizens or foreigners located far from a battlefield - depriving
Americans of their due-process rights - without the consent of someone
outside his political inner circle."****

That Obama has a "kill list" has been known since January, 2010, and has
been widely
every major American newspaper since April 2010. A major controversy
over chronic White House leaks often featured complaints about this
York Times, 5 June 2012: "Senators to Open Inquiry Into 'Kill List'
and Iran Security Leaks"). The Attorney General, Eric Holder, gave a major

But Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic Congresswoman from Florida and
the Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, does not know about
any of this. She has never heard of any of it. She has managed to remain
completely ignorant about the fact that President Obama has asserted and
exercised the power to secretly place human beings, including US citizens,
on his "kill list" and then order the CIA to extinguish their lives.****

Just marvel at this stunning, completely inexcusable two-minute display of
wholesale ignorance by this elected official and DNC chair. Here she is
after the second presidential debate being asked by Luke Rudkowski of We
Are Change about the "kill list" and whether Romney should be trusted with
this power. She doesn't defend the "kill list". She doesn't criticize it.
She makes clear that she has never heard of it and then contemptuously
treats Rudkowski like he is some sort of frivolous joke for thinking that
it is real:****

** **

Anyone who observes politics closely has a very low bar of expectations.
It's almost inevitable to become cynical - even jaded - about just how
inept and inane top Washington officials are. Still, even processing this
through those lowly standards, I just find this staggering. Staggering and
repellent. This is an elected official in Congress, the body that the
Constitution designed to impose checks on the president's abuses of power,
and she does not have the foggiest idea what is happening in the White
House, and obviously does not care in the slightest, because the person
doing it is part of the party she leads.****

One expects corrupt partisan loyalty from people like Wasserman Schultz,
eager to excuse anything and everything a Democratic president does. That's
a total abdication of her duty as a member of Congress, but that's par for
the course. But one does not expect this level of ignorance, the ability to
stay entirely unaware of one of the most extremist powers a president has
claimed in US history, trumpeted on the front-page of the New York Times
and virtually everywhere else.****

© 2012 The Guardian/UK****



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