Assassinations and Violence - the High Cost of Mining Concessions in Oaxaca
By David Bacon,  NACLA Report, online edition


In the front room of Avigahil Vasquez Sanchez 
home in San Jose del Progreso, she's installed 
half a dozen little phone booths, used by town 
residents who have no phone of their own. 
Outside the windows above the telephones, the 
tree-lined street she lives on leads out to 
fields at the foot of cloud-topped hills.  San 
Jose, at the edge of a valley an hour south of 
Oaxaca's capital city, is a pretty town. 

But this seemingly peaceful environment is 
deceptive.  Since a mine began operation nearby, 
residents passing in the road view each other 
with suspicion.  The fear is palpable in Vasquez' 
home as well.  And one evening last March her 
fears became real.  She remembers waiting at home 
for her brother Bernardo to return from the 
Oaxaca city airport:

He called us at six that evening.  I asked him to 
wait for us in the airport, because there were 
people looking for him.  The day before a 
stranger had been asking for him, and that night 
a woman came asking to make a phone call.  We 
didn't realize what was about to happen, that she 
was just finding out the time he'd be leaving 

At all the crossroads on the highway there were 
people watching to see when he'd pass by.  After 
stopping at a gas station he saw there was a car 
following him.  Then there was another car beside 
him.  He thought it might be one of the taxi 
drivers from our town, but it wasn't.  When the 
car pulled along side him they began to fire. 
The shots hit him in the back, and they forced 
him off the road at the crossroads to Santa 
Lucia, where he fell over the wheel.  My cousin 
was sitting beside him, and was shot in the leg. 
- Avigahil Vasquez

Jaime Vásquez Valencia, a passing taxi driver, 
stopped to help.  He put Vasquez and his wounded 
brother and cousin into his taxi and drove them 
to the closest town.  By the time they arrived, 
however, Bernardo Vasquez was already dead. 
Paramedics took his two wounded companions to the 
Specialties Hospital in San Bartolo Coyotepec.

The assassination was planned.   We knew he was 
bothering the mine, because he was getting a lot 
of threats.   He was very quiet about it, but he 
told me, 'I know I'm going to die, because the 
mine doesn't like what I'm doing.'  Most threats 
came on the phone.  They'd say, 'You know, 
Bernardo, you're going to die.'  There was a 
threat written on the wall of the spillway below 
the dam, saying 'Your end has come.'  Leaflets 
would appear in town, saying, 'The end of 
Bernardo Vasquez has come.'  When we'd tell him 
to be careful he'd say, 'I have to stay here.  If 
my death is coming, I accept it.'   He came to 
help people wake up, and because of his bravery, 
many people followed him.  - Avigahil Vasquez

Avigahil Vasquez Sanchez is the sister of 
Bernardo Vasquez, assassinated in March.  The 
office of the group resisting the mine is in her 

The civil war inside San Jose del Progreso began 
when Fortuna Silver, a company directed by 
Peruvian mining engineers and backed by Canadian 
investors, decided to open a modern mine in an 
area where small-scale prospecting had taken 
place for many years.  What the company and its 
Mexican subsidiary, Compañía Minera Cuzcatlan 
S.A. de C.V., envisioned was far from a small 
operation, however.  In 2006 the Federal 
government granted the company a concession 
covering 58,000 hectares of land (143,321 acres, 
or 223 square miles.)  On its website, the 
company refers to this area as "brownfields." 
Today it excavates and crushes 1500 tons of rock 
per day, extracting silver and gold in chemical 
leaching processes. 

San Jose's residents are Zapotec farmers  who 
speak an indigenous language that is centuries 
old.  The farming community constitutes an ejido, 
an association formed by Mexico's land reform 
laws.  The mining project drove a deep wedge 
between town residents, at a time when many 
communities in Oaxaca were already divided 
between different political parties. 

The town's political authorities are supporters 
of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). 
The party governed Oaxaca for seventy years.  Its 
last governor, Ulises Ruiz, put down an uprising 
that grew out of a teachers strike in 2006 with 
massive violence.  When town residents began 
questioning the mine project, the municipal 
president Venancio Oscar Martínez Rivera referred 
to them scornfully as "APPO sympathizers," 
referring to the organization that fought the 
governor in the streets of Oaxaca city.

Christina Pagano, a Fortuna Silver spokesperson, 
says "The company gained authorization to use 
land from the San Jose del Progreso Ejido via two 
public assemblies held by the Ejido members in 
2006 and 2007."  But Avigahil Vasquez says it 
took a while for the town to wake up to what was 
being planned. 

In town meetings the previous municipal 
president, Amadeo Alejo Vasquez Rosario never 
told people what he was doing.  He just said he 
was giving permission for a garbage dump.  We 
finally realized the dump was actually a mine 
concession.  By that time some people had already 
agreed to sell their ejido land.  - Avigahil 

On a wall by a dam spillway, a threat was spray 
painted before the assassination:  "Bernardo 
Vasquez, Your Time Has Come - Dog!"

Her brother Bernardo, who'd been working in 
Petaluma, California, heard about the growing 
dispute, and returned to San Jose to help fight 
against the mine.  The mine opponents organized 
the Coordination of the United Towns of the 
Ocotlán Valley (CPUVO).  On March 14, 2009, they 
blocked the road going into the mine concession, 
demanding that the government cancel the 
concession because it would pollute the 
environment with cyanide, mercury and heavy 

Avigahil Vasquez recalls a meeting of the ejido 
members on April 5, during the blockade. 

The ejido members were called to the meeting by 
Quintin Vasquez Rosario, the land commissioner. 
When they got there the doors were closed, and 
they were told to sign blank sheets of paper. 
When the ejidatarios began to protest, they just 
told them to sign. At the door they collected the 
sheets with the signatures, and inspected their 
membership documents. 

People believed the authorities had already come 
up with an agreement, giving away their rights to 
the mine.  When they demanded an explanation, the 
municipal president pulled out his gun.  People 
began running towards the school, and he began to 
fire.  Fortunately, he didn't hit anyone, but 
some were beaten by family members of the 
commissioner and the municipal president.  In the 
end, the commissioner had to give up his 
position, but later we found he was still signing 
agreements. - Avigahil Vasquez

Part of the ejido of San Jose del Progreso, near the dam and reservoir.

Fortuna Silver was able to begin mining in San 
Jose because of changes in Mexico's economic 
development policy that date back to the 1980s, 
when its government began welcoming foreign 
investment in resource extraction, even at the 
cost of environmental destruction and the 
repression of popular movements.  It is a shared 
policy to which Mexico's old ruling party, the 
PRI, and its governing party of the last 12 
years, the National Action Party (PAN), have an 
equal commitment.

In 1992 PRI President Carlos Salinas de Gortari 
modified the country's mining law. The new mining 
law said any potential resource must be utilized, 
giving mineral extraction preference over any 
other use.  A year later, just before the North 
American Free Trade Agreement took effect, the 
ceiling on the amount of foreign investment that 
could be allowed in "strategic" industries (like 
mining) was eliminated. Salinas' successors, both 
the PRI's Ernesto Zedillo and the PAN's Vicente 
Fox, increased the number of mining concessions 
while taxes on mining operations were eliminated. 

According to La Jornada columnist Carlos 
Fernandez-Vega, land given in concessions reached 
25 million hectares by the end of Fox' term in 
2006, and more than doubled, to 51 million in the 
first four years of his successor Felipe 
Calderon.  In return for 4 million hectares of 
those concessions, the Mexican government 
received just $20 million.

"Concession holders can demand that land occupied 
by a town be vacated, so that they can carry out 
their activities," write Mexican academics 
Francisco López Bárcenas and Mayra Montserrat 
Eslava Galicia in a study called "Minerals or 
Life." "If land is used for growing food, that 
has to end so that a mine can be developed. 
Forests or wilderness are at the same risk." 
Mines can take land used by indigenous people, 
like San Jose's residents, in violation of ILO 
Convention 169 protecting indigenous rights. 
Municipalities can't even charge fees to 
compensate for the use or destruction of their 

This economic model could have changed in 
Mexico's national elections last July, had a 
party won that was committed to protecting social 
rights, even at the cost of foreign investment. 
Instead, the Mexican election campaigns of the 
two conservative parties were fueled by enormous 
corporate contributions, and in the end, the PRI 
was returned to power.  The economic development 
policy it has shared with its PAN rival will not 
change, and because mining and economic 
development are governed by Federal laws and 
policies, conflicts in rural communities like San 
Jose del Progreso will become even more 

The PRI history of suppressing dissent became 
clear in May of 2009, when Governor Ulises Ruiz 
ordered state police to end the blockade of the 
Fortuna Silver mine,  using dogs, guns, tear gas 
and a helicopter.  Eighteen were arrested, 
including Bernardo Vasquez. 

A woman and her daughter carry her infant in a wheelbarrow.

By then the election campaign for the state's 
governor was heating up.  Gabino Cue, the former 
mayor of Oaxaca city, was running against the 
PRI.  San Jose's mine opponents supported him. 
On June 18, a group returning from an election 
rally found the municipal president, Oscar 
Venancio Martínez Rivera, loading gravel from the 
ejido into dump trucks, presumably selling it for 
highway construction.  An fight broke out, in 
which Martinez and health director Félix Misael 
Hernández were shot and killed. 

Bernardo Vasquez was arrested, along with eight 
others.  A local priest and mine opponent, Martín 
Octavio García Ortiz, was kidnapped by the PRI 
supporters, beaten and tortured, and then handed 
over to the police.  Eventually Garcia was forced 
to leave San Jose.  The priest said his attackers 
belonged to an organization formed to support the 
mine, "San José, Defendiendo Nuestros Derechos" 
(San Jose, Defending Our Rights).  Four days 
after that, Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán announced 
it had gained seven additional concessions 
totaling 34,010 hectares, some lasting fifty 

On July 1, 2010, Gabino Cue was elected governor, 
defeating the PRI.  Vasquez was freed in 
September, when the prosecutor announced there 
was no evidence against him.  He then called for 
municipal elections in San Jose, saying,  "We've 
passed through the stage of confrontation, and 
now we should build a bridge for reconciliation." 
In December, however, the PRI candidate Alberto 
Mauro Sánchez defeated him, 1359 to 1216.

A resident embroiders cloth, a traditional form 
of artesania in San Jose, and wears a shirt 
supporting the candidate of the slate of parties 
opposing the PRI in the 2010 local election.

The following year, 2010, the mine began 
construction, spending $55 million (US).  In 2011 
its first year of production yielded 490,555 
ounces of silver and 4,622 ounces of gold, at a 
cost per silver ounce of $4.51.  At the market 
price for silver today, about $30.85 per ounce 
(and gold $1660.00 per ounce), the first year's 
silver production was worth $15.13 million. 
According to Fortuna's website, "In 2012, San 
Jose is expected to produce 1.7 million ounces of 
silver and 15,000 ounces of gold."

The website says Fortuna sponsors projects 
including a health post, sports court and daycare 
centre, school scholarships, and "upgrades to 
kitchens and construction of ecological 
bathrooms."  Bernardo Vasquez told Canadian 
journalist Dawn Paley, however, "they only gave 
them out to buy people off, but also, they never 
worked, so the people are still cooking in the 
traditional way ...   it's like a package that 
they apply in every country and they think that 
people in every country are going to respond the 
same way."

In May 2011 representatives of ten towns asked 
the government again to cancel the concessions, 
saying they were discharging cyanide and mercury. 
"These mining projects don't represent 
development," Vasquez charged, "and instead have 
cause serious damage to the environment and our 
social fabric."  Conflict grew so intense that 
the official taxi drivers with permits, who are 
allied with the PRI, refused to pick up 
passengers belonging to CPUVO.  When the mine 
opponents organized their own taxi collective, 
the state refused to give them permits.  The 
police came to stop the new taxis from operating, 
and in the ensuing melee two police cars and two 
taxis were destroyed.  Today in the center of San 
Jose del Progreso the official red-and-whites 
line up in front of the church, while by the 
market the unofficial drivers park their tiny 
blue three-wheelers.

The blue taxis belong to drivers who oppose the 
mine.  When they pick up customers in the town 
square the government calls them "pirates."

Finally, on January 18 of this year, violence 
became terror.  Mine opponents charge the 
municipal president, Alberto Mauro, had begun to 
lay a pipe from the dam and reservoir holding the 
water for drinking and irrigation, diverting it 
to the mine.  Fortuna denies this, and says its 
water comes from rain collection and reclaiming 
water from a sewage treatment plant in the 
neighboring city of Ocotlan. 

I was working in the house when I heard someone 
calling us to go to the church to support our 
compañeros.  We were worried that if they let the 
pipe pass through, it would leave us all without 
any water. We were worried also that they would 
even send armed men or killers.  When we got 
there Alberto Mauro's brother said he wanted to 
talk with Bernardo [Vasquez] and Rosalinda, who 
weren't there.  These men had pulled their guns 
when a woman shouted not to shoot because 
Bernardo was coming.  But that Bernardo was 
Bernardo Mendez, not Bernardo Vasquez.  He lives 
in a little alley, and that's where they got him. 
They never even gave him the chance to walk into 
the street.   They put eight bullets into him. 

The person who shot him, Albindo, is not from our 
town.  But once he began firing, all the rest of 
them did too -- one of the council members, 
Mauro's brothers, the sons of the town trustee, 
even the town police chief at the time -- a boy 
who was only 18.  I was hit by a bullet fired by 
a woman who lives here in town.  The bullet is 
still in my right leg, near the knee.  The doctor 
doesn't want to take it out because he says if he 
does I'll lose my whole leg. 

We were not armed.  We didn't have anything.  We 
took Bernardo Mendez to the Specialties Hospital, 
but they wouldn't admit him until they my brother 
talked to the government secretary.  But Bernardo 
Mendez only lasted two days, and then he died. 
- Avigahil Vasquez

Bernardo Vasquez demanded that the local 
government be dissolved and that Alberto Mauro 
Sanchez be removed as municipal president, saying 
"he ordered the municipal police to fire on the 
people."  A few days later, the state prosecutor 
charged Gabriel Martinez Vasquez with homicide. 
Albindo Gómez Rodríguez wasn't arrested until 
April, a month after Bernardo Vasquez himself was 
assassinated as he drove home from a trip to 
Mexico City to appeal for international support.

On a bridge over the highway by the town, where 
Bernardo Vasquz was assassinated, someone has 
spraypainted  "The 15th of March Will Not be 
Forgotten" -- the date of Vasquez' murder, and 
"Cuscatlan [the name of the mining company] - We 
Know What a Rat You are" -- with a drawing of a 
rat.  Another slogan painted nearby says "Fuera 
Mina!" or "Mine Get Out!"

CPOVU representatives Jorge Sanchez and Eustasio 
Vasquez said Vasquez' killing was the work of 
"guardias blancas," or paramilitaries, supported 
by the company.  "We've seen them give money to 
people in the community who are against us, a 
group called 'Defending Our Rights.'  These are 
people who now have new cars, when before they 
had nothing."  Fortuna's CEO Jorge Ganoza told 
Canadian media, "We, as a company, and our team 
in Oaxaca, are saddened by these senseless and 
continued acts of violence in the town of San 
José, related to a long-standing political 
struggle for local power.  It is in no way 
related to our activities or involves company 

Pagano, Fortuna's public relations spokesperson, 
adds, "The company has been supporting various 
development initiatives brought forward by the 
'Asociación Civil San José Protegiendo Nuestros 
Derechos' [Civic Association San Jose Defending 
our Rights]. This community group is composed of 
a wide array of community members that have come 
together to organize various development 
projects."  She says Fortuna Silver doesn't 
supply the group with direct funding, only 
materials and technical assistance. 

But she also adds that "The company signs annual 
agreements with the municipality of San José del 
Progreso to fund various infrastructure projects 
which are presented for approval to the community 
in an open popular assembly every year." 
Regardless of how open the assembly is to mine 
opponents, the municipality itself is controlled 
by Alberto Mauro Sánchez and the PRI hierarchy.

Rufina Sanchez is Bernardo Vasquez' mother, and 
the office of the group resisting the mine is in 
the home she shares with Vasquez' sister Avigahil.

Following Bernardo Vasquez' murder, an article in 
an Oaxaca daily charged he'd signed an agreement 
in February, alleging he'd received 16 million 
pesos for employment, education and health 
projects.  Also signing allegedly was Alberto 
Mauro Sanchez Muñoz.  Avigahil Vasquez called the 
report disinformation.  "Eight days after his 
murder, they were saying he'd been killed by his 
own people, because he'd sold them out to the 
mine for 20 million dollars.  It was ridiculous. 
It's not true he was killed just because of a 
fight inside the town.  We were living a normal 
life before the mine came."

The violence didn't stop, however.  CPUVO leader 
Leovigildo Vásquez Sánchez says armed police and 
mine guards drive through San Jose's streets at 
night to intimidate inhabitants.  The company, he 
charges "are the ones who are bankrolling this, 
those who supply the money that buys the pickup 
trucks and the guns that normally only the army 

After a short blockade of the mine entrance again 
in May, on the evening of July 16 two mine 
opponents, Guadalupe Vásquez Ruiz and Bertín 
Vásquez Ruiz, were shot by gunmen outside the 
Catholic Church.  Guadalupe Vásquez Ruiz was 
wounded in her leg, and Bertín Vásquez Ruiz was 
shot in the stomach.  They were taken to the 
hospital in Oaxaca, where Bertin Vasquez Ruiz 
remained on life support for weeks.  They named 
as one of their attackers an assistant to the 
public works director, Aarón Pérez Vásquez.  A 
subsequent press release issued by the Oaxacan 
Collective in Defense of the Land, and officials 
of the town of Capulalpam de Mendez [which is 
also resisting a mine] named two additional 
people responsible for the shooting, an alleged 
mine employee and another associate of the 
municipal president.  Finally in October, two 
people were arrested for killing Bernardo Vasquez.

A woman and her daughters in their school 
uniforms, by the stall where she sells food in 
the town marketplace.

Yet Avigahil Vasquez doesn't believe that even if 
the mine ended production, the divisions would be 
easily healed.

The first thing that has to happen here is that 
the mine must leave.  But that alone won't 
resolve things, because the people who defend it 
want it to stay, and we want it to go.   We all 
live side by side.  Next door to someone who 
wants the mine lives someone who's the mine's 
enemy.  The whole town is divided by this.  The 
primary school's parents group hasn't been able 
to meet.   The parents have assessed a fee to 
keep the school running year around, but this 
year the parents on the other side filed a suit 
to stop charging the fee.  The school has been 
able to keep going, but you can see the conflicts 
even among the children now.  They look at each 
other as enemies depending on which side their 
parents are on.  They attack each other with 
words, but they begin to talk about guns and 
pistols.  We're living with this conflict inside 
all our institutions. Bullets and shots every 
day, every hour of the day. 

We just want our rights respected, and to live 
normal lives. We're terrorized by people who are 
driving new cars and carry high-powered arms. 
And our hands are empty - we don't have any way 
to defend ourselves.  It's all because of the 
mine.  We want the mine to leave.   - Avigahil 

Coming in 2013 from Beacon Press:
The Right to Stay Home:  Ending Forced Migration 
and the Criminalization of Immigrants

KPFA Interview with Yuying Chen, Chinese factory 
worker and health and safety activist (advance to 

See also Illegal People -- How Globalization 
Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants 
(Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008

See also the photodocumentary on indigenous migration to the US
Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)

See also The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the 
U.S./Mexico Border (University of California, 

Entrevista de David Bacon con activistas de #yosoy132 en UNAM
Interview of David Bacon by activists of #yosoy132 at UNAM (in Spanish)

Two lectures on the political economy of migration by David Bacon

For more articles and images, see

David Bacon, Photographs and Stories


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