American Militarism Threatening To Set Off World War  III
The Condition of Human Rights at the International Setting

By Professor Francis A. Boyle
Text of  speech by Professor Francis A. Boyle at the  Puerto Rican Summit 
Conference on Human Rights -  University of the Sacred Heart - San Juan,  
Puerto Rico - December 09, 2012 
December 10, 2012 "Information  Clearing House"  - Historically this latest 
eruption of American  militarism at the start of the 21st Century is akin to 
that  of America opening the 20th Century by means of the  U.S.-instigated 
Spanish-American War in 1898. Then the  Republican administration of President 
William McKinley  stole their colonial empire from Spain in Cuba, Puerto Rico,  
Guam, and the Philippines; inflicted a near genocidal war  against the Filipino 
people; while at the same time  illegally annexing the Kingdom of Hawaii and 
subjecting the  Native Hawaiian people (who call themselves the Kanaka Maoli)  
to near genocidal conditions. Additionally, McKinley’s  military and colonial 
expansion into the Pacific was also  designed to secure America’s economic 
exploitation of China  pursuant to the euphemistic rubric of the “open door”  
policy. But over the next four decades America’s aggressive  presence, 
policies, and practices in the
 so-called “Pacific”  Ocean would ineluctably pave the way for Japan’s attack 
at  Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 194l, and thus America’s  precipitation into the 
ongoing Second World War. Today a  century later the serial imperial 
aggressions launched and  menaced by the neoconservative Republican Bush Junior 
 administration and the neoliberal Democratic Obama  administration are now 
threatening to set off World War III.

By shamelessly exploiting the terrible tragedy of 11 
                                        September 2001, the Bush Junior 
administration set forth to 
                                        steal a hydrocarbon empire from the 
Muslim states and 
                                        peoples living in Central Asia and the 
Middle East and 
                                        Africa under the bogus pretexts of (1) 
fighting a war 
                                        against “international terrorism” or 
                                        fundamentalism”; and/or (2) eliminating 
weapons of mass 
                                        destruction; and/or (3) the promotion 
of democracy; and/or 
                                        (4) self-styled humanitarian 
intervention/responsibility to 
                                        protect (R2P). Only this time the 
geopolitical stakes are 
                                        infinitely greater than they were a 
century ago: control and 
                                        domination of the world’s hydrocarbon 
resources and thus the 
                                        very fundaments and energizers of the 
global economic system 
                                        – oil and gas. The Bush Junior/ Obama 
administrations have 
                                        already targeted the remaining 
hydrocarbon reserves of 
                                        Africa, Latin America (e.g., the 
Pentagon’s reactivization 
                                        of the U.S. Fourth Fleet in 2008), and 
Southeast Asia for 
                                        further conquest or domination, 
together with the strategic 
                                        choke-points at sea and on land 
required for their 
                                        transportation. Today the U.S. Fourth 
Fleet threatens Cuba, 
                                        Venezuela, and Ecuador for sure.

Toward accomplishing that first objective, in 2007 the 
                                        neoconservative Bush Junior 
administration announced the 
                                        establishment of the U.S. Pentagon’s 
Africa Command (AFRICOM) 
                                        in order to better control, dominate, 
steal, and exploit 
                                        both the natural resources and the 
variegated peoples of the 
                                        continent of Africa, the very cradle of 
our human species. 
                                        In 2011 Libya then proved to be the 
first victim of AFRICOM 
                                        under the neoliberal Obama 
administration, thus 
                                        demonstrating the truly bi-partisan and 
non-partisan nature 
                                        of U.S. imperial foreign policy 
decision-making. Let us put 
                                        aside as beyond the scope of this paper 
the American 
                                        conquest, extermination, and ethnic 
cleansing of the Indians 
                                        from off the face of the continent of 
North America. Since 
                                        America’s instigation of the 
Spanish-American War in 1898, 
                                        U.S. foreign policy decision-making has 
been alternatively 
                                        conducted by reactionary imperialists, 
                                        imperialists, and liberal imperialists 
for the past 115 
                                        years and counting.

This world-girdling burst of U.S. imperialism at the start 
                                        of humankind’s new millennium is what 
my teacher, mentor, 
                                        and friend the late, great Professor 
Hans Morgenthau 
                                        denominated “unlimited imperialism” in 
his seminal book 
                                        Politics Among Nations 52-53 (4th ed. 

The outstanding historic examples of unlimited imperialism 
                                        are the expansionist policies of 
Alexander the Great, Rome, 
                                        the Arabs in the seventh and eighth 
centuries, Napoleon I, 
                                        and Hitler. They all have in common an 
urge toward expansion 
                                        which knows no rational limits, feeds 
on its own successes 
                                        and, if not stopped by a superior 
force, will go on to the 
                                        confines of the political world. This 
urge will not be 
                                        satisfied so long as there remains 
anywhere a possible 
                                        object of domination–a politically 
organized group of men 
                                        which by its very independence 
challenges the conqueror’s 
                                        lust for power. It is, as we shall see, 
exactly the lack of 
                                        moderation, the aspiration to conquer 
all that lends itself 
                                        to conquest, characteristic of 
unlimited imperialism, which 
                                        in the past has been the undoing of the 
                                        policies of this kind….

The factual circumstances surrounding the outbreaks of both 
                                        the First World War and the Second 
World War currently hover 
                                        like the Sword of Damocles over the 
heads of all humanity.

Since September 11, 2001, it is the Unlimited Imperialists à 
                                        la Alexander, Napoleon, and Hitler who 
have been in charge 
                                        of conducting American foreign policy 
decision-making. After 
                                        September 11, 2001 the people of the 
world have witnessed 
                                        successive governments in the United 
States that have 
                                        demonstrated little respect for 
fundamental considerations 
                                        of international law, human rights, or 
the United States 
                                        Constitution. Instead, the world has 
watched a comprehensive 
                                        and malicious assault upon the 
integrity of the 
                                        international and domestic legal orders 
by groups of men and 
                                        women who are thoroughly Hobbist and 
Machiavellian in their 
                                        perception of international relations 
and in their conduct 
                                        of both foreign affairs and American 
domestic policy. Even 
                                        more seriously, in many instances 
specific components of the 
                                        U.S. government’s foreign policies 
constitute ongoing 
                                        criminal activity under well recognized 
principles of both 
                                        international law and United States 
domestic law, and in 
                                        particular the Nuremberg Charter, the 
Nuremberg Judgment, 
                                        and the Nuremberg Principles, as well 
as the Pentagon’s own 
                                        U.S. Army Field Manual 27-10 on The Law 
of Land Warfare, 
                                        which applies to the President himself 
as Commander-in-Chief 
                                        of United States Armed Forces under 
Article II, Section 2 of 
                                        the United States Constitution.

Depending on the substantive issues involved, these 
                                        international and domestic crimes 
typically include but are 
                                        not limited to the Nuremberg offences 
of “crimes against 
                                        peace”—e.g., Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, 
Somalia, Yemen, 
                                        Pakistan, Syria, and perhaps their 
longstanding threatened 
                                        war of aggression against Iran. Their 
                                        responsibility also concerns “crimes 
against humanity” and 
                                        war crimes as well as grave breaches of 
the Four Geneva 
                                        Conventions of 1949 and the 1907 Hague 
Regulations on land 
                                        warfare: torture, enforced 
disappearances, assassinations, 
                                        murders, kidnappings, extraordinary 
renditions, “shock and 
                                        awe,” depleted uranium, white 
phosphorous, cluster bombs, 
                                        drone strikes, etc. Furthermore, 
various officials of the 
                                        United States government have committed 
numerous inchoate 
                                        crimes incidental to these substantive 
offences that under 
                                        the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and 
Principles as well as 
                                        U.S. Army Field Manual 27-10 (1956) are 
international crimes 
                                        in their own right: planning, and 
preparation, solicitation, 
                                        incitement, conspiracy, complicity, 
attempt, aiding and 
                                        abetting. Of course the terrible irony 
of today’s situation 
                                        is that over six decades ago at 
Nuremberg the U.S. 
                                        government participated in the 
prosecution, punishment, and 
                                        execution of Nazi government officials 
for committing some 
                                        of the same types of heinous 
international crimes that these 
                                        officials of the United States 
government currently inflict 
                                        upon people all over the world. To be 
sure, I personally 
                                        oppose the imposition of capital 
punishment upon any human 
                                        being for any reason no matter how 
monstrous their crimes, 
                                        whether they be Saddam Hussein, Bush 
Junior, Tony Blair, or 
                                        Barack Obama.

According to basic principles of international criminal law 
                                        set forth in paragraph 501 of U.S. Army 
Field Manual 27-10, 
                                        all high level civilian officials and 
military officers in 
                                        the U.S. government who either knew or 
should have known 
                                        that soldiers or civilians under their 
control (such as the 
                                        C.I.A. or mercenary contractors), 
committed or were about to 
                                        commit international crimes and failed 
to take the measures 
                                        necessary to stop them, or to punish 
them, or both, are 
                                        likewise personally responsible for the 
commission of 
                                        international crimes. This category of 
officialdom who 
                                        actually knew or should have known of 
the commission of 
                                        these international crimes under their 
jurisdiction and 
                                        failed to do anything about them 
include at the very top of 
                                        America’s criminal chain-of-command the 
President, the 
                                        Vice-President, the U.S. Secretary of 
Defense, Secretary of 
                                        State, Director of National 
Intelligence, the C.I.A. 
                                        Director, National Security Advisor and 
the Pentagon’s Joint 
                                        Chiefs of Staff along with the 
appropriate Regional 
                                        Commanders-in-Chiefs, especially for 
U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM).

These U.S. government officials and their immediate 
                                        subordinates are responsible for the 
commission of crimes 
                                        against peace, crimes against humanity, 
and war crimes as 
                                        specified by the Nuremberg Charter, 
Judgment, and Principles 
                                        as well as by U.S. Army Field Manual 
27-10 of 1956. Today in 
                                        international legal terms, the United 
States government 
                                        itself should now be viewed as 
constituting an ongoing 
                                        criminal conspiracy under international 
criminal law in 
                                        violation of the Nuremberg Charter, the 
Nuremberg Judgment, 
                                        and the Nuremberg Principles, because 
of its formulation and 
                                        undertaking of serial wars of 
aggression, crimes against 
                                        peace, crimes against humanity, and war 
crimes that are 
                                        legally akin to those perpetrated by 
the former Nazi regime 
                                        in Germany. As a consequence, American 
citizens possess the 
                                        basic right under international law and 
the United States 
                                        domestic law, including the U.S. 
Constitution, to engage in 
                                        acts of civil resistance designed to 
prevent, impede, 
                                        thwart, or terminate ongoing criminal 
activities perpetrated 
                                        by U.S. government officials in their 
conduct of foreign 
                                        affairs policies and military 
operations purported to relate 
                                        to defense and counter-terrorism.

For that very reason, large numbers of American citizens 
                                        have decided to act on their own 
cognizance by means of 
                                        civil resistance in order to demand 
that the U.S. government 
                                        adhere to basic principles of 
international law, of U.S. 
                                        domestic law, and of the U.S. 
Constitution in its conduct of 
                                        foreign affairs and military 
operations. Mistakenly, 
                                        however, such actions have been defined 
to constitute 
                                        classic instances of “civil 
disobedience” as historically 
                                        practiced in the United States. And the 
conventional status 
                                        quo admonition by the U.S. power elite 
and its sycophantic 
                                        news media for those who knowingly 
engage in “civil 
                                        disobedience” has always been that they 
must meekly accept 
                                        their punishment for having performed a 
prima facie breach 
                                        of the positive laws as a demonstration 
of their good faith 
                                        and moral commitment. Nothing could be 
further from the 
                                        truth! Today’s civil resisters are the 
sheriffs! The U.S. 
                                        government officials are the outlaws!

Here I would like to suggest a different way of thinking 
                                        about civil resistance activities that 
are specifically 
                                        designed to thwart, prevent, or impede 
ongoing criminal 
                                        activity by officials of the U.S. 
government under 
                                        well‑recognized principles of 
international and U.S. 
                                        domestic law. Such civil resistance 
activities represent the 
                                        last constitutional avenue open to the 
American people to 
                                        preserve their democratic form of 
government with its 
                                        historical commitment to the rule of 
law and human rights. 
                                        Civil resistance is the last hope 
America has to prevent the 
                                        U.S. government from moving even 
farther down the path of 
                                        lawless violence in Africa, the Middle 
East, Southwest Asia, 
                                        military interventionism into Latin 
America, and nuclear 
                                        confrontation with Iran, Pakistan, 
North Korea, Russia, and 

Such measures of “civil resistance” must not be confused 
                                        with, and indeed must be carefully 
distinguished from, acts 
                                        of “civil disobedience” as 
traditionally defined. In today’s 
                                        civil resistance cases, what we witness 
are American 
                                        citizens attempting to prevent the 
ongoing commission of 
                                        international and domestic crimes under 
                                        principles of international law and 
U.S. domestic law. This 
                                        is a phenomenon essentially different 
from the classic civil 
                                        disobedience cases of the 1950s and 
1960s where incredibly 
                                        courageous African Americans and their 
supporters were 
                                        conscientiously violating domestic laws 
for the express 
                                        purpose of changing them. By contrast, 
today’s civil 
                                        resisters are acting for the express 
purpose of upholding 
                                        the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution, 
human rights, and 
                                        international law. Applying the term 
“civil disobedience” to 
                                        such civil resistors mistakenly 
presumes their guilt and 
                                        thus perversely exonerates the U.S. 
government criminals.

Civil resistors disobeyed nothing, but to the contrary 
                                        obeyed international law and the United 
States Constitution. 
                                        By contrast, U.S. government officials 
disobeyed fundamental 
                                        principles of international law as well 
as U.S. criminal law 
                                        and thus committed international crimes 
and U.S. domestic 
                                        crimes as well as impeachable 
violations of the United 
                                        States Constitution. The civil 
resistors are the sheriffs 
                                        enforcing international law, U.S. 
criminal law and the U.S. 
                                        Constitution against the criminals 
working for the U.S. 

Today the American people must reaffirm their commitment to 
                                        the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and 
Principles by holding 
                                        their government officials fully 
accountable under 
                                        international law and U.S. domestic law 
for the commission 
                                        of such grievous international and 
domestic crimes. They 
                                        must not permit any aspect of their 
foreign affairs and 
                                        defense policies to be conducted by 
acknowledged “war 
                                        criminals” according to the U.S. 
government’s own official 
                                        definition of that term as set forth in 
U.S. Army Field 
                                        Manual 27-10 (1956), the U.S. War 
Crimes Act, and the Geneva 
                                        Conventions. The American people must 
insist upon the 
                                        impeachment, dismissal, resignation, 
indictment, conviction, 
                                        and long-term incarceration of all U.S. 
government officials 
                                        guilty of such heinous international 
and domestic crimes. 
                                        That is precisely what American civil 
resisters are doing 

This same right of civil resistance extends pari passu to 
                                        all citizens of the world community of 
states. Everyone 
                                        around the world has both the right and 
the duty under 
                                        international law to resist ongoing 
criminal activities 
                                        perpetrated by the U.S. government and 
its nefarious foreign 
                                        accomplices in allied governments such 
as Britain, the other 
                                        NATO states, Australia, Japan, South 
Korea, Georgia, Puerto 
                                        Rico, etc. If not so restrained, the 
U.S. government could 
                                        very well precipitate a Third World 
War. Here in Puerto Rico 
                                        we saw the stunning example of the most 
courageous civil 
                                        resistors against Yankee Imperialism on 

The future of American foreign policy and the peace of the 
                                        world lie in the hands of American 
citizens and the peoples 
                                        of the world—not the bureaucrats, 
legislators, judges, 
                                        lobbyist, think-tanks, professors, and 
self-styled experts 
                                        who inhibit Washington, D.C., New York 
City, and Cambridge, 
                                        Massachusetts. Civil resistance is the 
way to go! This is 
                                        our Nuremberg Moment now!

Thank you.
Francis A. Boyle teaches law at the University of Illinois.  He is a graduate 
of the University of Chicago and Harvard  Law School. He has advised numerous 
international bodies in  the areas of human rights, war crimes, genocide, 
nuclear  policy, and bio warfare. He received a PHD in political  science from 
Harvard University.

P.S.  Of course, Dr. Boyle has left out earlier developments, such as the 
genocidal Holocaust of native Americans. 
Hajja Romi/"Blue"

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