Book Review: Project Censored 2013

Huff, Mickey S., and Andy Lee Roth, eds. Censored 2013: Dispatches  
 From the Media Revolution. New York: Seven Stories Press, October  
2012. 468 pp. $19.95

By Paul W. Rea, PhD

Project Censored has delivered another timely and essential book. The  
passion and commitment of editors Prof. Mickey Huff and Dr. Andy Lee  
Roth definitely show—and not just in their own writing. They’re  
managed to tease out fine performances from many other writers,  
including Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Elliot D. Cohen of Truthout, Sara van  
Gelder of YES! Magazine, Peter Phillips, Adam Bessie and many others.

The issues definitely matter. The significance of the reader-selected  
Top 25 Censored Stories of 2011-12 is beyond dispute. Number 1 is  
“Signs of an Emerging Police State”; Number 2 is “Oceans in Peril”;  
and Number 3 is “Fukushima Disaster Worse Than Anticipated.” Other  
sections reveal how a “Federal Reserve Audit Reveals Trillions Loaned  
to Major Banks” and a “Small Network of Corporations Run the Global  
Economy.” For each general issue, News Clusters add context, breadth  
and depth.

Rumblings from the Occupy Movements of 2011 reverberate throughout  
many of the clusters. Readers learn not only about the “Bankster  
Bailout,” but about how to create an economy for the 99 percent.  
Lesser-known issues include how Congress has forced the US Post Office  
to bear unfair financial commitments, apparently in an effort to  
justify its privatization.

Informed, Incisive Critiques of Corporate Media Censorship

More than in previous Project Censored volumes, historical approaches  
inform this year’s edition. This trend is apparent in several places,  
including the follow-ups on the Top Stories from previous years. The  
book kicks into high gear when Mickey Huff and Andy Lee Roth sink  
their critical teeth into “junk food news,” “twinkies for the brain.”  
This includes the cult of celebrity, “whether through sports drama,  
Donald Trump’s ongoing obsession with Barack Obama’s birthplace,  
America’s infatuation with royalty”—decidedly “more McNews® than  
anyone should have to stomach.” Among the examples provided, none  
seems more telling than how the royal wedding of William and Kate  
preempted coverage of the Stop Internet Piracy Act (SOPA), which could  
affect nearly everyone in the country (pp. 152-55, 159, 164). Project  
Censored has long pointed out how distraction functions as a subtle  
form of censorship.

Beyond the steady diet of escapist entertainment served up by  
corporate media, the editors flash back to Daniel Boorstin’s now  
classic The Image (1962) to illustrate the American tradition of  
“pseudo events,” which include political debates largely devoid of  
substance. The 2012 presidential debates hyped by the American mass  
media surely provide cases in point. Not once did the network  
moderators ask questions about issues such as burgeoning drone  
attacks, increased government surveillance, or global climate change.

The critique also cites “news abuse,” the practice of covering actual  
events incompletely, leaving out the substantive in favor the  
entertaining, the emotionally maudlin, or the reinforcement of popular  
myths. An orgy of hero worship followed the death of Steve Jobs,  
making little mention of legendary CEO’s tyrannical tendencies or his  
record of outsourcing high- tech jobs to China.

The analysis of censorship and propaganda techniques deepens in  
“Censorship Backfires,” an outstanding chapter by Dutch scholar Dr.

Antoon De Baets. As the author of Responsible History, De Baets is  
well positioned to expose the common malpractice of self-censorship  
among historians. This often takes the form of refusing to shine a  
light into dark corners or even “systematic manipulation of historical  
facts,” typically propelled by rewards from academe, foundations, or  
government. Over time, tacit historical taboos (or “memory holes”) are  
enforced, especially when the subjects may be “embarrassing for reason  
of privacy, reputation, or legitimization of power and status.” The  
contradictions in the official account of 9/11 provide one notable  
case in point. The “backfire,” notes De Baets, comes when the “blank  
spots” in the record “provoke a stronger and almost obsessive interest  
in these issues” (pp. 225-32).

Closing out the analysis of censorship are Dr. Elliott D. Cohen’s  
unsettling revelations, “The Information War: How Government Is  
Seeking Total Information Awareness.” Dr. Cohen points to a war waged  
for “the acquisition and control of the rich supply of  
information” . . . a “vigilant campaign by government, across borders,  
to ensure that no one has the franchise of knowledge except the  
highest echelons of national command and control.” The war for privacy  
may not be lost, he tells us, but we’ll need to fight for what  
remains. Recent disclosures about extensive FBI snooping into the  
personnel email of David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell surely  
underscore this point; yet this sinister development got lost beneath  
the titillating coverage of a sex scandal.

Moving to particular cases, readers also learn how de facto censorship  
occurs when alternative media outlets are run badly. Especially  
engaging to listeners of independent, listener-sponsored Pacifica  
Radio are the disclosures by Andrew Leslie Phillips, the Acting  
Manager of KPFA in Berkeley, California. Phillips sketches an  
unfortunate history of attempts to make the Pacifica network into a  
more liberal National Public Radio, dulling its critical edge and  
ultimately threatening its existence. One result, he reveals, is an  
“unwieldy and expensive governance structure” at the network level  
characterized by cronyism among “political diehards with little radio  
experience who have not done much to improve programming, revenue, or  
audience membership” (pp. 262-63).

Ample Focus on Hugely Important Issues

One of most substantive of these is “The Global 1 Percent Ruling Class  
Exposed” by Dr. Peter Phillips and Kimberly Soeiro of Sonoma State  
University. This chapter doesn’t talk about the 1% in the abstract,  

it names names. In the mining industry, the lens focuses on the pin  
stripers who run Freeport McRan; in the investment sector, it probes  
the board of Blackrock, Inc. The reader sees the ruling class sitting  
on these interlocked boards of directors as its members “arrange for  
payments to government officials, undermine labor organizations,  
manipulate the price of commodities (e.g. gold), or engage in insider  
trading . . . .” (pp. 251-52).

Fellow Sonoma State sociologist and co-editor Andy Lee Roth elaborates  
on the top-rated story, “an emerging police state.” In “Framing Al- 
Awlaki: How Government Officials and Corporate Media Legitimized a  
Targeted Killing,” Prof. Roth uses the assassination of one suspected  
terrorist to raise broader issues: compromised media, extrajudicial  
executions, and ever- expanding drone warfare, sometimes targeting  
American citizens.

All this occurs, Roth argues, because corporate media are prone to  
demonize Islamist leaders and to suppress the CIA drone attacks that  
target them. Roth’s article certainly makes a strong indictment of  
these violations of constitutional guarantees. The case would be even  
stronger if it mentioned that just two weeks later another US citizen,  
the Imam’s 16-year-old son Abdulrahman al-Aulaqi, was also killed by a  
CIA-sponsored drone strike.

This time, not only was there no legal process but there were no  
credible allegations of involvement with terrorism. A Hellfire missile  
just blew the kid away 

Another excellent chapter takes a tough look at “GERM Warfare: How to  
Reclaim the Education Debate from Corporate Occupation.” Adam Bessie,  
a former public school teacher now an English professor, again  
combines passionate commitment with significant expertise. Prof.  
Bessie shows how the current privatization-of-the-public-schools  
movement, its roots in the toxic substrate of Milton Friedman’s  
laissez faire economics, has now borne toxic fruit in “reformers” like  
Michelle Rhee, the former anti-faculty administrator. Bessie shows how  
Rhee’s Students First, while presenting itself in progressive-sounding  
language, is really about teachers last. As most of us realize, when  
teachers are beaten down, students are less likely to rise.

Fukushima: The Deep Roots of Disastrous Secrecy

It’s not surprising that Fukushima, which Project Censored  
contributors elevated to the #3 important censored story, receives  
ample, in-depth coverage. Brian Covert, a journalist and researcher  
living in Japan, explains why the nuclear industry became so  
problematic. His “On the Road to Fukushima” focuses on the huge media- 
watchdog failures, especially those emerging from Matsutaro Shoriki, a  
pro-capitalist, highly nationalistic newspaper magnate who beat the  
war drums for Imperial conquest. Though Shoriki was briefly imprisoned  
after the War, he was soon freed and brought back to prominence by the  
Americans under Gen. Douglas MacArthur.

Following World War II, then, Shoriki regained his stature as a media  
baron and used his influence to import the American “Atoms for Peace”  
program into Japan. Since Japan had just been shattered by the first  
atomic bombs, this presented a real propaganda challenge. To help  
surmount it, Shoriki used his cozy connections with journalists to  
insure that issues of nuclear safety were air brushed out of the  
picture, thereby helping to institutionalize “the toothless lapdog  
press of today.” The health consequences for the Japanese population  
and the ecological fallout for the Pacific Ocean will likely be grave.

This government/industry/press collusion became horrifically evident  
in the immediate aftermath of the Fukushima disaster, when Tokyo  
Electric (TEPCO) and the government were able to suppress public  
awareness and grossly underestimate the dangers to both public health  
and the environment. The book’s editors clearly understand the  
connection, for the pollution from Fukushima is linked to the Great  
Pacific Garbage Patch, a vast glob of debris, mostly plastics,  
coagulated by currents swirling in the Pacific.

A Stunning Update on the Kent State Killings

If much of this history was new to most American readers, so was  
Mickey Huff and Laurel Krause’s truth-telling about the Kent State  
shootings on May 4, 1970. While the controlled indignation evokes Neil  
Young’s famous “Four Dead in Ohio,” the impressive research and  
writing delivers a hard- hitting exposé. Making use of groundbreaking  
new evidence, notably a fresh forensic analysis of an audiotape, the  
authors explode the conventional narrative about Kent State. No longer  
can government apologists claim that “rioters” burned down the ROTC  
Building, that no order to fire was ever given, that national  
guardsmen acted only in  self-defense, or that only a few shots were  
fired. Instead, any accurate narrative must now include the fact that  
activist groups at Kent State, like those on many campuses opposing  
the Vietnam War, had been infiltrated by FBI COINTELPRO (“counter  
intelligence,” actually sabotage from within) and the Department of  
Defense was deeply implicated in gunning down college students.

Since the National Guardsmen were armed with armor-piercing bullets,  
the killings must ultimately be seen as a State Crime Against  
Democracy (SCAD), a deliberate attack on citizens exercising their  
right to protest— intended, it would surely seem, to intimidate other  

Looking Toward the Future: A Positive Vision

Given the range of problem issues presented by Censored 2013, readers  
might need affirmations about how to proceed toward solutions. This is  
exactly what Prof. Kenn Burrows and Dr. Michael Nagler offer in “The  
Creative Tension of the Emerging Future.” As forward-looking thinkers,  
Burrows and Nagler invite readers into “a deeper conversation about  
our collective dilemma.” These include moving toward an economy whose  
purpose is the satisfaction of human needs, not promotion of consumer  
wants. Such an economy would involve gifting, sharing, and barter as  
well as worker-owned cooperatives to replace the standard capitalist  
model (pp. 315, 322).

Burrows and Nagler also emphasize community banking and state banks.  
While credit unions are increasingly popular, many progressives do not  
realize how much state banks offer, especially in terms of job  
creation. The authors point out that North Dakota, the only state with  
its own public bank, has experienced the lowest unemployment rate in  
the country. One reason, they rightly note, is that while corporate  
banks, obsessed with high returns, have remained reluctant to make  
loans, a state bank has served the small businesses that create local  

Yes, the problems are many and varied, as this new Project Censored  
volume makes clear. And yes, solutions are possible—but first we must  
understand what we’re up against. That’s what Censored 2013 delivers  
so remarkably well.

Paul W. Rea, PhD, is the author of Mounting Evidence: Why We Need a  
New Investigation into 9/11 (2011). In the interest of full  
disclosure, Dr. Rea contributed to the Introduction for Section 2 and  
helped edit two chapters of Censored 2013.

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