Now I know the anti-anti imperialists will say its not true but read it and
weep and how can they support a government that was installed by the CIA?


MON JAN 14, 2013 AT 01:51 PM PST
How the US help put #Assad in power in

byClay Claiborne


   - 8 Comments / 8

[image: Follow clayclai on Twitter] <>
My nomination for the most prophetic statement of
to Deane Hinton, the CIA agent that was part of the CIA *"Political Action
Committee"* carrying out a coup in Syria that was suppose to replace the
government elected in 1947 with one that would recognize the new state of
Israel. The US and US corporations tried hard to influence Syrian
elections. Still the *"wrong"* people got elected, hence the need to
implement what would soon become their favorite fall-back strategy, the
military coup.

Hinton was kicked out of the group after he told a planning meeting in

*"I want to go on record as saying that this is the stupidest, most
irresponsible action a diplomatic mission like ours could get itself
involved in, and that we've started a series of these things that will
never end."*

They may end one day, but today the Syrian people are still suffering
mightily from the reverberations of that insult to Syrian democracy carried
out by the United States 63 years ago.

The CIA *"made friends"* with the head of the Syrian army, Husni al-Za'im.
In 1968 a CIA agent, Miles Copeland who was involved wrote all about
it in *"The
Game of Nations."* The *"Game"*referred to a game-playing exercise the CIA
did in the 1950s for planning interventions. [The Hollywood movie *
"Scorpio," <>* starring
Burt Lancaster is roughly about this stuff.] Copeland was part of the
Action Team"* set up to carry out regime change in Syria:

*"The political action team suggested to Za'im the idea of a coup d'etat,
advised him how to go about it, guided him through the intricate
preparations in laying the groundwork for it...Za'im was 'the American

The 1949 Syrian regime change was the first of many US inspired military
coups in the Middle East in the wake of WWII. It was considered a great
success; the US was *"opening the door to Peace and Progress."*

Za'im promised to recognize the new state of Israel but he turned out to be
a violent tyrant and only lasted five months before he was overthrown in
another violent coup. Just as Hinton had predicted, the US had *"opened the
door to the Dark Ages"* in Syria.

Syria continued to be plagued by military coups throughout the 1950's until
a parliamentary system was restore in 1954. By that time, the Syrian people
were tired of US meddling and the new government turned to the Soviet Union
for support.

In 1957, another CIA plot to change the Syrian government was uncovered and
three CIA agents were expelled from the country. This military coup was
code-named Operation Wappen, and the CIA man in change was Howard *"Rocky"*

That coup failed. Then in 1958, Syria and Egypt merged to form the United
Arab Republic, led by President Nasser. By 1961 the UAR was falling apart.

In opposition to Nasser's version of pan-Arabism, the Baath party had been
growing in both Iraq and Syria. In 1963 the Baath Party came to power in
Iraq in a coup that was largely organized and funded by the CIA. A young
party member, age 25, named Saddam Hussein was a CIA*"asset"* at the time,
the CIA gave him a list of 600 communists and democrats to eliminate.

Hafez al-Assad was one of five Syrian army officers that formed a secret
committee plotting to bring the Baathist to power in Syria. A month after
the Baath came to power in Iraq, the coup in Syria succeeded without the
direct aid of the CIA. The Baathist in Iraq and Syria portrayed themselves
as socialist and pan-Arabists but Nasser called them fascist.
BBC *"That Was The Week That Was"* comedy sketch done 2 days after the 1963

While Syria was still a colony, the French practiced a program of divide
and rule which deliberately exaggerated the sectarian divisions in the
country. These coup leaders followed this practice in establishing their
rule. Of the five, three, including Assad were Alawite and the other two
were Ismailis, two Shia sects, in this majority Sunni country. Hafez
al-Assad quickly captured the leadership by ruthlessly removing, often
killing, established Sunni functionaries and replacing them with Syrians
from his sect that were loyal to him. By 1969, Assad had eliminated the
last of his original co-conspirators.

*Adam Curtis, BBC*

Assad believed that this ruthless exercise of power was necessary because
of the deep sectarian divisions. It was a strange echo of the American
diplomat in 1949 who believed that a military coup was needed to *
"quarantine"* the Syrian people...

Many people think that the United States has no colonial or imperialist
responsibility for the current state of affairs in Syria but the history
tells another tale.

True enough, the Assad regime is much more of a Russia client, and was a
Soviet client before that, and so on the other side of the cold war, in the
*"anti-imperialist"* camp. While it is true that Syria fell out of the
US *"sphere
of influence"* after it escaped from the badly bungled repeated coups of
the '50s, the practice of rule by sectarian divisions and the sword

While it can not be said that the US had a direct role in putting the
regime in power, unlike in Iraq, Iran and so many Latin American countries,
it must at least be admitted that US interference in Syrian internal
affairs and US attempts to put a strongman in power, prepared a fertile
field for this 40 year dictatorship to take root.

While Assad or Son may have never been *'the American boy'*, they did not
represent a type of 3rd world *"leadership"* the US has traditionally
opposed, i.e. brutal military dictatorships in civilian clothes.

The Assad regime has proven to be one that could be bargained with; one
that had a price.

Hafez Assad gave up the Golan Heights himself when he was only Defense
Minister at the beginning of the 1967 war with Israel and it has been
occupied by Israel for as long as the Assads have remained in power.

After the 1973 war, Nixon visited Assad in Damascus and ties got strengthen
when many expected Syria to be slapped with sanction.

For a long time they *"took"* Lebanon off everybody's hands by occupying it
between 1976 and 2005. Many observers saw the lack of US as a *"green light"
* to the occupation. As the Middle East Forum Lebanon Study Group put
it in their
2000 report: <>

"[The US] seemed tacitly to acquiesce to continued Syrian ascendancy in

In 1989 the US brokered the Tai'f Agreement between France, Saudi Arabia,
Egypt and Syriathat
 for *"prompting international support for Syrian--guardianship over

The Assad regime may not have been the CIA's first choice for running
Syria, they would rather bring Syria into their fold, but at least he was
one of them, corrupt, expensive tastes, fondness for torture and endless
detention. He could be guaranteed to not fight *too* hard for the Golan
Heights and to ride herd on the Palestinians, and the Syrians too, for that

In 1991 Hafez al-Assad made common cause with George Bush in attacking
Saddam Hussein. Syria supported US imperialism in Operation Desert Storm to
the tune of 14,500 soldiers and support personnel.

The two sons had a falling out over Iraq War 2, and George Bush Jr. put
Bashar al-Assad on his no-fly list, but this represented an abnormally for
US-Syrian relations, there has been no consistent effort to support regime
change in Syria.

In 2001 Syria started cooperating with US intelligence in the *"War on
Terror."* That's when the infamous special rendition programs first got
going. By 2005, the CIA's special rendition relations with the Assad regime
were such a well established fact that this notice was published in the
Guardian <>:

The US embassy in London was forced to issue a correction yesterday to an
interview given by the ambassador, Robert Tuttle, in which he claimed
America would not fly suspected terrorists to Syria,

President-elect Barack Obama moved to reverse Bush's isolationist policies
towards Syria within days <> of
winning the election in November 2008, and I have already documented the
development of this relationship in great detail in Barack Obama's
Courtship of Bashar

Most activist see US imperialism as having *"clean hands"* with regards to
the conflict in Syria, as compared to say Bahrain or Egypt or Palestine,
because the US had nothing to do with creating the current situation.

And while it is true that it is not American made cluster bombs that are
raining down on the Syrian people, US imperialism historically has had a
whole lot to do with the mess they find themselves in.

TUE JAN 15, 2013 AT 11:09 AM PST
#Assad's systematic use of #Rape in

byClay Claiborne


   - 10 Comments / 10

[image: Follow clayclai on Twitter] <>
The systematic use of rape as a weapon of war against his own people has
come into somewhat sharper focus in the past few days owning to the
publication of a report released
the New York based International Rescue Committee that charged that rape
has become a "*significant and disturbing feature"* of the war in Syria.

Women Under Siege@*WomenUndrSiege* <>

Of these #*crowdmpa* <> reports, 80
percent of them include female victims, with ages ranging from 7 to 46: <> #*Syria*<>
#*rape* <>
15 Jan 13 <>

   - ** <>
   - ** <>
   - ** <>

It has become common for women and girls to be attacked in public, at
roadblocks and in their homes by "armed men." Gang rape is common.

In interviews with refugees, this was cited as one of the main reasons for
fleeing Syria.

Below the fold are excerpts from some of the recent MSM articles to come
out on this and links to others. Also a very informative report done by Women
Under Siege <> and finally,
what looks like a piece of counter-propaganda from the Assad regime.
Topicality is always suspect!

AFP is 

Rape 'significant' factor in Syria conflict: watchdog

Rape has been a "significant" weapon of war in the conflict raging in Syria
since March 2011 and is the "primary" factor in the exodus of women and
children refugees to neighbouring Jordan and Lebanon, an aid group said on

In its report, "Syria: A Regional Crisis," the US-based International
Rescue Committee (IRC) described rape "as a significant and disturbing
feature of the Syrian civil war".

"In the course of three IRC assessments in Lebanon and Jordan, Syrians
identified rape as a primary reason their families fled the country," the
report said, calling for urgent attention to the issue.

"Many women and girls relayed accounts of being attacked in public or in
their homes, primarily by armed men. These rapes, sometimes by multiple
perpetrators, often occur in front of family members."

The IRC said it was also told of attacks in which women and girls were
kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed.

Syrian survivors rarely report sexual violence due to "the stigma and
social norms around the dishonour that rape brings to women and girls and
their families," the IRC said.

Many interviewed by the IRC said survivors fear retribution by their
assailants, being killed by "shamed" family members, or in the case of
girls, being married off at an early age "to safeguard their honour," the
report said.

The IRC said survivors who flee face a shortage of medical and counselling
services, in addition to "unsafe conditions in refugee camps as well as
elevated levels of domestic violence."

The Telegraph is

Rape *'being used as widespread weapon of war in Syrian conflict'*
*Rape is being used as a weapon of war in the Syrian conflict to such an
extent that many refugee families are citing it a as a primary reason to
flee, according to a new report.*
By Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent
2:17PM GMT 14 Jan 2013
The study of the nearly 600,000 people who have fled the country since the
start of the civil war stated it was a "staggering humanitarian disaster".

On top of those in neighbouring countries, mainly Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey
and Iraq, 2.5 million had fled their homes but remained in Syria, while 4
million people were in need of help.

"The extent of the bloodshed, devastation, displacement and suffering
inside Syria cannot be easily or precisely measured, but it is certainly
extraordinary in its magnitude, and it is steadily worsening," the report
for the US-based International Rescue Committee said. "Millions of Syrians
are in desperate need and have little if any access to humanitarian relief."

Their overall comments reflect widespread feelings that despite promises
from across the world not enough assistance is reaching the often bleak and
frozen refugee camps on the country's borders.

However, while there had been allegations of rape and sexual abuse before,
the scale suggested by the refugees was shocking.

The study of the nearly 600,000 people who have fled the country since the
start of the civil war stated it was a "staggering humanitarian disaster".

On top of those in neighbouring countries, mainly Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey
and Iraq, 2.5 million had fled their homes but remained in Syria, while 4
million people were in need of help.

"The extent of the bloodshed, devastation, displacement and suffering
inside Syria cannot be easily or precisely measured, but it is certainly
extraordinary in its magnitude, and it is steadily worsening," the report
for the US-based International Rescue Committee said. "Millions of Syrians
are in desperate need and have little if any access to humanitarian relief."

Their overall comments reflect widespread feelings that despite promises
from across the world not enough assistance is reaching the often bleak and
frozen refugee camps on the country's borders.

However, while there had been allegations of rape and sexual abuse before,
the scale suggested by the refugees was shocking.

Naturally the Washington
 and The 
useful articles.

The *Women's Media Center* published
 in Women Under Siege <> six months

The ultimate assault: Charting Syria's use of rape to terrorize its people
By Lauren Wolfe/Director -- July 11, 2012
A woman swathed in black squares her shoulders and calmly looks into a
camera. She holds a Quran. Only a sliver of her face--her
eyeglasses--shows. *"What
happened to me hasn't happened to anyone, or if it has affected anyone else
I do not know,"*she
.*"But I will speak and let all the people know what [Syrian leader] Bashar
al-Assad and his men are doing."* Over the next four minutes, her breathing
grows labored and her voice breaks as she describes how, in May 2011, five
men wearing black entered her home on the outskirts of Homs and raped her.

*"This is my message to the world,"* she says. *"Let all the world hear
what is happening to us. And I might not be the first one nor the last who
was treated in this way."*

The still-unidentified woman posted the video to YouTube on February 11,
2012. It is one of the earliest reports on our live, crowd-sourced map of
sexualized violence in Syria <>.
The Women's Media Center project Women Under Siege has been collecting
reports <> out of Syria
for three months, during which time we've seen many stories similar to
this, in which multiple attackers, usually government forces, are said to
gang rape a woman in her home. We have also mapped stories at the extreme
edge of nightmares; of teenage girls given shots that immobilize them while
their genitals were
 orfilled with mice<>.
Government forces and others appear to be carrying out appalling sexualized
attacks against women, men, and children in Syria as the conflict there
continues. Although we are unable to independently confirm these
stories--Syria is simply too dangerous, and our research staff too
small--they are consistent both internally and within the news and NGO
reports telling similar stories from the Syrian conflict.

Real Syria Updates

Syria: Syrian Rebels Rape 2 Women, 4 Children in Reef Idlib
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Armed rebels committed the crimes in the Qaninas region of Reef Idlib in
the Northwestern Syria.

The terrorists sprayed bullets at the defenseless women and children after
raping them.

Terrorists have tried hard in the last few weeks to make Syrian cities
unsafe, specially for citizens, but the army has purged them from most
neighborhoods and districts, killed hundreds of them and arrested many more.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks
by well-armed gangs against Syrian police forces and border guards being
reported across the country.

Hundreds of people, including members of the security forces, have been
killed, when some protest rallies turned into armed clashes.

The government blames outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups for
the deaths, stressing that the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad.

Based on reports like this last one, reports that *"terrorists sprayed
bullets at the defenseless women and children after raping them."* with no
further details, I fully expect to see claims made by Assad supporters that
*"the rebels rape too."
That's the way the propaganda war is played these days.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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