January Newsletter: 4  More Years To Truly Move Forward! 
In 2013  the peace and justice community has a full plate. This current 
newsletter  is a reflection of the multi-issue agenda we face as we work to 
turn our  nation from war to peaceful co-existence in the global community. Of 
all  the issues we struggle with every day the one that has captured the  
attention of most everyone around the country is the anemic economy and  what 
to do to fix it. The _Jobs  Not Wars Petition Campaign_ 
  is an 
important part of the answer to this  crisis. We in the peace community 
understand that war is stealing  resources and starving our nation. The 
petition is close to reaching the  goal of 50,000 signatures and we ask you to 
reach out to your friends and  family to ask them to sign on. We are taking the 
signatures to Congress  before their President’s Day weekend break in the 
middle of  February.

In his inauguration speech President Obama made many  great pronouncements 
that would lead us to believe his agenda for the next  four years will be 
more progressive, moving his policies closer to what we  would like to see.

His statement that, “A decade of war is now ending. An economic  recovery 
has begun.” would be wonderful if it were true. Yes technically a  recovery 
has begun, but we know millions continue to be out of work with  many having 
given up looking for jobs because there are none to be found.  We know that 
there are continued threats of budget cuts which will lead to  more layoffs 
and more unemployment. We know that Social Security,  Medicaid, Medicare and 
a host of services to assist working and poor  people are under attack by 
both major parties. 

We also know that  the war in Afghanistan may technically come to an end, 
but what of drone  warfare and air campaigns in Pakistan and Afghanistan? 
What about covert  operations around the world including in Iran? What about 
the support of  war and oppression in areas of conflict such as Gaza? Speeches 
are nice  but we demand real action. We demand real change and we demand 
real peace  and justice.   

Of all the words in his  speech perhaps this phrase holds the most truth, “
You and I, as citizens,  have the power to set this country’s course.” 

He got that right.  It’s up to us to set a course of peace and justice. Let’
s do it in  2013.

In the Struggle, 
Michael  McPhearson
National Coordinator

Member Group Updates
Greater New Haven Peace Council  

Over  the last half year and into the coming spring, the Greater New Haven 
Peace  Council is bringing the message of peace and social justice to our 
schools  and schools around the world and to the voters and of New Haven. 
_Read  More_ 
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Code Pink
On  February 7, the Senate Intelligence Committee with hold hearings for 
the  nomination of John Brennan as head of the CIA. We urge you to sign on to  
the letter below that we'll be delivering to the Committee urging them to  
reject his nomination. While we don't expect to a rejection (it's very  rare 
that the Senate fails to confirm a cabinet position), we will use  this 
opportunity to call on Congress to rein in the drones. 

You  can sign on either as an individual with organizational affiliation 
for ID  only or as an organization. Please email laura.kac...@gmail.com with 
the  way you'd like to be identified. 

_Read  More_ 
_Back to top_ (mip://01e13218/default.html#top)  
School of the Americas Watch  

Join  the School of Americas Watch and thousands of united activists from 
across  the United States and abroad as we return once again to Washington to 
 carry the message of global unity and anti-militarization to the White  
House.  Last year on April 16th, thirteen activists were arrested at  our 
peaceful convergence as they stood in defense of unity and  justice.  This 
from April 8th through the 10th we will be back  in Washington, bringing to 
President Obama and members of Congress the  renewed spirit of our 
strengthened resolve to close the School of  Americas/WHINSEC.  Show your 
and join our chorus of voices  in solidarity with all people who have been 
bullied by the forces of U.S.  imperialism.  

We will come to the Capitol in defense of a  global right to dignity and 
livelihood, and carry this message to the  streets with passion and faith!  
Also join us on the 7th of April for  a School of Americas Watch Social to 
meet with others who have been  inspired by the movement of the masses toward a 
common future free of  oppression.  Remember that resistance requires 
dedication, and  dedication requires love.  

With love as our ammunition, we  know we will win!  For more information on 
SOA Watch's April Days of  Action, or to learn how to get your community 
mobilized. _Read  More_ 
_Back to top_ (mip://01e13218/default.html#top)  
Nevada Desert Experience

The  Sacred Peace Walk (SPW) is Nevada Desert Experience's premier event. 
This  65-mile, annual pilgrimage to the Nevada Test Site (the NTS, now  
officially the Nevada National Security Site) begins on March 23rd with an  
orientation in Las Vegas and preparation for our six-day walk starting on  
24th (Sunday). The Walkers arrive at Peace Camp on Thursday, March  28th 
after a day walking in Vegas and three days in the desert. In between  is a day 
of reflection at the Sekhmet Temple, vigils against drones at  Creech Air 
Force Base, and a "Peace-over" Seder. The SPW concludes on  "Good Friday," as 
we greet the sunrise with the Western Shoshone and  conclude with a Good 
Friday liturgy and procession to the entrance to the  NTS later in the 
morning. A fuller schedule, maps, registration and  background information are 
available from the _peace  walk webpag_ 
 e. For images and 
reflections from 2012 SPW participants  check out the Summer Desert Voices.

We walk in the footsteps of  a long legacy of peace walkers and spiritual 
leaders to draw attention to  the nuclear dangers that continue to threaten 
our sacred planet and the  community of life. Please join us in transforming 
fears into compassion  and apathy into action. As one repeat walker put it 
last year, "The Sacred  Peace Walk reminds us that prayer is an active 
process to engage in, not a  passive wish to indulge in. If you’re not careful, 
’ll get sunburns,  blisters, and life changing experiences."

Contact Jim Haber, NDE  Coordinator, at 702-646-4814 or 
j...@nevadadesertexperience.org.  _Read  More_ 
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Upcoming Events
Stop the Frack Attack Summit  

This  past summer, over 5,000 people converged on Washington, DC under the  
banner of “Stop the Frack Attack.” We lobbied, learned, strategized, and  
formed relationships to build a strong network of activists working  against 
dirty and unsafe fracking. Now it's time to take the next step  towards 
build a sustainable movement to stop fracking. Join us for our  first National 
Summit in Dallas, TX March 2-4. 

Scholarships  Available!  _

Read  More_ 
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Foward on Climate Rally Feb  17th!

On  Sunday, February 17, thousands of Americans will head to Washington, 
D.C.  to make Forward on Climate the largest climate rally in history. Join 
this  historic event to make your voice heard and help the president start his 
 second term with strong climate action. 1. _

Read  More_ 
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Expose AIPAC mobilization in DC on March  2-5, 2012

This  past year, AIPAC has provided cover for Israel to continue war crimes 
 against Gaza with impunity, ensured the continuation of weapons transfers  
to Israel and pushed for war on Iran. We need you to join us in Washington  
D.C. to show the growing opposition to AIPAC’s influence and US complicity  
in the oppression of Palestinians.

Last year we united under the  banner of “Occupy AIPAC”, linking the 
actions of the Israeli Lobby and the  Occupy protest movement against corporate 
lobbies. This year, we will  unite under the banner of Expose AIPAC to show 
how AIPAC stands in the way  of a foreign policy that could lead to a just 
peace in the Middle East.  

_Read  More_ 
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Opinion's from UFPJ  Supporters

Service to Honor Dr. Martin Luther King  Jr.-Should Not Support War

By  Michael McPhearson

I am a veteran. Sitting in the sands of Iraq in  1991, I remember how 
wonderful it felt to receive expressions of support  from home. I once received 
letter from an elementary school class and it  made me feel good to know 
that people back home cared about me, and wanted  me to safely return home. 
Citizens coming together to think about service  members and take action to 
support them is a good thing, but not in the  memory of Dr. Martin Luther King 

_Read  More_ 
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Making Green A Threat Again 

By  Scott Parkin 

The energy was there. It was an overcast spring  morning in April 2011 in 
the nation’s capita1. Thousands had shown up to  take action on climate 
change. The earlier march led us to the Chamber of  Commerce, BP’s Washington 
D.C. offices, the American Petroleum Institute  and other office buildings 
associated with oil spills, coal mining, carbon  emissions and more. We heard 
speakers. We saw street theater. It was all  very tame and managed. It lacked 

_Read  More_ 
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Nixon Went to China, Who Will Go to Iran?  

By  David Swarnson 
Iranians  are now beginning to die for lack of medicines kept out by 
U.S.-imposed  sanctions.  I recently questioned (and videoed) former U.S. 
Secretary  of State Madeleine Albright about her notorious defense of sanctions 
 killed over a half million young Iraqi children.  She said she'd been  
wrong to say what she'd said.  She did not comment on the  appropriateness of 
what she'd done.  I asked her if what we were  doing to Iran was also wrong, 
and she replied, "No, absolutely  not."

So, somehow it is good and proper for us to be killing  Iranian children -- 
although perhaps not to be talking about it

_Read  More_ 
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_Donate to UFPJ_ 
 - help  us continue this critical  work
Get  Involved with UFPJ
    *   _Legislative  Working Group
     *   _Afghanistan  Working Group
     *   _Disarmament/Redefining  Security Working Group_ 
_Click  here for a list of UFPJ Member Groups_ 

Greater  New Haven Peace Council
_Read  More_ 
Code  Pink
_Read  More_ 
SOA  Watch
_Read  More_ 
Nevada  Desert Experience
_Read  More_ 
Stop  the Frack Attack Summit
_Read  More_ 
Foward  on the Climate March
Read  More_ 
Expose  AIPAC
_Read  More_ 
Service  to Honor MLK's
_Read  More_ 
Making  Green a Threat Again

_Read  More_ 
Nixon  went to China, Who will go to Iran?
_Read  More_ 
   to  submit items for future newsletters, 
please send a short, nationally  relevant paragraph to  ro...@unitedforpeace.org
You have received this email through your  subscription to UFPJ's national 
email list.
Donations to United for Peace and Justice are tax  exempt to the extent 
permitted by law. The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) is  UFPJ's 501(c)3 
fiscal sponsor. 
If you would like to make a donation by check, please  make it payable to 
"FOR" and write "UFPJ" in the memo line.  Mail to: P.O.  Box 607, Times 
Square Station, New York, NY 10108.

National  Immigrant Solidarity Network _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
Action LA Network _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  
Peace NO War  Network _http://www.PeaceNOWar.net_ 
Activist Video Service _http://www.ActivistVideo.org_ 

New  York : (212)330-8172
Los Angeles : (213)403-0131
Washington D.C. :  (202)595-8990
Chicago :  (773)942-2268

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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