 'The board game "Monopoly" was originally invented in the early 20th 
century to warn players of the dangers of free market capitalism.' 
(photo: Fiona Shields/Flickr)

The Endgame of Capitalism
By Carl Gibson, Reader Supported News
03 February 13
Reader Supported News | Perspective 
he board game "Monopoly" was originally invented in the early 20th century to 
warn players of the dangers of free market capitalism. The original 
title was "The Landlord Game," made to show how property owners exploit their 
tenants with exorbitant 
rent. The game eventually evolved to include rules that let players 
charge higher rent if they owned all the railroads or the utility 
companies. But the endgame scenario of Monopoly is a lot like the 
endgame of capitalism that we're witnessing today - no matter how the 
game starts, the wealth will eventually accumulate in the hands of one 
player, while the other players have to sell off their property to pay 
their debt to the owner and, eventually, lose everything they have.
The Dow recently closed above 14,000, the highest it's ever been since October 
of 2007. While the financial pundits on CNBC would use this figure to have us 
believe the economy is bouncing back better than ever, the only ones 
sharing in the benefit of a healthy market are the wealthy investor 
class and corporations that have been insulated from the effects of the 
recession that still continues for the rest of us. The influx of 
high-frequency trading that now makes up half of all trading signifies the 
change of using the market as a vehicle for making 
long-term investments to manipulating it for short-term profit.
The market's latest high numbers are due to 
corporations turning out record profits quarter after quarter, having 
grown profits by 171 percent under Obama's watch. Most of those profits have 
come about by companies cutting costs by shifting jobs overseas, where they can 
pay a Chinese 
worker a fraction of what they would pay an American worker to do the 
same job. News has also broken about Fortune 500 companies like Chevron, Bank 
of America, AT&T and IBM using inmate labor at private prisons, meaning they 
can slap a "Made in the USA" sticker on a product made by 
someone working for slave wages. The influx of immigrants looking for 
work thanks to free trade agreements like NAFTA, has led to the inevitable 
exploitation of immigrant labor which will continue as long as US immigration 
policy punishes the 
exploited rather than the companies exploiting them. And these record 
corporate profits also have right-wing governors and state legislatures 
to thank for union-busting right-to-work laws that really only exist as a 
vehicle for businesses to pay workers less 
money for the same work, and for Republicans to erode a major 
fundraising base for their opposition.
The rest of the uptick in corporate profits can be 
attributed to a lax tax code that allows companies to book profits made 
in the United States in overseas tax havens. There's an estimated $2.3 trillion 
in US corporate profits booked in overseas accounts. Apple alone stashes $1 
billion a week in overseas accounts to dodge corporate taxes. That's equivalent 
over 4 million full-time minimum-wage jobs, every week. The share of US 
tax revenue from corporations has gone from 6% of GDP in the 1950s to just 1% 
The executives of these companies make out like 
bandits, as they use their increased profits to buy their own company's 
stock, which makes the stock price go up, making the stock options owned by the 
executives more valuable. And with dividends taxed at a much 
lower rate than actual work (20% vs. 35%), the tax revenue needed to 
keep society functioning continues to dwindle as the investor class 
accumulates greater wealth than ever before. The six Waltons who own 
Wal-Mart own as much wealth as the bottom 40% of Americans.
Some financial analysts say this market surge is just a rally, destined to drop 
as Congress expects to wrangle with the deficit in May, including a possible 
downgrade of our credit rating. But the 
fact is, our deficit would disappear if we had a small sales tax on all Wall 
Street financial transactions, taxed capital gains at the same rate as 
by-God-hard-work and overhauled our tax code in favor of one that would do away 
with the loopholes that allow big corporations to offshore their billions in 
profits. However, even that could get worse, as Obama has shown 
willingness to talk about a territorial tax code that would effectively allow 
corporations to pay a 0% tax rate on their profits all over the world, 
including the US.
In a recent Daily Show appearance, Al Gore made a half-hearted attempt at 
explaining the idea of 
"sustainable capitalism" to Jon Stewart. But even Gore's description of 
capitalism as the only economic system that works sounded incredibly 
outdated to those of us who weren't millionaire media moguls or TV 
personalities. We're witnessing the endgame of capitalism, where a few 
wealthy individuals and corporations have accumulated most of the wealth while 
the rest of us are left to fight for the scraps. And it looks a 
lot like the endgame of Monopoly, where every player is selling off 
their house and foreclosing their property to pay the one player who 
already has everything. And when the Monopoly game has gone that far, 
the only thing left to do is flip the board over, scatter all of the 
winner's winnings, and try playing something else that everyone can 
Carl Gibson, 25, is co-founder of US Uncut, a nationwide creative direct-action 
movement that mobilized tens of 
thousands of activists against corporate tax avoidance and budget cuts 
in the months leading up to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Carl and 
other US Uncut activists are featured in the documentary "We're Not Broke," 
which premiered at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival. He currently lives in Old 
Lyme, Connecticut. You can contact Carl at

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