By David Bacon
Truth-Out oped, February 15, 2013

We need an immigration policy based on human, civil and labor rights, 
which looks at the reasons why people come to the U.S., and how we 
can end the criminalization of their status and work.  While 
proposals from Congress and the administration have started the 
debate over the need for change in our immigration policy, they are 
not only too limited and ignore the global nature of migration, but 
they will actually make the problem of criminalization much worse. 
We need a better alternative.

This alternative should start by looking at the roots of migration - 
the reasons why people come to the U.S. in the first place.  Movement 
and migration is a human right.  But we live in a world in which a 
lot of migration isn't voluntary, but is forced by poverty and 
so-called economic reforms.

Our trade policy, and the economic measures we impose on countries 
like Mexico, El Salvador or the Philippines make poverty worse.  When 
people get poorer and their wages go down, it creates opportunities 
for U.S. corporate investment.  This is what drives our trade policy. 
But the human cost is very high.

In El Salvador today, the U.S. Embassy is telling the government to 
sell off its water, hospitals, schools and highways to give U.S. 
investors a chance to make money.  This policy is enabled by the 
Central American Free Trade Agreement, whose purpose was increasing 
opportunities in El Salvador for U.S. investors.  It was imposed on 
the people of that country in the face of fierce popular opposition.

Alex Gomez, a leader of Salvadoran public sector unions, came to San 
Francisco in February to explain what the consequences of this latest 
free trade initiative will be.  He says if these public resources are 
privatized, tens of thousands of workers will lose their jobs, and 
their unions will be destroyed.  They will then have to leave the 
country to survive. 

According to Gomez, four million have already left El Salvador.  Two 
million have come to the US, not because they love it here, but 
because they can't survive any longer at home.  These migrants come 
without papers, because there are no visas for two million people 
from this small country.

The North American Free Trade Agreement did even more damage than 
CAFTA.  It let U.S. corporations dump corn in Mexico, to take over 
the market there with imports from the U.S.  Today one company, 
Smithfield Foods, sells almost a third of all the pork consumed by 
Mexicans.  Because of this dumping and the market takeover, prices 
dropped so low that millions of Mexican farmers couldn't survive. 
They too had to leave home.

Mexico used to be self-sufficient in corn and meat production.  Corn 
cultivation started there in Oaxaca many centuries ago.  Now Mexico 
is a net corn and meat importer from the U.S.

During the years NAFTA has been in effect, the number of people in 
the U.S. born in Mexico went from 4.5 million to 12.67 million. 
Today about 11% of all Mexicans live in the U.S.  About 5.7 million 
of those who came were able to get some kind of visa, but another 7 
million couldn't.  There just aren't that many visas.  But they came 
anyway because they had very little choice, if they wanted to survive 
or their families to prosper.

Our immigration laws turn these people into criminals.  They say that 
if migrants without papers work here it's a crime.  But how can 
people survive here if they don't work?  We need a different kind of 
immigration policy - that stops putting such pressure on people to 
leave, and that doesn't treat them as criminals if they do.

What would it look like?

First, we should tell the truth, as the labor-supported TRADE Act 
would have us do, which was introduced into Congress by Mike Michaud 
from Maine.  We should hold hearings as the bill says, about the 
effects of NAFTA and CAFTA, and collect evidence about the way those 
agreements have displaced people in the U.S. and other countries as 

Then we need to renegotiate those existing agreements to eliminate 
the causes of displacement.  If we provide compensation to 
communities that have suffered the effects of free trade and 
corporate economic reforms, that were intended to benefit U.S. 
investors, it would be more than simple justice.  It might give 
people more resources and more of a future at home.

It makes no sense to negotiate new trade agreements that displace 
even more people or lower living standards.  This administration has 
negotiated three so far, with Peru, Panama and South Korea.  It is 
now negotiating a new one -- the Trans Pacific Partnership.  These 
are all pro-corporate, people-displacing agreements. We should 
prohibit these and any new ones like them.  Instead, we need to make 
sure all future trade treaties require adequate farm prices and 
income in farming communities, promote unions and high wages, and 
don't require the privatization of public services. 

Increasingly these international agreements, like Mode 4 of the World 
Trade Organization, treat displaced migrants as a cheap and 
vulnerable labor force.  Our trade negotiators call for regulating 
their flow with guest worker programs.  This is exactly the wrong 
direction.  We should ban the inclusion of guest workers in any 
future trade agreement or treaty instead.

When diplomacy doesn't work, U.S. military intervention and aid 
programs are to support trade agreements, structural adjustment 
policies or market economic reforms.  This has been U.S. policy in 
Honduras and Haiti, for instance.  This also must stop.  If the U.S. 
Embassy is putting pressure on countries like El Salvador to adopt 
measures that benefit corporate investors at the expense of workers 
and farmers, the Ambassador should be recalled and the interference 

Finally, we should ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Migrant 
Workers and Their Families.  This international agreement would give 
us an alternative framework for recognizing the rights of displaced 
migrants, and the responsibility of both sending and receiving 
countries for their protection.

The failure of successive U.S. administrations to even present this 
agreement to Congress for ratification highlights the unpleasant 
truth about the real effect of our immigration policy.  When millions 
of migrants arrive here, they are criminalized because they lack 
immigration status, especially when they go to work.

Labor and civil rights advocates often fondly remember the 1986 
Immigration Reform and Control Act because of it had an amnesty, 
signed by President Ronald Reagan, which gave legal status relatively 
quickly to almost four million people.  But the law also contained 
employer sanctions for the first time, which we often forget.  That 
provision says that employers will be fined and punished if they hire 
undocumented workers.

This provision was promoted by those who said that if work became 
illegal, then undocumented migration would end.  This clearly failed, 
since the number increased many-fold in the years that followed. 
Compared to the pressure to leave home, criminalizing work was not a 
deterrent to those who sought work here so that their families at 
home would survive.

This provision sounded like a law against employers, but it was not. 
It became an anti-worker law.  No boss ever went to jail for 
violating it.  The fines were not great.  When the government agents 
seek to enforce it, employers who cooperate with them are forgiven. 
But over the last four years alone, tens of thousands of workers have 
been fired for not having papers.  The true objects of punishment 
under this law have always been workers, not employers.

Now Congress is talking about a new reform, and we have to use this 
opportunity to push to repeal this law.  Some think that since a new 
legalization will hopefully give many undocumented workers legal 
status, sanction won't really affect anyone anymore. 

But even the most positive predictions about a new legalization still 
assume that millions of people will not quality because of stringent 
qualifications, high fees and decades-long waiting periods.  Those 
people will still be subject to the sanctions law.  And the day after 
a new reform passes millions more people will come to the U.S. 
because of the same pressures that caused past waves of migration. 
This is especially true if a new immigration reform ignores the need 
to renegotiate trade agreements and eliminate the huge displacement 
of people.

These future migrants are not strangers.  They are the husbands and 
wives, parents, and cousins of people already here - people who are 
already part of our communities.  They come from the same towns, and 
are linked to neighborhoods here in the U.S. by the ties that have 
been created by migration, work and family.  They will work in our 
workplaces, participate in our organizing drives, and belong to our 
unions.  We need to keep the sanctions law from being applied to 
them, making it a crime for them to work.  Unfortunately, however, 
Congress members aren't talking about getting rid of sanctions.  In 
fact, they and the administration want to make the current 
application even worse.

So let's do a reality check.  Let's tell the truth about how has this 
law been used. 

One method for enforcing sanctions happens when an employer uses it 
to screen people it is going to hire, using an error-filled 
government database called E-verify.  Congress and the administration 
are calling for making it mandatory for all employers to use this 
database, and refuse to hire anyone who it flags as undocumented. 

For people who are currently working now and have no papers, what it 
means is that if they lose their jobs, it will be much hard to find 
others.  That will make people fear taking any action that offends 
their boss, like joining a union or complaining about illegal 
conditions.  That's good for the boss, but bad for the workers.

Employers today not only use this database to screen new hires - they 
also use it to reverify the immigration status of people who are 
already working.  This is a violation of the law.  Once it accepts 
the form filled out by a job seeker (called the I-9), along with 
their ID, the employer can't reverify it all over again at some point 
in the future.  But they do.  Sometimes it's convenient to get rid of 
workers who have accumulated benefits and raises over years of 
service, and replace them with new hires at lower wages. 

Reverification just happened, for instance, to three workers who 
belong to the International Longshore and Warehouse Union at Waste 
Management, Inc. in San Leandro, California.  The union has gone to 
the Oakland City Council to protest these illegal firings, because 
WMI operates under a city garbage contract.

Employers sometimes announce they intend to begin using the E-Verify 
database when their workers start to organize.  That's what managers 
announced at the Mi Pueblo supermarkets in northern California. 
There E-Verify checks are being used to terrorize workers to keep 
them from supporting a union, Local 5 of the United Food and 
Commercial Workers.

Another method for enforcing sanctions against workers is even more 
widespread.  Immigration agents, working for the Immigration and 
Customs Enforcement (ICE), go into the personnel records of an 
employer.  They then compare the information given by workers on the 
I-9 form to the E-Verify database, looking for workers who don't have 
legal immigration status.  ICE then makes a list of those workers and 
sends it to the company, telling the employer to fire them.

This is what happened at Pacific Steel Castings in Berkeley, 
California, last year.  Two hundred and fourteen workers were fired 
as a result.  Some had worked in the foundry for over 20 years.  Many 
lost their homes, and their children's dreams of going to college 
were destroyed. 

Over last four years, hundreds of thousands of workers have lost 
their jobs in these enforcement actions, called I-9 audits.  Almost 
five hundred janitors in San Francisco, and over a thousand in 
Minneapolis.  Thousands of workers doing some of the hardest work 
imaginable in meatpacking plants around the country.  Farm workers. 
Construction workers.  But the employers all given reduced fines, and 
many immunity from punishment entirely, if they cooperated in firing 
their own workers.

If unions and communities mount a fight that exposes the terrible 
human cost of these firings, it is possible to stop them.  The young 
Dreamers showed that this is possible.  These courageous young people 
convinced the administration to stop deporting students brought to 
the U.S. without papers as children.  They forced the administration 
to change the way it enforces immigration law.  It can be done for 
workers too, if there's a fight.

But we must also change the sanctions law.  Otherwise, our experience 
over the 25 years since it passed shows that immigration authorities 
will simply find another method for making working a crime for people 
who don't have papers.

The other unpleasant truth about sanctions is that they are linked to 
the growth of guest worker programs.  One of the main purposes of 
making it a crime to work without papers is to force people to come 
to the U.S. with visas that tie them to their employers and 
recruiters.  These workers are often more vulnerable than the 
undocumented, since they get deported if they lose their jobs or get 
fired.  Guest worker programs have been called Close to Slavery by 
the Southern Poverty Law Center and others who have documented their 
extreme exploitation.  The sanctions law functions as a way to 
pressure people into choosing that path to come to the U.S. to work.

When employer sanctions are used to make workers vulnerable to 
pressure, to break unions or to force people into guest worker 
programs, their real effect is to force people into low wage jobs 
with no rights.  This is a subsidy for employers, and brings down 
wages for everyone.  The sanctions law makes it harder for all 
workers to organize to improve conditions.  This doesn't just affect 
the workers who have no papers themselves.  When it becomes harder 
for one group to organize, other workers have a harder time 
organizing too.

Some Washington lobbyists accept as a fact of life that the sanctions 
law will continue, or even worse, that E-Verify will become a 
mandatory national program for all employers.  But for unions and 
workers who have had to deal with its effects , it would be much 
better to immediately repeal it, and dismantle the E-Verify database. 

The use of the sanctions law against workers and unions is what led 
the California Labor Federation to call for its repeal as early as 
1994, a position it continued to adopt in successive conventions. 
Other unions joined it including the garment unions and service 
employees.  Finally labor councils in California and then around the 
country passed resolutions making the same call, and sent them to the 
historic AFL-CIO convention in Los Angeles in 1999.  This led to an 
historic debate and the adoption of a new, pro-immigrant policy. 
Delegates at that convention believed that we have to stop enforcing 
immigration law in the workplace, because its real effect is to make 
workers vulnerable to employers, and to make it harder for all 
workers to organize to improve conditions.

In addition to repealing the national sanctions law, we should also 
prohibit states from enacting copycat measures.  These laws have 
passed not just in Arizona or Alabama or Mississippi.  California 
passed a state employer sanctions law before the federal law took 
effect in 1986.

What would really help workers to raise wages and improve conditions 
is much stricter enforcement of worker protection and 
anti-discrimination laws, for everyone.  Funding used for immigration 
enforcement on the job should be given instead to the Department of 
Labor, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the 
National Labor Relations Board and other labor law enforcement 
agencies.  It will be a good day for all workers when ICE agents 
instead become wage and hour inspectors.

Threats by employers who use immigration status to keep workers from 
organizing unions or protesting illegal conditions should be a crime. 
That makes it necessary to overturn two Supreme Court decisions, 
Hoffman and Sure-Tan.  In these cases the court said that if workers 
are fired for union activity and have no papers, the boss doesn't 
have to rehire them or pay them lost wages, because the sanctions law 
makes it illegal to employ them to begin with.  But when there's no 
punishment for violating labor rights, workers have no rights.  This 
also hurts other workers in the same workplace who want to organize a 
union, since it makes the undocumented so vulnerable.  Instead, we 
should increase workplace rights by prohibiting immigration 
enforcement during labor disputes or against workers who complain 
about illegal conditions.

To ensure that in the workplace we all have the same rights we also 
have to eliminate the way undocumented people get ripped off by funds 
like Social Security and unemployment.  All workers contribute to the 
Social Security fund, but because undocumented people are working 
under bad numbers, they pay in but can never collect the benefits. 
This will come back to haunt us when those workers need disability 
payments or get too old to work - something that happens to us all. 
This is the reason we set up the Social Security system to begin with 
- because we don't want old people eating dog food, regardless of 
where they were born.

Instead today the Social Security number has become much more a means 
to check immigration status, harming workers instead of providing 
them the benefits that were its original and true purpose.  There is 
a simple solution to this problem as well.  Social Security numbers 
should be made available for everyone, regardless of immigration 
status.  Everyone should pay into the system and everyone has a right 
to the benefits those payments create.  By the same token all workers 
should be able to receive unemployment benefits regardless of status, 
since they and their employers pay into the funds. 

In the end, we need an immigration policy that brings people 
together, instead of pitting workers against each other, as our 
current system does.  During a time of economic crisis especially we 
need to reduce job competition, rather than stoking fears.  In 2005 
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston made an innovative 
proposal that would have set up job creation and training programs 
for unemployed workers at the same time that it would have given 
legal status to workers without papers.  This proposal put unemployed 
workers and immigrants on the same side, giving them both something 
to fight for whether they were out of work, or working without 
immigration status. 

This proposal, and the others made here, are part of the Dignity 
Campaign, a plan for immigration reform based on human, civil and 
labor rights.  In the last three years, local unions and labor 
councils in San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Alameda County adopted 
resolutions supporting the Dignity Campaign, arguing that trade 
policy is linked to the increasing vulnerability of immigrant workers 
because of the sanctions law and guest worker progrsms.  The Labor 
Council for Latin American Advancement adopted a similar resolution.

An immigration policy that benefits migrants, their home communities, 
and working people here in the U.S. has to have a long term 
perspective.  Instead of just trying to please interest groups 
well-represented in Congress, we need to ask, where are we going? 
What will actually solve the problems that we experience on our jobs 
and in our homes with current laws and policies? 

We need a system that produces security, not insecurity.  We need a 
commitment to equality and equal status - getting rid of color and 
national lines instead of making them deeper.  We need to make it 
easier for workers to organize, by getting rid of what makes people 
vulnerable -- to end job competition we need full employment, and to 
gain organizing rights we need labor law enforcement together with 
eliminating sanctions and firings.  It's not likely that many 
corporations will support such a program, so the politicians who 
represent us have to choose whose side they're on.

Working people in Mexico, El Salvador, the Philippines, the US and 
other countries need the same things.  Secure jobs at a living wage. 
Rights in our workplaces and communities.  The freedom to travel and 
seek a future for our families, and the ability to stay home and have 
a decent future there too.  The borders between our countries, then, 
should be common grounds that unite us, not lines that divide us.

Coming in 2013 from Beacon Press:
THE RIGHT TO STAY HOME:  Ending Forced Migration and the 
Criminalization of Immigrants

DISPLACED, UNEQUAL AND CRIMINALIZED - A Report for the Rosa Luxemburg 
Foundation on the political economy of immigration

With Anoop Prasad on what's wrong with the current immigration reform 
proposals in Washington DC
With Solange Echevarria of KWMR about growers push for guest worker 
programs. Advance to 88 minutes for the interview.
At the Gandhi-King Youth and Community Conference, Memphis 2011

See also Illegal People -- How Globalization Creates Migration and 
Criminalizes Immigrants  (Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008

See also the photodocumentary on indigenous migration to the US
Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)

See also The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the U.S./Mexico Border 
(University of California, 2004)

Entrevista con activistas de #yosoy132 en UNAM
Interview by activists of #yosoy132 at UNAM (in Spanish)

Two lectures on the political economy of migration

For more articles and images, see  http://dbacon.igc.org

David Bacon, Photographs and Stories


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