>From RootsAction Team: i...@rootsaction.org   
Sent: Friday, March 1st, 2013 7:10 AM

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Bradley Manning, on Thursday, pleaded guilty to actions that fulfilled his 
moral obligations, and for which he has our gratitude.

 We're going to thank him, and you can add your name to the card.

Manning revealed that he had contacted the Washington Post and the New York 
Times, and got nowhere, before deciding to give his news to WikiLeaks, from 
which it would ultimately reach those two newspapers and many more.

Manning said he released only information that he was certain would not harm 
the United States. There's no evidence he was wrong.

He released evidence of crimes, as anyone able to do should do.  Manning did so 
out of an actual belief in democracy (as distinct from "democracy" as a 
justification for bombings).

"We were obsessed with capturing and killing human targets on lists and 
ignoring goals and missions," Manning said on Thursday of his time in Iraq with 
the U.S. Army. "I believed if the public, particularly the American public, 
could see this it could spark a debate on the military and our foreign policy 
in general as it applied to Iraq and Afghanistan. It might cause society to 
reconsider the need to engage in counter terrorism while ignoring the human 
situation of the people we engaged with every day."

 Let's have that debate.  First, let's thank Bradley Manning.  Sign our note to 
him now.

Please forward this email widely to like-minded friends.

-- The RootsAction.org team

P.S. Our small staff is supported by contributions from people like you; your 
donations are greatly appreciated 

P.P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, 
Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, 
Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen 
Rowley, Frances Fox Piven, and many others.

 CommonDreams: Before Wikileaks, Leaked Docs Offered to NYT, WaPo
 AFP: WikiLeaks: Manning Wanted to 'Spark Debate' on War
 Alexa O'Brien: Pfc. Bradley E. Manning's Statement for the Providence Inquiry

Image includes detail of portrait by Robert Shetterly from his series Americans 
Who Tell the Truth 

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