We Are Bradley Manning
Posted on Truthdig - March 3rd, 2013   
By Chris Hedges <http://www.truthdig.com/chris_hedges/>   -
www.truthdig.com/report/item/we_are_bradley_manning_20130303//  -
His trial is not simply the persecution of a courageous whistle-blower, but
a state mechanism to destroy the independence of the press & its ability to
expose the power elite's criminal activity.
I was in a military courtroom at Fort Meade in Maryland on Thursday as Pfc.
Bradley Manning admitted giving classified government documents to
WikiLeaks. The hundreds of thousands of leaked documents exposed U.S. war
crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as government misconduct. A statement
that Manning made to the court was a powerful and moving treatise on the
importance of placing conscience above personal safety, the necessity of
sacrificing careers and liberty for the public good, and the moral
imperative of carrying out acts of defiance. Manning will surely pay with
many years-perhaps his entire life-in prison. But we too will pay. The war
against Bradley Manning is a war against us all. 
This trial is not simply the prosecution of a 25-year-old soldier who had
the temerity to report to the outside world the indiscriminate slaughter,
war crimes, torture and abuse that are carried out by our government and our
occupation forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is a concerted effort by the
security and surveillance state to extinguish what is left of a free press,
one that has the constitutional right to expose crimes by those in power.
The lonely individuals who take personal risks so that the public can know
the truth-the Daniel Ellsbergs, the Ron Ridenhours
<http://www.ridenhour.org/about_ron.html%20> , the Deep Throats and the
Bradley Mannings-are from now on to be charged with "aiding the enemy." All
those within the system who publicly reveal facts that challenge the
official narrative will be imprisoned, as was John Kiriakou, the former CIA
analyst who for exposing the U.S. government's use of torture began serving
a 30-month prison term the day Manning read his statement. There is a word
for states that create these kinds of information vacuums: totalitarian.
The cowardice of The New York Times, El Pais, Der Spiegel and Le Monde, all
of which used masses of the material Manning passed on to WikiLeaks and then
callously turned their backs on him, is one of journalism's greatest shames.
These publications made little effort to cover Manning's pretrial hearings,
a failure that shows how bankrupt and anemic the commercial press has
become. Rescuing what honor of our trade remains has been left to a handful
of independent, often marginalized reporters and a small number of other
individuals and groups-including Glenn Greenwald, Alexa O'Brien, Nathan
Fuller, Kevin Gosztola (who writes for Firedog Lake), the Bradley Manning
Support Network <http://www.bradleymanning.org/%20> , political activist
Kevin Zeese and the courtroom sketch artist Clark Stoeckley, along with The
Guardian, which also published the WikiLeaks documents. But if our
domesticated press institutions believe that by refusing to defend or report
on Manning they will escape the wrath of the security and surveillance
state, they are stunningly naive. This is a war that is being played for
keeps. And the goal of the state is not simply to send Manning away for
life. The state is also determined to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian
Assange and try him in the United States on espionage or conspiracy charges.
The state hopes to cement into place systems of information that will do
little more than parrot official propaganda. This is why those with the
computer skills to expose the power elite's secrets, such as Aaron Swartz
on-memorial-20130205,0,483788.story%20> , who committed suicide in January,
and Jeremy Hammond <http://freehammond.com/> , who is facing up to 30 years
in prison for allegedly hacking into the corporate security firm Stratfor,
have been or are being ruthlessly hunted down and persecuted. It is why Vice
President Joe Biden labeled Assange a "high-tech terrorist,"
ech-terrorist_n_798838.html>  and it is why the Bradley Manning trial is one
of the most important in American history.
The government has decided to press ahead with all 22 charges, including
aiding the enemy (Article 104), stealing U.S. government property (18 USC
641), espionage (18 USC 793(e)) and computer crimes (18 USC 1030(a)(1))-the
last notwithstanding the fact that Manning did not hack into government
computers. The state will also prosecute him on charges of violating lawful
general regulations (Article 92). The government has refused to settle for
Manning's admission of guilt on nine lesser offenses. Among these lesser
offenses are unauthorized possession and willful communication of the video
known as "Collateral Murder"; the Iraq War Logs
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_War_documents_leak> ; the Afghan War
Diary <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghan_War_documents_leak> ; two CIA Red
Cell Memos, <http://boingboing.net/2010/08/25/wikileaks-publishes-3.html>
including one entitled "Afghanistan: Sustaining West European Support for
the NATO-Led Mission-Why Counting on Apathy Might Not Be Enough"; Guantanamo
files; documents of a so-called Article 15-6 investigation into the May 2009
Garani massacre
<http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/printer_60359.shtml%20>  in
Afghanistan's Farah province; and a Department of Defense
counterintelligence report, "WikiLeaks.org-An Online Reference to Foreign
Intelligence Services, Insurgents, or Terrorist Groups?" as well as one
violation of a lawful general order by wrongfully storing information. 
Manning's leaks, the government insists, are tantamount to support for
al-Qaida and international terrorism. The government will attempt to prove
this point by bringing into court an anonymous witness who most likely took
part in the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. This witness
will reportedly tell the court that copies of the leaked documents were
found on bin Laden's computer and assisted al-Qaida. This is an utterly
spurious form of prosecution-as if any of us have control over the
information we provide to the public and how it is used. Manning, for
substantial amounts of money, could have sold the documents to governments
or groups that are defined as the enemy. Instead he approached The
Washington Post and The New York Times. When these newspapers rejected him,
he sent the material anonymously to WikiLeaks.
The short, slightly built Manning told the military court Thursday about the
emotional conflict he experienced when he matched what he knew about the war
with the official version of the war. He said he became deeply disturbed
while watching a video
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_12,_2007_Baghdad_airstrike%20>  taken
from an Apache helicopter as it and another such craft joined in an attack
on civilians in Baghdad in 2007. The banter among the crew members, who
treated the murder and wounding of the terrified human beings, including
children, in the street below as sport, revolted him. Among the dead was
Reuters photojournalist Namir Noor-Eldeen and his driver, Saeed Chmagh.
Reuters had repeatedly asked to see the video & the Army had repeatedly
refused to release it. Click here
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0%20>  to see the "Collateral
Murder" video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0 
"Using Google I searched for the event by its date and general location,"
Manning said in reading from a 35-page document that took nearly an hour to
deliver. "I found several new accounts involving two Reuters employees who
were killed during the aerial weapon team engagement. Another story
explained that Reuters had requested a copy of the video under the Freedom
of Information Act, or FOIA. Reuters wanted to view the video in order to be
able to understand what had happened and to improve their safety practices
in combat zones. A spokesperson for Reuters was quoted saying that the video
might help avoid the reoccurrence of the tragedy and believed there was
compelling need for the immediate release of the video." [Alexa O'Brien,
another journalist who attended Thursday's proceedings, has provided a full
transcript of Manning's statement: Click here.
y_e_manning_providence_hearing_statement.html> ]
"Despite the submission of the FOIA request, the news account explained that
CENTCOM [Central Command] replied to Reuters stating that they could not
give a time frame for considering a FOIA request and that the video might no
longer exist," Manning said. "Another story I found written a year later
said that even though Reuters was still pursuing their request [the news
organization] still did not receive a formal response or written
determination in accordance with FOIA. The fact neither CENTCOM or Multi
National Forces Iraq, or MNF-I, would not voluntarily release the video
troubled me further. It was clear to me that the event happened because the
aerial weapons team mistakenly identified Reuters employees as a potential
threat and that the people in the bongo truck [van] were merely attempting
to assist the wounded. The people in the van were not a threat but merely
'good Samaritans.' The most alarming aspect of the video to me, however, was
the seemly delightful bloodlust they [the helicopter crew members] appeared
to have.
"They dehumanized the individuals they were engaging and seemed to not value
human life by referring to them as quote 'dead bastards' unquote and
congratulating each other on the ability to kill in large numbers," Manning
said, speaking into a court microphone while seated at the defense table.
"At one point in the video there is an individual on the ground attempting
to crawl to safety. The individual is seriously wounded. Instead of calling
for medical attention to the location, one of the aerial weapons team crew
members verbally asks for the wounded person to pick up a weapon so that he
can have a reason to engage. For me, this seems similar to a child torturing
ants with a magnifying glass.
"While saddened by the aerial weapons team crew's lack of concern about
human life, I was disturbed by the response of the discovery of injured
children at the scene. In the video, you can see the bongo truck driving up
to assist the wounded individual. In response the aerial weapons team
crew-as soon as the individuals are a threat, they repeatedly request
authorization to fire on the bongo truck and once granted they engage the
vehicle at least six times. Shortly after the second engagement, a
mechanized infantry unit arrives at the scene. Within minutes, the aerial
weapons team crew learns that children were in the van, and despite the
injuries the crew exhibits no remorse. Instead, they downplay the
significance of their actions, saying quote 'Well, it's their fault for
bringing their kids into a battle' unquote. 
"The aerial weapons team crew members sound like they lack sympathy for the
children or the parents. Later in a particularly disturbing manner, the
aerial weapons team verbalizes enjoyment at the sight of one of the ground
vehicles driving over a body-or one of the bodies. As I continued my
research, I found an article discussing the book 'The Good Soldiers,'
written by Washington Post writer David Finkel. In Mr. Finkel's book, he
writes about the aerial weapons team attack. As I read an online excerpt in
Google Books, I followed Mr. Finkel's account of the event belonging to the
video. I quickly realize that Mr. Finkel was quoting, I feel in verbatim,
the audio communications of the aerial weapons team crew. It is clear to me
that Mr. Finkel obtained access and a copy of the video during his tenure as
an embedded journalist. I was aghast at Mr. Finkel's portrayal of the
incident. Reading his account, one would believe the engagement was somehow
justified as 'payback' for an earlier attack that led to the death of a
soldier. Mr. Finkel ends his account of the engagement by discussing how a
soldier finds an individual still alive from the attack. He writes that the
soldier finds him and sees him gesture with his two forefingers together, a
common method in the Middle East to communicate that they are friendly.
However, instead of assisting him, the soldier makes an obscene gesture
extending his middle finger. The individual apparently dies shortly
thereafter. Reading this, I can only think of how this person was simply
trying to help others, and then he quickly finds he needs help as well. To
make matters worse, in the last moments of his life he continues to express
his friendly gesture-his friendly intent-only to find himself receiving this
well known gesture of unfriendliness. For me it's all a big mess, and I am
left wondering what these things mean, and how it all fits together. It
burdens me emotionally. ... 
"I hoped that the public would be as alarmed as me about the conduct of the
aerial weapons team crew members. I wanted the American public to know that
not everyone in Iraq and Afghanistan are targets that needed to be
neutralized, but rather people who were struggling to live in the pressure
cooker environment of what we call asymmetric warfare. After the release I
was encouraged by the response in the media and general public who observed
the aerial weapons team video. As I hoped, others were just as troubled-if
not more troubled than me by what they saw."
Manning provided to the public the most important window into the inner
workings of imperial power since the release of the Pentagon Papers. The
routine use of torture, the detention of Iraqis who were innocent, the
inhuman conditions within our secret detention facilities, the use of State
Department officials as spies in the United Nations, the collusion with
corporations to keep wages low in developing countries such as Haiti, and
specific war crimes such as the missile strike on a house that killed seven
an-taliban%20>  in Afghanistan would have remained hidden without Manning. 
"I felt that we were risking so much for people that seemed unwilling to
cooperate with us, leading to frustration and anger on both sides," Manning
said. "I began to become depressed with the situation that we found
ourselves increasingly mired in year after year. The SigActs
[significant-acts reports of the Army] documented this in great detail and
provide a context of what we were seeing on the ground. 
"In attempting to conduct counterterrorism, or CT, and counterinsurgency,
COIN, operations we became obsessed with capturing and killing human targets
on lists and not being suspicious of and avoiding cooperation with our host
nation partners, and ignoring the second- and third-order effects of
accomplishing short-term goals and missions. I believe that if the general
public, especially the American public, had access to the information
contained within the CIDNE-I and CIDNE-A tables [a reference to military
information] this could spark a domestic debate on the role of the military
and our foreign policy in general as it related to Iraq and Afghanistan.
8>  "I also believed the detailed analysis of the data over a long period of
time by different sectors of society might cause society to re-evaluate the
need or even the desire to engage in counterterrorism and counterinsurgency
operations that ignore the complex dynamics of the people living in the
affected environment every day." 
It is certain that with this "naked" plea Manning will serve perhaps as much
as 20 years in prison. The judge, Col. Denise Lind, who will determine
Manning's sentence, warned him that the government could use his admissions
to build a case for the more serious charges. Manning faces 90 years if he
is convicted on the greater charge of espionage, and he faces life if
convicted of aiding the enemy. Military prosecutors have made it clear they
are out for blood. They said they will call 141 witnesses, including 15 who
will charge that Manning caused harm to national interests; 33 witnesses,
the government claims, will discuss information so sensitive or secret that
it will require closed court sessions. Four witnesses-including, it appears,
a Navy SEAL involved in the bin Laden raid-will give testimony anonymously.
Army Maj. Ashden Fein, the lead prosecution attorney, has told the court
that the government witnesses will discuss issues such as "injury and death
to individuals" that resulted from the WikiLeaks disclosures, as well as how
the "capability of the enemy increased in certain countries." The government
is preventing
gs-defense-from-interviewing-classified-witness%20>  Manning's defense team
from interviewing some of the witnesses before the trial. 
When he was secretary of defense, Robert Gates said
<http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/10/16/wikileaks.assessment/index.html>  a
Defense Department review determined that the publication of the Iraq War
Logs and the Afghan War Diary had "not revealed any sensitive intelligence
sources and methods." In the trial, however, the government must prove only
that the "disclosure could be potentially damaging to the United States" and
need only provide "independent proof of at least potential harm to the
national security" beyond mere security classification, writes law professor
Geoffrey Stone.
The government reviews determined that the release of Department of State
"diplomatic cables caused only limited damage
20110118%20>  to U.S. interests abroad despite the Obama administration's
public statements to the contrary," according to Reuters. "We were told the
impact [of WikiLeaks revelations] was embarrassing but not damaging," a
congressional official, briefed by the State Department, told Reuters. The
"Obama administration felt compelled to say publicly that the revelations
had seriously damaged American interests in order to bolster legal efforts
to shut down the WikiLeaks website and bring charges against the leakers,"
the official told the news outlet. Government prosecutors, strengthening
their case further, have succeeded in blocking Manning's lawyers from
presenting evidence about the lack of real damage caused to U.S. interests
by the leaks.
Manning has done what anyone with a conscience should have done. In the
courtroom he exhibited-especially given the prolonged abuse he suffered
during his thousand days inside the military prison system-poise,
intelligence and dignity. He appealed to the best within us. And this is why
the government fears him. America still produces heroes, some in uniform.
But now we lock them up.
The court has not yet issued an official text of Bradley Manning's
statement. Thanks to Alexa O'Brien for providing a transcript.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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