The anniversary of the death of a
Written by Alan WoodsTuesday, 05 March 2013

Josef Stalin died on this day sixty years ago. To mark this anniversary we
are going to publish a new edition of Trotsky's *Stalin* later this year,
based on Trotsky's notes. It will be the first complete version, other than
the scandalous edition produced by Charles Malamuth. Until it is ready, we
would like to draw our readers' attention to the first part of Alan Woods'
article from ten years ago, which deals with the revolution and Stalin's
defeat of the Left Opposition: Stalin: 50 years after the death of a tyrant
- Part one <>

Stalin: 50 years after the death of a tyrant - Part
Written by Alan WoodsWednesday, 05 March 2003
Fifty years ago today the world heard the news of the death of Stalin. For
decades the Stalinist propaganda machine had assiduously encouraged the
myth of Stalin as "the Lenin of today", who was supposed to have led the
Bolshevik Party together with Lenin. But all this was merely a construction
to justify the usurpation of power by a tyrant who destroyed Lenin's party,
liquidated the political conquests of October and wrecked the Communist

*"The revolution explodes the social lie. The revolution is true. It begins
by calling things and the relations between things by their proper names
[…] But the revolution itself is not an integral and harmonious process. It
is full of contradictions […] The revolution itself produces a new ruling
stratum which seeks to consolidate its privileged position and is prone to
see itself not as a transitory historical instrument, but as the completion
and crowning of history."* (Trotsky, *The Stalin School of Falsification*.)

Fifty years ago today the world heard the news of the death of Stalin. For
decades the Stalinist propaganda machine had assiduously encouraged the
myth of Stalin as "the Lenin of today", who was supposed to have led the
Bolshevik Party together with Lenin. But all this was merely a construction
to justify the usurpation of power by a tyrant who destroyed Lenin's party,
liquidated the political conquests of October and wrecked the Communist

In actual fact, Stalin played a very secondary role in the history of the
Bolshevik Party. He was made a member of the Central Committee at a time
when there was a shortage of experienced people in Russia. Stalin attended
the Fifth Party Congress in London in 1907, but uttered not a single word
in any of the sessions. Stalin was what one might call a *"practico"* - a
committeeman who was involved in the practical and administrative aspects
of the work of the revolutionary party. He was never a theoretician, a
writer or an orator. He was interested in building the Party machine.

People like this can play an important role in the Party, as long as they
are kept under the firm control of a theoretically developed and
ideologically firm leadership. But if they try to take control of the Party
and substitute organisational narrowness for theory, it is always a recipe
for disaster. Lacking the political and moral authority, they will always
resort to the apparatus to resolve internal problems. This is a finished
recipe for crises and splits. Moreover, they tend to approach every problem
from an organisational and administrative point of view. This has happened
more than once in the history of the revolutionary movement - and always
with the most negative results.

Lenin never saw the Party in such a way, although he was perfectly capable
of building an apparatus, and did so more than once. *For Lenin, the Party
was in the first place, programme, ideas, methods and traditions, and only
in the second place an apparatus to put these ideas into practice*. He
understood the dangers that could arise if the Party machine escaped from
political control.

*Stalin and the October revolution*

On several occasions Lenin clashed bitterly with the Bolshevik committeemen
on this question. At critical moments, those "practicos" showed their
complete inability to understand the revolutionary ideas and theory of
Marxism and lost their bearings. So it was with Stalin, the archetypal
committeeman or Party apparatchik. With such people, organizational
intransigence (or plain bullying) is the reflection not of strength but of
political weakness. Stalin was inclined to the Bolsheviks, not because of
their political and theoretical clarity, but because they were a
disciplined and centralised organisation. Not for nothing was Lenin's
faction in 1903 described as "the hards" as opposed to "the softs" who
supported Martov.

However the "hardness" of the Bolsheviks, their revolutionary
intransigence, was only an expression of their political line, which in
turn was rooted in Marxist theory. The centralised organisation has no
meaning in and of itself. It is only a means to an end. However, the
committeemen tended to see it as an end in itself. In a peculiar way they
repeated the view of the revisionist Bernstein, who said: "the movement is
everything, the final goal nothing". Such a statement (actually quite
meaningless) reflects the mentality of the Party "practico", the
narrow-minded apparatchik or bureaucrat who sees the revolution not as the
self-movement of the working class, but purely through the spectacles of
Party organization.

Like many other committeemen, Stalin was able to show intransigence in a
narrow sphere, but in the broader stage of the class struggle and above all
revolution, he was out of his depth. At every key moment in the history of
the Bolshevik Party in the period before the revolution, Stalin vacillated
and adapted himself to opportunism and conciliationism. He even described
the differences between Lenin and the Mensheviks as a "storm in a tea cup"
and an émigré squabble. That led to sharp conflicts with Lenin, for example
in 1912 and again in February 1917, when together with Kamenev he was in
favour of unification of the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.

*Stalin in 1917*

In April 1917 when Lenin demanded that the Bolsheviks come out firmly
against the bourgeois Provisional Government, Stalin and Kamenev
immediately disowned him in the pages of *Pravda*, stating that his
position was "unacceptable in that it starts from the assumption that the
bourgeois democratic revolution has ended [...]." (*Pravda*, April 21 (8)
1917.) Only after a sharp internal struggle did Lenin succeed in winning
over the Party for his position.

Contrary to the old mythology, Stalin's role in the October revolution was
insignificant. The attempts made by the falsified histories of the 1930s to
claim a special role for the so-called Military Revolutionary Centre of
which Stalin was a member are absurd. In fact, this committee was only a
sub-committee of the Military Revolutionary Council, which was headed by -
Leon Trotsky. In fact, the famous MRC never even functioned, and was only
remembered years later when it became necessary to find some kind of a role
for Stalin in October.

A poor speaker, Stalin's real sphere of action was not the barricades,
factories or barracks but in the Party offices, where he was working to
cultivate a layer of cronies. Maria Joffe, the widow of the Bolshevik
leader Adolph Joffe, who committed suicide in protest at the Stalinists in
the 1920s, and who herself spent 28 years in Stalin's camps, comments:

"But one of the Smolny men, puny and insignificant […] never went round
visiting factories and regiments; he sat permanently at the end of the
wire, connected with all the provinces and all the towns. Although it was
the charming, gentle Elena Stasova who was the secretary of the Central
Committee, all daily instructions, all answers to urgent queries and the
ordinary routine telegraphic traffic - all bore his [Stalin's] signature.
Thus it happened that the various county and regional organizations mostly
saw and remembered one particular name. And, conforming to an instruction,
the replies were also addressed to him. No one at the time took any notice
of the fact that this one man was gradually and persistently wooing the
provinces, getting them used to him and winning them to his side. On
occasions he would call some leading worker to come and see him and at
Party conferences he appeared to have more friends than anyone else.
Inviting them to a ‘friendly' drink, he would get to know in detail how a
particular organization functioned. That's how it was in 1917." (Maria
Joffe, *One Long Night*, pp. 69-70.)

The fact that Stalin was virtually unknown outside a narrow circle of Party
activists in 1917 is immediately clear from reading John Reed's famous
account of the October revolution, *Ten Days that Shook the World*. Lenin
described this book in his introduction as "a most truthful version of
events". He "strongly recommended this book to all the workers of the
world" and adds that this is "a book I would like to see published in
millions of copies […] and translated into all languages". But in this
book, which emphasises Trotsky's role, Stalin is hardly mentioned, although
he does speak of a vast number of people of greater or lesser importance in
1917. The book index shows that whereas Trotsky is mentioned 54 times,
Stalin is mentioned only twice. This accurately expresses the real state of
affairs. It also explains why Reed's book, despite Lenin's enthusiastic
recommendations, was withdrawn from all Soviet libraries in the 1930s and
not republished again in the USSR in Stalin's lifetime.

Soviet democracy

One of the most disgusting slanders that is constantly repeated today is
that Leninism and Stalinism are the same. In fact there is nothing in
common between the regime of workers democracy established by Lenin and
Trotsky and the totalitarian monstrosity that Stalin erected over the dead
bones of the Bolshevik Party.

Already in *State and Revolution*, written in the revolutionary days of
1917, Lenin laid down the four conditions for Soviet power - not for
Socialism or Communism, but for the first days of workers' power:

Free and democratic elections with right of recall for all Soviet officials.

No official to receive a higher wage than a skilled worker.

No standing army or police force but the armed people.

Gradually, all the tasks of running the state must be done by everybody in
turn. "When everybody is a ‘bureaucrat' in turn, nobody is a bureaucrat."

These elementary principles of Leninism were contained in the 1919 Party
Programme. It is true that, under difficult conditions where the revolution
was isolated amidst terrible backwardness, hunger and illiteracy, there
were inevitable distortions. As early as 1920 Lenin said that "ours is a
workers state with bureaucratic deformations". But these were relatively
small deformations, and nothing like the monstrous regime later established
by Stalin.

The real cause of the problems faced by the Bolsheviks was the isolation of
the revolution. Lenin and Trotsky formed the Communist International in
1919 as a means of breaking out of this isolation. This was the only way
forward. The 1919 Party Programme was written in terms of uncompromising
proletarian internationalism. It started from the premise that "the era of
the world-wide proletarian revolution had begun".

It explained that "deprivation of political rights and any kind of
limitation of freedom are necessary as temporary measures" due to war and
that "the Party will aim to replace and completely abolish them". But this
aim was postponed by the invasion of the Soviet state by 21 armies of
foreign intervention that plunged the country into a bloodbath.

Despite everything the working class enjoyed democratic rights. The 1919
Party programme specified that "all the working masses without exception
must be induced to take part in the work of state administration".
Direction of the planned economy was to be mainly in the hands of the trade
unions. Collectivisation was not mentioned, but rather support for various
types of co-operatives.

This document was immediately translated into all the main languages of the
world and widely distributed. However, by the time of the Purges in 1936 it
was already regarded as a dangerous document and all copies of it were
quietly removed from all libraries and bookshops in the USSR.

A commission was set up, with Stalin as chairperson, to produce a new Party
programme. Besides Stalin there were 25 other Party officials, including
Voznesensky, Beria and Bagirov - each of whom were later shot as "enemies
of the people". When Lenin and Trotsky stood at the head of the Party, its
congresses were held every year without fail, even in the difficult years
of the Civil War. Under Stalin, thirteen years passed before the 19th Party
congress was held in October 1952. *We had the grotesque situation where
for many years the USSR was ruled by a Party whose (theoretically still
valid) programme was actually banned by the censorship.*

*The general secretary*

The general secretary was never the most important post in the leadership
of the Bolshevik Party, having a mainly administrative character. Before
Stalin the general secretary was Sverdlov, an outstanding organizer and a
man of high moral character. But Sverdlov died in March 1919. Lenin was
anxious to find a replacement and thought that Stalin was the best
candidate. But Stalin was no Sverdlov. From 1919, with the growth of the
new party apparatus, the post of general secretary became much more
important. In December 1919 a new rule was passed making district
secretaries a full-time post.

>From 1920 on there was a steady stream of complaints about "bureaucratism"
in the Party. But these complaints were at first concerned with the abuses
of individuals, red tape, etc. At this stage this was a relatively healthy
workers' state, with only minor bureaucratic deviations. But this was about
to change.

To the degree that the working class was exhausted and weakened by the long
years of war, revolution and civil war, they fell into passivity. This led
to a colossal increase in bureaucracy. The end of the civil war greatly
increased the problem. The demobilization of the Red Army meant that a
large number of former military personnel were absorbed into the state
apparatus. These people were mainly honest Communists, but had got used to
the method of command.

Lenin wanted a strong person at the centre of the Party apparatus to root
out corruption and bureaucratism. He thought that Stalin was such a person,
but he was mistaken. Once installed in such an important post, Stalin began
to staff the Party's central offices with cronies such as Kaganovich, who
was put in charge of the Party's Organizational Department (Orgotdel). This
committee controlled appointments. It therefore had powers of patronage. It
would never have occurred to Sverdlov to use this position for personal
gain. And the Party itself was very clear on the question of appointments
and non-elective positions in general. The Tenth Party Congress, held under
very difficult circumstances, passed the following resolution on the trade

"It is above all necessary to put into practice […] on a wide scale the
principle of elections to all organs […] and to do away with the method of
appointments from the top."

On the Party, another resolution stated that all members must be ensured
"an active part in the life of the party, in the discussions of all
questions arising in the party". Moreover, "the nature of workers'
democracy excludes every form of appointment in place of election as a
system". (See *KPRSS v rezolyutsiyakh*, vol. 1, pp. 516-27 and 534-49.)

In general, the system of appointments would only be permissible in
underground conditions. However, Stalin systematically used the system of
appointments to build a base of support among Party officials grateful to
him for promotion.

*Lenin versus Stalin*

Every bureaucracy tends to become a closed caste of privileged elements,
anxious only to defend their vested interests. To imagine that a workers'
state is somehow immune to such tendencies is foolish. But in a workers'
state in conditions of extreme backwardness, with a weak and exhausted
working class and a largely illiterate peasant population, the dangers of
bureaucratic degeneration were extreme. That is why Lenin was alarmed. He
saw that the bureaucracy could undermine and destroy the Soviet state - and
history has proved him correct.

In an attempt to fight against bureaucracy, Lenin set up Rabkrin - the
Workers and Peasants Inspectorate and put Stalin in charge of it. But
instead of fighting bureaucracy, Rabkrin became a hotbed of bureaucracy. In
one of his last letters Lenin says that Rabkrin does not have a shred of
authority and demands its reorganisation. Lenin warned many times,
especially in his last writings and speeches, of the danger of
bureaucratism in a workers' state. His advice to remove Stalin from the
post of general secretary was no accident. *He gradually realised that
Stalin represented the very bureaucratic tendencies he was warning against.*

During Lenin's last illness, he launched a sharp struggle against Stalin
over his handling of the national question - a matter of life and death for
the October revolution.* *In 1920, without consulting the leadership,
Stalin staged what amounted to a coup when he engineered the invasion of
Georgia, a soviet republic where the Mensheviks were in control. Faced with
a *fait d'accompli*, Lenin reluctantly acquiesced but issued stern warnings
that the Georgians were to be treated with sensitivity and respect.

Stalin's henchman Ordzhonikidze was made virtual dictator of Georgia. Lenin
bombarded him with directives urging moderation and advising that
concessions should be made to the Georgian Mensheviks. This advice was
ignored. The situation got so bad that Stalin's agents were acting like an
occupying force. The Georgian Bolshevik leaders protested, but they were
answered with the tactics of bullying and intimidation. On one occasion, a
Georgian Bolshevik was physically assaulted by Ordzhonikidze. Such an act
was completely unprecedented, although it was nothing compared to the
wholesale violence later used by Stalin and his gangsters.

In 1922 Stalin, Dzerzhinsky and Ordzhonikidze were using violence and
bullying tactics to force the Georgian government to accept the dictates of
Moscow. With Lenin, now seriously ill, Stalin used his control of the Party
apparatus to isolate Lenin completely. But Lenin found out about the
Georgian affair, and he was scandalised by the conduct of Stalin and his
henchmen Dzerzhinsky and Ordzhonikidze. It had serious implications not
just for the national question but also for the future of Soviet democracy
in general. He clearly understood that Stalin and his bureaucratic clique
was behind all this - hence his decision to remove Stalin as general

Stalin attempted to isolate Lenin, using his control over the Party
apparatus and the Kremlin doctors. Despite his failing health, Lenin
dictated a series of notes to his secretaries, which he managed to smuggle
out with the assistance of his wife, Krupskaya. One of these messages was a
secret memorandum to Trotsky, asking him to take charge of the defence of
Lenin's positions at the forthcoming Party congress. The existence of this
correspondence between Lenin and Trotsky was revealed to Kamenev by
Trotsky, who did not know that Kamenev and Zinoviev had formed a secret
bloc with Stalin.

On the 22nd of December 1922, Kamenev wrote to Stalin:

"Tonight T[rotsky] phoned me, saying he had received a note from St[arik]
(i.e. Lenin, AW), who, though he is happy with the congressional report on
Vneshtorg (the Ministry of Foreign Trade, AW), wants T[rotsky] to deliver a
report on this question to a faction of the Congress and to prepare the
ground to put this question to the Party Congress. Apparently, he means to
strengthen his position. Trotsky did not offer his opinion, but he asked
that the matter be handed over to the section of the CC responsible for the
conduct of the Congress. I promised him to tell you about it, and I am
doing this.

"I could not reach you by phone.

"In my report I am going to present the resolution of the CC Plenum with
fervour, I shake your hand.

"L. Kam[enev]"

Stalin answered immediately:

"Comrade Kamenev!
"I have received your note. I think we should confine ourselves to the
statement in your report without bringing this up at the faction. How did
Starik manage to organize this correspondence with Trotsky? Foerster
utterly forbade him to do it.

J. Stalin."
(*Izvestiya Ts. Kom. KPSS*, 1989, p. 191.)

These two letters were not published in the Soviet Union until 1989. When
Stalin found out about the memorandum he flew into a fury and phoned
Krupskaya to warn her not to meddle. Krupskaya tried to defend herself and
in the course of the conversation Stalin swore at her and abused her in the
most shameless fashion, calling her a "whore" and a "syphilitic bitch".
These expressions sufficiently illustrate Stalin's character and the degree
of his loyalty and affection to the dying Lenin.

The next day, Krupskaya wrote to Kamenev, protesting bitterly about
Stalin's conduct:

"Lev Borisych,
"With regard to the short dictation I took from Vlad. Ilyich with his
doctor's permission, Stalin spoke to me yesterday in the rudest terms. This
is not my first day as a Party member - and during these 30 years I have
not heard a single rude word from any of my comrades. The Party interests
and those of Ilyich are no less dear to me than to Stalin. Now I need to
exercise great self-control. I know better than any doctor what I may or
may not tell Ilyich, as I know what agitates him and what does not. At any
rate I know it better than Stalin. I am appealing to you and to Grigorii
(Zinoviev, AW), as the closest friends of V.I. and I beg you to defend me
from the rude interference into my personal life, from unseemly swearing
and threats. I don't doubt the unanimous decision of the Control
Commission, with which Stalin took liberties to threaten me, but I have
neither the strength nor the time to spend on this stupid squabble. I am a
human being and my nerves are extremely strained.

N. Krupskaya"
(Lenin, Collected Works in Russian, vol. 54, 1965, pp. 674-5.)

On March 5th 1923, Lenin dictated a letter to Stalin in which he broke off
all personal and comradely relations with him - an unprecedented action. On
the same day Lenin offered Trotsky a bloc against Stalin. He asked Trotsky
"urgently to undertake the defence of Georgia in the Central Committee".
The following day Lenin sent Trotsky three notes on the national question
that he had dictated some ten weeks before.

If Lenin had not fallen ill, Stalin would undoubtedly have been removed
from his post of general secretary. One of his secretaries remarked that
Vladimir Ilyich was "preparing a bomb" for Stalin at the Party Congress. He
sent a note to the Georgian Bolshevik leaders Mdivani and Makharadze,
giving them his support "with all my heart" against Stalin.

Although Lenin had broken all relations with Stalin and demanded his
removal as general secretary, Stalin managed to hold onto his position by a
series of manoeuvres. As a result Lenin's Testament was not made public,
despite Krupskaya's protests. At the meeting of the Politburo and Presidium
where the matter was discussed, Stalin said:

"I suggest there is no reason to publish, especially as Ilyich gave no
instructions to do so." (D. Volkogonov, *Trotsky*, p. 243.)

Lenin's step in breaking off relations with Stalin is unprecedented. His
Testament was a devastating blow. But the message was never made public.
Lenin's Testament remained hidden from the people of the USSR until
Khrushchov quoted it in the secret session at the 20th Congress of the CPSU
in 1956. Before that it had been published by the Trotskyists in the West,
but denounced as a forgery by the Stalinists. They were rude and disloyal
to Lenin's last wish.

*After Lenin's death*

As long as Lenin was alive, the Stalin clique had to proceed cautiously.
The memories of the October revolution were too recent, and Lenin's
personal authority too great. But once Lenin was removed, they began
manoeuvring to seize control of the Party. Stalin's ambition was fuelled by
the death of Lenin, whom he mortally feared. After Lenin's death, a caste
of privileged officials usurped power in the Soviet Union. They were
represented inside the Party by the bureaucratic faction that formed around

A secret triumvirate was formed of Zinoviev, Kamenev and Stalin, aimed at
isolating Trotsky. In his Testament, Lenin not only referred to Trotsky as
the most capable member of the Central Committee but also stated that his
non-Bolshevik past "should not be held against him personally". Yet the
triumvirate ignored Lenin's advice and launched a vitriolic campaign
against Trotsky, inventing the myth of "Trotskyism". As part of this they
created the cult of Lenin. Against Krupskaya's wishes, his body was
embalmed and placed on public display in the mausoleum in Red Square. Later
Krupskaya stated: "All his life Vladimir Ilyich was against icons, and now
they have turned him into an icon."

A fatal role in all this was played by Zinoviev and Kamenev, who were
motivated by petty considerations of ambition and jealously to open up a
campaign of calumny against Trotsky. When Lenin described Trotsky in his
Testament as the most capable member of the Central Committee it offended
Zinoviev in particular, who regarded himself as the natural successor to
Lenin. Of course, such things as personal animosities, jealousy and rivalry
can never determine the outcome of broad historical processes. They rather
fall under the heading of historical accident. But as Hegel explained with
such profundity, necessity expresses itself through accident. By acting as
they did Kamenev and Zinoviev undoubtedly facilitated Stalin's task and
greatly accelerated the process of bureaucratic degeneration.

Lenin did not trust Kamenev and Zinoviev, and warned in his Testament that
their conduct during the October revolution was not an accident. Again, his
judgement was shown to be correct. Stalin used them for the purpose of
discrediting Trotsky, and then turned against them. More correctly, they
turned against Stalin when they realised where he was leading the USSR. For
a time they participated with Trotsky in the Left Opposition. Then,
typically, they capitulated to Stalin when things got difficult.

Stalin's speech at Lenin's funeral was a typical example of his hypocrisy.
He was relieved that Lenin had died, since he knew that Lenin was
determined to have him removed. Yet he delivered a funeral oration in terms
of Byzantine worship. It was quite safe to flatter Lenin once he was dead -
sometimes dead men are more useful than living ones. Couched in the
language of the Orthodox Church liturgy that Stalin had learned in the
seminary, it was more like a religious incantation than a Marxist speech.
This was no accident, for while building up a religious cult of Lenin,
Stalin was trampling underfoot the most elementary principles and policies
of Leninism. Under the banner of "Leninism" he was establishing a new creed
of Stalinism, the polar opposite of the ideas of the Bolshevik Party.

There is, of course, nothing new in all this. Every usurpatory caste in
history has always been obliged to conceal its revisionism under the guise
of "orthodoxy". The revolutionary communist ideas of the early Christians
were turned into a defence of privilege and worldly wealth when it was
taken over by the state under Constantine. The church had changed into its
opposite, and became the church of the rich and privileged, but was
nevertheless compelled to pay lip service to the name of the son of a poor
Jewish carpenter and rebel from Galilee. In the same way Napoleon
Bonaparte, while trampling underfoot the traditions of the French
revolution, and placing the imperial crown on his head, continued to speak
in the language of the Republic of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

*The United Opposition*

More than an idea, Stalinism began as a definite mood of reaction among the
officials. The campaign against "Trotskyism" was in essence the reflection
of a petty bourgeois reaction against October. The numerous caste of Soviet
officials were tired of the storm and stress of revolution, which they
associated with the idea of "permanent revolution", although the real
meaning of this idea was a closed book for them.

In a manoeuvre to dilute the Party with raw elements and swamp the Leninist
vanguard, Stalin organised the so-called Lenin Levy. The doors were thrown
open and a mass of new recruits were allowed to join and vote in the
congress, in disregard of the Party rules, according to which they only had
the status of candidate members.

Maria Joffe recalls: "The Party gates, guarded so vigilantly so as not to
admit anyone unworthy, were flung wide open: workmen, office workers, civil
service bureaucrats entered in their masses, lured by the promise of much
scope. All they needed was to prove themselves to be ‘disciplined' and
‘aware'. The deeply convinced political meaning of the ‘Lenin enrolment'
was mainly to water down the revolutionary front ranks - by human raw
material, neither hardened in battle, nor experienced, and not of
independent mind, but certainly possessing the ancient and now greatly
cultivated Russian habit of fearing the authorities and blindly obeying
them." (Maria Joffe, *One Long Night*, pp. 71-2.)

By the end of 1927, over 60 percent of the secretaries of the primary Party
cells had joined the Party after 1921 -that is, after the end of the Civil
War. In the period of the revolution and Civil War, Party membership
conferred no advantages and involved only risks and sacrifices. But after
1921 this changed. The Party was in power and attracted all sorts of
careerist elements. They owed their advancement to Stalin and could be
relied upon to support him against the Party's left wing.

In August 1922 the number of full-time Party officials was 15,325. At the
time of the Fourteenth congress in 1925 it was about 20,000. These
functionaries were paid up to 50 percent more than the scales laid down for
comparable government employees and, more importantly, enjoyed privileges
not available to workers. They therefore had material interests to defend.

However, the anti-working class and anti-socialist policies of the
bureaucracy had to be disguised in "socialist" phraseology. This was
provided by the anti-Marxist "theory" of socialism in one country. But when
Stalin advanced this reactionary slogan, violating every principle of
Leninism, it was too much for Kamenev and Zinoviev. They broke with him.
They then attempted to defend the basis ideas of Leninism and the October
revolution, albeit in a half-hearted and vacillating manner.

Eventually, Kamenev and Zinoviev joined forces with Trotsky to form the
United Left Opposition, which included, among many prominent Old
Bolsheviks, Lenin's widow Krupskaya. She said at a meeting of the Left
Opposition in 1926 that "if Vladimir Ilyich were alive today, he would be
in one of Stalin's jails". This was an indication of how far things had
gone. Later, when Kamenev and Zinoviev capitulated and were murdered by
Stalin, Krupskaya was silenced by Stalin's threats and blackmail. He warned
her that if she crossed him again he could always find another "Lenin's

Stalin now veered to the right and joined forces with Bukharin, who stood
at the head of that section of the Party that advocated concessions to the
rich peasants (kulaks). He advanced the slogan directed at the peasants:
"Enrich yourselves, develop your farms and do not fear that you will be
subjected to restrictions."

Expulsion of the Opposition

The Opposition defended the principles of Leninism and October. It warned
against the disastrous policy of compromising with the rich peasants, and
advocated taxing the kulaks and industrialization, including five year
plans, linked with measures to restore workers' democracy, against
bureaucratism and for proletarian internationalism.

But the struggle was uneven. Stalin mobilized the full weight of the
apparatus to crush the Opposition. Oppositionists were sacked from their
jobs, expelled from the Party, persecuted and arrested. Stalin used
hooligans to break up Opposition meetings. All this was completely alien to
the clean traditions of the Bolshevik Party.

The rightward zig-zag in Russia was followed by a rightward zig-zag
internationally. The policies of Stalin and Bukharin were ruinous to the
Communist International. They ensured one defeat after another - in
Estonia, Bulgaria, Britain, and worst of all in China.

Stalin, the narrow-minded "practico" tried to base himself on the right
wing internationally, just as he tried to base himself on the kulaks in
Russia. Having no confidence in the working class or the Communist
International, he sought deals and alliances with the right wing trade
leaders in Britain and with Chiang Kai Shek in China. Chiang was even put
on the International Executive Committee of the Comintern, with only one
vote against - that of Leon Trotsky.

Every new defeat for the international revolution deepened the
disillusionment and despair of the Soviet workers and increased the
confidence of the bureaucrats.

Finally, in 1927 the Fifteenth Party congress voted to expel the
Opposition. It was packed with Stalin's supporters, so the result was a
foregone conclusion. Trotsky and other Opposition speakers were heckled and
barracked by the Stalinists - a blatant departure from the scrupulous
democratic traditions of Lenin's party.

The bureaucracy triumphed not because of the mistakes of the Opposition, or
because of the far-sightedness of Stalin, but because the working class was
exhausted by the long years of war, revolution and civil war. They were
disappointed and dispirited.

The Soviet functionaries yearned for peace and order, so that they could
quietly get on with their administrative tasks. They did not understand
Bolshevik internationalism and distrusted it. They were equally hostile to
Soviet democracy that allowed the workers to "interfere" with their plans
and the functioning of their departments.

"A political struggle is in its essence a struggle of interests and
forces," Trotsky wrote, "not of arguments. The quality of leadership is, of
course, far from a matter of indifference for the outcome of the conflict,
but it is not the only factor, and in the last analysis is not decisive.
Each of the struggling camps, moreover, demands leaders in its own image." (
*The Revolution Betrayed*, pp. 86-7.)

The argument that Stalin won because he was more skilful and perspicacious
than Trotsky is entirely false. The struggle was determined by the class
balance of forces, which by this time was unfavourable to the proletarian
vanguard. The personalities of the contending forces were an entirely
secondary feature. What happened here was a triumph of the bureaucracy over
the Soviet working class and its vanguard. *In the person of Stalin the
bureaucracy found a leader in its own image*.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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