3/13: Iraq Ten  Years Later: Our Work at Home, in Iraq and Around the World 

Ten years ago this month the United Sates  embarked on one of the worst 
foreign policy decisions in the nation’s  history. Fooling itself into 
believing that U.S. soldiers would be  welcomed as liberators, the Bush 
Administration ordered the invasion of  Iraq. March 19th began a more 
subjugation and destruction of  Iraq that really began with Operation Desert 
in January 1991 when I  was part of that invading force.  

Today due to the resistance  of the Iraqi people and domestic      
pressure created by the peace movement here in  the U.S., officially U.S. 
forces have left Iraq and the Iraqi people are  picking up the pieces of a 
destroyed national infrastructure and  fragmented society. The two decades of 
Iraq Wars from 1991 to when the  last U.S. troops left in 2011 must not be 
swept aside like a bad dream to  be forgotten.  Our nation has an obligation 
to the people of Iraq and  to U.S. service members sent to fight, bleed and 
die there. I congratulate  the peace movement for its successful efforts to 
bring our troops home and  end the violence caused by U.S. military 
operations and or the presence of  our forces, but there is still much work to 
do to 
help the people of Iraq  and U.S. troops and the communities to which they 
have returned heal.  

As always the peace and anti-war community is busy with over  flowing 
plates of work to do. There have been important developments in  the Bradley 
Manning case. He needs our support as much as anyone. March is  Women’s History 
month and as we celebrate the triumphs and continuing  struggles of women 
here at home, the challenges women face around the  world in the U.S. war 
machine and in the aftermath of U.S. wars must be  part of the dialogue. 

We are beginning preparations for the April  15th Global Day of Action on 
Military Spending to end the madness of  international squandering of 
material resources and people’s lives and we  must support our allies in the 
struggle for a clean and sustainable  environment so that we can have safe food 
and clean air and  water.

Thank you for your devotion to peace and justice. We will  continue in the 
struggle because it honors those who brought us this far,  it is the right 
thing to do, and we know that together we are making a  difference for the 

Power to the peaceful
Michael T.  McPhearson
Iraq War Anniversary

Our only hope is in a cultural and  political revolution - Yanar Mohammed, 
Organization of Women's Freedom in  Iraq President
International  Women’s Day celebration this year coincides with the tenth 
anniversary of  the tragic attack of the US war-machine on millions of 
unsuspecting Iraqi  civilians, causing one of the biggest human crises of 
times, under  the pretext of liberating Iraq and the women and men of Iraq . 
_Read  More_ 
_Back to top_ (mip://11967c20/default.html#top)  
10 Years Later, Preemption Still Doesn't  Work 

Coleen  Rowley- Exactly a decade ago, when Bush-Cheney's war machine was 
hell-bent  on invading Iraq and few Washington power figures were brave enough 
to get  in the way, I made _this appeal_ 
  to FBI Director 
Robert Mueller. The  Cassandra business of warning about catastrophes that come 
true is  certainly a thankless proposition. But it's hardly the time to 
stop trying  when ten years later, the consequences of instituting the 
"preemptive war"  doctrine have become even more painfully obvious and 
_Read  More_ 
_Back to top_ (mip://11967c20/default.html#top)  
For Iraqi women, America's promise of  democracy is anything but liberation 

A  decade on from the US-led invasion of _Iraq_ 
 ,  the 
destruction caused by foreign occupation and the subsequent regime has  had a 
massive impact on Iraqis' daily life – the most disturbing example  of which is 
violence against women. At the same time, the sectarian  regime's policy on 
religious garb is forcing women to retire their  hard-earned rights across 
the spectrum: employment, freedom of movement,  civil marriage, welfare 
benefits, and the right to education and health  services ._Read  More_ 
_Back to top_ (mip://11967c20/default.html#top)  
Ten Years of War: Stories from the  Frontlines in SF 

March  19th is the 10th Anniversary of the commencement of the War in Iraq: 
A war  that ended quietly in December 2011 and was quickly and deeply 
forgotten  by many. It's consequences, though, are far-reaching and very 
As  we reach the watermark of a decade since the war began it seems a 
fitting  time to have a frank discussion of what the war has wrought for those 
who  have participated in it.  _Read  More_ 
_Back  to top_ 
Womens Rights 
On International Women's Day, NOW Denounces  Anti-Woman Austerity Policies

On  International Women's Day, the National Organization for Women calls 
upon  leaders in the United States to firmly reject the austerity model that 
has  been economically devastating to our sisters in Europe. Call it what you 
 like -- austerity, sequester, deficit reduction, balancing the budget. I  
call it a stealth attack on women. _Read  More_ 
_Back  to top_ 
Update from the Bradley Manning Support  Network

Our  office is in the process of obtaining approval to release the  
statement PFC Manning read to the Court in support of his providence  inquiry 
on 28 
February 2013.  As with every Defense filing,  the statement will be 
reviewed and redacted prior to publication._  Read  More_ 
_Back  to top_ 
Veterans For Peace Applauds Bradley  Manning!

Bradley  Manning has shown us once again that he is a hero. On Thursday, 
February  28, he made a profound and historic statement to a military court 
and to  the world. Reading from prepared notes for over an hour, Bradley 
detailed  how he released classified military and government documents to 
Wikileaks,  and he explained why he did so. _Read  More_ 
_Back  to top_ 
GDAMS - Global Day of Action on Military  Spending 

We  are organizing a Global Day of Action on Military Spending each year in 
 April to coincide with the release of the Stockholm International Peace  
Research Institute’s (SIPRI) annual figures on world military  expenditures. 
It is also Tax Day in the US. In 2013, GDAMS will take place  on Monday, 
April 15.. _Read  More_ 
_Back  to top_ 
JAPAN: Vigil highlights Japan’s historic vow  to renounce war

On  Friday, February 22, Pax Christi USA and the Dorothy Day Catholic  
Worker held a vigil outside the White House, while President Barack Obama  and 
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met inside for lunch. The Japanese  prime 
minister is from a political party calling for the repeal of Article  9 of 
the Japanese Constitution which renounces war and prevents Japan from  
becoming a nuclear power.. _Read  More_ 
_Back  to top_ 
Nonviolence scholar Gene Sharp nominated for  2013 Nobel Peace Prize 

HILADELPHIA  (February 25, 2013) – Gene Sharp, whose decades of research 
and analyses  of the effectiveness of nonviolence has been used worldwide to 
create or  support fledgling democracies, has been nominated for the 2013 
Nobel Peace  Prize by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). _Read  
_Back  to top_ 
Resist AFRICOM is a campaign comprised of  concerned U.S. and Africa-based 
organizations and individuals opposed to  the new U.S. military command for 
Africa (AFRICOM). 

Resist AFRICOM is a campaign  comprised of concerned U.S. and Africa-based 
organizations and individuals  opposed to the new U.S. military command for 
Africa (AFRICOM).With the  establishment of AFRICOM, the Pentagon attempts 
to increase access to  Africa's oil and to wage a new front in the Global War 
on Terror without  regard for the needs or desires of African people. 
Enabled by oil  companies and private military contractors, AFRICOM serves as 
latest  frontier in military expansionism, violating the human rights and 
civil  liberties of Africans who have voiced a strong "no" to U.S. military  
.  _Read  More_ 
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Iran War Weekly 

After  eight months of low-profile inactivity, the Iranian nuclear issue 
sprang  to life this week in widely separate venues: Washington and  
Kazakhstan.  In Kazakhstan’s capital Almaty, Iran’s nuclear  negotiators met 
the “P5+1” (the five permanent members of the UN  Security Council, plus 
Germany). _  Read  More_ 
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Prosperity Not Austerity Tour  

While  our communities suffer and so many desperately need jobs, 58% of the 
U.S.  government’s discretionary budget goes to the Pentagon. Most of this 
huge  budget is both unnecessary and wasteful. Saturday, March 23, 
Marylanders  will hit the road to demand that Congress prioritize human needs 
war.  Supporters from DC and VA will join us at the end at a Capitol rally --  
co-sponsored by CODEPINK, United for Peace & Justice, Progressive  
Democrats of America, DC Labor Council, Peace Action, MoveOn DC, Pax  Christi 
DC-Baltimore and Institute for Policy Studies' Genuine  Progress Project. 
_Read  More_ 
_Back  to top_ 
No Fracking, No Pipelines
Something is happening in the Delaware River watershed, something  
important and inspiring.Yesterday over 100 people from dozens of New  York, New 
Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware groups joined together in one  of the most 
empowering actions I’ve been part of in a long time  
_Read  More_ 
_Back  to top_ 
Tell President Obama: Stop the Keystone XL  Pipeline 

Essentially  game over" for the climate. That's what climate scientist 
James Hansen  calls the proposed Keystone XL pipeline -- which would carry oil 
out of  Canada's vast tar sands oil fields to Texas, where it will be 
refined,  then burned across the globe, dealing a catastrophic blow to our 
of  returning earth to a stable climate. 
_Read  More_ 
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_Donate to UFPJ_ 
 - help  us continue this critical  work
Get  Involved with UFPJ
    *   _Legislative  Working Group
     *   _Afghanistan  Working Group
     *   _Disarmament/Redefining  Security Working Group_ 
_Click  here for a list of UFPJ Member Groups_ 


Our  only hope is in a cultural and political revolution
_Read  More_ 
Ten  Years Latter, Preemption Still doesn't work
_Read  More_ 
For  Iraqi Women- No Liberation
_Read  More_ 
Ten  years from the front lines
_Read  More_ 
NOW  on International Womens Day
_Read  More_ 
Updates  from Bradley Manning Trail
_Read  More_ 
VFP  Supports Bradly Manning
_Read  More_ 
Global  Day of Against Military Spending
_Read  More_ 
Japan  Continues to Say no to War
_Read  More _ 
Gene  Sharp Nomiated for Nobel Peace Prize
_Read  More_ 
Resist  Africom
_Read  More_ 
Iran  War Weekly
_Read  More_ 
Prosperity  Not Austerrity Tour
_Read  More_ 
No  Fracking No Pipelines
_Read  More_ 
Tell  Obama No KXL
_Read  More_ 
   to  submit items for future newsletters, 
please send a short, nationally  relevant paragraph to  ro...@unitedforpeace.org

Peace NO War Network_ http://www.PeaceNOWar.net_ 
War  is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And  another world is possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news  across the World, please visit:_  
http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
e-mail: _Info@PeaceNoWar.net_ (mailto:pe...@actionla.org) 
Tel:  (213)403-0131

Please Join PeaceNoWar Listserv, send e-mail to: _peacenowar-subscr
ibe@lists.riseup.net_ (mailto:peacenowar-subscr...@lists.riseup.net) 

Please Donate to Peace No War Network!
Send check  pay to:

P.O. Box  751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All donations are tax  deductible)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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