Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has reneged on promises to Palestine
Amira Howeidy 
The Electronic Intifada 
21 March 2013 
Many Palestinians celebrated when Morsi was elected Egyptian 
president, but the Muslim Brotherhood’s record on Palestine since coming to 
power has been questionable.(Wesam Nassar / APA images) 
The euphoria that erupted in Gaza minutes after Hosni Mubarak stepped down on 
11 February 2011 probably came second only to Egypt’s. The ousted dictator was 
Israel’s “strategic asset” for good reason. He 
secured the blockade of the Gaza Strip from the Egyptian side, sided 
against Hamas and proved a reliable ally.
Even during the 22-day Israeli war on Gaza at the end of 2008, Mubarak kept the 
Rafah border crossing firmly shut, in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention 
which binds 
Egypt, as a signatory, to protect civilians during times of war and 
foreign occupation.
Egypt’s dictator was removed but his legacy continues to influence 
realities on the ground in Gaza and around the Palestinian question in 
general. It does not help that his successor, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad 
Morsi, has done little to prove — thus far — that his policies will change 
course. Of course nothing is that simple. Morsi, willingly, inherited a 
difficult legacy of a mammoth, corrupt bureaucracy and questionable 
sovereignty after decades of subservience to the United States.
But judging from their discourse and performance during the past 
year, it’s evident that the Brotherhood — including their Freedom and 
Justice Party and the president — are too eager to prove their 
power-worthiness by demonstrating “pragmatism” and flexibility to the 
international community.
Some Brotherhood figures and sympathizers argue that this is vital to securing 
their ascendance to power in a shaky transition and to quell 
the fears of skeptics. This might be valid in some cases (where the 
regional balance of power isn’t in their favor) but it poses compelling 
questions on how far Morsi will go in Mubarak’s shoes under the pretext 
of realpolitik — and if he’ll eventually find himself trapped there.
Gaza is the barometer
Gaza, which shares a 14-kilometer-long border with Egypt, is probably one of 
the best barometers for Cairo’s foreign policy independence — or lack thereof.
It’s where Egypt is forced to be involved in the Palestinian question 
especially since Hamas’s takeover of the strip in 2007 and Israel’s 
subsequent land, sea and air siege. Under an expired one-year agreement 
(2005-2006) between Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the European Union, 
only people (those who are not on Tel Aviv’s 
blacklist) are allowed though the Egyptian-controlled Rafah border 
crossing, not goods.
“Approved” commodities are permitted though the Israeli-controlled Karem Abu 
Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing. While Egypt wasn’t party to this agreement, it 
continues to hold it, seven years after it became invalid.
In the language of the Egyptian-Israeli peace agreement, the Egyptian town of 
Rafah is in Area C — the demilitarized zone in the Sinai peninsula, which 
strictly limits Egyptian forces to a lightly armed 
police presence. It’s also the site of hundreds of underground tunnels that 
link the Palestinian and Egyptian sides of Rafah, which have mushroomed since 
the Israeli siege of Gaza and provide a lifeline for the strip.
It’s no exaggeration to say that without the tunnels, Gaza’s 1.7-million strong 
population will suffer, not just because 
Israel allows only one third of the strip’s needs in via the goods 
crossings, but also because the vast majority of Gazans can’t afford 
Israeli products and depend on cheaper Egyptian ones. The resistance 
also relies on these tunnels (amongst other channels) for much-needed 
Because of this and the fact that a largely unmonitored underground 
world intertwines Gaza with Egypt, the tunnels opportunely surface as a 
security and political issue for Cairo.
Since the killing of sixteen Egyptian border guards last August in Rafah by 
still-unknown assailants, the military 
retaliated by launching “Operation Eagle 2” to purge Sinai of “criminal 
elements.” None were identified, but the media, in typical Mubarak-era 
fashion, was quick to blame Palestinians. After shelling mainly desert 
areas in northeast Sinai the army demolished dozens of tunnels and 
rounded up “suspects.”
Changes at Rafah crossing
It was the first time that the tunnels were targeted since Morsi came to power. 
But the impact of the demolitions wasn’t detrimental and the 
policy was reversed when, after Morsi sacked the military’s top brass, 
the Rafah border crossing was opened on a daily basis for the first time since 
the Israeli siege began.
While this was attributed to Morsi’s influence, Hamas officials say 
that since Mubarak’s ouster and the military’s takeover, the number of 
Palestinians allowed passage — in the days that the border was open — 
had increased from approximately 350 or 450 to 1,000, a sign that the 
generals were slightly less stringent than Mubarak on this issue.
Moreover, the military leadership had given deputy leader of the Hamas 
politburo Mousa Abu Marzook (previously based in Damascus, along with other 
with exile resistance factions) permission to live in Cairo, which was 
unthinkable before the revolution.
The difference since Morsi assumed office has been the daily opening 
of the crossing, which, by all accounts is a significant development and a far 
cry from the weeks-long closures that would happen in Mubarak 
times. Not only is Egypt and thus the rest of the world accessible to 
most Gazans, Palestine-solidarity delegations from all over the world 
and high-level state envoys have been visiting the strip regularly, many for 
the first time, in defiance of the siege and ultimately giving 
recognition to the Hamas rulers. It’s not what Israel had in mind when 
it imposed its blockade — which is precisely why Mubarak preserved the 
The changes at the crossing are one of the few developments that 
offer some insight into how Egypt under a Brotherhood president is 
managing the Palestinian file. There is a difference in modus operandi, but the 
outcome shows no signs of shaping a new reality. Instead of 
equating it with Egypt’s other international border crossings, Rafah is 
still hostage to the Mubarak-era’s calculations and commitments to 
Israel. It might be open daily, but as per Israel’s demands, Egypt will 
not allow even a cement bag through, directing goods onto 
Israeli-controlled Karem Abu Salem.
In the Mubarak continuum, Egypt-Gaza relations and the Palestinian 
file are still controlled by Egyptian intelligence, who are also 
involved in the military’s strategy in Sinai and Rafah. The management 
of the Rafah crossing is completely under the intelligence’s control and run by 
their mentality and calculations. While Morsi is kept informed, 
it is unlikely that his views, if any different, will be heeded.
But the Muslim Brotherhood’s media spokesman Gehad El-Haddad claimed 
to me two weeks ago that the Egyptian intelligence services are “fully 
under the command” of the president, and executing his orders and vision (“‘We 
will not let Egypt fall’,” Al-Ahram Weekly, 6 March). And so Morsi “is 
responsible for what happens on the ground in Rafah.”
Flooding Gaza’s tunnels with sewage
Last month “Operation Eagle 2” resumed tunnel demolitions 
aggressively, flooding many of them with sewage. More than 400 have been 
destroyed so far according to military sources cited by the local 
media. No one will say how far the military is going to go but given 
previous tunnel demolitions under Mubarak, the operation should be well 
calculated to leave enough tunnels to smuggle most of Gaza’s needs.
It’s still a disappointing development for Hamas’s leaders who, 
because of their sensitive situation, will not go on record criticizing 
Egypt or Morsi. Mousa Abu Marzook would only go as far as saying “We 
don’t want the tunnels at all, we want the strip’s provisions to go 
through the Rafah border crossing, which is not happening,” he told me 
last week.
The only exception, unsurprisingly, is Qatar’s building material, 
which is allowed passage for the several multi-million dollar 
reconstruction projects the Gulf state’s Emir Hamad bin Khalifah pledged during 
his visit to the strip last October. That the first visit by a 
head of state to the strip is from Qatar reveals more about 
post-revolution Egypt under a Brotherhood president, than it does about 
Doha. Qatar is consolidating its already-outsized regional role, while 
Egypt is treading cautiously within the boundaries placed by Mubarak’s 
three-decade rule.
Brotherhood spokesman El-Haddad calls this the responsibility of 
moving from the back seat of the car to the driver’s seat: “When you 
take the responsibility a lot of calculations happen.” And thus the Camp David 
peace agreement with Israel that the Brotherhood consistently 
rejected up to and including their 2010 election platform (which demands under 
chapter four annulling “all” normalization agreements with Israel and 
supporting the resistance) will not be broken, or even modified by 
them (“The electoral platform of the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidates for the 
2010 parliament,” Egypt Window, 4 November 2010 [Arabic]).
This is the same statement made by the presidential spokesman last 
year. Now, in El-Haddad’s words, Camp David is “serving” Egypt’s 
interests. In the same vein, speaking to Reuters, Essam El-Haddad, 
Morsi’s aide on foreign relations, justified the flooding of tunnels to 
stop arms smuggling (“Egypt flooded tunnels to cut Gaza arms flow: aide,” 18 
February 2013).
Brotherhood’s shifting position on Palestine
This post-revolution discourse is consistent with the Brotherhood’s 
new positions, that of its Freedom and Justice Party and Morsi himself. 
It’s true that the Palestinian question was central to the group’s 
existence since its early years (their volunteers resisted Zionist gangs in 
Palestine since 1947) and for decades since. But it’s fair to say 
that the profile of the Brotherhood’s leadership — a combination of 
wealth and power — in the past decade is new to the organization’s 
Their calculations and political priorities are the outcome of their 
experiences under Mubarak’s rule and should be assessed within that 
context. In contrast, the group’s base and supporters hail from the 
middle and lower classes and might not necessarily accept or relate to 
this level of pragmatism on a central issue like the Palestinian 
This was partially put to test when Israel launched its brief war on Gaza on 14 
November 2012. Morsi first responded by recalling Egypt’s ambassador to Israel 
on the 
same day. Facing mounting public pressure, he sent his prime minister in an 
unprecedented, high-level state delegation to the strip 48 hours 
later, with the message that official Egypt is taking Gaza’s side.
When compared to Cairo’s accomplice role in the 2008 Gaza war, this 
development cannot be undermined. So was the direct involvement of both 
Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders in the ceasefire discussions with Morsi. 
Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas was conspicuously absent from the 
Morsi wanted to convey to Israel that “today’s Egypt is different 
from yesterday’s.” That pre-election Israel didn’t want a long war or 
the long-range missiles which Gaza fired at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, 
might have played in Morsi’s favor and driven his point home, not just 
to Tel Aviv but more importantly his constituency and supporters.
The effect of this test war has since subsided and overshadowed by 
the aggressive tunnel demolitions and more recently the intense 
anti-Palestinian, specifically anti-Hamas campaign raging in Egypt for 
the past week.
On the surface it might seem as a continuation of the Mubarak era 
demonization of Palestinians in Gaza since Hamas’s takeover of the 
strip. While military gags were issued to prohibit the press from 
reporting the numerous times trigger happy Israeli soldiers killed 
Egyptian border guards, supposedly by mistake, the media seized every 
opportunity to feed into public opinion that Sinai is Gaza’s aspired 
alternative state.
Today most media outlets are citing anonymous “military sources” 
accusing Hamas of murdering the 16 Egyptian border guards last August.
Reports on the confiscation of rolls of fabric used to make the 
military’s uniform in one of the tunnels is provided as evidence of 
Hamas or Gaza “elements” involvement in national security threatening 
The lack of evidence to substantiate these allegations and the armed 
force’s deafening silence suggest a deliberate strategy to incite 
against Hamas, Gaza and the tunnels while linking their alleged 
transgressions to Morsi and his Brotherhood, the mother organization 
that inspired the founding of Hamas in 1987. In other words, Morsi’s 
professed laxity towards his Hamas friends is compromising Egypt’s 
national security.
This is an oxymoronic situation: Hamas, Gaza and perhaps the 
Palestinian question as a whole are paying the price for the 
Brotherhood’s rise to power, when in fact the group, in the name of 
“pragmatism,” has reneged on previously declared stances related to the 
Palestinian question.
It’s tempting to assume that Morsi and the Brotherhood are applying a gradual, 
tactual strategy that will eventually lead to bolder 
positions. But this is conditional upon guaranteeing, against all odds, 
that Morsi will at least complete his four-year term and that the 
conservative reformist mentality of the Muslim Brotherhood will adopt a 
revolutionary approach towards the issue. The improbability of both is 
high and like Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s ascendance to power has 
put to question its raison d’être.
Amira Howeidy is deputy editor of the Cairo-based Al-Ahram Weekly.

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