29 March 2013

*Alfreda Frances Bikowsky Head of CIA Darkside?*

Related: <http://cryptome.org/0005/cia-officers.htm>



Several recent news reports
, 2<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/27/washington-post-cia_n_2964449.html>
claim the new head of CIA clandestine service is a woman, first female to
head the darkside division. None publicly name her, although her identity
is said to be known to journalists. She is said to be a formerly top member
of the CIA bin Laden hunt team, former COS in New York City and London, an
advocate of destroying CIA torture tapes as assistant to Deuce Martinez and
an esteemed briefer of Presidents of the United States.

Alfreda Frances Bikowsky would fit that profile.

Bikowsky was first publicly identified by Rory O'Connor and Ray Nowosielski
in October 2011:


O'Connor and Nowosielski rightly complain that too much attention was given
to bin Laden-running spooks and too little to their cover-up of withholding
vital information about the impending 9/11 attack -- according to the
co-head of the 9/11 Commission.

Lately, Bikowsky is allegedly part of a composite character for the movie *Zero
Dark Thirty*.

With this sterling reputation and elevated to CIA's topmost darkside
spook, Bikowsky is due to become a public spy celebrity, peddling memoirs,
exciting flush natsec contractors, being glamorized by another New Yorker
by Jane Mayer), endorsing best selling spy-bodice rippers, and whispering
advice to cajole cleansing reputation with unctuously truth-shading

Sooner the better for Bikowsky and her silently rewarded spook crew (damn
those secrets-spilling, weakling, venal SEALs) -- the
tortuously-long-running CIA bin Laden covert recruiting, bribing,
turncoating, tracking and killing shtick is fast decaying -- at least in
non-secret realms.

In black secrecy havens CIA's top secret-codeword gorgon-headed Al Qaeda is
drone-thriving worldwide.

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Cort Greene <cort.gre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/2013/03/27/document-friday-%E2%80%9Cthe-heat-from-destroying-the-torture-videos-is-nothing-compared-to-what-it-would-be-if-the-tapes-ever-got-into-the-public-domain-%E2%80%9D/
> UPDATE: “The Heat from Destroying [The Torture Videos] is Nothing Compared
> to what it Would be if the Tapes Ever Got into the Public Domain” Plus, I
> Need that Promotion!!
> MARCH 27, 2013
> tags: access to 
> information<http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/access-to-information/>
> , aclu <http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/aclu/>, 
> addington<http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/addington/>
> , Advocacy <http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/advocacy/>, 
> bybee<http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/bybee/>
> , CIA <http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/cia/>,Document 
> Friday<http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/document-friday/>
> , Documents <http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/documents/>, 
> durham<http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/durham/>
> , foggo <http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/foggo/>, 
> News<http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/news/>
> , rendition al-quaeda<http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/rendition-al-quaeda/>
> , rodriguez <http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/rodriguez/>, 
> Taliban<http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/taliban/>
> , thailand <http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/thailand/>, 
> torture<http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/torture/>
> , war on terror <http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/war-on-terror/>, 
> yoo<http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/yoo/>
> by Nate Jones <http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/author/natebjones/>
>  <http://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/rod.jpg>
> “The heat from destroying {the torture videos} is nothing compared to what
> it would be if the tapes ever got into the public domain.”  -Jose Rodriguez
> *UPDATE 27 March 2013.  *This morning the *Washington Post 
> *reports<http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-director-faces-a-quandary-over-clandestine-service-appointment/2013/03/26/5d93cb10-9645-11e2-9e23-09dce87f75a1_story.html?hpid=z3>
>  that
> the as yet unnamed woman who “signed off on the 2005 decision to destroy
> video tapes of prisoners being subjected to treatment critics have called
> torture” has become acting chief of the CIA’s Clandestine Service,
> responsible for launching drone strikes and running spies overseas.  The
> unnamed woman is described by the *Post *as “in her 50s” and a “home run
> from a diversity standpoint.”  She has served “multiple tours in Moscow”
> and has held “top positions in London and New York.”
> *The Post* also reports that the new acting director of the
> Clandestine Service  and its former director Jose Rodriguez repeatedly
> sought permission to destroy the torture tapes, but were denied permission.
> The two sent instructions to destroy the tapes anyway, infamously (and
> sadly, perhaps correctly) noting: “The heat from destroying [the torture
> videos] is nothing compared to what it would be if the tapes ever got into
> the public domain.”  The order carried only two names: Rodriguez and the
> new acting director of the Clandestine Service.
> The careers of both appear to be thriving.  Rodriguez has published a
> widely promoted book justifying the agency’s actions.  And said in an
> interview with 60 minutes, “We needed to get everybody in government to put
> their big boy pants 
> on<http://www.mediaite.com/tv/on-60-minutes-ex-cia-clandestine-service-head-defends-group-against-torture-allegations/>
>  and
> provide the authorities that we needed.”
> For more ruminations on the link between destroying documents and being
> held accountable for torture, see 
> here<http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/2012/04/04/approving-torture-and-destroying-documents-more-notes-on-the-zelikow-memo/>
> .
> *UPDATE 10 November 2010: *Federal prosecutor John Durham will not charge 
> <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/09/AR2010110904106.html?sid=ST2010110904198>former
> CIA Director of Clandestine Service, Jose Rodriguez for authorizing the
> destruction of videotapes that recorded 
> torture<http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/torture>.
> The statute of limitations for the destruction of tapes expired this week.
> Durham may still bring charges against CIA agents and contractors who
> allegedly participated in the torture of detainees in secret “black
> sites.”  Rodriguez’s attorney lauded the decision, stating, “Jose Rodriguez
> is an American hero, a true patriot who only wanted to protect his people
> and his country.”
> In 2002 an alleged Al-Qaeda member Abu Zabaydah was transferred to a
> “black prison” in Thailand.  There, the 
> CIA<http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/10/washington/10detain.html?pagewanted=1> 
> waterboarded
> him 83 times in one month, kept him naked in his cell, subjected him to
> extreme cold, deprived him from sleep for days, and forced him to listen to
> extremely loud music.  On 9 November 2005 the 92 videos of this “enhanced
> interrogation” were destroyed.  One email shows that Jose Rodriguez 
> Jr.<http://oraclesyndicate.twoday.net/stories/4158793/>,
> the CIA’s Director of Clandestine Servicejustified the destruction 
> <http://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/torture-email-1.pdf>by
> saying, “the heat from destroying [the torture videos] is nothing compared
> to what it would be if the tapes ever got into the public domain.”
> Today’s Documents –obtained by the ACLU on 15 April 
> 2010<http://www.aclu.org/national-security/torture-foia-torture-documents-released-4152010>–
> also show that the methods used on Zabaydah went even beyond those approved
> in the expansive Yoo and Bybee Torture 
> Memos<http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/torture_archive/comparison.htm>.
> In April 2002, “due to a misunderstanding” Zabaydah was subjected 
> to<http://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/sleep-deprivation.pdf>more
> than the approved 48 hours of sleep deprivation.   Additionally, “the
> disparity in numbers” and the “method of water application” used on
> Zabaydah was also “at odds with the Bybee 
> opinion<http://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/torture-too-much-waterboarding.pdf>
> .”
>  <http://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/torture-za.jpg>
> CIA Abu Zubaida Interrogation Photo
> Despite 2004 
> instructions<http://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/torture-addignton.pdf>
>  from
> Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and Counsel David Addington not to
> destroy the tapes, a request for their destruction was made on 5 November
> 2005.  This request (whose author is still unknown) dubiously cited the
> support of CIA lawyers for the destruction of the videos.
> Five days later, Rodriguez sent a memo approving the 
> destruction<http://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/torture-permission-to-destroy.pdf>
>  of
> the tapes.  The memo repeated the dubious claim that, “no legal or OIG
> requirement to continue to retain the tapes” existed.  The 92 tapes were
> destroyed on 9 November 2008 from 910 AM to 1230 PM.
> The request to destroy the tapes was made just days 
> after<http://emptywheel.firedoglake.com/timeline-collection/torture-tape-timeline/>
>  the
> Washington Post 
> revealed<http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/01/AR2005110101644_4.html>
>  that
> the CIA was using covert “black site” prisons to detain prisoners in the
> War on Terror.  Including one in Thailand.  Coincidence?
>  <http://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/torture-email-1.jpg>
> “Believe this is the end of it.”
> Two emails (their author is also unknown) shed the most light about the
> reasons for the destruction of the videos.  The first 
> email<http://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/torture-email-1.pdf>,
> written to CIA Executive Director Dusty Foggo (who was eventually convicted
> ofcommitting 
> bribery<http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/cats/dusty_foggo/> 
> in
> the Duke Cunningham scandal), explained that if the tapes went public they
> “would make us [the CIA] look terrible.”  Therefore, the email recounted,
> Rodriguez, preferred to take the lesser heat of destroying evidence than
> the greater heat of possibly being exposed as a torturer.  CIA Director
> Porter Goss (apparently not too concerned) joked that he might actually be
> the one who took the heat.
> The second 
> email<http://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/torture-email-2.pdf> is
> more damning.  First, it stated that the memo requesting to destroy the
> tapes either “lied” about or “misstated” the Inspector General’s permission
> to destroy the documents.  Second, it reveals that those who wanted the
> videos to be destroyed were active in Zabaydah’s “interrogation.”  Here’s
> million dollar sentence:  “It is not without relevance that [redacted]
> figured prominently in the tapes, as [redacted] was in charge of [redacted]
> at the time and clearly would want the tapes destroyed.”
> That’s right, a CIA agent may have tortured a prisoner, and then fibbed in
> a memo asking that the tapes of him possibly committing this torture be
> destroyed.  And his request to destroy the evidence was approved by Jose
> Rodriguez.
> So will those complicit in tapes’ destruction “avoid the heat?”  We’ll
> see.  The Washington Postrecently 
> reported<http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/24/AR2010032403109.html?wprss=rss_nation/nationalsecurity>
>  that
> Assistant U.S. Attorney John H. Durham’s two-year investigation of the
> tape’s destruction is winding down; he may soon announce incitements.
> Jose Rodriguez has 
> refused<http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/24/AR2010032403109.html?wprss=rss_nation/nationalsecurity>
>  to
> testify.  Guess he can’t take the heat.
> Sadly, yes they have.
> -------------------------
> http://intelnews.org/2013/03/28/01-1226/#more-10060
> CIA officer who purged torture evidence is rewarded with promotion
> MARCH 28, 2013 BY IAN ALLEN <http://intelnews.org/author/intelnewsian/> 8
> COMMENTS <http://intelnews.org/2013/03/28/01-1226/#comments>
> [image: Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama, John Brennan]By *IAN ALLEN *|
> intelNews.org |
> A United States Central Intelligence Agency officer who was personally
> involved in the illegal destruction of videotapes showing CIA personnel
> torturing detainees, is now leading the Agency’s operations division. At
> the center of the affair are nearly 100 recordings of interrogation
> sessions of al-Qaeda suspects Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. The
> videotapes were made in 2002 at a CIA black site in Thailand and kept
> inside a safe at the Agency’s station in the Asian country. The CIA decided
> to destroy the videotapes soon after May of 2005, when the Judiciary
> Committee of the United States Senate demanded access to them. In 2007,
> after *The New York Times* revealed the destruction of the videotapes,
> the US Department of Justice ordered two separate investigations into the
> incident. However, under pressure from the administration of President
> Barack Obama, no criminal charges were ever pressed. The videotape affair
> is bound to resurface in the headlines, however, after *The Washington
> Post* 
> revealed<http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-director-faces-a-quandary-over-clandestine-service-appointment/2013/03/26/5d93cb10-9645-11e2-9e23-09dce87f75a1_story.html?hpid=z2>
>  on
> Wednesday that a female CIA officer, who personally ordered the destruction
> of the videotapes, even though she knew that Congress had asked for them,
> was recently promoted to one of the CIA’s most senior posts. The officer,
> whose name cannot legally be revealed, because she remains undercover
> within the Agency, is currently in charge of the CIA’s National Clandestine
> Service (NCS), which is responsible for conducting covert action and
> espionage around the world. Many consider the NCS as the ‘heart and soul’
> of the CIA, and it is the first time in the history of the CIA that a woman
> has led that secretive division. Citing “current and former intelligence
> officials”, *The Post* alleged that the officer entered the position in
> an acting capacity a few weeks ago, following the retirement of her boss. It
> added that the officer, who previously served as the CIA’s station chief in
> New York and London, United Kingdom, is among a small group of CIA insiders
> who are seen as viable candidates to permanently fill the NCS director’s
> post. The revelation inevitably draws attention to the position on torture
> of the CIA’s recently appointed Director, John Brennan. He said during his
> confirmation hearings earlier this year that he was opposed to
> interrogation as a matter of principle. He also told a Senate committee
> that he was “firmly opposed” to the use of enhanced interrogation on enemy
> detainees. The paper quoted CIA spokesperson Preston Golson as saying that
> Brennan is still making up his mind on who to appoint for permanent
> director of NCS and has “asked a few highly respected former senior agency
> officers to review the candidates he’s considering for the job”.
> You can start here
> http://www.ccrjustice.org/newsroom/press-releases/court-orders-government-not-destroy-torture-evidence

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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