"*Chávez vive, la lucha sigue*"; "*Chávez no murió, se multiplicó*";"*Oye
majunche, ven pa que vea, aquí está el pueblo que te va dar la pelea*"
This is a video from Saturdays concert in Caracas
Ska-P interpreta El Libertador en concierto en Caracas dedicado a Hugo
Chávez y la Revolución


Hands Off Venezuela!<https://www.facebook.com/hands.off.venezuela?ref=stream>
 and Manos Fuera de
 shared a 
** <https://www.facebook.com/>
*Intifada. Vamos. Baquiné pal Comandante.*
Un tema que Intifada de Puerto Rico le escribe y le canta al pueblo
venezolano y bolivariano. Sobre la vida y la muerte del comandante Chávez.
Grabado en el ...

[image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*
1h <https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign/status/321189730282770433>

Catalan band At Versaris support Bolivarian revolution "Volen" (Catalan
with Spanish subtitles) http://youtu.be/9wkDFffaodY <http://t.co/wfAcHZFP1w>

[image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*
1h <https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign/status/321193877006589952>

rally at US embassy, Brussels, April 13 https://www.
facebook.com/events/137454649774694/ … <https://t.co/Lwsq5cppbH>


 "*Chávez vive, la lucha sigue*"; "*Chávez no murió, se multiplicó*";"*Oye
majunche, ven pa que vea, aquí está el pueblo que te va dar la pelea*"


Venezuela After Chavez

EWAN ROBERTSON <https://www.indypendent.org/authors/ewan-robertson>
APRIL 4, 2013
185 <https://www.indypendent.org/issue/185>

MÉRIDA, Venezuela — When Hugo Chavez’s death was announced late in the
afternoon on March 5, a collective sadness gripped his supporters across
the nation. Shoppers stopped their tasks in the street and rushed to the
nearest television. People hugged those next to them as tears ran down
their faces. The grief displayed may have come as a surprise to those
unfamiliar with the bond the Venezuelan president had built with the poor
majority in his country. Yet as estimates of the numbers flocking to
Caracas for his funeral stretched into the millions, no one could deny the
popular support enjoyed by Chavez and his project, the Bolivarian

In his 14 years as Venezuelan president,  Chavez led a transformative
period in the South American nation, rejecting neoliberalism and
spearheading a process of nationalizations, social programs and
participatory democratic practices that came to be known as “21st-century
socialism.” Meanwhile, he made international headlines opposing the foreign
policy of the United States and its allies, while advocating Latin American
integration and a “multipolar” world order.

Yet after his death, what are the prospects for Venezuela’s Bolivarian
Revolution? Will the Chavista movement fall apart without its historic
leader? And if the Revolution does continue, what are the challenges facing
Venezuela beyond the next presidential election?


In the whirlwind of emotion created by their charismatic president’s
passing, Venezuelans are preparing to choose Chavez’s replacement in a snap
election. On April 14, they will decide whether to press ahead with the
Revolution or to take a rightward turn and opt for the country’s
conservative opposition.

It seems very likely that the majority of Venezuelans will choose the
former option and elect Nicolas Maduro, Chavez’s designated successor and
former vice president. Less than six months have passed since Chavez was
re-elected with 55 percent of the vote, and those who supported him will
almost certainly turn out again to continue his project. Venezuelans have
not forgotten Chavez’s final address to the nation on Dec. 8 before he left
for Cuba to undergo cancer surgery. Hands slightly trembling, he said, “I
want to say something, although it sounds hard … if something should happen
[to me] … it is my firm, absolute, and irrevocable opinion that you elect
Nicolas Maduro as president. I ask you this from my heart.” After Chavez’s
death, his supporters have taken on this wish, chanting “Chavez, te juro,
mi voto por Maduro” (“Chavez, I swear to you, my vote is for Maduro”) at
his funeral and at rallies around the country.

Maduro, a burly former bus driver and fierce Chavez loyalist, has made
clear that his mandate will be to maintain the former president’s legacy,
submitting Chavez’s previous campaign platform as his own. “We are here to
guarantee peace and that the Bolivarian Revolution continues its socialist
course; we’re fulfilling the orders of the Comandante [Chavez],” he said
upon registering his presidential candidacy. Maduro has received criticism
from the opposition that his working-class background and former occupation
make him “unsuitable” for the job of president. However, this line of
attack was turned on its head when Maduro arrived at the Electoral Council
headquarters to register his candidacy driving a bus. The stunt was meant
to help Maduro connect with the Chavista base, and it showed Maduro’s
previously unseen humor. As he emerged from his bus surrounded by cameras
and supporters, the smile beneath his thick black moustache said: “Like
Chavez, I am one of you.”


Meanwhile, the opposition has put forward state governor Henrique Capriles,
who lost to Chavez by 11 percent in October. Capriles has said that he
offers a “united country” and focuses his discourse on issues perceived as
difficult for the government, such as crime, inflation and the recent
monetary devaluation.

The clean-cut, 40-year-old politician has emerged as the poster boy of the
opposition’s middle- and upper-class support. His energetic, nation-wide
campaign tours have helped him move his image away from his roots; Capriles
was born into one of Venezuela’s richest families. As a mayor in 2002 he
faced accusations of participating in the short-lived, U.S.-backed coup
against the Chavez government. Indeed, when Chavez’s death was announced,
Capriles was on his way back to Venezuela from a visit to the United States
where he was assumed to be drumming up support and funding from backers.


This campaign seems to have begun in Washington on March 15 when U.S.
Assistant Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson said that it would be “a
little difficult” for Venezuela to hold “open, fair, and transparent
elections.” Since then, opposition politicians, pro-opposition students,
and allied private media have launched attacks at the National Electoral
Council (CNE), the voting system, the timing of the election (which is
mandated by the Constitution), and other aspects.

Extreme points of this campaign include an editorial by leading
conservative daily El Nacional that called the president of the CNE “a
liar” and “foolish” and the CNE itself “a team chosen and armed by [the
government] to ambush the voter at every bend in the road.” Meanwhile, this
campaign has reached out to international opinion, with hard-liner Diego
Arria writing in the Huffington Post that Venezuela’s electoral system is
“corrupt” and that the CNE is “no more than a tool of the [Venezuelan
government] to maintain its power.”

To anyone familiar with Venezuela’s electoral system this campaign is
clearly disingenuous. Venezuela’s voting system, which utilizes both
automated and manual security checks to prevent fraudulent voting or
tabulating of results, was described by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter
last October as “the best electoral system in the world.” Indeed, last year
the opposition asked the CNE to organize the opposition’s own internal
elections, calling the CNE at the time “an excellent example of democratic
institutions in the country.”

With Chavez’s designated successor Nicolas Maduro holding a double-digit
lead in the polls, the endgame appears to be to discredit Maduro’s likely
victory as much as possible by claiming that the election was not “fair” in
the first place. Pro-government figures have alleged that the opposition is
even considering pulling out of the election, or not recognizing the result
afterwards. Others argue it is part of a long-term strategy to delegitimize
Maduro. Whatever the opposition decides to do, its claims of an “unfair”
election will find a ready ear in the world’s mass media, which is
accustomed to casting Venezuela’s vibrant democracy in the worst possible

— Ewan Robertson

However, in a shift from his previously conciliatory discourse, Capriles
turned his guns on Maduro and the government on the issue of Chavez’s
passing, accusing the government of “lying” about Chavez’s death. “Who
knows when the president died?” he said in a press conference, as he
announced he would stand against Maduro. “You [Maduro] and the government
had it all planned. … you were campaigning for weeks … and on top of that
now you’re using the president’s body to run a political campaign,” he

This approach is unlikely to appeal to undecided voters or Chavez
supporters, especially after Chavez’s daughter, Maria Gabriela, released a
statement repudiating the accusations, calling the strategy “dirty” and
asking Capriles to apologize. Many Chavez supporters have described the
comments as “insensitive” and “political suicide.”

Opposition leaders have also launched increasingly strident attacks against
the National Electoral Council, which oversees balloting and has been
widely praised for its work by many international observers, including
former U.S. President Jimmy Carter (see story at right). This campaign to
delegitimize the election comes as polling evidence suggests Maduro is
headed to victory on April 14. Two late March polls by private Venezuelan
firms Datanalisis and Hinterlaces gave Maduro a 14 percent and 18 percent
lead, respectively, over Capriles. Thus, it appears that support for the
Bolivarian project remains solid among a majority of the country’s
population, and that Venezuelans are set to opt for six more years of the
Revolution initiated by Chavez’s election in 1998.


However, after its likely electoral victory, the Bolivarian project faces a
number of challenges.

A key challenge in the coming period will be to improve the government’s
social policies and programs, or “missions,” which have been central to the
Bolivarian Revolution’s popularity over the last decade. These programs —
from establishing universal healthcare, to the expansion of educational
opportunities and the provision of welfare — have resulted in undeniable
social gains. Chief among these are halving the household poverty rate from
55 percent in 2003 to 26 percent in 2009, the near eradication of
illiteracy, and the U-turn on income distribution, making Venezuela the
most equal country in Latin America.

However, since 2009, poverty levels have hovered stubbornly around the 27
percent mark, reflecting the limits of existing programs. Further social
gains will also depend on wider economic policy and trends. Maduro, who is
currently interim president, has recently put forward several initiatives
to improve government social programs, promising to “perfect, polish and
deepen” them.

Another important challenge for the Bolivarian Revolution is to advance its
political goals, namely the establishment of socialism and the creation of
a participatory democracy. This is a particularly thorny issue because
different currents within the Bolivarian movement have different ideas of
what “socialism” entails, ranging from top-down state control of certain
economic sectors to forms of community and worker control over a wide range
of political and economic activities.

Furthermore, the movement’s radical wing warns that bureaucratic and
counter-revolutionary “fifth column” forces act against grassroots
initiatives and block the revolution’s growth. These critical voices argue
that bureaucratic and corrupt elements within the government and the ruling
PSUV party must be confronted.

“A frontal battle against corruption is needed. The contradictions in the
heart of the process aren’t just anything. Not everyone in the government
is revolutionary,” said Jose Pinto, secretary-general of the Tupamaro
movement, a Marxist organization that supports the Bolivarian process.
Echoing the concerns of other leftist groups in the same interview, he
further argued that “ending bureaucracy is a fundamental task, because it
drives corruption”.

Nevertheless, during the previous 14 years millions of ordinary Venezuelans
have been drawn into grassroots activism, in many cases facilitated by the
Chavez presidency, such as with funding and legislation to favor the
formation of thousands of community councils. There is also evidence that
the shock produced by Chavez’s death has encouraged some supporters to
become newly-active, perceiving the need to defend the revolution against
an uncertain future. In that sense, the struggle to fulfill the
revolution’s political aims will depend on the ability of grassroots
activists to articulate their demands and combat the revolution’s
bureaucratic elements. Nicolas Maduro will also play a role in this
conflict – so far he has appeared open to criticisms from below.


The post-Chavez government will also need to effectively address certain
on-going problems in Venezuela. These include violent crime and
inefficiency in the state administration.

The Chavez government received much criticism for its handling of crime,
with UN data citing a homicide rate in 2010 of 45.1 per 100,000, the
third-highest in the Americas. The government has developed a range of
policies in the last few years to combat this, such as slowly rolling out a
new national police force, civilian disarmament strategies, and a new
anti-crime program called Full Life Venezuela. Maduro has proposed to
continue and deepen these policies, however their overall effect remains to
be seen.

Combatting corruption and bureaucracy in judicial, penal and other state
institutions is another complex set of problems which must be addressed.
Maduro has taken up Chavez’s slogan of “efficiency or nothing” and
committed to continue pro-efficiency policies designed after Chavez’s
October victory, as well as to create a new “anti-corruption force”.
However progress may be slow, as these phenomena existed long before Chavez
came to power and will not be easily resolved.


Following Chavez’s death, many would have predicted that the Bolivarian
revolution, bereft of the unifying force of its historic leader, would fall
apart. However, what has been observed so far is the determination of the
revolution’s supporters to work together and continue the process. That
determination will likely be evidenced on April 14. A strong Maduro win
would confirm the project’s majority support among the Venezuelan
population and give a mandate for the continuance of the process of change
underway since 1998.

In such a case, the Bolivarian revolution will need to successfully address
both internal contradictions and persistent national problems in order to
maintain that support and move further toward the movement’s long term
political goals. Failure to do so could lead to stagnation and provide an
electoral opportunity for the conservative opposition in the future.

In this regard, a common opinion expressed by Chavez supporters in recent
interviews is that of Adriana Rodriguez, a community media activist in
Merida city. She spoke to me at a rally to commemorate Chavez’s memory in
the central plaza of the colonial town. Thousands of red-clad activists
were roaring “Chavez lives, the fight goes on!”, while well-wishers
carefully laid flowers beside a picture of Chavez. Above towered a statue
of Simon Bolivar, Venezuela’s 19th century independence hero whose example
so-influenced Chavez’s life. Looking at the crowd, Adriana said that when
Chavez died, “It was a hard blow; I cried uncontrollably for days, it was
like losing a family member”. However, rather than being disillusioned, she
said she felt that “we are organized and we are conscious of the historic
role that we have: to carry forward this process, which now goes beyond

With millions of Venezuelans sharing this sentiment, it feels a little
premature to describe a post-Chavez Venezuela just yet. Rather, the
Comandante’s thought and legacy will continue shaping the country and the
wider region for some time into the future.

Ewan Robertson lives in Mérida, Venezuela, and is a staff writer for
Venezuelanalysis.com. He holds a postgraduate degree in Latin American
Studies from the University of Aberdeen, and is currently researching
Venezuela’s Community Medicine program.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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