Two Stories about Guantánamo on Today's Democracy Now! - Monday, April 29th,
A Desperate Situation at Guantánamo:
Over 130 Prisoners on Hunger Strike, Dozens Being Force-Fed  

Forgotten Women of the War on Terror:
Author Victoria Brittain on the Wives and Families Left Behind  

The U.S. military has acknowledged for the first time the number of
prisoners on hunger strike at the military prison has topped 100. About a
fifth of the hunger strikers are now being force-fed. Lawyers for the
prisoners say more than 130 men are taking part in the hunger strike, which
began in February. One of the hunger strikers is a Yemeni man named Samir
Naji al Hasan Moqbel. In a letter published in The New York Times, he wrote:
"Denying ourselves food and risking death every day is the choice we have
made. I just hope that because of the pain we are suffering, the eyes of the
world will once again look to Guantánamo before it is too late." We speak to
attorney Carlos Warner, who represents 11 prisoners at Guantánamo. He spoke
to one of them on Friday. "Unfortunately, they're held because the president
has no political will to end Guantánamo," Warner says. "The president has
the authority to transfer individuals if he believes that it's in the
interests of the United States. But he doesn't have the political will to do
so because 166 men in Guantánamo don't have much pull in the United States.
But the average American on the street does not understand that half of
these men, 86 of the men, are cleared for release."
AMY GOODMAN: We begin today's show with the deepening crisis at Guantánamo,
where the U.S. military has acknowledged for the first time the number of
prisoners on hunger strike at the military prison has topped a hundred.
About a fifth of the hunger strikers are now being force-fed. Lawyers for
the prisoners say more than 130 men are taking part in the hunger strike,
which began in February.
One of the hunger strikers is a Yemeni man named Samir Naji al Hasan Moqbel.
In a letter
.html>  published in The New York Times he wrote, quote, "The situation is
desperate now. All of the detainees here are suffering deeply. ...
"And there is no end in sight to our imprisonment. Denying ourselves food
and risking death every day is the choice we have made.
"I just hope that because of the pain we are suffering, the eyes of the
world will once again look to Guantánamo before it is too late."
Those, the words of Samir Naji al Hasan Moqbel. He has been held at
Guantánamo for 11 years without charge.
A Muslim adviser who works for the Pentagon is predicting some prisoners
will die before the hunger strike ends. The adviser, who goes by the name
Zak, said, quote, "They are not done yet, and they will not be done until
there is more than one death."
Some prisoners have reportedly lost dramatic amounts of weight, while
authorities have attempted to break the strike with force-feeding and
isolation. Many human rights and medical groups consider force-feeding a
form of torture. The U.S. government says allowing them to starve would be
To talk more about the situation at Guantánamo, we're joined by Carlos
Warner, an attorney with the Office of the Federal Defender in Northeastern
Ohio. He represents 11 Guantánamo prisoners.
Welcome to Democracy Now!, Carlos Warner. Tell us about the prisoners you
represent who are on hunger strike right now.
CARLOS WARNER: Thank you, Amy, for having me. We represent, as you said, 11
men there, and we believe the vast majority, if not all of them, are hunger
striking, with exception of the high-value detainee that we represent. We
also believe that the majority of them are also being force-fed. The
military says-I believe that you said 24 is the latest number, but we
believe the military rotates people on and off that force-feeding list. But
I think debating about the numbers at this point is irrelevant. We know that
this is the largest event that Guantánamo has ever experienced in terms of
scope and duration. We're in crisis, and President Obama is doing nothing.
AMY GOODMAN: What triggered this hunger strike, Carlos?
CARLOS WARNER: There are about four years of détente between the guards and
the men, where the-really, the guards were understanding of the men and the
men were very respectful for the guards. And the guard force was changed in
September. It went from the Army-or, excuse me, from the Navy to the Army.
And it was just-from that time, we started to have crisis. And you started
to see that in the 9/11 trials with these stories about the men's documents
being taken away. Basically, the Army made a decision: We want to take
everything out of the camps and know what we're dealing with. This all came
to a head on February the 6th when the men's cells were stripped and Muslim
linguists were leafing through the Qur'ans with the Army looking on. And
this was, as I've said, the spark that ignited this current strike. And from
there, we've just devolved and devolved.
The military is doing all the wrong things. I don't blame the military. They
have been an inenviable task: They're in Guantánamo. But they're doing all
the wrong things in terms of ending the strike. They could end the strike,
but more importantly, the president could end the strike if he took some
time out of his busy schedule. He's preparing for the correspondents'
dinner, and that drives us crazy because we see our clients dying. And in
five, 10 minutes, he could at least make incredible progress on ending the
hunger strike. And he has no will to do so.
AMY GOODMAN: Carlos Warner, you spoke to one of your clients at Guantánamo
on Friday. Who did you speak to, and what did he say?
CARLOS WARNER: Fayiz al-Kandry, he-I've been-this is the third conversation
I've had with him since the strike began. I visited him in person twice, and
then on Friday I got a phone call. And things have gone downhill. He started
to be force-fed, according to him, last Monday. And I got a notice about
this last Wednesday from the government that he's being force-fed. And he
told me that they're force-feeding him with what's called a size 10 tube, a
bigger tube than is required. He said that this makes it difficult for him
to breathe, and it induces vomiting. And he has asked them to give them-give
him a smaller tube, and the military refuses to do so. Why they would not do
these things, we have no idea.
But he underscored to me, because they-the military has clamped down, made
it harder for the information to come out, since this began. But he wanted
me to emphasize that this is a peaceful protest, that any detainee that's
striking out in anger is wrong, that this is a peaceful hunger strike to
protest, first of all, the military's tactics, but most importantly also the
indefinite detention. And he wanted to make that clear, that this is not a
violent protest, that he wants the hunger strike to end. But so long as it
goes on, he intends for it to be peaceful.
AMY GOODMAN: Carlos Warner-
CARLOS WARNER: He was in very bad shape. I'm sorry.
AMY GOODMAN: I understand you have a letter from Fayiz Mohammad al-Kandry?
Could you read it to us?
CARLOS WARNER: I do. And he-what he did was, for his military lawyer, he
made a lantern for him, and I saw that when I visited him in March. And he
wrote this letter about the lantern. It's dated 3/21/13.
"Dear Mr. Warner:
"I made this lantern with my brothers. It's made with bits of paper and
cardboard. We used a water bottle sanded on the floor as glass. We painted
it with bits of paint and fruit juice. It's held together by pressure only.
"We made this lantern for those in the world who remember and pray for us
during this time of suffering. Let its light fill you.
"Use it to bring peace to your heart.
"Thank you,
[signed] Fayiz [Mohammad] al-Kandry."
And when he wrote that, I mean, I felt that that was a goodbye letter. And
it's tragic.
AMY GOODMAN: I want to turn to former Guantánamo prisoner Sami al-Hajj
<> , the only
journalist held at the base, held there for more than six years without
charge. In January 2007, he also began a hunger strike that lasted 438 days
until his release in May of 2008. I spoke to him in Doha, Qatar, in
December, where he works for Al Jazeera and where we had gone for the
climate change summit. He talked about being violently force-fed during the
hunger strike.
SAMI AL-HAJJ: They doesn't bring a small tube, big.
AMY GOODMAN: They bring a tube that's too big-
SAMI AL-HAJJ: Yes, yes, too big, very big.
AMY GOODMAN: -to put up your nose and down into your stomach?
SAMI AL-HAJJ: And there is some [inaudible]. When they take it, they take it
by force, and very quick.
AMY GOODMAN: So they jerk it out of your nose.
SAMI AL-HAJJ: Yes, some blood coming, yes. And many times they doesn't
cleaning the tube. When they feed the other guy, they come, and same thing.
They give it to you by-
AMY GOODMAN: They use the tube that they used in the person they have seated
next to you.
SAMI AL-HAJJ: For another, yes, yes.
AMY GOODMAN: And then they put it into you-
SAMI AL-HAJJ: For you, yes.
AMY GOODMAN: -without cleaning it.
SAMI AL-HAJJ: Without cleaning. You see the blood and everything inside.
AMY GOODMAN: You see the blood.
SAMI AL-HAJJ: Inside, yes.
AMY GOODMAN: Did you say-when they would take the tube of a man next to you
and put it into you, shove it down through your nose into your stomach,
would you say something?
SAMI AL-HAJJ: For that, yes.
AMY GOODMAN: Would you ask why they were doing this?
SAMI AL-HAJJ: Yes, they said-they told us, "We want you to break your hunger
strike." They tell us directly like that. They ask us to break our hunger
strike. They said, "We'll never deal with you as the detainees until you
break your hunger strike."
AMY GOODMAN: That's former Guantánamo prisoner Sami al-Hajj. I visited him
at Al Jazeera, where he is a journalist in charge of the human rights
division, this past December. On Thursday, the American Medical Association
sent a letter to U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel condemning
force-feeding, saying every competent patient has the right to refuse
medical intervention, including life-sustaining interventions. As we wrap
up, Carlos Warner, can you explain why these men continue to be held at
Guantánamo? Hundred sixty-six men, the majority of them have been cleared
for release.
CARLOS WARNER: Unfortunately, they're held because the president has no
political will to end Guantánamo. And it falls on the left. And I'm part of
the left. I'm a federal public defender. My wife campaigned for President
Obama. But the bottom line is that the left isn't pushing for the release.
He, the president, is blaming this on the right and saying the right has
made these restrictions. Well, what the left doesn't understand, and the
right has pointed this out, is that the president has the authority to
transfer individuals if he believes that it's in the interests of the United
States. But he doesn't have the political will to do so because 166 men in
Guantánamo don't have much pull in the United States. So-but the average
American on the street does not understand that half of these men, 87 of
these men-86 of them, excuse me-86 of the men are cleared for release,
meaning that the government has said that not only haven't they done
anything wrong, but they're not dangerous, that they could be released
immediately. And they languish there in Guantánamo while the president is
guffawing with, you know, the social elite in Washington.
We're just asking the president to appoint somebody to start working on the
problem. If the president does that, we can make incredible progress in a
year. I've been in this situation for many years now, and I know where these
men can go. And frankly, the executive knows, as well. The State Department
knows where these men can be placed. And they were working on those
solutions, but the president doesn't want to implement what the State
Department has done.
AMY GOODMAN: Where can they be placed?
CARLOS WARNER: Well, there are rehabilitation centers in both Kuwait and
Saudi Arabia, built under the eye of the United States, where-that they
could go, the 86 men could go in an instant, if the president had political
will to transfer them. And not every man can go there, but we could
certainly start working on many of these innocent men. And if you are not on
that list of 86, the president has no process for you to-for you to
challenge your detention. So, many of the individuals that he has held
indefinitely and say should be held indefinitely, they haven't done anything
wrong, either. But basically the president has said these are people that,
if we release them, we're afraid they'll-they might harm us because they're
ticked off we've held them for 11 years without charge.
But that's not what we-who we are as a country. As a country, we don't hold
people for what they may do in the future. So give those men process. Give
them an ability to be released. Now, the left has to mobilize. Senator
Feinstein came out and said, "Let's get rid of the innocent men. Let's get
them out of Guantánamo." But the rest of the left has to do that. It starts
there. And as much as I would like to cast blame on the right, can't do it
here. We have to cast blame on the president. He needs to pick up this ball
and run for it-run with it, or people are going to die, Amy.
AMY GOODMAN: Carlos Warner, I want to thank you for being with us, attorney
with the Office of the Federal Defender in northeastern Ohio representing 11
Guantánamo prisoners, speaking to us from Cleveland, Ohio. This is Democracy
Now! More on the prisoners after break.
Monday, April 29th, 2013
Forgotten Women of the War on Terror:
Author Victoria Brittain on the Wives and Families Left Behind 
As pressure grows for President Obama to close the Guantánamo military
prison, we speak with British journalist Victoria Brittain, who has closely
covered the military prison for years. Her latest book is "Shadow Lives: The
Forgotten Women of the War on Terror." "Some of the women that I've written
about are the wives of Guantánamo prisoners. One, in particular, who is like
chapter one of the book, is one of my closest friends, and I kind of lived
alongside her and her children through a very long period when her husband
was in Guantánamo. And she had absolutely no information about why he was
there, when he might come back, no contact with him whatsoever," Brittain
This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. 
AMY GOODMAN: Willie Nelson singing "Blowing in the Wind." He turns 80 years
old today. This is Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace
Report. In a moment we'll speak with him, but today, right now, we continue
to talk about Guantánamo, turning to Victoria Brittain, leading British
journalist who has closely covered the military prison for years. She
co-wrote a memoir by former Guantánamo prisoner Moazzam Begg called Enemy
Combatant and co-authored the play Guantanamo: Honor Bound to Defend
Freedom. Her latest book has just been published, called Shadow Lives: The
Forgotten Women of the War on Terror . I recently interviewed
he_forgotten_women_of_the_war_on_terror>  her here at Democracy Now! with
Democracy Now! co-host Juan González. I began by asking her to describe the
people whom she has spent the last decade with.
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: Well, some of the women that I've written about are the
wives of Guantánamo prisoners. One, in particular, who is like chapter one
of the book, is one of my closest friends, and I kind of lived alongside her
and her children through a very long period when her husband was in
Guantánamo, and she had absolutely no information about why he was there,
when he might come back, no contact with him whatsoever.
And a second woman, who I know very well, her husband is still in Guantánamo
after 11 years. And he's one of the 86 people who were cleared in that task
force report that President Obama ordered very early on by very senior
intelligence and military people. And those 86 people, which of course
included a lot of Yemenis, but it also included this British resident,
Shaker Aamer, who-having been cleared as innocent, everybody expected him to
be released. The British government has also asked for him. But President
Obama has not managed to release him.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And do you know why?
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: Well, there are many reasons. There are the roadblocks
put up by Congress. There's these rules that the secretary of state has to
certify the person will never do a terrorist act. Our government has to
certify, which they have said they were certainly prepared to do. And I
think it's important to remember that we've had 14 people come back to
Britain from Guantánamo Bay, and never any one of them has done any tiny
infraction of any sort. And, in fact, they have all-including Shaker, who
hasn't come back, they have all had big payoffs from the British government,
who didn't want to be in court having to justify their complicity in
rendition and torture of these men.
So, why don't they want Shaker back? I mean, why don't you people want to
send Shaker back? One theory is that because he has been a leading figure in
all the hunger strikes and a leading negotiator between the American
authorities and the prisoners, he's a person with tremendous personality and
power. He was educated in the United States. He comes from Saudi Arabia. He
lives in Britain and has a British family. So he covers all the bases.
AMY GOODMAN: How was he taken to Guantánamo? Where was he picked up and
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: He is one of the many people who were picked up as a
response to the Americans dropping leaflets offering bounties for any
foreigner that Pakistanis or Afghans turned over. So Shaker was sold to the
Americans. He had been living in Afghanistan with his young family, like
Moazzam Begg-in fact, in the same house. And they had been building girls'
schools and digging wells. And it was as charity workers that they were
there. And that's completely uncontested by anybody. So, after being sold,
he was then tortured-
AMY GOODMAN: Who was he sold by?
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: He was sold by different groups. At that moment after the
American bombing, there was a proliferation of different armed groups who
picked up these different people as a money-making enterprise. And it's not
clear who sold him to who and how he ended up first in Kandahar, Bagram, and
then in Guantánamo Bay.
AMY GOODMAN: And in Kandahar, that was when?
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: This was in 2002.
AMY GOODMAN: So he's been held for more than a decade.
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: Yeah, he's been held for 11 years, essentially.
AMY GOODMAN: Can you read the letter he has gotten out? And how did he get
this letter out?
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: Well, this letter is particularly poignant now, when the
hunger strike is going on, because he wrote this in a much earlier hunger
strike and sent it to his wife, Zinnira, who's chapter two of my book. And I
always think of the impact of sitting in your very own living room with your
little kids around you and receiving this letter from your husband. I'll
read the letter now:
"I am dying here every day, mentally and physically. This is happening to
all of us. We have been ignored, locked up in the middle of the ocean for
years. Rather than humiliate myself, having to beg for water, I would rather
hurry up the process that is going to happen anyway. I would like to die
quietly, by myself. I was once 250 pounds. I dropped to 150 pounds in the
first hunger strike. I want to make it easy on everyone. I want no feeding,
no forced tubes, no 'help', no 'intensive assisted feeding'. This is my
legal right. The British government refuses to help me. What is the point of
my wife being British? I thought Britain stood for justice, but they
abandoned us, people who have lived in Britain for years, and who have
British wives and children. I hold the British government responsible for my
death, as I do the Americans."
Now, since then, the British have asked for him many times.
AMY GOODMAN: That was 2006?
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: This was 2006. But what I-one of the things I find so
poignant about this letter and thinking about now, he thought then that he
would be able to die. But because of the American medical personnel in
Guantánamo Bay who force-feed people, this very painful process, through the
nose, they are kept alive. So, I think the authorities' preoccupation now
is: Don't let anybody die. And in Britain, of course, we have the experience
of hunger strikers in Ireland who-we did not force-feed them, and Bobby
Sands died. And this was a kind of political turning point. I think the
Obama administration does not want that political turning point.
But judging by what the Red Cross is saying, he has had a team in there.
He's had doctors in there. He thinks that some of these people, who are of
course very fragile after lots of hunger strikes, lots of torture and lots
of beating up in this process they call "earthing," when they enter a cell
and throw the man to the ground-and Shaker has had his back very seriously
injured by this process on more than one occasion. So these people were in
very poor shape when they made this dramatic decision to go on hunger
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: I'd like to ask you, the-it was more than four years ago that
President Obama, in his inaugural speech, announced that he was closing
Guantánamo. We have the secretary of defense saying now he wants to close
Guantánamo. And yet it remains open. And the impact on British law and on
American law of this continued outpost of illegality and of torture existing
as part of the war on terror?
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: Well, in Britain, the feeling about American justice, as
displayed in Guantánamo, is very, very strong. And I know from other former
prisoners or families of former prisoners in places like Kuwait-or, indeed,
there are still some Kuwaitis in there-everybody who's been caught up in
this, the reputation of American justice has had such a total body blow. And
it gets worse every day. It's really like a running sore.
AMY GOODMAN: Last month, U.S. State Department official Michael Williams
testified on Guantánamo at a hearing before the Inter-American Commission
for Human Rights. The senior adviser for Guantánamo policy said the Obama
administration is working within restrictions imposed by Congress to
transfer prisoners out of the prison as part of an effort to close the
facility, one of the president's original campaign promises.
MICHAEL WILLIAMS: The U.S. government continues to stand by its decisions to
designate certain detainees for transfer subject to appropriate security
measures. We have transferred 71 of those individuals, including the
resettlement of 40 detainees in third countries in cases where the U.S.
government identified humane treatment or related concerns in the
individual's country of origin. There are 56 individuals designated for
transfer who remain at Guantánamo. Each potential transfer is individually
assessed, as was the practice of the administration prior to the legislative
restrictions, to examine whether appropriate security measures can be taken
in the receiving country to mitigate the potential security threat the
transferred individual may pose.
AMY GOODMAN: Michael Williams also claimed during his testimony that
Guantánamo prisoners do not face indefinite detention.
MICHAEL WILLIAMS: The United States only detains individuals when that
detention is lawful and does not intend to hold any individual longer than
necessary. For instance, in 2010, following the application of the
suspension of transfers to Yemen, the U.S. government did transfer a Yemeni
detainee from Guantánamo to Yemen after he was ordered released by a U.S.
federal court pursuant to his petition for a writ of habeas corpus. The U.S.
government is acutely aware that the majority of detainees at Guantánamo are
Yemeni nationals, and recognizes the need to identify solutions for that
population as part of our broader transfer efforts.
AMY GOODMAN: That's U.S. State Department official Michael Williams
testifying on Guantánamo. Victoria Brittain?
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: Well, I find it very hard to see how he can say, "We
don't hold people indefinitely," when these people, like-I'll take the
example of Shaker and perhaps of another man, Fouzi Al Awda, a Kuwaiti man.
These are people who have been held for 11 years. These are people who,
everybody knows, pose no threat whatsoever. The Kuwaiti government has been
asking for Fouzi for-since the very, very beginning. The very first court
case against President Bush and Donald Rumsfeld, Fouzi Al Awda was the
correspondent. They cannot possibly say that the British government is not
able to assure them that Shaker does not pose any threat of any sort. The
British government-William Hague, himself, the foreign secretary, has said
it over and over again. So, I think there's a bit of economical with the
truth going on there.
AMY GOODMAN: So, he's on another hunger strike now. He was on, in 2006. Your
book is about the families and the wives. Tell us about Zinnira and her
family, her children. What effect does this have on the family, held for-and
I hesitate to use the word-the U.S. government uses "detainee." For us in
the United States, "detainee" means you're detained for a small amount of
time, as opposed to "prisoner."
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: We use "prisoner." I think if you've been in a cage for
11 years, you're a prisoner. Let's be quite clear about that. I think the
use of words, you know, can be very effective, and you do minimize it by
saying "detainee."
Well, Zinnira. I want to tell you first, the first thing about Zinnira, and
one of the bits in my book that I love most, is the poem love letter that
she wrote to Shaker after 10 years, on Valentine's Day. And that chapter is
called "He's Still My Valentine." And for her, February the 14th is a
special day. It's not only the day that her youngest child was born, who
Shaker has never seen-that's little Faris, who's never seen his dad-but it's
also the day, coincidentally, and she didn't know it while she was giving
birth, that Shaker was taken to Guantánamo. So, whenever this date comes
around, it's psychologically very stressful for her. But last year on this
day, she wrote this amazing long poem called "Heart of Gold." And-
AMY GOODMAN: Can you read it?
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: I can read a little bit of it. And I think it gives you
an idea of the sweetness of the personality.
You are the roof over my head,
You are the shadow that can't be lead,
You are my voice when the silence breaks,
Your hand I seek, your hand I hold,
Cause you have a heart of gold.
You show me light in the dark,
And you guide me when I am lost,
Your happiness is all I ask,
But your story remains untold,
Cause you have a heart of gold.
You know, it's a very hard-sorry. But, you know, Zinnira, when she wrote
that, she was in one of her up phases, and she was so pleased with the
crafting of it, and she worked so hard on it to make it perfect to send to
him. And she sends him photographs of the children and little stories and
letters that the children write. But over these years, she has had some very
serious breakdowns. And sometimes I've been with her when she's been talking
about wanting to go to paradise, because she has these bad dreams. Sometimes
she dreams that Shaker's dead. Sometimes she dreams that Shaker is divorcing
her. And you have to reassure her over and over again, "The voices-don't
listen to the voices. You have to push the voices away." And sometimes she
can, and sometimes she can't. And she's had some sad periods in mental
hospitals, and she has periods when she simply packs the kids into the car
and goes off to stay with her aged parents, and they look after her until
she recovers.
And some of the time, you know, she's a great mom. She runs her little
house. She takes the kids to school. She does extra teaching after school.
And she's a wonderful, warm, outgoing mom, only concerned about her
children. And always, always, when she talks about Shaker, it's, you know,
"Will he-will he think I'm a good wife?" And sometimes she, in a good
period-she's been learning Arabic on the Internet, because she wants to make
him proud of her in every possible way. And when his mother's been ill in
Saudi Arabia, she calls the mom and talks to her. And she asked me recently,
you know, "Do you think I should go to Saudi and pack up the children?" She
wasn't in a very good phase. I said, "No, you call your mother-in-law on the
phone, and that's the correct thing for a daughter-in-law. But your actual
job is keeping your children and yourself ready for when Shaker comes back."
And, you know, President Obama is the most powerful man in the world. Sorry
about your Congress and all the roadblocks it put up. Is it really
impossible that he could take this one case, which the British are begging
him for-the man was cleared by his own most senior people-and say,
"Actually, we made a mistake with this one"?
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Let me ask you, in terms of the families that you've dealt
with, has there been any change whatsoever in terms of the government's
willingness to at least promote communication and contact or even visits on
the part of the families to these prisoners while this indefinite detention
is being resolved?
VICTORIA BRITTAIN: No, no visits. There's never been any visits. And the
lawyers' visits have recently become even more difficult. And now, not even
journalists are allowed. I mean, they're never allowed to speak to
prisoners. But there have been-by great efforts of the Red Cross, there have
been some efforts at Skype meetings. And Shaker has had a few talks on Skype
with his family in Saudi and with his family in London, which was incredibly
emotional when it first happened. But then the Skype failed. And there were
two attempts when it didn't work. And he then said, "This is worse than not
doing it." So although there have been a couple of sort of great moments
when they saw dad-and what the children told me was, you know, "My dad, he's
so funny. He makes jokes all the time." And it was great for the kids and
great for Zinnira to have those little moments. But real visit? And no real
prospect. I mean, your officials say they're not held indefinitely. But, you
know, if it's not indefinite, it's definite. So, aren't they going to say 11
years is enough?
AMY GOODMAN: British journalist Victoria Brittain, author of the new book,
Shadow Lives: The Forgotten Women of the War on Terror. This is Democracy
Now! We'll be back in a minute with Willie Nelson. He's 80 years old today.

In Peace,

Frank Dorrel
Addicted To War
P.O. Box 3261
Culver City, CA 90231-3261

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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