Other Echos of Iraq in NATO response to WMD in Syria

“I will kill them all with chemical weapons. Who is going to say anything?
The international community? F*ck them!”
- Al Majid, Saddam Hussein's Kurdish genocide point man | 26 May 1987

Ever since US President Barack Obama issued his first
the Syrian government that the use of chemical weapons in the civil war was
a *"red-line"* that might provoke a US military response, and even more so
after reported use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime against the
opposition in December, March and April, there have been many commentators
that have heard echoes of US President George Bush's false charges that
Saddam Hussein was harboring chemical weapons, the excuse what was used to
justify an imperialist war against Iraq, in the current discussion of Syria
and chemical weapons.

This report from the NY
that perspective:

The White House cited the Iraq war to justify its wariness of taking action
against another Arab country on the basis of incomplete or potentially
inaccurate assessments of its weapons of mass destruction. The press
secretary, Jay Carney, said the White House would *“look at the past for
guidance when it comes to the need to be very serious about gathering all
the facts, establishing chain of custody, linking evidence of the use of
chemical weapons to specific incidents and actions taken by the regime.”*

Why this is a false comparison
There are two very fundamental errors made by almost everyone making this
comparison. 1) Saddam Hussein was charged with possession of chemical
weapons, whereas Bashar al-Assad is being charge with using them to kill
Syrians in the present moment. 2) In the past two years Bashar al-Assad has
killed tens of thousands of Syrian civilians with many other weapons of
mass destruction including cluster bombs, artillery bombardment, air
strikes, helicopter gunships and ballistic missiles, there was no such
human slaughter taking place when Bush and company were making their
charges of simple possession.

To make this simplistic comparison. i.e. false charges of WMD in Iraq circa
2003 and questionable charges of WMD in Syria now, without considering
these two factors, means comparing apples to oranges. It means talking
utter nonsense while mass murder is taking place.

The fact that the charge here is *use* and not possession, that it is
alleged that people have been murdered by the Assad regime with chemical
weapons at a time when he is clearly on a mass murder spree, means that to
raise Bush's false charges against Hussein as a warning against doing
anything to stop the ongoing slaughter in Syria is, in fact, to support
that slaughter.

Using this false comparison the international *"community"* has danced
around Assad's use of chemical weapons and even after four attacks killing
scores of people and a mountain of other evidence, Obama in now saying that
he wants to be absolutely, positively, sure that Assad has used chemical
weapons before he declares that his red-line has been crossed. Since there
is no serious question as to whether Assad is committing mass murder with
just about everything else, this preoccupation with chemical weapons turns
into something of a macabre fetish. Consider what we know already.

Evidence of Assad's Chemical Weapons Use
On Saturday, another of Assad's ex-generals has said he was ordered to use
chemical weapons against the Free Syrian Army. The general, who foiled this
ordered chemical attack and defected 15 March
wasinterviewed by al

A former army general from the chemical weapons branch, Zahir al-Sakit,
said he was instructed to use chemical weapons during a regime battle with
the FSA in the southwestern area of Hauran.

He is the second defecting general to claim that he had been ordered to use
chemical weapons. On Christmas day last year, Maj. Gen. Abdul Aziz Jassem
al-Shallal, at the time the highest ranking member of Assad's army to
defect, did so and he brought with him a gift for the revolution, confirmation
that the Syrian Army did use chemical weapons in Homs earlier in December

We are not talking about some shadowy
These are officers with a history in the SAA, people the press can
interview and their testimony is backed up by a lot of other evidence.

This type of testimony, which is generally neglected, is extremely
important because unlike soil samples, videos of victims or even doctor's
diagnoses, it establishes firmly who is using chemical weapons in Syria.

Timeline of Syrian Chemical Attacks
In early December 2012 the FSA started
finding of disturbing amounts of chemical warfare suites and gas masks in
the military depots they were seizing.

Also the first week of December, US intelligence
Assad had been moving his chemical weapons around and even loading sarin
gas into bombs. The White House
 Obama's *"red-line"* warning but dropped the prohibition against the *
"movement"* of *"a whole bunch of chemical weapons."*

*22 December 2012* | The first use of chemical
the Assad regime against its own people took place in Homs. Seven people
were killed when a poisonous gas was sprayed in the rebel-held al-Bayyada
neighborhood. This use was confirmed by video <>
, witness and doctor
the general who defected days later because he saw things were going where
he couldn't. Obama pretended not to see this first crossing of his red-line
even while, in secret, his own State department was saying there was a
Assad's military forces had used a deadly form of poison gas. In public the
White House was
had concluded that Assad had not used chemical weapons in Homs.

*19 March 2013* | Two attacks appear to have taken place on this day; in
Khan al-Assal, a village west of Aleppo and in
a village outside of Damascus. There has been a lot of
 testimony <> and
evidence<> posted
about the attack in
For example a man in a clinic bed reported <>:

*“Missiles came and they exploded, and they discharged something like
water, but it was dark. It emitted a very foul smell.”*

Ateibeh is an area that had already been heavily bombed by the regime in
the past two years, an unknown number were
chemicals in this attack.

The attack on Khan al-Assal, southwest of Aleppo was a chlorine smelling
gas according to this
Naturally the Assad regime blamed the rebels. Time

The attack killed 31 people, including 10 soldiers, and wounded scores
more. In the immediate aftermath, the Syrian government and the opposition
traded accusations. The government claimed that *“terrorists,”* its term
for the rebels that have been fighting the regime for two years, had fired
a *“missile containing a chemical substance”* at the village of Khan
al-Asal in retaliation for their support of the government. Kasem Saad
Eddine, spokesperson for the opposition military council of Aleppo, accused
the government of attacking its own people in order to smear the opposition.

*13 April 2013* | Two woman and two children
16 others affected after two gas bombs where dropped from an army
Sheikn Maqsoud, Aleppo. While the death toll from this most recent use of
chemicals was small, it represented a major escalations of the *"In your
face factor"* because no one but the government is flying helicopters in
Syria. It also represents the introduction of a new delivery system. This
also produced a lot of video evidence including
, this <> and

Now there is also a bit of physical evident if Times of London
soil samples smuggled out of Syriatested
sarin are true. The tests were done by UK government scientists at Porton
Down after they were retrieve through a MI6 convert

*Update 29 April 2013* | Reports of a new possible chemical attack are
coming in no sooner than this blog is published. Activists have reported
what appears to be a chemical attack in Saraqib, an opposition town in
Idlib province. Some of the victims are being treated in Turkey. The
cannisters dropped appear to be the same type dropped in Sheikh Maghsoud,
excellent running coverage on this.
Side effects of chemical weapons reported in Saraqeb,
@*SyrianSmurf* <>: ابن الحرام عبيضرب سراقب
بالكيماوي... <>
Assad Regime's response to the Charges
There are probably more facts in dispute in this conflict than there are
combatants. So when looking at the various stories or accounts that come
daily with every incident, it is important to consider the source and to
understand that the Assad regime is not an honest source, the Assad regime
is a gangster regime.

When it comes to owning up to what could most charitably be called *
"short-comings"*, the Assad regime deals with its many internal *"My Lai
massacres"* with smiling denial. It is the gangster response. It is *"I
don't know nothing. I ain't done nothing. I was home with the flu."* It is
Al Capone, sitting in the barber's chair telling all the reporters how he
abhors violence.

So it should surprise no one that Assad's information minister Omran Ahed
al-Zouabi was quick to respond to these new charges of chemical weapons
use. On 26 April 2013 he told

*“First of all, I want to confirm that statements by the US Secretary of
State and British government are inconsistent with reality and a barefaced
lie, I want to stress one more time that Syria would never use it - not
only because of its adherence to the international law and rules of leading
war, but because of humanitarian and moral issues.”*

So if you believe that the Assad regime has acted in a humanitarian and
moral manner to this point, you are a fool, but at least your mind will be
at ease as to the looming possibilities of a *"Halabja"* in Syria's future.

Those inclined to give this denial any credit should consider also:Syria
denies using Scuds against
denies using cluster
denies Taramseh village
Jul 2013rebuttal <>Syria
denies UN claims of government forces
denies it was behind attack that killed
government denies reports of army shelling city of
Feb 2012rebuttal <>Syria
Denies Navy Shelling on al-Ramel al-Janoubi
Denies News on Discovery of Mass Grave in
Al Jazeera English did the Assad regime a real kindness when it truncated
the regime's response with the angry*"a bold-face lie"* phrase because as
soon as you include the *"we would never do nothing like that"* part, the
gangster smile starts to show through.

What Standards should be Applied to the Evidence?
The evident required for action in Syria should be a lot less than was
required in Iraq because people are being murdered right now. By looking
for a lawyer's *"beyond a reasonable doubt"* level of proof, Obama is
giving Assad the benefit of the doubt and setting conditions so strict that
they aren't likely to be met before many more people are murdered. It is
the wrong standard of proof. The standard of proof, the level of certainty
we should demand with regards to Assad's use of chemical weapons must
necessarily be much lower than that applied to Hussein's possession of
chemical weapons.

An analogy may help clarify why. If the police suspect that someone has an
illegal weapon, it is entirely right and proper to demand that they first
present their case to a judge and get a search warrant before they are
allowed to act on their suspicions. On the other hand, if there is an
active shooter taking people down, it would be absurd, even criminal, to
demand that the police visit a judge and get his approval before they
intervene to save lives.

The popular Iraq/Syria WMD Analogy is the Wrong One
The popular comparison being made between NATO charges against Iraq in the
run up to war and Syria now is a completely false one but if we go back a
little further in history we can make an apple to apple comparison between
Iraq then and Syria now.

We should be comparing the Western response to Assad's use of chemical
weapons against his own people now to the Western response when Saddam
Hussein used chemical weapons against his own people in 1983-1989. In that
case Hussein killed tens of thousands with chemical weapons while the West
looked on and did nothing.

So far, that is the analogy that rings true today.

The UN & US response to Iraq's use of chemical weapons
Iraq, under the fascist Baath Party dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, used
chemical weapons on a number of occasions in the 1980's both in its long
war against Iran and as part of a program of genocide against the Iraqi
Kurdish minority.

Between 1983 and
made at least 14 chemical attacks that took tens of thousands of Iranian
and Kurdish lives. Mustard gas was used in almost every attack and it was
sometimes supplemented with Tabun or a nerve agent.

One of the biggest attacks came on 15 March 1988, near the end of the
Iran-Iraq War, against the Kurdish town of Halabja. First sarin was used
and then mustard. 5,000 were slaughtered. We know that it was part of aprogram
of genocide <> because of Iraqi
records that were liberated during the 1991 Kurdish uprising:

On 3 June 1987 the Iraqi proconsul signed a personal directive, numbered
28/3650, declaring a zone that contained over a thousand Kurdish villages
to be a prohibited area, from which all human and animal life was to be
eradicated. *“It is totally prohibited for any foodstuffs or persons or
machinery to reach the villages that have been banned for security reasons,”
* the directive stated.

This gas attack was just one small part of Hussein's genocide against the
Kurds which took 400,000 lives in 15 years. Kendal Nezan remembered what
happened in Halabja in Le Monde

*US DOMINATION PUT TO THE TEST*When our *"friend"* Saddam was gassing the
*Ten years ago, the systematic gassing of the Kurdish population of
northern Iraq had far less impact on America. Only six months after the
slaughter at Halabja, the White House lent Saddam Hussein another billion
dollars. And in 1991, at the end of the Gulf war, US troops stood idly by
while Saddam’s presidential guard ruthlessly suppressed the popular
uprising by the Kurds for which the American president had himself called.*

The town of Halabja, with 60,000 inhabitants, lies on the southern fringe
of Iraqi Kurdistan, a few miles from the border with Iran. On 15 March 1988
it fell to the Peshmerga resistance fighters of Jalal Talabani’s Patriotic
Union of Kurdistan, supported by Iranian revolutionary guards.

The next morning Iraqi bombers appeared out of a clear blue sky. The people
of Halabja were used to the successive attacks and counter-attacks of the
Iraq-Iran war that had ravaged the region since September 1980. They
thought they were in for the usual reprisal raid. Those who had time
huddled in makeshift shelters. The rest were taken by surprise. Wave after
wave of Iraqi Migs and Mirages dropped chemical bombs on the unsuspecting
inhabitants. The town was engulfed in a sickly stench like rotten apples.
The bombing stopped at nightfall and it began to rain hard. Iraqi troops
had already destroyed the local power station, so the survivors began to
search the mud with torches for the dead bodies of their loved ones.

The scene that greeted them in the morning defied description. The streets
were strewn with corpses. People had been killed instantaneously by
chemicals in the midst of the ordinary acts of everyday life. Babies still
sucked their mothers’ breasts. Children held their parents’ hands, frozen
to the spot like a still from a motion picture. In the space of a few hours
5,000 people had died. The 3,200 who no longer had families were buried in
a mass grave. More... <>

Nezan then goes on to tell us how the Iraqi dictator was:

*Protected by the West*

At that time the regime was not worried about international reaction. In
the recording of the meeting of 26 May 1987, Proconsul Al Majid declares: *“I
will kill them all with chemical weapons. Who is going to say anything? The
international community? Fuck them!”* His language may be coarse, but the
cynicism of the butcher of Kurdistan, later promoted governor of Kuwait and
subsequently minister of defence, was fully justified.

Iraq was then seen as a secular bulwark against the Islamic regime in
Teheran. It had the support of East and West and of the whole Arab world
except Syria. All the Western countries were supplying it with arms and
funds. France was particularly zealous in this respect. Not content with
selling Mirages and helicopters to Iraq, it even lent the regime Super
Etendard aircraft in the middle of its war with Iran. Germany supplied
Baghdad with a large part of the technology required for the production of
chemical weapons.

Just as is happening now, there was a lot of controversy, the UN was
dispatched to the scene, but nothing was really done:

Despite the enormous public outrage at the gas attack on Halabja, France,
which is a depositary of the Geneva Convention of 1925, confined itself to
an enigmatic communiqué condemning the use of chemical weapons anywhere in
the world. The UN dispatched Colonel Dominguez, a Spanish military expert,
to the scene. In a report published on 26 April 1988, he confined himself
to recording that chemical weapons had been used once again both in Iran
and in Iraq and that the number of civilian victims was increasing. On the
same day the UN Secretary-General stated that, with respect to both the
weapons themselves and those who were using them, it was difficult to
determine the nationalities involved.

Clearly, Iraq’s powerful allies did not want Baghdad condemned. In August
1988 the United Nations Sub-Committee on Human Rights voted by 11 votes to
8 not to condemn Iraq for human rights violations. Only the Scandinavian
countries, Australia and Canada, together with bodies like the European
Parliament and the Socialist International, saved their honour by clearly
condemning Iraq.

In point of fact, the United States was involved in a partnership with
Saddam Hussein with regards to the manufacture and use of chemical weapons
in this period. As reported

According to the Washington Post, the CIA began in 1984 secretly to give
Iraq intelligence that Iraq uses to *"calibrate"* its mustard gas attacks
on Iranian troops. In August, the CIA establishes a direct
Washington-Baghdad intelligence link, and for 18 months, starting in early
1985, the CIA provided Iraq with *"data from sensitive U.S. satellite
reconnaissance assist Iraqi bombing raids."* The Post’s
source said that this data was essential to Iraq’s war effort.

The United States re-established full diplomatic ties with Iraq on 26
November, just over a year after Iraq’s first well-publicized CW use and
only 8 months after the UN and U.S. reported that Iraq used CWs on Iranian

In 1985 the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to put Iraq back on
the State terrorism sponsorship list. After the bill’s passage, Shultz
wrote to the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Howard Berman, cited the U.S.’ *"diplomatic
dialogue on this and other sensitive issues,"* claimed that*"Iraq has
effectively distanced itself from international terrorism,"* and stated
that if the U.S. found that Iraq supports groups practicing terrorism *"we
would promptly return Iraq to the list."*Rep. Berman dropped the bill and
explicitly cited Shultz’s assurances.

Four years later, the US response to the Halabja massacre was no better:

In May, two months after the Halabja assault, Peter Burleigh, Assistant
Secretary of State in charge of northern Gulf affairs, encouraged US-Iraqi
corporate cooperation at a symposium hosted by the U.S.-Iraq Business
Forum. The U.S.-Iraq Business Forum had strong (albeit unofficial) ties to
the Iraqi government.

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee sent a team to Turkey to speak
to Iraqi Kurdish refugees and assess reports that Iraq *"was using chemical
weapons on its Kurdish population."*This report reaffirmed that between
1984 and 1988 *"Iraq repeatedly and effectively used poison gas on Iran,"* the
UN missions’ findings, and the chemical attack on Halabja that left an
estimated 4,000 people dead.

Following the Halabja attack and Iraq’s August CW offensive against Iraqi
Kurds, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed on 8 September the *"Prevention
of Genocide Act of 1988"* the day after it is introduced. The act cuts off
from Iraq U.S. loans, military and non-military assistance, credits, credit
guarantees, items subject to export controls, and U.S. imports of Iraqi oil.

Immediately after the bill’s passage the Reagan Administration announced
its opposition to the bill, and SD spokesman Charles Redman called the bill
*"premature"*. The Administration works with House opponents to a House
companion bill, and after numerous legislation compromises and
end-of-session haggling, the Senate bill died *"on the last day of the
legislative session"*.

According to a 15 September news report, Reagan Administration officials
stated that the U.S. intercepted Iraqi military communications marking
Iraq’s CW attacks on Kurds.

U.S. intelligence reported in 1991 that the U.S. helicopters sold to Iraq
in 1983 were used in 1988 to spray Kurds with chemicals.

The United Nation's failure to do anything about Saddam Hussein's chemical
weapons use is informative for the current crisis:

Although the UN's expert mission concluded in March 1986 that Iraq used
chemical weapons on Iranian troops, SCR 582 (1986) symmetrically noted *"that
both the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq are parties to the Protocol for
the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous and Other
Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare signed at Geneva on 7 June
1925"* and *" particular the use of chemical weapons contrary
to obligations under the 1925 Protocol".* Resolution 588 (1986) did not
mention chemical weapons. In 20 July 1987, SCR 598 again deplored *"in
particular the use chemical weapons contrary to obligations of the 1925
Protocol",* but does not elaborate.

During the following years, the UNSC continued to be *"dismayed"* by
chemical weapons' continued use and the*"more intensive scale"*. They
passed more resolutions that *"condemns vigorously the continued use of
chemical weapons"* and *"expects both sides to refrain from the future use
of chemical weapons".* By August of 1988 the UNSC was *"deeply dismayed"* by
the *"continued use of chemical weapons"* and that *"such use against
Iranians has become more intense and frequent"*. Because of Western vetoes,
the UNSC could never clearly say it was Hussein that was behind the
chemical weapons use.

The Security Council could only condemn Iraq by name for using chemical
weapons through non-binding Presidential statements, over which permanent
members of the Security Council do not have an individual veto. On 21 March
1986, the Security Council President, making a*"declaration"* and *"speaking
on behalf of the Security Council,"* stated that the Council members
are *"profoundly
concerned by the unanimous conclusion of the specialists that chemical
weapons on many occasions have been used by Iraqi forces against Iranian
troops...[and] the members of the Council strongly condemn this continued
use of chemical weapons in clear violation of the Geneva Protocol of 1925
which prohibits the use in war of chemical weapons"*. The US voted against
the issuance of this statement, and the UK, Australia, France and Denmark
abstained. However, the concurring votes of the other ten members of the
Security Council ensured that this statement constituted the first
criticism of Iraq by the Security Council.

At the time, the US and a number of other great powers were supporting
Saddam Hussein so there was nothing done about his WMD until be became a
problem much later. He didn't have any WMD by then but that didn't matter;
he had an ugly reputation for using them.

Even if the current UN investigative mission can make it to Syria and make
an investigation, which looks very iffy at this point, it is highly
unlikely that the United Nations will actually do anything.

The difference will be that this time, with Syria, Russia will play the bad
guy with the veto.

Why would Assad use Chemical Weapons?
>From The 
Robert Fisk has this report on Sunday:

Syria and sarin gas: US claims have a very familiar ring*Reports of the
Assad regime's use of chemical weapons are part of a retold drama riddled
with plot-holes
Is there any way of escaping the theatre of chemical weapons?...In any
normal society the red lights would now be flashing, especially in the
world's newsrooms. But no. We scribes remind the world that Obama said the
use of chemical weapons in Syria would be a "game changer" – at least
Americans admit it is a game – and our reports confirm what no one has
actually confirmed. Chemical arms used. In two Canadian TV studios, I am
approached by producers brandishing the same headline. I tell them that on
air I shall trash the "evidence" – and suddenly the story is deleted from
both programmes. Not because they don't want to use it – they will later –
but because they don't want anyone suggesting it might be a load of old

CNN has no such inhibitions. Their reporter in Amman is asked what is known
about the use of chemical weapons by Syria and replies: "Not as much as the
world would want to know … the psyche of the Assad regime …." But has
anyone tried? Or simply asked an obvious question, posed to me by a Syrian
intelligence man in Damascus last week: if Syria can cause infinitely worse
damage with its MiG bombers (which it does) why would it want to use

The Syrian intelligence man's question deserves an answer and that answer
goes to the heart of Bashar al-Assad's repression strategy and the role
chemical weapons are starting to play in it. Bashar learned well from his
father, both in strengths and mistakes.

He learn to rule with an iron fist, but he also learn to finesse it a
little better. Halef paid a heavy political price when he exterminated
~18,000 *"terrorist"* in Homs in a few weeks but Bashar knows better how to
boil live frogs in an open pot. He has already killed 3 of 4 times as many
by turning up the heat slowly.

He started with snipers targeting peaceful protesters and when that didn't
clear the streets, he brought in the tanks.

His weak spot, militarily speaking, has been the ordinary foot soldier.
Normally the infantry is the backbone of any army but Bashar's tended to be
a little too defection prone whenever they were thrown into battle. Thus we
have seen many times in this civil war, the rookie mistake of sending in
armor without supporting infantry. In the narrow streets of Homs and Hama,
his tanks proved vulnerable even to rebels armed only with Molotov

He has always had certain *"elite"* forces organized along sectarian lines
that he could count on even to kill children with knives, no true gangster
would leave home without them, but fortunately for us all, such thugs are a
tiny minority.

So standoff tools have been his weapons of choice. The goals have been
generalized destruction and murder with the aim of punishing any
communities that would dare to rise against his rule and making life
intolerable in any areas that his regime has been forced out of.

But the strategy has always been to ramp up the slaughter in a slow 'n
steady way that would gain greater world acceptance than his father
enjoyed. So far he has succeeded admirably. Now ~200 Syrian's a day are
being slaughtered and the world doesn't give a fuck.

At first he relied mainly on long range artillery and tank fire. He
introduced his air force very slowly, much like he is doing now with
chemical weapons.

First there were a few reports of him using helicopters and Migs. They were
denied but the reports continued as did the sporadic use of aircraft. As
the media lost interest, the air strikes became more regular and wide
spread. As regular air strikes against his own cities gained worldwide
acceptance, he started upping the ordinances dropped from his planes, as
cluster bombs, incendiaries, and barrel bombs were introduced.

As the opposition has gotten better at shooting down his aircraft, they
have just worn out, or his air bases have fallen, he has relied on bigger
and bigger ballistic missiles. Now the world has signaled its quiet
acceptance for a government that fires Scuds at its own cities.

In spite of all this, he is still losing.

Chemical weapons are simply the next logical step in this escalation. Obama
saw that too in August and tried to draw a *"red-line"* in the Syrian sand
but Obama forgot about the danger of trying to bullshit a bullshitter.

Assad is testing him on this, and it was Obama himself that told him how
with his *"whole bunch of"* underpass in the *"red-line."* However much
sarin or other chemicals Assad has spread around in the four incidents
reported since December nobody can yet argue that he has used *"a whole
bunch of chemical weapons,"* not when massacres on the scale of Halabja are

He is introducing chemical weapons slowly, so the world can get used to
them again. He may have only used four shells to create four deniable
incidents. He may be diluting the poison to give contradictory results.
What exactly is a whole bunch? Who can say really?

So to get back to the Intel guys rhetorical question, he is pushed to use
chemical weapons in spite of the destruction cause by his Migs because his
Migs are wearing out, or getting shot down, or as reported in one case,
bombing Assad positions before bailing out over opposition held territory.

He will use chemical weapons because they are the perfect weapon for his
type of warfare. He can easily kill large numbers of people and make whole
cities uninhabitable and they can be delivered by rockets and artillery so
few killers are needed and even they don't have to look at their handiwork.

He just needs to introduce them slowly so the world learns to accept it. In
the long run he may make what Saddam Hussein did to the Kurds look like a
walk in the park.

Don't Look for Anything to be Done Anytime Soon
In spite of the latest flurry of diplomacy around Assad's limited use of
chemical weapons, after we have tolerated as many as a hundred thousand
dead, two million driven from the country and more than six million driven
from their homes, don't look for those that could put a stop to it, to do
anything anytime soon. The NY Times

President Obama said Friday that he would respond *“prudently”* and *
“deliberately”* to evidence that Syria had used chemical weapons, tamping
down any expectations that he would take swift action after an American
intelligence assessment that the Syrian government had used the chemical
agent sarin on a small scale in the nation’s civil war.

*“Knowing that potentially chemical weapons have been used inside of Syria
doesn’t tell us when they were used, how they were used,”* Mr. Obama told
reporters in the Oval Office. *“We have to act prudently. We have to make
these assessments deliberately.”*

British PM David
also counseling against doing anything rash, like rushing in to save lives:

[Cameron] repeated that Britain had no appetite to intervene militarily.

*“I don’t want to see that, and I don’t think that is likely to happen,”* he
said. *“But I think we can step up the pressure on the regime, work with
our partners, work with the opposition in order to bring about the right
outcome. But we need to go on gathering this evidence and also to send a
very clear warning to the Syrian regime about these appalling actions.”*

The French also sound
aren't willing to do anything but talk:

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in an interview to the *“Europe
1″* radio station that it is uncertain whether or not chemical weapons were
used in Syria.

Fabius noted that even if there was use of chemical weapons, it doesn’t
change a thing regarding the Western response policy and that the US and
Russia are examining all options with France.

And from the Washington

*“This is going to be a long-term proposition. This is not going to be
something that is solved easily overnight,”* Obama said.

The definitive proof the White House is seeking is likely to be weeks or
months in the offing, if it comes at all. A U.N. weapons team has been
blocked from on-the-ground testing, and it is not clear what other
scientific or intelligence information the White House would find

RT <> gives us a sense
of the resistance any UN team is likely to receive from Damascus:

*Chemical inspection stalled: UN team can’t be trusted ‘politically’ without
Russian experts – Syrian information minister*

Without hard evidence, American accusations of chemical weapons use in
Syria fall short of UN proof standards, says a UN chemical inspector. And
in the way proposed, a probe would only result in an Iraqi scenario, the
Syrian information minister told RT.

Russia has been Assad's biggest supplier of Scuds, cluster bombs and all
the other ordinances with which he is killing his own people. for that
reason many believe the proposed Russian experts can't be trusted *

Foreign Policy summed
situation this way:

His careful, incremental introduction of chemical weapons into the Syrian
conflict has turned President Barack Obama's clear red line into an
impressionist watercolor, undermining the credible threat of U.S. military
intervention. Despite Obama's statement on Friday that "we've crossed a
line," Assad knows that the United States does not want to be dragged into
a Middle Eastern civil war and is attempting to call Obama's bluff.

The Syrian regime's subtle approach deliberately offers the Obama
administration the option to remain quiet about chemical attacks and
thereby avoid the obligation to make good on its threats. But even more
worrying, Assad's limited use of chemical weapons is intended to
desensitize the United States and the international community in order to
facilitate a more comprehensive deployment in the future -- without
triggering intervention.

At this point, there is no support for military intervention in Syria
either from the US government or the people. It is much the same in the UK
and the EU.

Back in August, when Barack Obama told Bashar al-Assad that the use of
chemical weapons would be a *"red-line"* while he was already using Migs
and cluster bombs and everything else, he gave Bashar a green
continue his slaughter as he has.

Now Assad is calling Obama's bluff, he is testing the *"red-line"*, but the
self-proclaimed *"cops of the world"* are corrupt and work with the
gangsters, so unless people around the world unite in demanding action,
Assad is likely to get away with killing a lot more Syrians with poison gas
and chemical weapons will have taken a giant step back towards acceptance
as a tool of internal mass suppression.

Why did they think we would come to their aid?
This was the question raised on one of the Sunday morning talk shows when
Clarissa Ward pointed out that the Syrian people are starting to become
very bitter about the refusal of the world, particularly the United States,
to come to their aid and do anything to stop their children from being

I think it is a fair question, so let me propose a few possible answers:

1) Because it is the right thing to do.

2) Because as long as most people can remember, we have been shouting *"never
again"* to the hilltops.

3) Because Superman would never let so many people get slaughtered and not
try to stop it, and we have spent billions peddling our culture and
polishing our image around the world.

4) Because the United States has justified every war it has ever fought in
the name of saving lives.

Syria may become the other side of the proof that it was naked
self-interest and greed that have dictated when the United States went to
war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, even WWII.

If simple humanitarian interests aren't enough to demand that the Assad
regime be stopped from any further use of chemical weapons, there is this:

The worldwide ban on the uses of chemical
weapons<> was
one of the great progressive victories to come out of the first Great War,
and even though they have been superseded by nuclear weapons, which have
yet to be placed under any such ban, the importance of continuing to
enforce this prohibition against the use of chemical weapons cannot be
underestimated. Especially when Assad is demonstrating that they can be
used in the suppression of mass resistance to the state in a way that
nuclear weapons never can.

That represents a strong reason why the governments of the world might like
to re-introduce them as tools and it is exactly why the people of the world
must demand that the ban against the use of chemical weapons be strictly
enforced, especially in the case of Syria now.

If this is not done, the Assad lesson to oppressive states everywhere will
be: *"If your people get to bugging you too much, you can just spray them."*

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