A young boy in 


A young boy in Kobani, Aleppo, expresses a similar sentiment:

*Hezbollah & Regime Fighters Surround Key City.*

Assad forces and HEzbollah fighters have nearly surrounded the town of
Qusayr, south of Homs. Today, leaflets were dropped on the city from
aircraft warning civilians to leave and rebels to
according the AFP:


Troops backed by fighters from the Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah
have advanced throughout the area around Qusayr, which fell to the rebels
more than a year ago.

Activists said Qusayr is surrounded by government forces on three sides,
and that approximately 25,000 residents are believed to still be in the

The area has been a strategic boon to the rebels, who used it as a base
from which to block the main road from Damascus to the coast, impeding
military movement and supply chains.

1423 GMT: *Damascus Bombed, but Protests Continue.*

Every Friday for the last 787 days <http://beta.syriadeeply.org/>, Syrians
have taken to the streets to protest against the rule of President Bashar
al Assad. At first, Syrian protesters called for reform. Then the Syrian
streets called for the resignation of President Assad. As the violence
escalated, protesters chanted for the execution of the President. In fact,
every Friday's protest has a theme, voted on by activists in a Facebook
poll. Today's theme roughly translates to "Freedom from Sectarian Genocide
in Syria," a reference to the horrific killings in Banias.

In Damascus, the bombs are falling all across the eastern districts. The
LCC has posted videos of injured civilians in
Kaferbatna<https://www.facebook.com/LCCSy/posts/655001411193665> after
shells fell, fires burning in
and plumes of smoke rising
up<https://www.facebook.com/LCCSy/posts/655013424525797> in
East Ghouta. Just a few kilometers away, however, a large protest rally was
reportedly held in Irbin:

(05-10-13) Arbeen | Damascus | Calling for Freedom, Genocide in Syria


But then there is this video, reportedly taken today in nearby Douma, where
dozens of explosions have filled the city with smoke:


Protesting, and just living, in Syria is a very dangerous activity.

*But hope remains. Here is today's message from Kafranbel, written in
English, French, and German: "We, the Syrians, never wallow in the valley
of despair."*


A young boy in 

A young boy in Kobani, Aleppo, expresses a similar sentiment:

The Kurdish city of Kobani- Banner...
pic.twitter.com/wyXJNHKQSH <http://t.co/wyXJNHKQSH>
9:14 AM - 10 May 2013<https://twitter.com/iRevolt93/statuses/332861251648634880>
[image: View image on

1415 GMT: *Russia Won't Deliver Advanced Missiles.*

Yesterday there were reports that Russia was planning on sending Syria the
advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missiles. Now, Itar-Tass news agency reports
that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has denied
According to the report, Lavrov said that Russia would fulfill current arms
sales contracts, but the S-300 was not included in those contracts.




Friday, May 10, 2013
Obama's "Red-Line" was nothing but a Green Light for Assad's Slaughter of
Remember when he made these bold statements?

*We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on
the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of
chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my
calculus. That would change my equation.
We have communicated in no uncertain terms with every player in the region
that that’s a red line for us and that there would be enormous consequences
if we start seeing movement on the chemical weapons front or the use of
chemical weapons. That would change my calculations significantly.*

Hours after Barack Obama showed up in the White House Press Briefing on
August 19, 2012 to make his *"red-line"* warning, I said that Obama was
also telling Assad he would not intervene in the Syrian civil war as long a
Assad continued the slaughter his people with every other means at his
disposal. I 
Barack Obama's*"red-line"* was, in effect, a green light to Assad's
continued slaughter.

About 25,000 Syrians had been killed to that point, 70,000 Syrians have
died in this carnage since. Over a thousand where just slaughtered between
May 2 -6 in Banias where Assad has been carrying out ethnic cleansing. Most
were women and children, many were slaughtered with knives.

A short video about the massacre in Banias

غياب الله Absence of God <http://vimeo.com/65890588> from abou
 on Vimeo <http://vimeo.com/>.
It now appears that there never was any real upside to Obama's
*"red-line"* statement,
only the unspoken green light aspects had any real substance. True to his
word, Obama didn't intervene as Assad carried out an air war against his
own people. Obama didn't intervene as he dropped cluster bombs, barrel
bombs and incendiaries on civilian neighborhoods. Obama didn't intervene as
he continued to use his artillery to pound some of the oldest cities on
Earth into dust. He didn't intervene when HRW reported that rape was being
widely used by the regime as a weapon of war. He didn't intervene as Assad
sent helicopter gunships to murder people queuing up in bread-lines. He
didn't intervene as he sent his shabiha thugs into community after
community to commit mass murder. He didn't intervene as Assad proceeded to
destroy his own country and as 5,000 Syrians a day began fleeing across the
borders to escape the carnage.

For the past seven months, it is only the *"green light"* aspects of
Obama's proclamation that has rang true. Now that Assad is using chemical
weapons, it has been revealed that his *"red-line"* warning was never
anything but a bluff.

The truth has been revealed by the facts on the ground: Obama's
*"red-line"* was
never anything but a green light to Assad's continued slaughter.

In spite of the fact that UN investigator Carla Del Ponte rushed to Assad's
aid with her unsupported
Assad's opposition had used sarin gas, a mountain of
saying the it is the Assad regime that has been using chemical weapons to
kill Syrians.

There are two of Assad defected generals that have testified they were
ordered to use chemical weapons. There is the testimony of victims and
medical personnel with regards to at least five attacks. There are soil
samples smuggled out of Syria by Britain's MI6 that tested positive for
sarin. And now the PM of Turkey is saying they have proof that Assad has
made chemical attacks on his opposition:

>From France 24 we have this

Turkish PM says Syria used chemical weapons10 May 2013 - 13H52

AFP - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told an American
television channel he believes Syria has used chemical weapons, crossing a
"red line" set out by US President Barack Obama.

*"It is clear the regime has used chemical weapons and missiles,"* Erdogan
told NBC News on Thursday, without providing details on when or where they
were used.

*"It has been passed (a) long time ago,"* Erdogan said of Obama's *"red
line,"* calling for stronger US action against Syrian President Bashar

*"We want the United States to assume more responsibilities and take
further steps. And what sort of steps they will take, we are going to talk
about this,"* said Erdogan, who will meet Obama on May 16.

Erdogan said Syrian patients showing signs of chemical attacks had been
brought to hospitals across the border in Turkey, and that "remainders of
missiles" that he believes were used in such attacks have been found.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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