Great list!

--- In, "Frank Dorrel" <fdorrel@...> wrote:
> Many Excellent Anti-War Documentary Films You Can Watch On-Line:
> Bill Moyer’s The Secret Government: The Constitution In Crisis: (1987 on PBS
> â€" 85 Minutes)
> Host Bill Moyers exposes the inner workings of a secret government much more
> vast that most people would ever imagine. Though originally broadcast on PBS
> in 1987, it is even more relevant today.  Interviews with respected top
> military, intelligence, and government insiders reveal both the history and
> secret objectives of powerful groups in the hidden shadows of our
> government.
> WAR MADE EASY: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death:.
> Narrated by Sean Penn â€" (2007 -72 Minutes)
>  -  Produced by The Media Education
> Foundation:  - Based on Book by Norman Solomon titled: WAR
> MADE EASY. political leaders 
> War Made Easy reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year
> pattern of government deception & media spin that has dragged the United
> States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq. This film exhumes
> remarkable archival footage of official distortion & exaggeration from LBJ
> to George W. Bush, revealing in stunning detail how the American news media
> have uncritically disseminated the pro-war messages of successive
> presidential administrations. War Made Easy gives special attention to
> parallels between the Vietnam war and the war in Iraq. Guided by media
> critic Norman Solomon’s meticulous research and tough-minded analysis, the
> film presents disturbing examples of propaganda and media complicity from
> the present alongside rare footage of political leaders and leading
> journalists from the past, including Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Defense
> Secretary Robert McNamara, dissident Senator Wayne Morse and news
> correspondents Walter Cronkite and Morley Safer.  
> Hearts & Minds: Academy Award Winning Documentary about The Vietnam War -
> Directed by Peter Davis - (1974 â€" 112 Minutes)
> This film recounts the history and attitudes of the opposing sides of the
> Vietnam War using archival news footage as well as its own film and
> interviews. A key theme is how attitudes of American racism and
> self-righteous militarism helped create and prolong this bloody conflict.
> The film also endeavors to give voice to the Vietnamese people themselves as
> to how the war has affected them and their reasons why they fight the United
> States and other western powers while showing the basic humanity of the
> people that US propaganda tried to dismiss.
> The Panama Deception: Won Academy Award - Narrated by Elizabeth Montgomery â€"
> Produced by The Empowerment Project - (1992 â€" 91 Minutes)
> -
> This Academy Award Winning film documents the untold story of the December
> 1989 U.S. invasion of Panama; the events which led to it; the excessive
> force used; the enormity of the death and destruction; and the devastating
> aftermath. The Panama Deception uncovers the real reasons for this
> internationally condemned attack, presenting a view of the invasion which
> widely differs from that portrayed by the U.S. media and exposes how the
> U.S. government and the mainstream media suppressed information about this
> foreign policy disaster.
> Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky & The Media:  (1992 â€" 167 Minutes) â€"
> Produced & Directed by Mark Achbar â€" Directed by Peter Wintonick
> This film showcases Noam Chomsky, one of America's leading linguists &
> political dissidents. It also illustrates his message of how government and
> big media businesses cooperate to produce an effective propaganda machine in
> order to manipulate the opinions of the United States populous.
> Occupation 101: Voices of The Silenced Majority â€" Best Film I’ve Seen 
> about
> the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict â€" (2006 - 90 Minutes)
>  - 
> A thought-provoking and powerful documentary film on the current and
> historical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Unlike any other
> film ever produced on the conflict -- 'Occupation 101' presents a
> comprehensive analysis of the facts and hidden truths surrounding the never
> ending controversy and dispels many of its long-perceived myths and
> misconceptions. The film also details life under Israeli military rule, the
> role of the United States in the conflict, and the major obstacles that
> stand in the way of a lasting and viable peace. The roots of the conflict
> are explained through first-hand on-the-ground experiences from leading
> Middle East scholars, peace activists, journalists, religious leaders and
> humanitarian workers whose voices have too often been suppressed in American
> media outlets. 
> COVER-UP: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair: Narrated by Elizabeth Montgomery â€"
> Produced by The Empowerment Project â€" (1988 â€" 72 Minutes)
>  - 
> COVER-UP is the only film which presents a comprehensive overview of the
> most important stories suppressed during the Iran Contra hearings. It is the
> only film that puts the entire Iran Contra affair into a meaningful
> political and historical context. The shadow government of assassins, arms
> dealers, drug smugglers, former CIA operatives and top US military personnel
> who were running foreign policy unaccountable to the public, revealing the
> Reagan/Bush administration's plan to use FEMA to institute martial law and
> ultimately suspend the Constitution. Strikingly relevant to current events.
> The War On Democracy by John Pilger: (2007 â€" 94 Minutes)  â€"
> This film shows how US intervention, overt and covert, has toppled a series
> of legitimate governments in the Latin American region since the 1950s. The
> democratically elected Chilean government of Salvador Allende, for example,
> was ousted by a US backed coup in 1973 and replaced by the military
> dictatorship of General Pinochet. Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras and
> El Salvador have all been invaded by the United States. Pilger interviews
> several ex-CIA agents who took part in secret campaigns against democratic
> countries in the region. He investigates the School of the Americas in the
> US state of Georgia, where Pinochet’s torture squads were trained along with
> tyrants and death squad leaders in Haiti, El Salvador, Brazil and Argentina.
> The film unearths the real story behind the attempted overthrow of
> Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez in 2002 and how the people of the barrios
> of Caracas rose up to force his return to power.
> What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third
> World: Produced by Frank Dorrel (2000 - 123 Minutes)
>  -  -
>  - 
> This is a 2-Hour Video Compilation Featuring the Following 10 Segments:
>  1. Martin Luther King Jr., Civil rights leader speaking out against the
> U.S. war in Vietnam.
>  2. John Stockwell, CIA Station Chief in Angola -1975, under CIA Director,
> George Bush Sr. 
>  3. Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair U.S. support of the Contras in
> Nicaragua. 
>  4. School of Assassins, Our own terrorist training school at Fort Benning,
> Georgia.  
>  5. Genocide by Sanctions, 5,000 Iraqi children die every month due to the
> U.S. sanctions. 
>  6. Philip Agee, Former CIA official who spent 13 years in the agency, wrote
> CIA Diary
>  7. Amy Goodman, Host of Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio NY, on the CIA and
> East Timor.  
>  8. The Panama Deception  Academy award for best documentary on U.S.
> invasion of Panama
>  9. Ramsey Clark, Former Attorney General, talking on U.S. militarism and
> foreign policy. 
> 10. S. Brian Willson, Vietnam Veteran - Wages Unconditional Peace against
> U.S. imperialism.
> Cronkite and 
> Morley Safer.
> ADDICTED To WAR Preview: - (4 Minutes) -
> NO MORE VICTIMS â€" Videos of 4 War-Injured Iraqi Children NMV Brought to the
> US for Medical Treatments: 
> What American Missiles Did to 9-Year Old Salee Allawi in Iraq - 2 Segments -
> (4:13 Min & 10:40 Min) -    
> In this video, Salee Allawi & her father tell the harrowing story of the
> American air strike that blew off her legs while she was playing outside her
> home in Iraq. Her brother & best friend were killed.
> Nora, A 5-Year Old Iraqi Girl: Who Was Shot in the Head by a US Sniper -
> Narrated by Steve Ballantine - (4:05 Minutes)
> As her father writes, “On October 23, 2006 at 4:00 in the afternoon,
> American snipers positioned on a rooftop in my neighborhood started firing
> toward my car. My daughter Nora, a five-year-old child, was hit in the head.
> Since 2003 No More Victims has secured treatment for children injured by US
> forces. Please donate online: to help us continue our
> work. 
> Abdul Hakeem’s Story â€" Narrated by Peter Coyote - No More Victims â€" (5
> Minutes) -
> On April 9, 2004 at 11:00 PM, during the First Siege of Fallujah, Abdul
> Hakeem & his family were asleep at home when mortar rounds fired by US
> forces rained down on their home, destroying one side of his face. His
> mother suffered abdominal & chest injuries & has undergone five major
> operations. His older brother & sister were injured and his unborn sister
> killed. US forces did not permit ambulances to transport civilian casualties
> to the hospital. In fact, they fired on ambulances, one of many violations
> of international law committed by US forces in the April assault. A neighbor
> volunteered to take the family to the hospital, where doctors assessed
> Hakeem’s chances of survival at five percent. They laid his limp body aside
> and treated other civilian casualties whose chances of survival appeared
> higher. 
> Alaa’ Khalid Hamdan - Narrated by Peter Coyote - No More Victims â€" (3:33
> Minutes) -
> Alaa’ Khalid Hamdan was severely injured when a U.S. tank round slammed into
> her family’s home in Al Qaim, Iraq
> <> . It
> was May 3, 2005, around three in the afternoon. The children were having a
> tea party. Two of Alaa’s brothers and three of her cousins were killed, all
> children under ten years of age. Fourteen women & children were killed or
> injured in the attack, which occurred while the men were at work.
> Alaa’ was peppered with shrapnel in her legs, abdomen and chest, and
> urgently needed an operation to save her eyesight. Micro-shrapnel from the
> US tank round was embedded in both eyes, and her retina was detached. If the
> fragments were not removed soon, she faced a lifetime of blindness. “A
> surgery in Orlando to remove micro-shrapnel from her eyes and reattach her
> retina was successful. The surgeon there said if the eyes had gone untreated
> a few more days, she would have been blinded forever.”
> Breaking The Silence: Truth & Lies in The War On Terror - by John Pilger:
> - (2003 -51 Minutes)
> The documentary investigates George W Bush's "war on terror". In "liberated"
> Afghanistan, America has its military base and pipeline access, while the
> people have the warlords who are, says one women, "in many ways worse than
> the Taliban". In Washington, a series of remarkable interviews includes
> senior Bush officials and former intelligence officers. A former senior CIA
> official tells Pilger that the whole issue of weapons of mass destruction
> was "95 per cent charade".
> VIETNAM: AMERICAN HOLOCAUST: Narrated by Martin Sheen â€" Produced by Clay
> Claiborne (2008 -87 Minutes)
> â€" 
> This film exposes one of the worst cases of sustained mass slaughter in
> history, carefully planned & executed by presidents of both parties. Our
> dedicated generals & foot soldiers, knowingly or unknowingly, killed nearly
> 5 million people, on an almost unimaginable scale, mostly using incendiary
> bombs. Vietnam has never left our national consciousness & now, in this
> time, it has more relevance than ever.
> KILL THEM ALL â€" This BBC Documentary Reveals Atrocities Committed by the
> U.S. in Korea During the War - (49 Minutes) 
> The Korean War was a bloody conflict. It left Korea, North and South, with
> several million dead and the UN forces involved in the fighting with over
> 100,000 casualties. But despite fighting as intense and as violent as any
> other conflict since World War Two, Korea has always been history’s
> ‘Forgotten War’.
> THE CORPORATION: (2003 â€" 165 Minutes) â€" Directors: Mark Achbar
> <
> 4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDAy8HsxKnfq6-gXGKkXnFmvMWATPNpv8ueB20zsC85qE-C8sNABItY
> wsqAAAA&sa=X&ei=YA6kUfvxE-GWiAKI6YHwAw&ved=0CKcBEJsTKAIwDQ>  & Jennifer
> Abbott
> <
> ck=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDAy8HsxKnfq6-gXm2aVnOkg0SS1Ksn2btcMtu5Xy46mmyXPMnA
> GdQr_cqAAAA&sa=X&ei=YA6kUfvxE-GWiAKI6YHwAw&ved=0CKgBEJsTKAMwDQ>  -
> Screenplay
> <
> ie+screenplay&sa=X&ei=YA6kUfvxE-GWiAKI6YHwAw&ved=0CKsBEOgTKAEwDQ> : Joel
> Bakan
> <
> sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDAy8HsxKnfq6-gUlOgVn63pZW2wlXJu7NVlV9N0VCV3Ti3_ISAJ_lee
> sqAAAA&sa=X&ei=YA6kUfvxE-GWiAKI6YHwAw&ved=0CKwBEJsTKAIwDQ>  - Producers
> <
> ie+producers&sa=X&ei=YA6kUfvxE-GWiAKI6YHwAw&ved=0CK8BEOgTKAEwDQ> : Mark
> Achbar
> <
> 4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDAy8HsxKnfq6-gXGKkXnFmvMWATPNpv8ueB20zsC85qE-C8sNABItY
> wsqAAAA&sa=X&ei=YA6kUfvxE-GWiAKI6YHwAw&ved=0CLABEJsTKAIwDQ>  & Bart Simpson
> <
> ker&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDAx8HsxKXfq6-gXF5lnFykblvbNG-vqnMLn_XW9ZUeb
> Ns2BO_HwA6Q_bBKwAAAA&sa=X&ei=YA6kUfvxE-GWiAKI6YHwAw&ved=0CLEBEJsTKAMwDQ> 
> Provoking, witty, stylish and sweepingly informative, THE CORPORATION
> explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our
> time. Part film and part movement, The Corporation is transforming audiences
> and dazzling critics with its insightful and compelling analysis. Taking its
> status as a legal "person" to the logical conclusion, the film puts the
> corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?"
> The Corporation includes interviews with 40 corporate insiders and critics
> <>  - including Noam
> Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, Howard Zinn, Vandana Shiva and
> Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for
> change.
> The New Rulers Of The World: By John Pilger: - (2002 - 54
> Minutes)
> Who really rules the world now? Is it governments or a handful of huge
> companies? The Ford Motor Company alone is bigger than the economy of South
> Africa. Enormously rich men, like Bill Gates, have a wealth greater than all
> of Africa. Pilger goes behind the hype of the new global economy and reveals
> that the divisions between the rich and poor have never been greater â€" two
> thirds of the world’s children live in poverty â€" and the gulf is widening
> like never before. The film looks at the new rulers of the world â€" the great
> multinationals and the governments and institutions that back them â€" the IMF
> and the World Bank. Under IMF rules, millions of people throughout the world
> lose their jobs and livelihood. The reality behind much of modern shopping
> and the famous brands is a sweatshop economy, which is being duplicated in
> country after country.
> Palestine Is Still the Issue: By John Pilger:  - (2002
> -52 Minutes)
> John Pilger first made: 'Palestine Is Still The Issue' in 1977. It told how
> almost a million Palestinians had been forced off their land in 1948 and
> again in 1967. Twenty five years later, John Pilger returns to the West Bank
> of Jordan and Gaza, and to Israel, to ask why the Palestinians, whose right
> of return was affirmed by the United Nations more than half a century ago,
> are still caught in a terrible limbo - refugees in their own land,
> controlled by Israel in the longest military occupation in modern times.
> Rachel Corrie: An American Conscience: (2005 - 93 Minutes) -
> The late Rachel Corrie (1979 â€" 2003) was articulate, straight forward and
> resolute. Her castigation of Israel’s military occupation of the Palestinian
> people and the Israeli Government’s disregard for the safety of Israelis and
> Palestinians rang with clarity. Through peace activism she ascertained the
> facts on the ground. She called it as she saw it.The documentary, “Rachel
> Corrie: An American Conscience,” chronicles her humanitarian work with the
> International Solidarity Movement in Rafah, Gaza Strip, just prior to her
> murder in March 2003. While Corrie stood in front of a Palestinian home to
> prevent its demolition, an Israeli soldier in a Caterpillar D-9 bulldozer
> crushed her.
> Michael Moore’s - Fahrenheit 9-11: (2004 â€" 122 Minutes) -
> Michael Moore's view on what happened to the US after September 11 & how the
> Bush Administration allegedly used the tragic event to push forward its
> agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan & Iraq. 
> Beyond Treason â€" Produced, Written & Narrated  by Joyce Riley â€" Directed 
> by
> William Lewis â€" (2005 - 100 Minutes) - 
> Is the United States knowingly using a dangerous battlefield weapon banned
> by the United Nations because of its long-term effects on the local
> inhabitants and the environment? Explore the illegal worldwide sale and use
> of one of the deadliest weapons ever invented. Beyond the disclosure of
> black-ops projects spanning the past 6 decades, Beyond Treason also
> addresses the complex subject of Gulf War Illness. It includes interviews
> with experts, both civilian and military, who say that the government is
> hiding the truth from the public and they can prove it. UNMASKING SECRET
> Chemical & Biological Exposures, Radioactive Poisoning, Mind Control
> Projects, Experimental Vaccines, Gulf War Illness & Depleted Uranium (DU).
> Collateral Murder In Iraq â€" Bradley Manning Sent this Video to Wikileaks â€"
> (2007 - 18 Minutes) â€" 
> Wikileaks obtained this video from Bradley Manning and decrypted this
> previously unreleased video footage from a US Apache helicopter in 2007. It
> shows Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, driver Saeed Chmagh, and several
> others as the Apache shoots and kills them in a public square in Eastern
> Baghdad. They are apparently assumed to be insurgents. After the initial
> shooting, an unarmed group of adults and children in a minivan arrives on
> the scene and attempts to transport the wounded. They are fired upon as
> well. The official statement on this incident initially listed all adults as
> insurgents and claimed the US military did not know how the deaths occurred.
> Wikileaks released this video with transcripts and a package of supporting
> documents on April 5th 2010. -  
> Arsenal of Hypocrisy: The Space Program & The Military Industrial Complex â€"
> Bruce Gagnon, Noam Chomsky, Edgar Mitchell â€" (60 Minutes)  
> - 
> Today the Military Industrial Complex is marching towards world dominance
> through Space technology on behalf of global corporate interest. To
> understand how and why the space program will be used to fight all future
> wars on earth from space, it's important to understand how the public has
> been misled about the origins and true purpose of the Space Program. Arsenal
> of Hypocrisy features Bruce Gagnon: Coordinator: Global Network Against
> Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Noam Chomsky and Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar
> Mitchell talking about the dangers of moving the arms race into space. The
> one-hour production features archival footage, Pentagon documents, and
> clearly outlines the U.S. plan to "control and dominate" space and the Earth
> below. 
> S. Brian Willson’s Interview on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman â€" Blood On
> The Tracks - (October, 2011 â€" 59 Minutes) 
>  -
> Vietnam veteran whose wartime experiences transformed him into a pacifist &
> an activist. On September 1, 1987, he was nearly killed by a U.S. Navy
> munitions train while engaging in a nonviolent blockade in protest of
> weapons shipments to El Salvador. He now uses two prosthetic legs & a
> three-wheeled handcycle to walk. His new memoir is titled: “Blood On The
> Tracks: The Life and Times of S. Brian Willson”.
> 9-Minute Trailer for film in progress titled: "PAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE:
> The Story of S. Brian Willson & The Peace Movement" - Directed by Bo Boudart
> - Associate Producer Frank Dorrel
> <>  
> Father Roy Bourgeois - Shut Down The School of The Americas â€" (2008- 127
> Minutes) â€" 
> Roy Bourgeois was born in Louisiana in 1938. He graduated from the
> University of Southwestern Louisiana with a Bachelor of Science degree in
> geology. After college Roy served as a Naval Officer for 4 years--two years
> at sea, one year at a NATO station in Europe & one year of shore duty in
> Vietnam. He received the Purple Heart. After military service, Roy entered
> the seminary of the Maryknoll Missionary Order. He was ordained a Catholic
> priest in 1972 & he went on to work with the poor of Bolivia for five years
> before being arrested and forced to leave the country, then under the
> repressive rule of dictator & SOA grad General Hugo Banzer. In 1980 Roy
> became involved in issues surrounding US policy in El Salvador after four US
> churchwomen, two of them his friends, were raped & killed by Salvadoran
> soldiers. Roy became an outspoken critic of US foreign policy in Latin
> America. Since then, he has spent over four years in US federal prisons for
> nonviolent protests against the training of Latin American soldiers at Ft.
> Benning, Georgia. In 1990, Roy founded the School of Americas Watch, an
> office that does research on the US Army School of the Americas (SOA), now
> renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation or
> WHINSEC, at Fort Benning, Georgia. Each year the school trains hundreds of
> soldiers from Latin America in combat skills - all paid for by U.S.
> taxpayers.
> Q & A With Medea Benjamin â€" On CSPAN Book TV â€" (March, 2013 - 59 Minutes) 
> -
> -
> This week on Q & A, our guest is author and co-founder of CODEPINK, Medea
> Benjamin.  She discusses her new book, Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote
> Control, and explains why she believes the use of military drones should be
> stopped.  She talks about what motivated her in her early years to become an
> activist for peace, and provides insight into CODEPINK s origins and
> motivations. 
> Chris Hedges: “The World As It Is” - The American Empire Is Over - CSPAN2
> Book TV  â€"  (2011 - 2 Hours: 54 Minutes)
>  - 
> Former foreign correspondent Chris Hedges was interviewed on Book TV and
> gives a sobering view of the state of affairs in America and the easily
> manipulated American electorate. It's a long interview, but the first 5
> minutes sufficiently sums up our sorry predicament. Amazing stuff from a
> knowledgeable, articulate author. 
> Agustin Aguayo: A Man of Conscience â€" A Film by Peter Dudar & Sally Marr -
> (11:00 Minutes)
> â€" 
> Army medic who was released from military prison after serving more than
> seven months for refusing a second deployment to Iraq. Aguayo went AWOL
> after being ordered to return to Iraq for a second deployment. He had
> previously spent a year there, where he refused to load his gun no matter
> how dangerous the situation. He had applied for Conscientious Objector
> status but was denied.
> Jesus...A Soldier Without A Country â€" A Film by Peter Dudar & Sally Marr â€"
> (5:20 Minutes)
>  - 
> Fernando Suarez, whose only son Jesus was the first Marine from Mexico to be
> killed in the Iraq War, marches for Peace from Tijuana to San Francisco. 
> Also seen is war resister Pablo Paredes, who refused to go to Iraq as a
> member of the US Navy.
> The Revolution Will Not Be Televised:  (2003 - 74 Minutes)
> Also known as Chávez: Inside the Coup, is a 2003 documentary focusing on
> events in Venezuela <>  leading up to
> and during the April 2002 coup d'état attempt
> <> ,
> which saw President Hugo Chávez
> <>  removed from office for two
> days. With particular emphasis on the role played by Venezuela's private
> media, the film examines several key incidents: the protest march and
> subsequent violence that provided the impetus for Chávez's ousting; the
> opposition's formation of an interim government headed by business leader
> Pedro Carmona <> ; and the Carmona
> administration's collapse, which paved the way for Chávez's return.
> Independent Media In A Time Of War: Featuring Amy Goodman:  (2003 - 59
> Minutes) - 
> In this important, powerful & timely lecture, Amy Goodman - independent
> journalist & host of the popular radio show Democracy Now! - speaks about
> the corporate media's coverage of the 2003 Iraq War. She discusses the way
> that the U.S. media downplayed civilian causalities & glorified military
> combat, and she asks her audience to consider the costs of coverage that is
> both sanitized and sensationalized. 
> Why We Fight: Directed by Eugene Jarecki (2005 â€" 99 Minutes)
> A documentary that examines America's policies regarding making war, most
> recently the Iraq war and what is termed "the Bush doctrine" that includes
> pre-emptive strikes. The author suggests that this policy has been in the
> works for many years, reviewing past wars in the 20th century. A variety of
> individuals are asked "Why We Fight?" with, predictably, a variety of
> answers. This is followed by a look at today's U.S. military/industrial
> complex via interviews with individuals involved with it.
> The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. â€" (1 Hour: 21 Minutes)
> Was it really a lone racist named James Earl Ray that killed Martin Luther
> King or was his assassination part of a much bigger plan? And why was the
> FBI treating Martin Luther King like a threat?
> This film shows a good amount of evidence indicating an FBI conspiracy
> against King. Before you decide that James Earl Ray definitely killed Martin
> Luther King Jr., there are some people who have studied the subject
> extensively that disagree; the King family. Evidence points to some of the
> same organizations that were discussed regarding the Kennedy assassination.
> But unlike the Kennedy assassination, only a small portion of the population
> knows the case for a conspiracy against King. It is amazing that the ample
> evidence that exists was able to be shoved under the rug. 
> Is It For Freedom â€" Great Song by Sara Thomsen â€" (4:30 Minutes)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Documentaries About 9/11 Being An Inside Job:
> 911: The Myth and the Reality â€" A Talk by Prof. David Ray Griffin â€"
> 9/11: Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out â€" Narrated by Richard Gage of
> Architects & Engineers for 9-11 Truth: 
> 9/11 Mysteries: Directed, Produced & Narrated by Sofia Smallstorm
> 9/11 In Plane Site: Directors Cut  - Produced & Directed by Dave VonKleist &
> William Lewis - Narrated by Dave VonKleist
> Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup: Written & Directed by Dylan Avery
> <>  â€" Narrated by Daniel Sunjata
> <> 
> 9/11 Ripple Effect: Directed & Produced by Dave VonKleist & William Lewis -
> Narrated by Dave VonKleist
> Loose Change 9/11 - 3rd Edition: Written & Directed by Dylan Avery
> <> 
> Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11: Directed by Franco Fracassi & Francesco
> Trento â€" Written by Francesco Trento
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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