Turkey: Brutal suppression leaves 3 dead, thousands injured - Urgent
Written by In Defence of MarxismTuesday, 04 June 2013


As the heroic movement of the masses of Turkey continues, the brutal
oppression by the police and security forces has increased. There is an
urgent need to lend a hand of solidarity to our brothers and sisters there.

The response by Turkish Prime Minister, Erdogan, has been remarkably
similar to that of dictators that the Arab revolution brought down in 2011.
A combination of pretending the movement is nothing with intensifying the
oppression against it. On June 3rd, Erdogan, while visiting Morocco,
claimed “extremists are running wild” and that the protesters are
“arm-in-arm with terrorism” so as to justify their oppression.

This brutal reaction has already led to three deaths, the first martyrs of
the movement. Tragically, they’ve all been young people.

First it was a 20-year old, Mehmet Ayvalitas. The Turkish Doctors’
Association confirmed that he has died after a vehicle slammed into a crowd
(a well-known tactic of security forces) and many were taken to hospital.
The head of TDA confirmed to The Associated Press that a four-wheel drive
was rammed into a group marching along an Istanbul highway late on Sunday.

The second martyr of the movement came in the city of Hatay, a
Mediterranean port in the southern part of the country. His name was
Abdullah Comert and he was also only 22 years old, the NTV television
reported Tuesday, June 4. “Comert was seriously wounded… after gunfire from
an unidentified person,” the station reported, quoting the local governor’s

There is also an unconfirmed report of another young person being shot in
the head with a real bullet in Dersim in the Tunceli province, a majority
Kurdish Alevi province in the Eastern Anatolia.

The varied locations of these tragic deaths show the wide nature of the
movement that has covered the entire country. The government itself has
reported demonstrations in 94 cities. These include small towns and big
cities all over the place, from west to east.

Protesters are battling tear gas canisters, water cannon, vehicles rammed
into the crowd and even direct fire. Many are also arrested, with Istanbul
detainees being transferred to the notorious main security directorate in
Istanbul. Attempts by the Istanbul Medical Chamber to set up temporary
medical facilities to treat injured demonstrators were prevented by police.
Many have been prevented from even accessing the main public hospital in
Taksim area, near the focal point of the protests. Care-givers report that
some have already lost their eye-sight as a result of attacks.

What is worse, there is an attempt to impose a blackout on the protesters.
The world media has paid not nearly as much attention to the events as they
deserve. Additionally there are attempts to cut specific locales out. For
instance, our correspondent reported that electricity has been cut in
Alsancak, a central quarter of Izmir as police launched a brutal attack on
the protesters.

None of these oppressive acts has dented the will of the masses and the
movement continues. Tuesday and Wednesday (4th and 5th of June) are to see
a two-day general strike (first day, being a ‘warning’ strike and next day,
the main effort) with demanding the resignation of Erdogan. Already, there
are rifts in the top as President Abdullah Gul, from the same party as
Erdogan, has taken a softer approach, criticizing the police attacks.

Now it’s the time for the workers and youth of the world to stand in
solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Turkey. IMMEDIATE ACTION IS
NEEDED. We*can* force them back.

*What You Can Do*

*1) Call or Email Turkish ambassadors*

You can find a list of Turkish diplomatic posts around the world here:**

Call or e-mail them and let them know that you stand out with the
protesters and against the police violence in Turkey. Please cc and

You can also contact your own country’s Foreign Affairs Ministry or Member
of Parliament or Congress and ask them to stand for the same.

A model letter can be like the following, prepared by LabourStart:

Prime Minister Erdogan

I support the demands of trade unionists and others in Turkey  that police
violence against protestors must stop, that those responsible must be held
accountable, that those who have been arrested must be freed and charges
dropped, and that the ban on demonstrations must be lifted. (LabourStart

*2) Pass resolutions*

Get your trade union local or branch of similar progressive organizations
to pass resolutions in solidarity with the movement in Turkey and ask the
Turkish government to stop the police violence.

*3) Hold rallies, events*

Hold rallies in front of Turkish embassies and consulates for the same
goals. Hold events to raise solidarity with the movement in Turkey.

The workers and youth of Turkey should know that they are not alone. Their
movement has inspired hundreds of thousands around the world. They deserve
our support.

Canada: 400 rally in support of the movement in
Written by Sirwan Ghazi and Arash AziziTuesday, 04 June 2013


On Sunday, 2nd June, 400 people showed up at Toronto’s Queen's Park in
solidarity with the recent protests in Turkey. Banners were raised high to
show resentment towards the current AKP government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
and to express solidarity with the movement in Turkey.

[image: 20130602
movement in Turkey spread so quickly that many were left surprised. Its
spectacular growth has inspired thousands around the world. It started over
the government’s plan to build a shopping mall in Gezi Park, a popular
public space in downtown Istanbul, but #OccupyGezi has quickly spread to a
general anti-government movement. It has a clear left-wing character, hence
it being named after the Occupy movement in New York. This was also
reflected in many of the militant anti-capitalist slogans included as part
of the official program by the Toronto organizers. Among the slogans,
depicted on banners and shouted by the crowed, were: “The problem is
capitalism”, “Down with capitalism”, “Fight Fascism, shoulder to shoulder”
and many slogans directed at Erdogan — most recurrently *“Tayyip,

[image: 20130602
of the Marxist journal*Fightback* were present in the rally, despite only
receiving news of the demonstration earlier that morning. We were warmly
received by the organizers who thanked us for our presence. There was a
wide interest in [image: 20130602
and socialist politics, reflected in the fact that we sold out our journal
and also sold many leaflets. Among the many that we spoke to were many
socialists and communist sympathizers. Since many of the Fightback
supporters present were from Iran, Greece, and other countries in the
region, the discussions had an internationalist character. Highlighted was
the need to struggle for socialism in Turkey, the whole of the Middle East,
the Mediterranean region — and, of course, Canada. We learnt a lot from
some of these discussions.

[image: 20130602
the end of the rally, there was a brief incident. The singing of
nationalist songs and the shouting of Kemalist slogans by some led to the
organizers of the event to organize a socialist contingent in the crowd and
to differentiate themselves from the nationalist tendency shown by
some. [image:
relied instead on socialist slogans and singing of traditional leftist
songs like the Turkish version of Bella Ciao, an Italian communist anthem.
This also led to an opportunity for a more concerted discussion among the
leftists present on the future of the movement.

[image: 20130602
solidarity with the heroic movement in Turkey is a duty of socialists in
Canada. We will eagerly participate in the coming solidarity actions and
hope to organize an event with Turkish comrades in the coming days. We will
let the heroic workers and youth of Turkey know that they are not alone and
that they have the support of their brothers and sisters all over the
world, including Canada.

Source: Toronto: 400 rally in support of the movement in

Turkey: We need your
Written by Turkish activistsTuesday, 04 June 2013


We have received the following appeal from Turkish activists who are
involved in the mass movement in Turkey.

On May 28, 2013 a group of activists gathered at the Gezi Park (a central
park) in Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey, to peacefully demonstrate the municipal
plan to demolish the park and build the 94th shopping mall in the city.
Turkish police attacked the protestors violently with tear gas and water
cannon, directly targeting their faces and bodies. Dozens of protestors are
hospitalized and access to the park was blocked without any legal basis.
The disproportionate police response to the peaceful demonstrators
triggered nationwide protests.

The first reaction of Prime Minister Erdogan was typically arrogant,
taunting the protesters. “If you get 20 people we can get 100,000, if you
get 100,000 we will get 1 million” he confronted his own citizens, adding
that his mind was made up and there would be no change in the project.

Now, the protest is no longer just about a park in Istanbul, it’s
about *democracy
and human rights* which have been violated by the government over the
course of 11 years. Protests have spread to 67 cities in Turkey and there
are thousands of people who have been demonstrating abroad (e.g., London,
NYC, Los Angeles, Ottawa, Toronto, Berlin, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Prague,
Why is this protest significant?

Following the excessive reaction of the police, since May 31st, hundreds of
thousands of people across the country has gathered in support of the
protesters. *This is the first nationwide demonstration in Turkey’s
the government’s policies that restrict basic civil rights*.* For the first
time in the history of the Republic of Turkey, people from different
political and ethnic backgrounds and social classes are coming together for
an urgent change. Despite the continued peaceful nature of the
demonstrations, the Turkish police have continued to intensify excessive
violence by using water cannons, rubber bullets and teargas, even by
throwing gas canisters into houses, shopping malls, and mosques.
Maltreatment has caused over a thousand serious injuries, some leading to
alleged deaths. According to the formal sources, 730 people are under
custody. There are worrisome reports of alleged tortures. Excessive force
against peaceful protestors breaches international human rights standards
and must be stopped URGENTLY.

Unfortunately, the people of Turkey are suppressed by police brutality and
media censorship. What is extremely tragic is that the mainstream
newspapers and TV channels in Turkey are not covering these protests and
police violence stories, so international and social media are the only
sources that provide real coverage about the protests. That also means that
the majority of people who have no access to internet are blinded.

These demonstrations are about:

   - The abuse of state power
   - Restrictions on freedom of expression and speech
   - Human rights
   - Harsh attacks of neoliberal policies
   - Abolition of public urban spaces
   - Media censor

What can you do to help the protestors in Turkey?

WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT to demonstrate your solidarity with people in Turkey.
Please help us disseminate the information, help us raise an international

1. Voice your concern directly through signing the following petition:

2. Lobby your own government to condemn the Turkish government and its
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. You can call or e-mail your
representative in Congress or Parliament and let them know that you expect
your government to speak out for freedom of expression and against the
police violence in Turkey.

3. Voice your concern directly to the Turkish government by writing to the
Turkish embassy in your home country. Addresses and details for these
embassies can be found here:

4. Use social media including *Twitter and Facebook* to circulate the below
suggested messages, tagging @aforgutu for AI Turkey:

@Valimutlu <> Police use of force against
is excessive, unacceptable & breaks international HR standards

@Valimutlu <>
@RT_Erdogan<> Istanbul
authorities must immediately stop police violence against peaceful
 protestors @*aforgutu* <>

Amnesty International’s issuing international call to its activists to take
action over police violence in #Taksim<>
 #direngeziparkı <>
@aforgutu <>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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