Why have there been so many Syrian Army

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Sunday, June 16, 2013
( Blood of Freedom ) A new film on the syrian
An important new documentary on the struggle in Syria has just come out and
we are publishing it here together with an introduction by Basel Watfa.

An Amateur Documentary Made By The Free Youth Of Syria.
Translation: Reem Mouhamed
Editing Translation: Karim Elwan
Idea: Alaa Shanana
Scenario: Mouhammed Mustajab

*( Blood of Freedom ) syrian revolution*


Our revolution is not for bread nor, against hungry.. Our revolution is
calling for freedom, for dignity""

Those were not Words said by not an educated man or Syrian political
figure.. But by Mohammad Aref Ammoura, the Syrian citizen who talks in this
documentary..an indigenous man from Aleppo, speaks spontaneously, straight,
doesn't beat around the bush.. on behalf of Syrians majority who sacrificed
blood, money, homes and fled out of their beloved Syria escaping from daily
death implemented by Bashar Al Assad army. Ammoura words express the
intolerable pain and sadness which overwhelmed the Syrians lives...

Ammoura was very sad for a question being asked repeatedly: why did
revolution erupt in Syria?? What are you suffering from???!! And here where
the story starts.. here` s the crux..

Needless to say, Syrians were influenced by revolutions erupted in the Arab
spring states, but it was hard to imagine that, it will extend to cover
Syria as well.. why? Because, Syria since decades turned to be the kingdom
of silence hidden behind high barriers, a big prison ruled by bloody iron
fist and beasts hired by Assad family.. Syrians wanted to live just like
all people on this planet!! Want to live free of fear..to feel they are
citizens not slaves.. to have press and media liberty.. to have independent
judicature.. to clean their life form bribery and corruption which became
the only way to survive.

The toughest part was security establishments, the de-facto ruler of the
country!! In Syria, there`re countless jails more than universities and
scientific research centers. Who can live a normal life when fear becomes
his twin, following him like a shadow?? who can speak freely when he doubts
everyone around him, afraid of someone might be linked to intelligence ?
Who can write an article without getting arrested and accused with silly
charges?? Who can tolerate the unbearable torture and humiliation he has to
suffer in regime horrible jails?? Who can wait for decades seeing his
beloved ones listed as missing persons?? Who can start a fruitful career or
private business without bribing the security officers or top people to
avoid their depravity?

Who is willing to raise his kids to respect and love their country ,while
the lovely country turned to be the source of subdue, the bed of nightmares
,the best model of media lying and foisting in every said word.. who is
willing to be proud of his national army when Assad family offended the
military honor and undermined it`s reputation to be pitiful,miserable, but
prepared well only to face and repress people who paid money to build it

Look at numerous number of Syrians who left Syria running away from
military duty to exchange it by money they struggle to pay them finally to
corrupted establishments.

See how many Syrians living outside, refusing to settle their life in
Syria?? Does it sound strange and worth to investigate???!!

What mentioned above, were little samples about the nature of the regime
against which these people marched in the streets challenging it`s
suppression and calling for freedom..

Who can deny the Syrians rightfulness of living a decent life in the state
the love, of dreaming to build up a country makes them proud of.. ??

Endless number of videos showed the peaceful demonstrations, when people
face the army with roses, songs, flags and civilizational slogans, what was
the regime immediate reaction??? We do need to say.. just killing civilians
in cold blood..!

Who knows the nature of Assad regime wouldn't be surprised..! Freedom is
redline, democracy is red line, criticizing regime is red line, calling for
change is red line.. Who dares to cross the regime redlines must pay a red
price.. BLOOD..!

Not anymore..Not anymore, we shall pay.. Freedom is valuable and deserve
this cost.. you can`t turn the clock back. As Ammoura said: do you think it
80`s to fool us again??!! Not anymore.

At the very beginning, The regime went nuts, full of its extreme haughtily
reacted just like a wounded beast.. killing, detaining, torturing,
bombarding, devastating, humiliating it`s people when they raised their
heads seeking the dawn to erase the darkness and write a new page on their
new history book..

Those who criticized the Syrian revolution, wrote and spoke to twist the
facts and justify the Assad approach of handling the revolution.. Giving
him all excuses to maintain his country according to their sayings.. Can I
ask you something?

Are you willing to live under such regime and tolerate such conditions? Are
you willing to give your freedom and dignity up at any circumstances?? Do
you believe that, such army is able to fight a real bottle with Israel or
any potential attack?? If a wise leader wants to keep his country safe,
will he destroy it as such, will he use air raids, exploded barrels,
ballistic missiles against his citizens and ruin their life?? Words are
futile in here.. aren't they?

Alas, Syrians were left at their crisis point under the most bloody regime
known on earth, a revolution could have changed their life and fill them
with hope for a better future was ignored from the entire world.. but in
21st century, and the advanced communication tools allowed to record,
convey, and document every moment of their revolution.. refuting the regime
and it`s allies propaganda.. they will keep doing and struggling until
obtaining what they paid for: freedom and dignity..

Look carefully to grief marks on Ammoura face, listen carefully to his
voice full of strength and hope..look how he`s working hardly for his
family utility..Insisting to go back someday and live peacefully in Syria..

Listen to this pretty little girl, tearing while craving wrings her heart…
Sad.. isn`t it??

History taught us, the greatest states were born from the womb of pains,
and the brightest dawn shines after the darkest nights.

Basel Watfa : Syrian and proud to be….

Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire's Syria Connection
*Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire* has been making the rounds recently,
speaking and writing about the visit to Lebanon and Syria by a 16 member
delegation from 8 countries which she led.

Her essay, 
Global Research on May 27, 2013, *Report on Syria – Nobel Peace Laureate
Mairead Maguire: “The Syrian State is Under a Proxy War Led by Foreign
Countries”* is typical of the talk she has been giving.

She said that her delegation had been *"invited by Mussalaha Reconciliation
Movement."* Near the end of her article she tell us a bit more about this
group and its leadership:

Mussalaha mediates between armed gunmen and security forces, help get
release of many people who have been abducted, and bring together all
parties to the conflict for dialogue and practical solutions. It was this
movement who hosted us, under the leadership of Mother Agnès-Mariam,
Superior of Saint James’ Monastery, supported by the Patriarch Gregory III
Laham, head of the Catholic Hierarchy of Syria.

Looking at her earlier thoughts on Syria, we can see that the opinion of
Mother Agnes-Mariam is one that Mairead Maquire has held in high regard
before. On 25 June 2012 Mairead Maguire very publicly said *‘NO to War in
Syria’* and went on to elaborate,
Eileen Fleming in Veterans Today:

A modern hero of peace, one whose name we do know and whose voice we have
heard is Mother Agnès-Mariam.

In her community her voice has been clear, pure and loud. And it should be
so in the West. Like many people in Syria she has been placed in life
threatening situations, but for the sake of peace she has chosen to risk
her own existence for the safety and security of others. She has spoken out
against the lack of truth in our media regarding Syria and about the terror
and chaos which a *‘third force’* seems to be spreading across the country.
Her words confront and challenge us because they do not mirror the picture
of events in Syria we have built up in our minds over many months of
reading our newspapers and watching the news on our televisions. Much of
the terror has been imported, we learn from her.

Opinions vary as to the role of Mother Agnès-Mariam. For example The Irish
Times carried this
her by a Jesuit who had lived in Syria for 30 years:

Nun on Irish visit accused of peddling 'regime lies' about crisis in SyriaMary
Sat, Aug 18, 2012, 01:00
AN ITALIAN Jesuit expelled from Syria in June due to his outspoken
criticism of government violence has accused a controversial nun who
visited Ireland last week of peddling *“regime lies”*about the crisis there.

Fr Paolo Dall’Oglio, who lived in Syria for 30 years and has been heavily
involved in interfaith work in the country, described Mother Agnès-Mariam
as *“an instrument”* of President Bashar al-Assad’s regime. *“She has been
consistent in assuming and spreading the lies of the regime, and promoting
it through the power of her religious persona,”* he told The Irish Times
yesterday.*“She knows how to cover up the brutality of the regime.”
During her four-day visit to Ireland last week, Mother Agnès-Mariam, who is
superior at the Melkite Greek Catholic monastery in Syria, gave media
interviews in which she claimed Christians in Syria were facing *
“extinction”* and that rebels battling Assad were predominantly foreigners
linked with al-Qaeda.

Fr Dall’Oglio, who has spent time with opposition activists in several
restive parts of Syria, said these claims were *“ridiculous”* and
constituted regime propaganda.

*“I have been there, I know the people, including the youth, who are
working for the revolution, and I know that what she is saying is insane.
It corresponds with the regime version of the facts,”* he said.

Her reputation as an Assad dictatorship mouthpiece has even made it to
YouTube. Ali Haider <http://www.youtube.com/user/alihaider1160>, a video
activist, has produced this critique of Maquire's hero:


These notes accompany the video:

Published on May 10, 2013

Mother Agnès-Mariam of the Cross is, arguably, the Christian equivalent of
Shaikh Ramadan Al Bouti. She is very vocal in talking about *"the foreign
fighters"* who came to Syria and started beheading people but she has no
issue with Assad forces and sectarian gangs committing the worst atrocities
against civilians since the days of Crusaders and Mongols. We don't know if
she is an active paid agent for Assad propaganda masters or she is just
doing this for free. One explanation is that she, like many other from the
Christian minority, bought Assad's claim that he protects the minorities in
Syria. She and many others from those minorities forgot that there is no
future for them without the Syrian majority and we are not talking here
about the Sunni majority but about Syrians who had enough of the Assad's
and their affiliated gangs and who wanted their country to be free and
democratic. Those are the real majority and they will prevail. Those who
sided with the tyrant or preferred to sit on the fence are the real
minority regardless of their ethnic or religious affiliation. We wanted to
remind Mother Agnès that the tyrant uses his loyal servants for a specific
reason then he dumps them. We saw how many senior Syrian officials
either *"committed
suicide"* or had *"a heart attack"* out of nowhere. We wanted also to
remind everybody, Assad's sect included, that helping tyrants is immoral
and punishable here and in the hereafter.

On 26 May 2012, after the Houla
massacre<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houla_massacre> happened,
Mother Agnès-Mariam's outlet, Vox Clamantis, issued a press
that the Syrian army was not in the vicinity of Houla and did not bombard
the area.

Investigations and reports by the United
, Syrian Observatory for Human
, Amnesty International<http://www.amnesty.org.uk/news_details.asp?NewsID=20139>
and Human Rights
concluded that the Assad regime was behind the massacre. The 15 member UN
Security Council unanimously
for the attack and Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Great
Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the U.S. announced
that they were 
diplomats in response to the
which all but the most die-hard Assad supportersblame on his

The Committee to Protect
Mother Agnès-Mariam in the murder of a journalist, Gilles
by the Assad regime. Pulse Media

Dead journalists and Sister Agnès-MariamAugust 21, 2012
The attacks on media personnel affiliated with the Syrian regime has been
rightly condemned. But not enough is said about the regime’s more
systematic policy to co-opt and in some cases deliberately trap journalists
for propaganda purposes. Most shocking however is the role of Sister
Agnès-Mariam, the regime-affiliated nun who has been feted both by the far
left and the Christian right.
Hammouche and Jacquier were among a group of 15 journalists allowed into
Syria on government-issued visas facilitated by Sister Agnès-Mariam de la
Croix, a Lebanese nun of Palestinian origin with close relations to the
Assad regime. Sister Agnès had helped arrange a reporting trip to Homs on
January 11, although she declined to accompany the group, saying her
absence would help them move freely. Jacquier resisted the Homs trip,
believing it unsafe, but Sister Agnès urged him to go or risk losing the
opportunity to renew his visa beyond the initial four-day period, Hammouche
told CPJ in an account consistent with news

Gilles Jacquier became the first western journalist killed in the Syrian
Civil War. He was killed in Homs on 11 January 2012.

One of Mother Agnès-Mariam's more extreme claims can be heard here in her
own voice:
Syrian rebels took bodies from hospital to stage massacre


"People told us that they have seen militias carrying out from the national
hospital in Taldou, corpses on blankets of the Ministry of Health, carrying
them to assemble them in a mosque."*

The Assad regime has used every means at its disposal to promote its
narrative in the mainstream media and even the Catholic Church has
unwittingly played a role:

For example, in March, Agenzia
an official Vatican publication, republished (almost verbatim) material
provided by the Syrian propaganda
 *"Syria Truth."* The article claimed that jihadists had expelled
Christians from Homs. This information eventually found its way into
outlets such as the Los Angeles
When we demonstrated the dubious veracity of these claims, Syria Truth went
A subsequent McClatchy
our refutation.

Middle East Forum wrote <http://www.meforum.org/3261/assad-houla-propaganda> on
12 June 2012; they also wrote about Mother Agnès-Mariam:

Like Nizar Nayouf of Syria Truth, Mother Agnès-Mariam often assumes the
slick veneer of a moderate; she even wrote an open letter to Assad about
the condition of people affected by the fighting in Syrian
It's hard not to conclude that Mother Agnès-Mariam is little more than
another Assad propagandist using her religious credentials to push a
particular narrative.

According to the Swiss newspaper Le
Agnès-Mariam was *"comfortable among [Assad's] security services,"* and she
told their reporter it was hoped he could *"dismantle the propaganda of
Western media."* Thierry Meyssan also conducted a revealing interview with
Middle Eastern Christians. During the interview, the mother superior
repeated the typically farcical Assad line that the dictator was truly
trying to *"reform."*

Agnès-Mariam told Meyssan that she *"deplored the fact that the so-called
opponents didn't accept President Bashar Al-Assad's invitation to debate
with him the series of reforms which he is in the process of carrying out."*(Of
course, it would be of no consequence to the sister (who never recanted her
earlier statements) that in leaked private e-mails Assad told his wife,*"We
are going to adopt [a plan that left him in power] instead of the rubbish
laws of parties, elections, media [i.e., actual democratic reforms].")
Mother Superior Agnès-Mariam continued by claiming that the opposition was
just a puppet in a conspiracy guided by foreign powers.

Why Mother Agnès-Mariam appears so strongly in Assad's corners is a matter
for speculation. A flower child in the
Agnès-Mariam had *"a kind of revelation"* in the eighties that eventually,
in 1994, led her to move to Qâra, Syria *"to breathe new life into an
ancient monastery of the sixth century that lies in disuse."* If that is
the case, she may well feel that her ability to continue her life's work is
dependent on her staying in the good graces of Bashar al-Assad.

In any case, Mairead Maguire does appear to rely on her heavily both for
her information and views about the situation in Syria and her special
connection to the Assad regime for access.

Mairead Maguire's Syria Narrative
The fact that Mairead Maguire is a Nobel Peace Laureate buys her a lot of
instant creditability when she speaks on Syria. It probably buys her more
than it should when it is considered that she shares that title with the
likes of Barack Obama and Henry Kissinger.

Looking at her current narrative on Syria, as reflected in the
we find that it has considerable agreement with that of Agnès-Mariam, which
in turn reflects the fantasy narrative of Bashar al-Assad.

Like all fantasy narratives, this one only makes sense if certain very real
factors are left completely out of it. So just as much can be learned by
looking at what is discussed, much can also be learned by what is left out
of the discussion.

In the following discussion of Mairead Maguire's views, it is important to
note that she completely fails to address at least three major realities of
the Syrian Revolution that conflict with her narrative:

*1) Defections from the Syria Arab Army and the formation of the Free
Syrian Army.*
Like Bashar al-Assad, she thinks Syria's troubles are the result of an
invasion of foreign terrorists with foreign backing. She doesn't consider
the tens of thousands of defectors from Assad's own army, or the Free
Syrian Army <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Syrian_Army> they formed.
Wikipedia tells us:

The Free Syrian Army traces its origin to early defectors from the Syrian
army who refused to shoot unarmed protesters during the Syrian

I have prepared a separate post to supplement this one to better highlight
a handful of the many defection reports and videos here: Why have there
been so many Syrian Army

*2) The Assad regime's attacks on civilian areas with aircraft, missiles
and artillery.*
Assad's use of cluster bombs against civilian targets has been well
established, as indicated by these reports from Human Rights
, Al 
, CJ Chivers of the NY
, the 
, Arab News <http://www.arabnews.com/news/445105> and many more. His use of
ordinary bombs, dropped from his planes, have turned large parts of major
cities into rubble, and his use of Scud ballistic
missiles<http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-20808775> on
his own cities is also well
Assad's delivery of *"Death from Above"*is a big part of the slaughter
taking place in Syria now yet Mairead Maguire says nothing about this.

*3) The foreign intervention of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah in support of
Her opposition to foreigners involved in the Syrian conflict is decidedly
one-sided. She blames the whole situation on foreign terrorist attacking
Syria and demands that they leave but says nothing about foreign fighters
While it is clear that individuals from all over the globe, even from the
US, have rallied to the Syrian Revolution, those three state organizations
have sent armies to fight for Assad.

All of these realities are now so well documented that only the most strict
believer in the Assad narrative continues to deny them, and yet none of
them exist in Mairead Maquire's report back on Syria:

*Report on Syria – Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire:
“The Syrian State is Under a Proxy War Led by Foreign Countries”*...
In Lebanon we visited several refugee camps, hosted by Lebanese or
Palestinian communities. One Woman said: *“before this conflict started we
were happy and had a good life (there is free education, free healthcare,
subsidies for fuel, in Syria ,) and now we live in poverty”*. Her daughter
and son-in-law (a pharmacist and engineer) standing on a cement floor in a
Palestinian refugee camp, with not even a mattress, told us that this
violence had erupted to everyone's surprise and spread so quickly they were
all still in shock, but when well armed, foreign fighters came to Homs,
they took over their homes, raped their women, and killed young males who
refused to join their ranks, so the people fled in terror. They said that
these foreign fighters were from many countries like Libyans, Saudis,
Tunisians, Chechens, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Emiratis, Lebanese, Jordanians,
Turkish, Europeans, Australian, and these gangs are financed and trained by
foreign governments. They attach suicide vests around peoples’ bodies and
threaten to explode them if they don’t do what they are told.

Homs was know as the capital of the Revolution and from the very beginning
it had a strong protest movement, as you can see from this video:

Martyrs funeral in Homs turns to freedom protest on 9th April 2011


Violence brutally visited the Homs protests nine days later on 18 April
2011 when 50 opposition demonstrators were shot dead by regime forces in
what became known as the Clock Square
[An eyewitness 
[another report<https://www.facebook.com/FreeSyria20130/posts/187272671397065>]
[democratic underground report<http://www.democraticunderground.com/101724244>

This video catches the moment the Assad forces open fired on the protesters:

Homs: New footage: the Clock Square Massacre (1) - Syria

Also Homs: New footage: the Clock Square Massacre (2) -
Syria<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnouyqTJ-CU> length

This is a leaked video of after the massacre showing what seems to be
regime forces chanting pro Bashar slogans at the Clock Square in Homs.

Apparently these developments went unnoticed by the Homs family interviewed
by Mairead Maguire, which explains why the *"violence had erupted to
everyone's surprise."* But since they could count foreign fighters from no
less than a dozen countries in Homs, it is hard to understand how they
could have missed this development and many others like it:

(12.03.2011) Adjutant Ali Ahmad & other soldiers defect & form Homs
battalion - Free Syria

Mairead Maguire continues her report:

2- Hospitals: We visited the hospitals and saw many people injured by
shootings, bombings, and armed attacks. A moderate Sunni Imam told me how
he was abducted by jihadists, who tortured him, cut off his ear, tried to
cut his throat, slicing his legs, and left him for dead. He said when he
goes back to his mosque they will slaughter him. He told us “these men are
foreign fighters, jihadists from foreign countries, well armed, well
trained, with money, they are in our country to destroy it. They are not
true Muslims but are religious extremist/fundamentalists terrorizing,
abducting, killing our people”. The government spokesman also confirmed
that they have in detention captured foreign fighters from 29 countries,
including Chechens, Iraqis, and many others. The Ministry of Health showed
us a documentary on the terrible killings by Jihadists and the terror
caused by these foreigners with the killing of medics and destruction of
medical infrastructure of the Syrian State which has made it difficult to
answer the needs of the population.

None of her knowledge of these things is first hand. Clearly she would have
us believe the Sunni Iman and the government spokesman, but that is no
reason to give them any credibility given the history of this government
and her support for the views of Agnès-Mariam.

As we can see, there is no mention of the thousands of defections, no
mention even of the existence of the Free Syrian Army. No mention of
attacks by helicopter gunships, long range artillery or tank fire. No
threat from Assad's use of Scud missiles or cluster bombs on communities.
The whole problem is these foreign fighters from 29 countries that are bent
on the destruction of Syria.

Also, according to the Syrians she interviewed, it was the protesters that
first attacked an un-armed army rather than the other way around.

They told us when the conflict started it was peaceful for change but
quickly turned into bloodshed when armed men killed many soldiers.

In the first days soldiers were unarmed but when people started asking for
protection the government and military responded to defend the people and
in self defence.

I expect this is how she would defend the use of cluster bombs and Scuds if
she was forced to acknowledge their use by the Assad regime.

She blames the use of Sarin nerve gas on the opposition.

Most recently however, a UN investigator, High Commissioner Carla Del
Ponte, has confirmed that it was rebels, not Syrian government, who used
Sarin gas.

This is a very dishonest citation in that she neglects to say that Carla
Del Ponte's own commission disputed her
hours after she made it and the UN Commission final
 said:It is possible that anti-Government armed groups may access and use
chemical weapons. This includes nerve agents, though there is no compelling
evidence that these groups possess such weapons or their requisite delivery
systems.Finally, she comes to her conclusions: Assad is the great defender
of the Syrian people and the victim of a foreign plot:

Following many authorized reports in the mainstream Medias and our own
evidences, I can stress that the Syrian State and its population are under
a proxy war led by foreign countries and directly financed and backed
mainly by Qatar who has imposed its views on the Arab League.

Turkey, a part of the Lebanese opposition and some of the Jordan
authorities offer a safe haven to a diversity of jihadist groups, each with
its own agenda, recruited from many countries. Bands of jihadists armed and
financed from foreign countries invade Syria through Turkey, Jordan, and
Lebanon porous frontiers in an effort to destabilize Syria. There are an
estimated 50,000 foreign jihadist fighters terrorizing Syria. Those death
squads are destroying systematically the Syrian State infrastructures.

Although her views on the situation in Syria parrots those of the Assad
regime, they are quite out of sync with reality and, in fact, border on
delusional. The wonder is that her views on Syria hold any currency at all,
let alone the wide approval they have gained on the Left lately.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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